Calor Gas usage results

I hope the following information may be useful for first timers
During the planning for our recent first excursion abroad one of my puzzles was how much gas would we need. Using our previous 6kg bottle usage as a guide ( 100 nights and still a bit left yet), I thought there was no way I could use a full 6kg in half that time but the doubts still persisted as I knew it it ran out there was no refilling possible. To hedge my bets I opted to use a suggestion from Deleted User User and purchased an empty Camping Gaz 907 bottle off Ebay and the necessary bits to be able to use this a fall back. Refills can be purchased from the big hypermarkets for around 23 Euros, a bargain compared to the price here of £27.00 at Go Outdoors! - robbing ba*****s
Whilst we have been away I have noticed many Brits carrying 2 x 6kg bottles, presumably over thousands of miles.
Our caravan has a microwave ( which we use occasionally), an electric kettle for brews but does not possess an electric ring. We have stayed on EHU for the entire 49 days away so the gas has ony been used for the hob and oven. We have probably used the oven say 12-15 times whilst we are away. Cooking has only occurred in the evening as lunch times have generally been salads or eating out
To get to the nitty gritty, I have just weighed the bottle and compared it to the full weight recorded before leaving, using the same digital suitcase weigher.
The usage has been 1.82 kgs in 49 days!!