Are CLs really members only

peedee Club Member Posts: 9,508
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edited January 2016 in Certificated Locations #1

What is the official line? On and off over the years I have noticed the Guidance Notes issued by the various government agency have, to say the least, been inconsistent. I see the Government itself has now produced the latest note which can be read >here< and it says,

“Non-members are allowed to stay on the site if your club and the landowner agree to it.”

Do CL owners have a choice in the matter or does the Club insist on members only as a condition of giving the certificate?




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  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,908
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    edited January 2016 #2

    I think it's all 50 years  out of date.

    Imagine I want to run a B&B but have to get permission to open it from some Club, and then have turn away visitors who haven't paid a sub. to be members of that Club. Madness. 

    It's time we had caravan sites, large and small, open to everyone. Book in and pay. Just like the rest of the world. 


  • Vulcan
    Vulcan Club Member Posts: 671
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    edited January 2016 #3

    We have, there are hundreds of them and they are called commercial sites.

  • rogher
    rogher Forum Participant Posts: 609
    edited January 2016 #4

    I don’t know what the official line is but imagine that buried in the terms of their exemption from local planning restraints is a need for them to be used by members of the holding certificate only. I’d not be the least surprised to find non-members on
    a site, however. Many CL owners do not check for membership cards and would be reluctant to turn away business.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,857
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    edited January 2016 #5

    I don’t know what the official line is but imagine that buried in the terms of their exemption from local planning restraints is a need for them to be used by members of the holding certificate only. I’d not be the least surprised to find non-members on
    a site, however. Many CL owners do not check for membership cards and would be reluctant to turn away business.

    Write your comments here...Whilst I have had to quote my membership number when booking I can't remember the last time I showed it to a CL owner.

  • Vulcan
    Vulcan Club Member Posts: 671
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    edited January 2016 #6

    I don’t know what the official line is but imagine that buried in the terms of their exemption from local planning restraints is a need for them to be used by members of the holding certificate only.

    No, the decision to allow members only is with the club holding the exemption certificate and the land owner.

  • Athel
    Athel Forum Participant Posts: 80
    edited January 2016 #7

    I'll admit to staying on a CL once before we were members. We used my parents membership number as didn't want to pay for membership if we didn't like the set up. Liked the first one we stayed on and have been members for nearly 3 years now so hope I will
    be let off! 

  • rogher
    rogher Forum Participant Posts: 609
    edited January 2016 #8

    I don’t know what the official line is but imagine that buried in the terms of their exemption from local planning restraints is a need for them to be used by members of the holding certificate only.

    No, the decision to allow members only is with the club holding the exemption certificate and the land owner.


    I think that’s what I meant.

    But who would do what about it if they discovered a non-member on a CL?

  • Vulcan
    Vulcan Club Member Posts: 671
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    edited January 2016 #9

    I would report it to the CC.

  • wildemere
    wildemere Forum Participant Posts: 68
    edited January 2016 #10

    As a CL owner just how do I proove the holder of a card is the person named on it. I can give the CC the number and they can confirm a current membership but without more proof is the name on the card the same as the person presenting it.

  • Vulcan
    Vulcan Club Member Posts: 671
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    edited January 2016 #11

    Ask for some other form of identification, driving licence/credit card etc.I would not have the brass neck to enter any members only establishment if i were not a member, a sign of the times i suppose.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited January 2016 #12
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  • wildemere
    wildemere Forum Participant Posts: 68
    edited January 2016 #13

    Ask for some other form of identification, driving licence/credit card etc.I would not have the brass neck to enter any members only establishment if i were not a member, a sign of the times i suppose.

    Write your comments here...With all due respect what right have I to do this, life is to short, the vast majority of my visitors I feel I can trust. those who are not CC members I feel make up a very small number.

  • kellysdad
    kellysdad Forum Participant Posts: 73
    edited January 2016 #14

    I don’t know what the official line is but imagine that buried in the terms of their exemption from local planning restraints is a need for them to be used by members of the holding certificate only. I’d not be the least surprised to find non-members on
    a site, however. Many CL owners do not check for membership cards and would be reluctant to turn away business.

    Yes, that is true but they might get a shock one day when their area Site Advisor turns up for an inspection . They can and do ask people on CLs to let them see their membership cards ! Kellysmum

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited January 2016 #15
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  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,508
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    edited January 2016 #16


    Yes, that is true but they might get a shock one day when their area Site Advisor turns up for an inspection . They can and do ask people on CLs to let them see their membership cards ! Kellysmum

    To be asolutely clear then,I take it that the CL owner does not have a choice then without breaking the terms imposed by the Club?


  • davetommo
    davetommo Club Member Posts: 1,431
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    edited January 2016 #17

    Can anyone from the club us know what is right and what is wrong

  • Vulcan
    Vulcan Club Member Posts: 671
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    edited January 2016 #18


    Yes, that is true but they might get a shock one day when their area Site Advisor turns up for an inspection . They can and do ask people on CLs to let them see their membership cards ! Kellysmum

    To be asolutely clear then,I take it that the CL owner does not have a choice then without breaking the terms imposed by the Club?


