What are you all up to



  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,424
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    Nice photographs. I love that midnight blue dress, and you look smart as well! Sending you both silver outlined good wishes🥳

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,168
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    Congratulations on your Silver Anniversary R&R.

    Glad you got away safely Nell.

    Youngest brother was discharge from hospital yesterday.

    We had snow on Wednesday, fortunately all gone now. However high winds and cold temperature so pretty bitter still. The weather forecast does indicate an improvement over the weekend, temperature on Saturday +11C and Sunday +16C, maybe time to get the shorts out again🤣

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited November 2024 #61294

    Congratulations on your anniversary R&R. I also love the dress.

    Good to hear that your younger brother is doing better Oneputt.

    Grey and very cold here today, and I see that we can look forward to storms tomorrow. The pot busy lizzies and the begonias were still looking really beautiful last week, then a frosty night and all died. I will remove them and sort the pots out when a bit warmer.

    We heard yesterday that the owners of the B&B that we have regularly visited in the Lake District for the last 40 years have retired. Nice for them and well deserved as they have been pension age for a few years now, but sad for us. We used to book the year before, ask for our usual room, no deposit taken, they knew we would turn up, then arrive to a warm friendly welcome, cup of tea and cake, all so easy. They were always fully booked, hence us booking almost a year in advance and didn’t advertise as almost all guests, even from abroad, were return bookings. We’ve met many nice people from America and Australia there and guests we have got to know over the years. Doubt we will be able to find anywhere to come close to matching it.

    Odd jobs planned for today but must get on with purchasing Christmas gifts, if only our six grandchildren would give us some clues. So much easier when they were young and we could buy them toys, they were never short of ideas then.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    I have problems with a knee, and it's getting worse (stick bought, and shorthened by OH to fit) and it's handy to hold onto when I have to stop and there's nothing to lean on. After discussions with my doctor an operation is ruled out for now (various complications), but yesterday I had a steroid injection. It's too soon to know if it helps - apparantly I will feel worse before it feels better!

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,424
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    edited November 2024 #61296

    That’s really good news about your brother @Oneputt I hope your other brother is doing ok as well. We have lost a few of our favourite non touring holiday stops as well @DEBSC, a lovely B&B in Warkworth, and a very nice holiday cottage just outside Penzance. Mind, we did find another stunning cottage last December, North Wales, not far from Caernarfon. There are some really nice places to stay nowadays. Have never used Airbnb, much prefer to go to owners direct if possible.

    We have a Storm warning for this weekend, Storm Bert apparently. Just waiting for OH to return back from our local garage with Jeep. It’s MOT day🤞Edit…………yay, it passed👏👏

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,926
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    edited November 2024 #61297

    Congratulations on your anniversary @richardandros. Glad to hear the good news about your brother @Oneputt - all good wishes for continued improvement for both. I thjnk arthritis and joint wear is taking it's toll on many of us @Goldie146 and @DavidKlyne. I was fortunate to have had two knee and two shoulder replacements several years back. It seems so much more difficult to get them done these days. Carol is struggling to with knees, hips and back and walks sith a stick now. Pain management is really difficult even with monitoring and advice from the pain clinic.... it's just a waiting game for replacement surgery.

    The good news is that .ost of yesterdays snow has gone! Just off to take the final practice with Tamworth U3A choir before our concert, and then back cor abbey choir practice late... 🙂


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,176
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    I have had a steroid injection in a knee and it did provide relief for a 2/3 months. I don't recall there being any initial consequences but of course we are all different. Hope it makes a difference for you.


  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    Odd jobs planned for today but must get on with purchasing Christmas gifts, if only our six grandchildren would give us some clues. So much easier when they were young and we could buy them toys, they were never short of ideas.

    I do so agree DEBSC about finding gifts for grandchildren. 2 of ours are youngsters but the other 5 are older and much more difficult! Not helped by the fact that 5 of them live in Hong Kong and Macau, we also have 2 in Hertfordshire (18 and 16) and our granddaughter there has been helpful telling us about the Taylor Swift hoodie she wanted, that we have now purchased, at great expense; no wonder Taylor is so rich!!! Our grandson is ‘thinking about it’. The ones abroad we have sent small things for each and we will be giving money to them from now on. The oldest is 21, then 19 and 15, last year it was costing us more to post them gifts than it cost to buy them and we would rather they had the money not the Post Office. The Macau ones are 5 and nearly 2 so our son will be buying them something from us. We have been invited down to Hitchin for Christmas this year so that will be fun. Our grandson has a girlfriend now so I will have to buy her something as well. On top of this 3 grandchildren and 3 family members have birthdays in January so it’s always an expensive time of year.

    Many congratulations on your Silver Wedding Anniversary Richard and Ros. I haven’t worked out the red name thing yet! Hope you have a good weekend and you can get the caravan heater sorted out next week.

