Update for Archie's POI's for 30, 000+

A new updated version of Archie's website, with POI downloads for 30,000 plus European (including Great Britain) campsites is now available. Archie has made the following comments:
Changes in Sweden.
In this update I have checked the details of a lot of the Swedish campsites, and corrected any errors.
Improvement suggestions - thanks to Archie’s users
Thanks to all the users who have sent in comments. I have been able to improve the details of many campsites all over Europe.
If you discover any errors in my data, please let me know.
Possible developments for the future: downloads by country, and an additional selection (for the app)?
- Many users have asked me to make it possible to download the POIs by country.
- A lot of users of the app are interested in a special category with small country sites.
I will study the possibilities of both these requests over the winter to see if they are achievable before the next summer season.