    The CL owner does not have a choice as regards breaking the terms of the exemption agreement with the authorities (not The CC), if he accepts non members.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2016 #19

    Ask for some other form of identification, driving licence/credit card etc.I would not have the brass neck to enter any members only establishment if i were not a member, a sign of the times i suppose.

    Write your comments here...With all due respect what right have I to do this, life is to short, the vast majority of my visitors I feel I can trust. those who are not CC members I feel make up a very small number.

    ...Do you not keep a record with membership numbers of visitors,a bit slap dash?

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2016 #20

    I don’t know what the official line is but imagine that buried in the terms of their exemption from local planning restraints is a need for them to be used by members of the holding certificate only. I’d not be the least surprised to find non-members on a site, however. Many CL owners do not check for membership cards and would be reluctant to turn away business.

    Yes, that is true but they might get a shock one day when their area Site Advisor turns up for an inspection . They can and do ask people on CLs to let them see their membership cards ! Kellysmum

    Members and non-members alike can refuse to show cards and/or identification and the site advisor can do nothing about it.  

    ..So you do not present your card when on site to the owner? very rude

  • davetommo
    davetommo Club Member Posts: 1,431
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    edited January 2016 #21

    not as rude as cl owners who take more than 5 vans

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited January 2016 #22
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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2016 #23

    I don’t know what the official line is but imagine that buried in the terms of their exemption from local planning restraints is a need for them to be used by members of the holding certificate only. I’d not be the least surprised to find non-members on
    a site, however. Many CL owners do not check for membership cards and would be reluctant to turn away business.

    Write your comments here...Whilst I have had to quote my membership number when booking I can't remember the last time I showed it to a CL owner.

    ...But surely its only good manners to offer your card when paying for your stay ,rather than the owner to have to ask to see it

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited January 2016 #24

    I've never taken my card to CL's nor been asked for proof. If the owner asked for my membership number-no problem. I would not be as helpful if some random individual accosted me like some ticket inspector-I'd say no. What's He gonna do?, ring the PoliceLaughing

  • kellysdad
    kellysdad Forum Participant Posts: 73
    edited January 2016 #25

    I've never taken my card to CL's nor been asked for proof. If the owner asked for my membership number-no problem. I would not be as helpful if some random individual accosted me like some ticket inspector-I'd say no. What's He gonna do?, ring the PoliceLaughing

    No, but he isn't a "Random person" he is a caravan club official whose job it is to ensure that CLs are used as meant to be and run along the proper lines of the Exemption Certificates granted to CL owners. Kellysmum

    Write your comments here...

  • rdchair
    rdchair Forum Participant Posts: 21
    edited January 2016 #26

    I have been to 18 CL sites this year and not one has asked for a card on arrival, only one asked if I was a member when booking. I have also been on CCC sites and not been asked for id.



  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,508
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    edited January 2016 #27

    The CL owner does not have a choice as regards breaking the terms of the exemption agreement
    with the authorities (not The CC), if he accepts non members.

    That is not how I read the guidance Vulcan.

    “Non-members are allowed to stay on the site if your club and the landowner agree to it.”

    To me that says it is down to the Club who certify the site as to what is imposed with the agreement of the landowner.

    I appreciate it is normal to involve the council in the decision to grant a certificate but what if the Land owner does not agree to the restriction? There is at least one Club who does not impose any restrictions, the MCC

    What I am really trying to get at is what is the CC policy and is this consistently applied across the CL network because as many of us are aware very little checks are actually made and most of us know someone who has used a CL/CS and have not been members.


  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited January 2016 #28

    KD, to you maybe that, to me that person is just random. A layer of petty officialdom that I don't recognise, with no powers over me. I don't stick my nose into the workings of others lives nor do I expect them to bother me.

  • AndyNYorks
    AndyNYorks Forum Participant Posts: 144
    edited January 2016 #29

    The CC rules do not allow non-members to use CLs. Any CL owner who allows it is liable to lose his certificate.Even though the law would allow non-members the Club does not.The membership fee is in part used to support the CL network through the site advisors
    and advertising in the handbook and on the website so why should someone who has not contributed to this be permitted to take advantage? If a CL owner wants to take non-members they should apply for a commercial site licence from the council.

  • rogher
    rogher Forum Participant Posts: 609
    edited January 2016 #30

    I wouldn’t do anything that might result in a CL being closed. We need as many as possible. If a site was full to overcrowding due to non-members I might report it to the Club, but I’m unlikely to know who is a member or not.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2016 #31

    not as rude as cl owners who take more than 5 vans

    ...But are they all members?the cl owner where we stayed over xmas admitted that at times they had an extra as the booking pattern had changed over recent years where people book sat to sat or sun can some times mean 6 on an odd sat  


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