What have you seen
Walking alongside the north coast of Wirral yesterday there was the usual waders on the mudflats but also a new sighting for us as we saw a Black Scoter. We knew there had been one knocking about Liverpool Bay and Irish Sea area recently but didn't expect to be that lucky.
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Walking the North Lincs Wolds bridle paths today. A warm and cloudless sky. Finches and tits of many species in the hedgerows, hares playing in the fields and heard my first chiffchaff of the season. Lapwings about and blackbirds singing. Makes you glad to be alive. Spring is on the way.
Staying at the Mealand Hill CL, beautiful setting above Humberside Airport.
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We stayed there to attend the Caravan show at Cottingham one September. Exchanged our caravan for a new Coachman Amara 380 from Wandahome in Knottingley. I remember seeing a plane coming in to land at the airport which is out of sight in the valley. A bit startling as the plane looked low in the air but we hadn't realised the runway was in the valley.
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Lots of different sightings over the last few days; Buzzards, including 2 feeding on the ground with 4 others circling above them at Holkham then a Red Kite flew over, and a mother and young Munjac wandered across. Lots of Brent Geese, Egrets, Skylarks, a couple of Spoonbills and Marsh Harriers at Skiffkey and Blakeney. Here near Cromer there were 8 Hares on the same field and another Red Kite as well as more Skylarks this morning and a Barn Owl flew over the site last night. At Blickling, by the lake, there many Toads, both singles and couples😉yesterday and more again today at the Sheringham Estate. Quite a few butterflies about too including a Large Tortoiseshell.
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Peculiar goings on at home.
There is a male Blackbird that sits on our fence panel outside the kitchen window and I noticed him flying across to next doors window, disappearing from view then reappearing on the fence. He keeps flying at the window presumably thinking its a rival but there's no squawking, just flying at it. I've chased him away a few times mainly to stop him injuring himself but 5 minutes later he's back. We have noticed smaller birds picking up small insects around the windows but Blackbird isn't doing that.
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More collections of frogs &/or toads today in a small pond, The Pit, at Lower Southstrepps, making lots of noise. Greenfinches and Chiffchats vocalsing, GSWs hammering away, Brimstones, Large Tortoiseshell and a Comma butterflies on the daffodils, 3 Roe deer feeding on one of the fields we passed, and a Munjac in the woods during our walks today. Then this evening I saw about 10 Hares on the field above the site and there were two munjacs on the site itself.
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Well Spring has arrived the birds are singing and some are fighting each other, heard a few different Warblers around here, visited friends yesterday and saw 1 large bird of prey flying over when we stopped at local small supermarket and then saw another same size later on but not near enough for me to identify grr, a lot of buzzards about and the local toads are making their way to our local Lavoir but some did not make it across the roads, our friends have a Hare having a go at their plants in the garden.
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We had a good day on Horsey Windmill/Broad walk. On the way there I spotted what I think was a Peregrine as well as 30 or so Swans on a single field. Then during the walk we saw numerous Marsh Harriers, Lapwings, Skylarks, Buzzards, a Reed Bunting and a Chiffchaff, with many others calling from the scrub by the path. Then we heard the calls of a Common Crane. While we were having our lunch we were entertained by Long Tailed and Blue Tits and a pair of Cranes flew across in front of us.