Condiments, Sauces, Pickles and Dressings

Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,882
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Is there one particular thing that lurks in your fridge or store cupboard that you couldn't be without?

For us it's German Mustard, a hard to source addition to sandwiches and ham without resorting to the internet. We fell in love with this when touring Germany decades ago and for a while had a local villager who had relatives in Germany and would bring some back whenever she went. We started going to Germany more in recent years and always brought 3-4 jars/tubes back. We particularly like their addition of Tarragon to it but that one is non existent here.

We have been lucky recently as we have 2 quite local Deli specialists that still get it in.

So what pickle or dressing or made up sauces do you go out of your way to acquire?


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,454
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    edited January 25 #2

    OH loves different pickles, chutneys, sauces, but I am not a lover of much that is vinegar based, and the only mustard I tolerate is the coarse grain with honey type, and then only used as a marinade for oven roast potatoes. Ok with some sauces and some chutneys. I do eat good quality mayo though, and like to make it a bit different by adding lemons, limes, curry to it. OH makes his own pickles and chutneys, and my sister, who is a pickle lover, makes the best Mango Chutney I have ever tasted. There’s usually some kind of home made chutney that goes on tour with us. I have been buying two delicious salad dressing from our lovely Italian deli in town, one is Fig and Date based, the other, my favourite is Blood Orange and I have a little drizzle on all sorts as well as salads. Mayo to top chips is my choice👍I think I might be Belgian 🤣

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited January 25 #3

    Honey and mustard dressing……M&S is best but expensive, so we usually buy from Tesco.

    Lingonberry from IKEA…….a must with meatballs, but good with chicken too.

    Remoulade…….available in Germany and Sweden…..delicious on fish and chips……like a milder version of Tartare sauce. Lidl used to stock it, but not these days.

    Black Garlic from Lakeland, yummy in cheese paninis.

    Likewise Red Onion Chutney.

    M&S burger sauce.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    Homemade Piccalli- a grandson is at University studying Cyber Security, but in between he’s a very inventive cook, searching out ancient recipes.

    The Piccalli is one of his more “normal” offerings.

  • Wildwood
    Wildwood Club Member Posts: 3,777
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    Good Dijon mustard. Possibly the best thing to come out of France. Pity it is now made anywhere but Dijon.

  • PortlandSeadog
    PortlandSeadog Forum Participant Posts: 3
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    I always bought PanYan, loved the stuff, until the factory was purchased by Branstons. So that and my favourite HP sauce sit in the van.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,882
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    edited January 26 #7

    Never heard of PanYan. What is it, or was it?.

    I was brought up on HP Brown Sauce. On bacon baps, sausages, chips (no way I was using Salad Cream, yuk), even as an addition to onion gravy but a few years ago they messed around with the recipe and it's not the same these days. Still use it but the magic has gone.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    My mum used to make Piccalli when we lived in Shropshire and all usual pickles red cabbage, beetroot and onions all veg grown in the large garden fond memories of those years.

    We are a pair of very plain food here although I do like to get farm shop pickles when in the UK to bring back.

    I always have Worcestershire sauce in the cupboard as a Worcestershire born girl, OH does not have anything with sauces, pickles and Mayonaise he just does like them only thing he does have is gravy and a small sprinkle of salt also we do not have anything spicy again I have tasted some but not to my taste and OH said since being a Diabetic his tastes have changed also textures of some foods, my late stepfather was the same very plain food and would not touched anything mixed up. We are all different in many things.

  • JimE
    JimE Club Member Posts: 394
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    @Wherenext PanYan is a pickle - very tasty it was too.

  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,763
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    @Takethedogalong 👍I think I might be Belgian 🤣

    I think you could be Dutch, like me 🤣 I was brought up in Holland with mayo on chips. Really missed it when I moved to the UK, and the mayo over here, IMHO of course, isn't as nice as the Dutch variety. Remia is a brand I like, and some years ago I found that Auchan supermarkets in France sell that, happy days! So I always take some back from France every year. Unless we go to Holland of course, and then the choice is endless 👍️

    Mustard is something to be eaten with Dutch kroketten, again, IMHO of course; think potato croquettes, longer, but with different fillings, such as beef, chicken, prawns or vegetarian, yummy!

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,454
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    we have just come in from an afternoon out, and dropped on two very nice sounding chutneys…….I chose Figgy Pudding, ‘cos I love dates and citrus fruits, while OH chose a Beetroot and Horseradish one. (Horseradish=yuk to me)

    Sheffield is famous for its own condiment, much loved in this area. Similar to Worcestershire Sauce, but not. It’s called Henderson’s Relish (Hendo’s locally) and is still made in the city. Apparently, actor Sean Bean used to take a case with him when on location filming. Songs have been written about it as well, but far too rude for on here🤣

    Check out some of the recipes, gluten free some of them👍

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,882
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    We first came across Mayo on chips back in the 90s when we had a quick 1 week holiday near Middleburg and picked some frites up at a roadside eatery when cycling. Never looked back since. We always wait until we get to NL before buying Mayo, never taking our own. (Dutch ice-cream still the best for us as well)

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    I can remember PanYan pickle, which was a favourite in our family many, many years ago. Here is a modern recipe for making it, which sounds nice but I think it hasn't exactly the original ingredients. We keep far of Aldi's Sweet Pickle at home for use with cheese and salad.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,882
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    Cheers Nellie.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    I always have a bottle of Hendersons handy. I slosh it in stews and soups to perk them up.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,454
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    I think it’s Pauwels that make the sauces we are interested in. Cyclocross sponsors as well🤣

    Exciting here🤩 Our neighbour is interested in taking out the whole hedge between us, and having fencing in instead, much to our surprise. So I have struck while the iron is hot, and got Mum’s gardeners to come round tomorrow to quote for us. We can get stuck in a take out some of my more precious plants for replanting, then clear the border, and I can re plan the whole length. Going to have some espaliered fruit trees, one or two nice shrubs, plenty of clematis, and then a proper cottage garden border, roses, carnations, hollyhocks, delphiniums, spring bulbs🥰OH says I am like a child that’s just been given the keys to Disneyland🤣🤣