I love Dogs me...

Welcome to all Dog lovers & generally Canine minded Folk. I have started this to enable a Thread to be used-in the Pet section with a title 'I love Dogs' so there will be no problems with attracting the right Posters, and the 'wrong Posters' give it a swerver.
I am mainly a working Dog Lover, I have had-J/Russells, Retrievers, Lurchers. Currently have 2 White Cockapoo's. Mum & Daughter. Not my kind of Dogs(at first) the OH fell in love with the Breed a year after losing the Retriever. Now I couldn't imagine life
without them. You either love Dogs or don't, if you do then life without them really is empty. I feel for the none Dog Folk, not knowing the joys of owning Dogs. But I'm not stupid enough to believe just because I love em everyone should. So if you would like
to talk Canine, please be my guest
I love working breeds. They show great intelligence, loyalty and a natural aptitude to work with humans. Other people prefer other breeds and that's the beauty of dog ownership. What to my mind is important is that the dog, any dog is loved and respected for being just that- a dog.--- Not a human substitute.
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Some folk see them as Human substitutes K, they get affection & a deep joy from the mindset they have. I will never decry their need for doing that nor for their deep love of those Dogs. They choose to do it, & it has nothing to do with anyone else. Choice is everything.
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Sorry--Can't agree with you there R . Dressing any dog up in frilly dresses and wheeling it about in a pram is far removed from a dog being a dog. IMO-- But if that's what you like to do, it's your choice.
Fortunately most people love and enjoy their dog for what it is -- A fantastic living breathing dog.
Cheers..............K .
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I do hope they manage to migrate all those lovely past posts from this thread.
If not we will just have to create some more about our four legged friends.
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Noticed the empty content of this once great reading thread earlier today.........I did hope that it was a temporary blip in the change over from the old CT...........Not so sure now, looks like another mess up to me.
I do hope that they are not lost as there were some very interesting and heartfelt posts in this thread......Time will tell
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All is not yet lost!
Rochelle provided this update yesterday in the "New Website" discussion:
We’ve also been having a few issues migrating all the threads and stories from the last website to the new, that’s why you may see that some posts are missing, or some comments are missing from the threads – IT are looking into this and the posts will be recovered in due course.
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Just brought our 3 year old Labradoodle back home from 8 days in hospital. Her lymphoma has come back with a vengeance only 2 treatments from the end of her treatment. She had been on deaths door. Not sure how long we will have her for and have been distraught. Just keeping everything crossed for her.
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We've all shared your situation Kerry, & all are sharing your pain. It's the one given, most of the Pups that come into our lives, win our hearts & become family will leave us before we want them to or are prepared for their leaving. You will make the decision to say goodbye when it's best for your Labradoodle. I just hope it's not soon. You have my best wishes & thoughts.
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Today was a grand day for a ramble, a good to be alive day, Young un & Her Mum picking up on my mood they were simpering as I let them out of their crate into the kitchen. I knelt to greet them as usual, I love our meetings first thing in the morning, a short rough & tumble. No further visits by the Hog & my near neighbour hasn't seen the Hog either. It doesn't bode well but they are wanderers, here's hoping. Out into the pre dawn half-light, it's a good time as my senses seem more acute as I pick myself over the meadow. The Dogs are doing their wide circle thing burning off pent up energy. We settled into normality approx 30mins later, the sun had just broken the horizon, a dull orb of light but the birth of a new day in a beautiful Winter landscape. I stopped at the meeting of a number of fields & did a slow 360degree turn, noting points of interest & particular sights of anything outstanding I've seen/can see. The big old Oak in the distance, this one is at least 300yrs old. It stands proud dominating the small corner copse, it's spreading limbs almost cosseting the Trees & bushes enjoying it's protection. The long Hedge running along 3 fields have-Hawthorne, Blackthorn, Ash, spindle, field Maple & Dog rose to mention just a few. The Dew Pond surrounded by Willows, all have been here for Hundreds of years. It grounds me as they were here well before me & this landscape will outlive me, it's a comforting thought that so many have & will enjoy this landscape I love. Young un & Her Mum didn't share my wonderment so we moved on towards the coast, they both ran on as I moved, I watched them frolicking as they ran & realised just how lucky I am to share this short time with a glorious landscape & 2 Dogs I love deeply. I sat on my log in the copse, the Dogs jumping up onto my lap leaving their paw prints in dampness on me, their tummys using my pants as a towel but warming up quickly, I enveloped them & we just sat & watched the World turn, contentment was King. Enjoy your day.