    Sorry to hear of the painful joint conditions for some of you, it’s very frustrating and debilitating having to deal with it, and with the attendant waiting for solutions. My left hip replacement was over 2 years ago, and I am extremely grateful for having it done, the other one is now playing up but I will manage it for now.

    Take care this weekend everyone and let’s hope Storm Bert goes away quickly, at least it will get warmer.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    edited November 2024 #61300

    Well, I’m not sure what happened here but I just spent 15 minutes writing some ‘ interesting’ stuff 🤣 and it seems to have completely disappeared!!! Oh well, not doing it all again. Anyway one of the items was a Congratulations to you Richard and Ros on your Silver Wedding Anniversary, hope you have a lovely weekend and you get the caravan heater sorted out quickly next week.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,424
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    your post did display heddlo, but seems to have gone now. Did you try and edit it at all?

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    Good news, at least 50% good news, @Oneputt. Hope other Brother is being well looked after.

    Always difficult when they live a distance away. I had to have a conversation with my older brother, who has numerous health issues, a while ago. He's on his own now in France and my other brother is executor of his will but older brother hadn't got around to leaving full details of how to access everything, who his solicitor was, passwords for computers etc. Fortunately France has come to its senses and extended their all too brief mandatory 5 working day after death cremation/burial rules to 2 weeks so if push came to shove I might be able to get over to help younger brother as he has little French.

    I'm not showing my wedding photos. I don't even recognise the 2 people in them!😱 Congrats to both @richardandros.

    Still blooming cold here. Slight thaw but there's still snow on The Van's roof. Slush on the ground. How can they name a Storm Bert? Bert is the sort of friendly chap behind the bar or driving the school bus not some weather thug.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    yes I did. Was that it? There was nothing earth shattering, just commenting. As I say I can’t remember what it was all now.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,834
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    Thank you all for your kind wishes. Finding those photos was a bit of a shock - I certainly don't look like that any more - my beard is now white!! Suppose we're a bit old to be just having our Silver Anniversary, but as I'm sure you've all guessed, we are 'second time arounders'!

    @Goldie146 - hope you soon feel better - we both know how debilitating it can be. Ros had a new knee 15 years ago and never looked back but now her other one is giving her pain and both my knees are limiting how far I can walk. Let's hope the injection gives you some relief. I sometimes wonder if I'm paying the price for all the 20/30 mile hikes and rock climbing I did as a teenager - takes me all my time to get upstairs, these days🙄

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,756
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    Congratulations Richard and Ros time flies by ours this year was 53 years.

    Had an awful day of weather yesterday rain and very strong winds and ended up the sat dish had moved so watched prerecorded programmes, this morning OH went to sort dish out all ok now and then said to me that our metal arch with two climbing Jasmines had blown over so we had to sort that out by cutting through all the metal frames and now the plants are resting on a unused small portable raised bed to be dealt with later.

    Have booked 2 cottages for Autumn next year 1 in Dorset and 1 in Devon and have booked ferry day sailing from Cherbourg to Portsmouth a different route for us and different ferry and back via Portsmouth to St. Malo and another new ferry, will have local trips over here with the caravan next year.

    We are away over the festive season further north from here so looking forward to that and a change of scenery.

    Have a good weekend folks.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,424
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    edited November 2024 #61306

    @ heddlo I thought you might have used the edit function. If you click on your avatar, it will tell you if you have a Draft post that hasn’t been posted yet. Click on Draft, and it might open it up, if it does, and all is well, then press the red Post/saved box as usual.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,846
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  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    Congratulations @richardandros on your silver wedding anniversary. Super photographs. I hope you're enjoying a lovely day.

    @Oneputt good news for your brother may he continue to recover. Fingers crossed that the other is progressing.

    @Goldie146 🤞you feel the benefit of the injection very soon.

    @Takethedogalong sounds like your OH is recovering well. Good news on MOT pass.

    WWe Had some form of precipitation overnight. Very light snow or rain which left the hard surfaces really lethal this morning. A neighbour commented on the number of school children tumbling as they passed their house! Was 6c but noon, down side of that was the field was getting sticky as we returned from our walk about 0930, pavements hadn't improved much!

