I love Dogs me...



  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited December 2016 #62

    Christmas Day morning, up early(pre dawn) as usual, Dogs ready to go, they will get their gift later when it's a more civilized time(not my words) as nothing is better than a pre dawn ramble. I looked under the Tree-yes He's been. It did pay off then, I have been good(ish) all year, putting extra 'goodness' into the last few weeks as insurance-it paid off. Unseasonably mild today, 11c. It is very quiet, it will become Christmas Day later when the Village Children get their way & fill the green with squeals of joy as they are out with their toys, Christmas Day is always one of the noisiest days of the Village calendar, noises that make Christmas-Christmas. The Dogs are happy, both Young un & Her Mum are able to pick up smells that have been sealed in by frost over the last few days, now released by the mild temps. We headed to the copse to sit on our log, all cosy, it gave me time to drink in my landscape think of times gone & those yet to come. Most of the things I hold dear are here with me. 5 Deer crossed the field of growing corn approx 200metres away. They may not be Santa's Reindeer but they are Deer, their beauty & good healthy condition a joy for the eyes. They slowly covered the field, in open areas they are very guarded in their body language. I sat with the Dogs on my lap watching the slow deliberate progress of the Deer. They finally disappeared thru their usual gap & were gone. We headed back slowly, looking forward to a house full of family & friends later, this quiet time setting me up wonderfully. From my Dogs & me I wish everyone a truly enjoyable festive period, from wherever you hail & whoever you are-enjoy your break. May the new year bring you peace, happiness & joy. Enjoy your day.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,521
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    edited December 2016 #63

    Thankyou, Rocky, both for the tale and the wishes.

    I hope you, your family and your dogs have a great day and 2017 is a good year for you. I look forward to reading of the morning rambles throughout the year.

  • Kerry Watkins
    Kerry Watkins Forum Participant Posts: 325
    edited December 2016 #64

    Well said Rockey Merry Christmas and have a happy and healthy New Yesr

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited December 2016 #65

    Paid  the  usual  seasonal  visit  to  one  of  my 

    Nephews  late  afternoon,  yesterday  (  He  works 

    in  the  office  for  M & S delivery firm  &  his  lady

    in  the  childrens  section  of  local  Hospital )  so 

    i'm  limited  for  vistits  when  they  are  both  there.

    Anyway  I  was  WOOFed  at  sternly  by  the  door,

    'cos  they  have  a  new,  18 month  small  Border 

    Collie.  Very  shy  &  nervous  they  said  so  she 

    probably  wont  come  near  you  !!

    HA Blooming  HA  --  hadn't  got  time  to  sit  & 

    accept  my  cup  of  coffee  before  Mia,  had  a 

    paw  on  my  knee  &  a  squeaky  ball  in  her  mouth, 

    whilst  gazing  in  my  eyes  &  daring  me  to  ignore 

    her  !!  An  hour  later,  still  playing  'fetch'  nephew 

    said  "you'd  never  believe  she's  just  had  two  hours 

    running  along  side  us  as  we  exercised  our  horses

    would  you"

    I'm  glad  I  don't  have  a  dog,  I'd  never  be  able 

    to  stand  a  nervous  mutt  like  that  !!


    Brian  A B M

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited December 2016 #66

    Great walk with the dog this morning through the driving snow.  Our wee dog came home looking like a snow dog.  He had a great time.

    Yesterday we( The whole Family)  spent Christmas day at my elder daughter's house, where we were all captivated her new puppy - A gorgeous nine week old golden retriever..  Absolutely beautiful pup !!



  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited December 2016 #67

    Another quiet & cold walk in our landscape today, we were greeted by a thick hoar frost blanketing our landscape, a whiteover. Once over the meadow we picked up quite a lot of Roe Deer tracks heading from the copse in the distance along the field margin then into the growing rapeseed field, recently passed too as the thick frost had been crushed by their passing. Young un & Her Mum followed the tracks so far into the field until they showed some interest. I watched the Dogs as they followed the tracks, the Deer knew where they were heading as the line was very straight, something got the Deers interest about 150metres into the field as they stopped & milled around a bit, shown to me by the Dogs following the tracks. I've seen Deer so many times do these things as I watched the Dogs I had a picture in my minds eye of the Deer doing it, I wonder if they take their bearings. We headed South along an irrigation channel & found a lot of feathers of a Male Mallard beautiful iridescent colours on the wings, Charlie Fox no doubt on His hunts, the Mallard must have been injured prior to Charlie getting Him. The area of the Mallard's demise was on the high bank of the irrigation channel giving a wide field of view over the flat fields, if the Duck was healthy He'd just fly over to the opposite bank, Charlie would not have stalked the Mallard with all this thick frost crunching underfoot, that's the animal world & nature generally, the strong preying on the weak. We picked up a field Hedge & headed East towards the coast. Not many birds around today other than Rooks sat atop a high Ash Tree cawing, their call echoing in the still cold landscape. High levels of light as the sun rose above the horizon momentarily glinting on the frost like jewels as I walked. The landscape now has that stark skeletal look of Winter, wild grasses just straw frosted clumps, the patchwork of green fields with the white almost snow covered coating breaking the starkness up, from russets & yellows to green & Browns, the passing of the seasons. Young un & Her Mum were ready for some breakfast as they were plodding along beside me with their heads down. Young uns Mum starting to shiver as She collected the frost on Her tummy. They knew we were homeward bound. Enjoy your day.

