The Caravan Club is coming to Facebook



  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited August 2016 #182


    Or do I have to create a completely false personna just to access Facebook so I can keep informed about the activities of a Club of which I pay to be a member?  Either way - another poor show.

    A heck of a lot of people do.

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,894
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    edited August 2016 #183

    Not a lot different from CT then!

  • avondriver
    avondriver Forum Participant Posts: 85
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    edited August 2016 #184

    Not a lot different from CT then!

    surely exactly the same. you choose how much or how little you input and hence reveal. Not 100 % sure what the concerns are. 

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,414
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    edited August 2016 #185

    My preference is to reveal 0% on Facebook. Hence why I have no intention of joining. If it becomes the only online avenue for the club, then I guess we won't be comunicating.

  • briantimber
    briantimber Forum Participant Posts: 1,653
    edited August 2016 #186

    My preference is to reveal 0% on Facebook. Hence why I have no intention of joining. If it becomes the only online avenue for the club, then I guess we won't be comunicating.

    My sentements entirely Steve....Cool

  • avondriver
    avondriver Forum Participant Posts: 85
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    edited August 2016 #187

    So if you create a profile Stevel and do not put anything in but read the club posts what is the problem? You have revealed nothing. In fact you have revealed a lot more on CT with your picture and posts. CT is a public forum just the same.

    Not knocking I just really don't understand.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,525
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    edited August 2016 #188

    Much as we knock CT and the clubs IT systems, if it comes to choosing who I trust with my information FB lose every time. Please don't say it's up to me how much I reveal because the very act of logging on reveals a lot to those who are keen to harvest information about us. It's naive to think otherwise. 

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,414
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    edited August 2016 #189

    So if you create a profile Stevel and do not put anything in but read the club posts what is the problem? You have revealed nothing. In fact you have revealed a lot more on CT with your picture and posts. CT is a public forum just the same.

    Not knocking I just really don't understand.

    It would rather one way communication, if that was all I did. However, even that involves giving FB more than I would be comfortable with.

  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited August 2016 #190

    Not a lot different from CT then!

    surely exactly the same. you choose how much or how little you input and hence reveal. Not 100 % sure what the concerns are. 

    Because FB data harvest and sell it on no matter what settings you have set up 

    It how they make their money 

  • kaenergas
    kaenergas Forum Participant Posts: 171
    edited August 2016 #191

    Well done the club for opening up another channel of communications, don't ever recall seeing  that they will be considering stopping CT, FB is a means of communication that many people use and have no problem with it. It's very simple you use it or you
    dont, and it's rather insulting that some members of this forum think there are superior to suggest that they are some of the sensible people who don't use it.

  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited August 2016 #192

    Not superior at all and to suggest that is very insulting. Perhaps however some are better informed and have extensively researched the matter. 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,525
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    edited August 2016 #193

    Kaenergas, it's personal choice and we each make our own decisions. How can you possibly think there is some sort of superiority being suggested here? I completely agree with Fysh and stand by my statement that it is naive to believe FB don't collect data
    even from the act of logging in. 

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,414
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    edited August 2016 #194

    Well done the club for opening up another channel of communications, don't ever recall seeing  that they will be considering stopping CT, FB is a means of communication that many people use and have no problem with it. It's very simple you use it or you
    dont, and it's rather insulting that some members of this forum think there are superior to suggest that they are some of the sensible people who don't use it.

    All I recall saying is that I had no intention of using it. Why is that regarded as being insulting or superior?

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited August 2016 #195

    I rarely use facebook simply because I greatly dislike the format and find it much less user friendly than either a forum or e-mail

  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited August 2016 #196

    As some on here know, I am only 12 months out from a 3 yr full time degree course at a uni as a mature student.

    All my young collegues (about 45 of them) were/ are exceptionally bright young people who have grown up with Tech in a way I suspect most of CT have not. I fully expect to be reading about some of them in the future as captains of industry and commerce. They were very very clued up about most things Tech.

    When I first started in 2012, everyone was on facebook and I was encouraged to join in order to facillitate the social scene. I was very sceptical but I wasn't quite sure why. So, like many others I joined with a false account (sorry facebook)

    By the time I had finished my course,(last year) very few (if any) were stilll on facebook, almost everyone had moved on to different social media apps. 

    Why?  Two reasons, The main one was the degree of data harvesting of personal information. Not even these bright young things could outwit the facebook engineers. Secondly it was the degree facebook had been adopted by corporate big business as a marketing tool.

    So that's why I don't and won't use it today.

    It's up to the individal of course but the danger as I see it is that the CC will choose to do much of it's work via facebook because its is so easy and cost efficient for them to do so. We have already seen differential marketing with the New Zealand  comp and a special offer.

    Where does this lead is my real concern not if an individual CT poster choses to use facebook or not.

    Easy T is right by the way, the young 'uns have dumped facebook and e-mails and forums are a darned sight easier to use

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,894
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    edited August 2016 #197

    A point that obviously some people do not know is that Facebook logs every action you take.  For every log-in it records the IP address used against the account. Even if you register a ficticious user name each contact is logged.

      If a relative uses the same IP address then the two accounts get linked. Most IP addresses are geographically identifiable so it knows your movements.

    I could go on but that is enough for now.

  • Briang
    Briang Club Member Posts: 680
    edited August 2016 #198

    Not a lot different from CT then!

    surely exactly the same. you choose how much or how little you input and hence reveal. Not 100 % sure what the concerns are. 