    Quick food shop for fresh bits. Met a couple of ladies for cuppa and catch up which was nice. Had someone in to clean the oven 😉😀, so they'll be no burning smells when I turn it on now. Indulgent but once a year means it's not outrageously expensive. I use the airfryer for most things when there's just us 2, so fuel bill saving 😉...…

    Good to read others news,hope I haven't forgotten someone! @Hja hope you find missing post. Maybe the draft feature will prove useful

    Watch out for Bert over the weekend

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited November 2024 #61309

    Back to our usual 12 days in Portinscale, a good drive across and now enjoying the traditional (to us) first mince pie of the season.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,424
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    I am guessing that’s Barnard Castle, and the A66 Corners? Beautiful photos, it’s a very scenic road is that one, particularly if you are driving West. Hope the weather stays kind, and you have a good time. We have really missed being out and about these last few months😢

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,424
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    @Bakers2 thank you, he is doing very well. His birthday/Xmas present arrived this morning and I let him open it, but am supervising it’s usage at the moment…….a Smart bike trainer. He can pound away with impunity up in the attic now, does all sorts of global rides, all in the warmth and with tea on tap🤭 At least it is smaller than another bike🤣

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    OOK @Takethedogalong - not highlighted 🫣

    Where's the photo??

    Lucky chap your man.....

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited November 2024 #61313

    It might appear my post went into wherever lost emails and posts go?

    Yes breakfast stops at Barnard Castle.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited November 2024 #61315

    Sorry about that but I think I've discovered a new error? I tried editing a picture, replacing it with another then I got a 'cannot assign propertyboot' message' and I couldn't then save anything and it all disappeared?@Rowena might be worthwhile looking at this?

    Anyway yes breakfast stops at Barnard Castle. Not too bothered about the weather, we're stocked up with goodies for the a few days.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,424
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    really like Barnard Castle, a proper picturesque market town. Yes, we love Winter holidays as well. You can’t beat being out and about in the day, then back home to your cosy cottage and some nice food.

    This was the view from ours last year, just outside Waunfawr, looking down to Anglesey with Caernarfon Castle towards the right hand middle distance.

    We had some good weather, but the one day it did rain, we took a drive around Snowden, spectacular with all the waterfalls in full spate.

    This is taken from Dolbadarn Castle, looking over at some of the slate quarries at Llanberis. We had a great afternoon at the National Slate Museum, very interesting.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    Yes TDA just being away is enough. Great photos you've taken there.

    Heavy snow - bring it on!

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,424
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    @Cornersteady oh yes, we love snow. Great if you have the vehicle to cope with it, and don’t do anything daft. Couple of years ago, we stayed up literally on Hadrian’s Wall, about half a mile from the Sill. First night, absolute blizzard. Wifi down, power off, our host was really worried for us, but we just lapped it up. Candles, warm duvets, gas cooker. We survived. It had all gone in a day🤣

    Toilet block at Housesteads, a bit basic🤣

    Nosy neighbours🤣

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,124
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    @richardandros congratulations on your wedding anniversery, grand photos.

    @Cornersteady enjoy your stay in the Lakes, safe driving in the snow. Lovely photos too, as are Tda's. For some reason I can't get @ to work again now, just like @Bakers2 ......Very strange goings on!!

    Good news that one of your brothers is out of hospital @Oneputt, hope it is not too long before your motherboards too.

    Very pleased to read that your OH is doing well, @Takethedogalong and that the Jeep last it's MOT. (Every time I try to post you via @ I get a few images but not yours for some reason and the the letters get mangled up)

    We had a light fall of snow late last night which froze overnight so some of the paths round here were quite icy, although the roads were clear. Had a drive into town to try and sort out a problem with our wifi, but without success, then took a walk around Pleasington playing fields, which thankfully were frozen, so good and hard, as it was obvious that they had been very wet. We are on a CL we have often used when visiting our daughter, and I was most surprised to find that it was still at £15 pn, not many at that price these days for H/S and EHU.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,424
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    Bert has arrived🫣 Foul here, freezing rain. Day off for me today but we won’t be going anywhere until this evening. Our niece has organised a memorial evening for her Dad (OHs eldest brother) He sadly passed away many years ago, and it would have been his 80th birthday this weekend. He was a teacher at the School which I actually went to in my early teens, so be nice to get back inside and have a poke around. It’s still got the old buildings I can remember at it’s core, it was an all girls High School in my days, and I have some lovely memories of being there. One of OH’s older sister’s was there a couple of years above me, so she is coming along as well, and another SIL. It’s a nice walk through our big Park to get there, but if the weather is this bad later, won’t be wanting to arrive like drowned rats, so shall hoik the Jeep out.

    Rest of day will be spent sorting and packaging my handmade jewellery efforts, a new shop has offered me space!

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    Last night we went to Settle to see a band we had never heard off but they looked interesting on the venue’s website- Blackbeards Tea Party. I think they’re a crossover between folk and glam rock. It was a bit different to what we’ve been to before, but we enjoyed it. The only problem was maybe our age as it was very load and we couldn’t always hear the words. So I bought some CD’s off the merch stall and we can listen at home with the sound down a bit. The road home was a bit iffy but there was little traffic and everyone was driving sensibly.

    Today is appalling - heavy rain and strong winds. So we will be mostly eating porridge and soup and staying in till milking time.