Getting Closer

Hello everyone well our June Departure is getting Closer, we are Travelling from Plymouth to Roscoff with the Van Dog and four Members of the Family, so we will have two Vans and a Campervan, Plus two dogs.. We are on our third trip to France the others
it will be the first time .. i can just imagine this Convoy of Brits a couple of them slightly aprehensive about Driving in France. That was us on our fiirst Trip especially when you leave the Ferry.. Not sure what the weather has in store for us this year
Sun and more Sun i hope . We kept telling the others how hot it has been the last two times so fingers crossed..We have everything ticked off on our list and the others have been given one to check off too.. As a taster i am going to hold a French Night at
my house we can go over anything they are not sure about have some French Food and open a Bottle of Wine or Two.. The eldest from our group is 74 the youngest 58, so should be interesting lol.. So as we count down the weeks we are sure to have a wonderful
time in France as we all say on here France is a Wonderful place to be .I will update you all when we have had our holiday and hopefully its a good update..