Avoiding Lyon (France)

niglep Forum Participant Posts: 4

I am towing to Nimes in May 2016 and would appreciate any recommendations on which route to follow around Lyon linking the A6 to the A7. I dont use a satnav, just a michelin atlas. Thanks muchly.



  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,878
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    edited January 2016 #2

    Others may shout me down, but at that time of year, and at the right time of day, I would ignore all the ring roads and go straight down through the tunnel, and due South along the river bank. Aim for the sun.


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,158
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    edited January 2016 #3

    Last time we came north we ended up stuck for nearly an hour just outside the peage booths.  I think there are about 8 booths which then filter into 3 or 4 lanes and true to form the French don't want to filter in turn

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,381
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    edited January 2016 #4

    Others may shout me down, but at that time of year, and at the right time of day, I would ignore all the ring roads and go straight down through the tunnel, and due South along the river bank. Aim for the sun.


    We would agree. Even later in the year we have not been stuck for long, provided you pick your time of day. Traveled through at lunch time in late July and were only stuck for about 30 / 40 mins. Personally I think this preferable to trying alternates when
    you have a caravan strapped to the back. 

  • kenexton
    kenexton Forum Participant Posts: 306
    edited January 2016 #5

    If you need to use autoroute all the way and want to avoid the tunnel then just follow the Lyon Est signs.I have towed and motorhomed  this route too many times and now I take my time,being retired, and I cut east after Chalon sur Saone to avoid the extreme
    monotony of the autoroute journey South.Cuisery,Pont de Vaux, rocade round Macon,Chatillon sur Chaleronne,out by Lyon airport,then down to Hauterives,Romans,Crest,Dieulefit,Nyons,Vaison and Carpentras and across via Cavaillon,St Remy,Tarascon and to Nimes.A
    long way round but I am a motorhomer and my object is to travel and enjoy rather than to rush to arrive.If you are in a big hurry then flog down the autoroute along with the lorries.If you want to see some super scenery/places and if time is not a big issue
    then meander down my route.

  • omendri
    omendri Forum Participant Posts: 75
    edited January 2016 #6

    Others may shout me down, but at that time of year, and at the right time of day, I would ignore all the ring roads and go straight down through the tunnel, and due South along the river bank. Aim for the sun.


    Agree with that. The outer [A46?] ring road can be a real pain and adds many miles to a Lyon transit.. My choice is right through the centre of Lyon and to enjoy the views of the Rhone [and other rivers] as you frequently cross.

    Ome "n" Dri

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,111
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    edited January 2016 #7

    Obviously don't know where you are visiting en route but have you thought about using the A75 route to Nimes? It would save on tolls as well?


  • Tigi
    Tigi Forum Participant Posts: 1,038
    edited January 2016 #8

    I always like the A75, toll free, relatively quiet compared to the Rhone Valley particularily in repect of lorries, some fairly long climbs and descents but not a problem. Otherwise as others I would go straight through Lyon the autoroute seemed a long way
    round the one time I followed it.

  • ValDa
    ValDa Forum Participant Posts: 3,006
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    edited January 2016 #9

    Others may shout me down, but at that time of year, and at the right time of day, I would ignore all the ring roads and go straight down through the tunnel, and due South along the river bank. Aim for the sun.


    When we use the Rhone Valley route that's the route we would choose through Lyon - if you go through when the French are at lunch it can be quiet, but don't try to get into one of the services as they are full of people eating picnics or in the restaurant.

    We tried the 'ring road' but found it tedious and boring, and it seemed to go on for ever.

  • niglep
    niglep Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited January 2016 #10

    I really appreciate all the helpful comments, thanks. We are committed to the Rhone valley route due to en route visits but I will definately use the tunnel and aim for lunchtime. Many thanks. Roll on May!!

  • Vaudinet
    Vaudinet Forum Participant Posts: 10
    edited January 2016 #11

    I'm travelling that route in May as well but, after recent trips, I've decided to drive through Lyon overnight this year. 

    There are now three places I avoid in France during the day - Paris, Rouen and Lyon.

  • omendri
    omendri Forum Participant Posts: 75
    edited January 2016 #12

    I'm travelling that route in May as well but, after recent trips, I've decided to drive through Lyon overnight this year. 

    There are now three places I avoid in France during the day - Paris, Rouen and Lyon.

    Over 35 years not found Rouen or Lyon to be a problem if common sense is exercised on timing. Agree however on Paris - if possible I try and avoid (Paris) and if I can't I leave myself plenty of time to avoid the stress of having to force the pace. 


    Ome "n" Dri

  • Dr Nigel
    Dr Nigel Forum Participant Posts: 49
    edited January 2016 #13

    I've done the three main routes...through the centre...the middle ring road and the airport ring road....for this year at least until they finist he the construction work..I'll be using the airport miles..what you lose in miles, you gain in speed.

  • NutsyH
    NutsyH Club Member Posts: 535
    edited January 2016 #14

    We are en route to Provence, Sunday 8th May and will use the airport route. Been stuck for an hour or more using the central route, too many times.

    From the differing replies on here, the Lyon route is obviously a very personal thing. As we sre heading for HauteProvence, I may well go via Grenoble and Route Napoleon from Lyon.



  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,881
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    edited January 2016 #15

    Others may shout me down, but at that time of year, and at the right time of day, I would ignore all the ring roads and go straight down through the tunnel, and due South along the river bank. Aim for the sun.


    When we use the Rhone Valley route that's the route we would choose through Lyon - if you go through when the French are at lunch it can be quiet, but don't try to get into one of the services as they are full of people eating picnics or in the restaurant.

    We tried the 'ring road' but found it tedious and boring, and it seemed to go on for ever.

    I agree with Val on this one.  We would always go straight through the middle.  However, I usually try and time it that we go through over night.  Tends to be quieter, but I understand that not everyone is happy with night travel.


  • hitchglitch
    hitchglitch Forum Participant Posts: 3,007
    edited January 2016 #16

    I got stuck for an hour and a half two yeas ago travelling North. We go that way most years but have been stuck too many times. There never seems to be a good time.

    If you want to use the (sensible) bypass just follow the signs South to Marseilles. There were many road works but they seem to be complete now.

  • daveking
    daveking Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited January 2016 #17

    Have been going straight thru middle for years. Avoid rush hour and bank holidays.