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This morning on our morning walk in the neighbouring countryside, as well as meeting all our usual friends and doggy friends we met a new owner with the most gorgeous enormous puppy. The dog was a pure white husky type and was full of fun. It was desperate to be off lead and playing with the other dogs but not quite at that stage yet. It is obviously a working dog breed and by the way it was pulling the owner to meet with the other dogs, I would imagine when fully trained, it would carry out any tasks for the owner with great enthusiasm.
I do love dogs !!.
Cheers .............K
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Thanks Dave, you share this coastal landscape so will more readily understand the joy of the sunrises & wooded copses in this area. The easy accessibility to the beaches too is a joy
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I echo that. On both counts.
One day I must visit and experience the delights of the East Yorks coast.
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I echo that. On both counts.
One day I must visit and experience the delights of the East Yorks coast.
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Good idea Tinny, some of you Cornish types even stay
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Only if they're excommunicated, Rocky.
Sorry, Dave
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Met a couple, proudly walking their two 11 week old terrier puppies for the first time, during our afternoon walk.. They were gorgeous, intelligent eyes full of wonder at all the new experience of the world . They were being trained properly, even at their young age. As a working breed I'm sure they will be a credit to their owners.
Aren't dogs fantastic animals
Cheers .....................K
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Thanks Rocky we do too.
Andrea and Kerry
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We're all with you A&K.
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All Dogs are loved by true Dog lovers, no ifs or buts the love given to the accident between two street Dogs is no less loved by those Dog lovers & those folk are true Dog lovers. I've known folk who own Dogs but don't love them, I've known folk who look after wider family Dogs & they love Dogs. We know Dog lovers by their attitude to their Dogs. That is what this Thread is all about, I've read it & reread it over the years & the contributors in the main are Dog lovers. To you I say-Thankyou for lifting my darker days. You are all wonderful people
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That goes for me too Kerry and Rocky.
It is heartbreaking Kerry and plenty of us have sadly been in the same position as you and feel your pain.
Wishing you all the best, we are all rooting for you.
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A true dog lover enjoys sharing their lives with their chosen dog/s and developing a fantastic mutual bond of trust and respect. Taking the dog for great walks in the countryside and enjoying exploring together is one of the ways to encourage this bond.
With working dog breeds let the dog develop his/her natural well honed instincts in play and fun.. . . . . Dogs are great,
Cheers .......K
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Early out this morning, pre dawn ramble then walking into the sunrise-my favourite time. Young un & Her Mum were full of beans, chasing down to the bottom of the garden to the gate onto the meadow, they gave a quick cursory inspection of their domain. The speed they checked their boundaries suggested our friendly Hog has not been visiting, I'll check with my neighbour to ask if He's had a visit. As I opened the gate the Dogs sat looking at me shaking with anticipation, really up for the ramble today, I gave the word & they were across the meadow like Whippets, correction-Young un was like a Whippet, Her Mum is much closer to the ground more like a Dog on a mission, the mission to one day get within a 100metres of Her Daughter before She gets over the meadow, alas not today(everyone loves a trier) A quiet sunrise followed, the clouds off the East coast conspired to flatten the sunrise to muted pink. As we were walking we heard another Skein of Geese on their migratory path south, it was a huge Skein too. In my opinion(& lack of expertise) I'd estimate 200 geese. The noise was wonderful, honking back & forth. It was so loud & plentiful the Dogs actually looked up too. When I first understood migration I thought the Animal World did it all at a set time, I now realise it's down to conditions, like the geese traveling here in Winter. The rough V formation wavered as the wind buffeted them, akin to a length of rope on the ground with someone whipping it but so much slower, it really is an aerial ballet, as they cleared my position quite a few stragglers followed. I love living on the coast, Spring migration South to North & Autumn migration North to South, Sheila Hancock put it perfectly-'being healed by nature', whatever ails me nature lessens it. The Dogs were wet & tired, I was fulfilled. We headed home happy. Every walk has its sameness but interspersed with difference. The landscape & natural world is astounding. Enjoy your day.
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That's two days running you've had great walks, Rocky. It must be a special time.
I can just imagine one dog running ahead and the other hoping to catch up. They love it all.
That was a spectacular sighting of the geese. We see them quite often here but I've never seen that great a number. The noise must have been terrific.
I think your day started well.
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They've probably got you sussed as a soft touch for snacks, Husky.
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HD, you are Kent's Fox whisperer