  • N1805
    N1805 Forum Participant Posts: 1,092
    edited December 2016 #68

    Rocky 2 buckets

    Really enjoy reading your walks posts.  Since OH has also read & enjoyed them & is now convinced you must write for a living. Have a good day & keep on writing & giving readers pleasure/insight into the natural world around us.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited December 2016 #69

    N18, Thankyou but no I don't(write professionally), try-Woodsman/Chainsaw Carver/Tree loverlaughing. I write what I both see & feel. I guess that having a physical & mental connection with my environment helps a lot. I appreciate your comments. The sharing of the Dogs & our walks is a pleasure. If I've not been able to get out, I love reading others exploits in their environment, I can transport myself & share with them. Always hoping others will share my enjoymentsmile

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited December 2016 #70

    At least there will be plenty for you to write about in March R2B.  The Doggie Beauty Pageant called Crufts will be in full swing...

    Owners holding up their dog's tails and choking their dogs on tight leads,- liberal applications of talcum powder to hide perceived  imperfections,- continual combing and brushing while somebody decides which breeder is going to make a fortune from pups this year.  

    As a dog lover I like to see dogs being dogs -   Not pseudo beauty contestants. 







  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited December 2016 #71

    K, this thread is to celebrate the love of Dogs. We don't discriminate due to prejudice towards certain Dog owners. 'I love Dogs me'-all Dogs, so do others. Maybe it would be better for you to take your brand of certain 'Dog disliking' elsewhere as you are now Trolling for your own enjoyment. It's sadfrown

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited December 2016 #72

    I love dogs being dogs--   All dogs. That's what this thread is about.  The subject of dog shows is relevant to all dogs and owners.  Every member is entitled to post their opinion on any thread on this forum  ( provided that the posting complies with the T&Cs )

    It's very sad that the OP resorts to personal insults when he does not entirely agree with other people's views on Crufts Dog Show. 

    Shame really as we were all invited to talk about our love of dogs in the last sentence of the OP  

    Quote :- 

    So if you would like to talk Canine, please be my guest      



  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,521
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    edited December 2016 #73

    This has been the first Christmas we've spent without a dog for about 45 years. It's been a time of quiet reflection and some sadness but with good memories of the great dogs who shared the Season with us over the years. Happy memories but mixed emotions.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited December 2016 #74

    It's not easy Tinster, I & many others know this as do you. You have my sympathy. It will bring back bad memories & good right now. Stay strong  I hope the pain eases in time. 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,521
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    edited December 2016 #75

    Thanks, Rocky. It's good to know others understand.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,413
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    edited December 2016 #76

    Had a wonderful walk along Perranporth beach ths afternoon! Car parks were packed and hundreds on the beach, most seemingly dog owners and those who weren't with dogs seemed more than happy to make a fuss of Harry who will go to anyone for attention ( I tell them he desn't get much affection at home!). Meanwhile Lady seemed determined to steal as many tennis balls as possible from other dogs.All very good natured, with dogs of all shapes and sizes playing together happily. Warm and sunny, it could almost have been mid summer - ideal for sitting outside the Watering Hole with a pint of Tribute watching everyone making the most of the fine weather.

  • huskydog
    huskydog Club Member Posts: 5,466
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    edited December 2016 #77

    Off for my late evening dog walk in a moment, we usually see the fox ,he seems to hide in the same garden and casually wonder out in front of us ,knowing i will throw him a biscuit ,much to the disgust of my dog ,who looks at me as if to say " that's my biscuit", but I say to her ,there's enough for everyone, smile

  • Kerry Watkins
    Kerry Watkins Forum Participant Posts: 325
    edited December 2016 #78

    Cannot be easy for you Tinners. Stay strong.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,521
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    edited December 2016 #79

    Thanks, KW.

