Going into Bosnia with a caravan

plmoknijb Forum Participant Posts: 10

We came into Bosnia from Croatia yesterday and arrived at the border post armed with car documents and insurance, Green Card for the car, caravan documents and insurance and passports. The border guard insisted on  a Green Card for the caravan and was getting
a bit agitated when we didn't have one. He asked for it several times and we tried to explain that we didn't need one. We thought at one stage that we would be refused entry but he eventually, and very grudgingly, allowed us in. Has anyone else had this problem?
Anticipating a problem when we try to get out!


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,508
    2,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper
    edited June 2016 #2

    The one and only time I passed that way we were not even stopped at the borders. Just drove in and out with no problems.


  • oldagetraveller
    oldagetraveller Forum Participant Posts: 142
    edited June 2016 #3

    My understanding from the many insurance policies and quotes that I have had is that Green card is not required in EU countries and certain other ones, but that Bosnia is not on the list.  In fac my experience is that it is almost impossible to get cover
    for Bosnia from any insurance company.  Does your insurance state that Bosnia is specifically included?

  • plmoknijb
    plmoknijb Forum Participant Posts: 10
    edited June 2016 #4

    Hi Oldagetraveller

    Yes, the Green Card for the car specifically states Bosnia and also states Montenegro as we wanted to go into both countries. Going through the short section of Bosnia on our way to and from Dubrovnik wasn't a problem as only passports were checked. When
    we took the car solo into these two countries the border guards gave us a thorough going over asking for all documentation so we knew what to expect  when we went into Bosnia to stay for a couple of days with the caravan but we weren't ready for the demands
    for a Green Card for the caravan. Don't even know if you can get a Green Card for the caravan. Asked the CC and they said that it all ended a long time ago. Left Bosnia this morning on our way to Hungary and there was only a passport check at the border and
    that was pretty quick.


    Don't know if this particular guard didn't know the rules but he was a bit grumpy about letting us in. Maybe the long queue behind us and nowhere to turn round convinced him to let us in!