    Because FB data harvest and sell it on no matter what settings you have set up 

    It how they make their money 

    This is why i don't and will not use Facebook. Look at the profit it makes.

  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited August 2016 #199

    A point that obviously some people do not know is that Facebook logs every action you take.  For every log-in it records the IP address used against the account. Even if you register a ficticious user name each contact is logged.

      If a relative uses the same IP address then the two accounts get linked. Most IP addresses are geographically identifiable so it knows your movements.

    I could go on but that is enough for now.

    Correct NAV. They can even track you with a dynamic IP address, how, I have no idea which is why I am on CT and Mark Zucherberg is on a beach on his own island in the Pacific

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,553
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    edited August 2016 #200

    A point that obviously some people do not know is that Facebook logs every action you take.  For every log-in it records the IP address used against the account. Even if you register a ficticious user name each contact is logged.

      If a relative uses the same IP address then the two accounts get linked. Most IP addresses are geographically identifiable so it knows your movements.

    I could go on but that is enough for now.

    Correct NAV. They can even track you with a dynamic IP address, how, I have no idea which is why I am on CT and Mark Zucherberg is on a beach on his own island in the Pacific

    What website doesn't and does it really matter?


  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited August 2016 #201

    Yes, it matters. (Well, it does to me and a lot of others)

    It's my personal and private information they are selling on and no one has the right to sell or use my information without my express permission.

    But in a way you are right, a lot are trying it on now but facebook are leaders in this field (Google are not bad at it either) and are(probably) the most successful at getting at your personal details.

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,894
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    edited August 2016 #202

    It matters a great deal.

    Have you noticed on Facebook the "People you may know" feature?  That is where people with whom you have had only email contact before suddenly get linked on Facebook.

    This can only be done by Facebook accessing your email transactions. Just because your email address is hotmail, gmail, or whatever does not keep Facebook from accessing your data. I have read in reputable sources that they also access the content of the
    emails but have no personal proof.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,553
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    edited August 2016 #203

    It matters a great deal.

    Have you noticed on Facebook the "People you may know" feature?  That is where people with whom you have had only email contact before suddenly get linked on Facebook.

    This can only be done by Facebook accessing your email transactions. Just because your email address is hotmail, gmail, or whatever does not keep Facebook from accessing your data. I have read in reputable sources that they also access the content of the emails but have no personal proof.

    It only matters if it worries you, while I try not to make it easy for websites to obtain more information about me than necessary, it does not worry me if they do. I have nothing to hide.

    I think face book use the information you give. e,g what school or who you have worked for and your friends friends to see if you know a person and not your email address. There are more organisations out there that know more about you than FB. You have to weigh up the downsides as to the benefits you get out of it.

    Even this page I am typing on has three trackers on it!


  • kaenergas
    kaenergas Forum Participant Posts: 171
    edited August 2016 #204

    Well said peedee.  "People you may know " comes from let's say as an example me posting on a friends page it can then inform me of possible friends or  people who I might know from that persons Friends list! the same applies if I use a discussion group or organisation group, if you don't know them don't accept them, It doesn't and cannot  access my emails. 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2016 #205

    It's sensible not to put too much personal info on any social web sites. No-one has to put their school etc on FB but if you do this will bring in a mass of other connections. Younger social media fans will migrate to the latest sites and use whatever is
    the latest trend. The CC are now taking part in the popular sites. Personally I'm more interested in the actual, real, caravan sites! Contact on here or elsewhere is a just a bonus.

  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited August 2016 #206

    I respect your views peedee and Kgas

    Facebook takes far more than the information you freely offer by the clever use of computer algorithms its not what you put or what settings you have.

    Nothing to hide? Tell us your bank details then.Happy

    Don't think I have ever broken the law (motoring offences excepted) and I had to have an enhanced disclosure done every few months because of my job but there are stacks and stacks of things I don't want everyone knowing about.

    Cannot access e-mails? Yes they can, e mail is not secure unless encryped and as 128 bit encription has been recently broken  I wouldn't bank on that either.

    Does it really matter? That's got to be up to the individual.


  • kaenergas
    kaenergas Forum Participant Posts: 171
    edited August 2016 #207

    One thing (I Think) we are all in agreement on, is that CT should not fold and is a good source of chat, banter, information for a lot of people, but the CC needs to use as many media outlets as possible to contact, inform members and allow them to contribute. 

  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited August 2016 #208

    Agree with that Kgas provided members who all pay the same are not disadvantaged by choosing not to be on TwitFace.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,553
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    edited August 2016 #209

    I respect your view peede

    Facebook takes far more than the information you freely offer.

    Nothing to hide? Tell us your bank details then.Happy

    Don't think I have ever broken the law (motoring offences excepted) and I had to have an enhanced disclosure done every few months because of my job but there are stacks and stacks of things I don't want everyone knowing about.


    Thanks but bank details are not the kind of thing you reveal on any public forum but I would bet on some knowing it, other than my bank. Hopefully they are not of the nefarious types and their databases are secure.


  • Fysherman
    Fysherman Forum Participant Posts: 1,570
    edited August 2016 #210


    Thanks but bank details are not the kind of thing you reveal on any public forum but I would bet on some knowing it, other than my bank. Hopefully they are not of the nefarious types and their databases are secure.


    Did someone say Banks, Databases and secure all in the same sentence? They are losing (us) millions through their miss handling of our data. Anyone remember the disks and laptop left unencrypted on a trainSurprised

    Anyway I am off for a brew.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2016 #211

    Everything you do on the interweb is now being analysed communications are definitely not as sought after as some must be! Wink