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited December 2016 #80

    Sorry to hear of your loss TW  ---  Keep the memories alive. I'm sure they are good ones.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,521
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    edited December 2016 #81

    They are good, K, and finding like minded, kind hearted people in this section is what helps us all in times of need. There's no room here for the mean spirited. It is a place of genuine empathy.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited December 2016 #82

    Well said Tinnysmile, the one thing I've loved over the years on this thread is the genuine support & affection each has given. I've seen folks names on here that have not appeared elsewhere on CT. Dog lovers are a breed apart. If your heart is big enough to love Dogs then it is the basis of a wonderful person. To all I thank you for enriching my life. May your 2017 be all you deserve, & you do deserve a lotsmile

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,521
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    edited December 2016 #83

    I echo those thoughts and thank you all but, in particular, Rocky for starting this thread and contributing so many heart warming tales.

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited December 2016 #84

    Heartily agree, Rocky's tales are an expression from the inner person, put into words that most of us find difficult to do. So the next best thing is reading of them, and others stories then relating quietly our own walks with a little more enrichment.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited December 2016 #85

    Dave, it's the support of folk like you & the other great contributors on here that drives me. The gift of sharing is just that-a gift. Like minded souls sharing a passion, the passion of our love of Dogssmile

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited December 2016 #86

    Anybody see that great tv programme on ch5 tonight where a university tested different dogs and found that dogs are in general much more intelligent than their owners give them credit for.  Was very interesting.


    Cheers ..............k

    KASTARIS Forum Participant Posts: 410
    edited December 2016 #87

    I've never doubted it Kennine..my dog was intelligent enough to know her owner was inferior to her from the start and that she could get anything she wanted when she wanted......hell how I miss that dog.

    Kas x

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited January 2017 #88

    We are now into the year 2017, the sun came up & it will go down, the moon was in the sky, the beautiful Trees are still here & my awe inspiring landscape was as beguiling as ever. Years move on but the endearing beauty of our Countryside & it's wildlife don't change. My Dogs were with me as we stepped out for another ramble in the East Yorkshire landscape, twas ever thus. Life just can't get any better than this. It seems Young un & Her Mum agree, they both scooted across the meadow on this fine January morning. The sun had just peeped above the horizon & chased away the peaches & pinks it had painted on the underside of the scudding clouds. Summer is ok, Spring is good but Autumn & winter are spectacular. The Dogs bounded back to me & jumped up for an ear rub, some folk don't like Dogs to jump up, me? I positively encourage it, I love the closeness I feel to them both as they lay their bodies along my legs enjoying the closeness we share. Then they're off again. I shared their 10minutes of craziness as they bounded around jumping over each other, racing around in complete abandon, a pleasure to see them so happy. We skirted the copse & headed due East towards the coast, the most I saw was the rear end of a Deer as it slipped into a distant wood, that & a little Jenny Wren as it skulked in the understory of a hedge, that's the way it goes, right time & right place does not always happen as this morning proved. It was no less a walk for that mind. The North Sea is alive & well I could hear it's roar as it crashed on the beach driven on a storm out to sea. We turned North at the Horse paddocks, no Horses again, over an irrigation channel & West to home. As I got to my home sat above the ivy clad arch was a single Robin singing out His mournful fluting Winter song, a fitting end to a wonderful walk. The dearth of wildlife is not uncommon at this time of the year, late Summer is the same as the wildlife hide from the heat. The time that comes with a guarantee for wildlife spotting is Spring. Enjoy your day.

  • Kennine
    Kennine Forum Participant Posts: 3,472
    edited January 2017 #89

    As we ( my dog and I ) enjoyed our walk this frosty morning seeing nature in it's winter garb,   I was thinking about the relationships that dogs have with humans and how much of that bond is apparent. Those wonderful, intelligent animals enjoy sharing their lives with us. There are too many examples to list them all, but the work of Guide dogs Hearing dogs, Police and Customs dogs, Dogs which are used in hospitals to comfort sick humans, are but a few. 



  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,521
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    edited January 2017 #90

    Thankyou for that story of your dogs simply enjoying life, Rocky. The picture formed of them scampering around full of the joys of.....January, is a great one and brings a smile to the face.

    Your turn to see the wildlife will come another day.

    May you and your dogs have a great year in 2017.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited January 2017 #91

    We will thankyousmile, you too Mucker. I reckon it'll be a corker toocool