I Remember When
I remember 22 November 1963 - 57 years ago yesterday.
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I remember the ships 'tooting' their horns for entering or leaving the Royal Docks in East London.
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I remember stripping out lead gas pipes and installing Electric .
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I remember MANY Christmases spent in France/Spain/Germany /Belgium with Joyous festivities etc.
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I remember when kids made carts out of old pram wheels and pulled their mate's around.
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I remember when cars had cable brakes
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AND ,,Wagon Wheels too . !!
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When A & B films were shown on the same night at the Cinema
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And queue for miles for the second house showing.
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And some of the Beautiful plush entrance foyer.
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and the absence of fetid hot dog smell.
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Watching Cowboy Hero's
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We used the 'peas' in our Pea Shooter !!
Don't see those now ??
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That's because they've been superseded by Glocks and AK47's.
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Ming & Flash
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I remember " Cossack " hair spray for Men,,,yes i had long hair in the 70s !!
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And Trugei hair stiffener
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Galloping home from the tanner rush after a cowboy film
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Oh Yes ,,,slapping your hide ,like it was a horse !!
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I remember back lanes
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Short cut's before motorways were built !!