What are you all up to
Same to you DSB. Hope all goes to plan with the switch.
Quiet day for me, at home. Just pottering around in between video calls. OH has moved Wards, so going to have to track him down tomorrow. Nice day here, sunny, but it’s turning chillier now. Cannot recall last time we had any rain. Seem strange watering Winter pots. Already have some bulbs coming through.
K, if you are around, did you see my reply re the mushrooms in the bark on the gardening thread?
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What new forum? What have I missed?
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It’s the big change over to the new style forum Millie. Ro has opened a thread about it. Some of us tested out the new format a couple of months ago. I found it very good. Hopefully lots of things will migrate over, but the layout is a bit different. Better photo posting and following threads though👍
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It was announced in How to Use Club Together. It closes today and the new forum should appear on Thursday. Not sure how the new log in will work as its separate from the Clubs main website but no doubt there will be a link.
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Been busy whilst waiting to come back on line. Two long walks of nearly 6 miles each along Brendon Marches. Plenty of gardening, now more or less ready for the winter dormant period. Lots of admin done, photos in some sort of order, looking forward to posting stories and wildlife photos. Now to exploring the rest of the site
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Well - here it is and looking very much like the test version. @Takethedogalong - is your OH home yet? - I do hope so and that he makes a speedy recovery.
I'm sitting here in Kirby Stephen having had a busy and expensive day at the dealers, yesterday, having the van service done. Brakes re-lined and Jon - their brilliant technician found a defective wheel bearing (which many would have missed). Dread to think of the possible consequences of that being missed. Fortunately, they had one in stock so all now sorted. 6 years old (almost) and all the damp readings were under 10% which was brilliant especially considering the time of year. Off home tomorrow, so all sorted for another year.
Had a pleasant surprise this afternoon - got my renewal notice for the van insurance (via CAMC) and it's exactly the same as last year's premium - that was a relief😀
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@milliehull you can now use the key
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Yes, it does look like the test version, @Takethedogalong & @richardandros. (Just practising my @ links 🙂).
Hope all are well after a 'couple of days off'.
I'll try and pop back in after tonights practice... to see how folk are doing with the 'new forum'.
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just testing quotes
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And I went out to Gibside today just to get some photos to test out posting them! One is medium, one is small - when selecting them to post that is.
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Aha……….looks like things are up and running🥳 Yes, thank you, OH came home Tuesday, we had a day at home yesterday, and just got back from blood tests and a surgical clinic this afternoon. Thankfully managed to miss the worst of the M1 traffic. OH now snoozing with his feet up, the stove is lit. He is doing really well, so huge thank you once again to the NHS, this time Leeds.
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Beautiful photos Corners👍 The Autumn colours are spectacular this year, even our drive down the M1 this afternoon was lovely and colourful.
Trying to remember how to do things on here🤔😁
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Lovely photos CS. Did you have to resize them?
It's taken me ages to sort this out and find my way here😒. Hopefully I will get better in time.
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Thank you, I must confess though that I used an old trick to get the camera to 'notice' the colours and that is to set the white balance to 'shade', then what your eye sees in replicated in the camera.
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Thought I would use the opportunity of the new forum to post some pictures of my latest jigsaws. Not long ago I discovered a Facebook Group on Jigsaw Puzzles and I was a bit surprise to discover you can get puzzles with 42,000 pieces, I think I shall stick to my usual 1000 piece puzzles, easier to deal with!
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I am finding it really difficult to find this thread when I log on. It's taken me ages so I am not sure I will have the time in future. Any tips anyone? Also changing my password took about half an hour. Not a success for me at the moment.
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Yes, took me a good while too.
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You have obviously been successful. The new forum is separate from the main Club website so that was the reason for a new sign in. Complicated no doubt by the need for a longer and more complicated password?
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Millie, click on “Discussions” on the top bar, it lists those that are the busiest. You should also get your own My Discussions list come up on the right of the page, if this helps. I am having to re learn what we did on the trial, but trust me, it does get easier😁
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Just in case anyone is having problems finding out how to do things, or why you need to change your password, there are links to show how to do it. To save trying to find them……..
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I went to GP surgery this morning to discuss the blood test results of my annual review - mixed results but better than last year. My cholestral results are down on last year but still not low enough. I cant take statins as they really upset me so I was given something else. Hope it works with no nasty side effects. The good news is that my blood sugars are down so I am no longer pre-diabetic. This afternoon we went on one of our U3A visits to Maxey church. The church is about a mile outside the village because the Danes burnt and destroyed the village in the 10th century. Lots of interesting historical facts. However they have a lot of stuctural problems which is going to cost a fortune.
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Thank you tda. I have found that if I click on the tab on the right I get an email notification of new posts to that discussion which will save time looking for it.
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How many little icons do folks have in the bottom left of their leave a comment box? I only have two at the moment, the smiley face emoji one, and a box with two arrows in it, which I think is to insert media. Do others have the mountain one to post photos, and the @ one to respond to someone?
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Nothing out of the ordinary has happened since the change to the new forum. Most of the stock is inside now and we are on a winter work schedule - i.e mainly hedgelaying.
But the weekend is beckoning and it's the start of a rub of gigs. Bellowhead at Harrogate tomorrow, and Oysterband back home in Kendal the day after.
And to make use of the new photo feature - some of our heifers. Large size - just because I can!
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That’s worthy of inclusion on any calendar of Beautiful Britain Goldie👍