What to go on ?

What to go on
Whilst on a site in Luxembourg, it was obvious that toilet paper was not provided. So the question arose as to 'How many sheets to take ?' I believe Gap Year, wild campers, are advised - one sheet up, one down, burn it and bury it, acknowledging that burying
in totally dry environments does not decompose. With over 30 years of caravanning, ie from the days of the bucket, before the portta pottie, I have never been aware of any research on the matter. Has anyone looked into it ? I am aware of research into towing
weights, stability, even how level a fridge is. But ?Is there not a market for the disposable, single use packet, containing adequate resources for a single visit ? Though this might return to the original question - how many sheets ? Could there be a 'man-size'
version ? (for those who constantly ask "Does my bum look big etc..") Scented ? Include a seat wipe for prior use ?I await any suggestions, comments, replies with a degree of urgency.Though thoughtful long answers in 'En Route' might give me time to sit and
ponder the issue.
Yours on reflection
Bob Johnson
In Europe