How To Guides

Rowena Administrator, Club Member, Staff Posts: 278 admin
100 Likes 100 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper
edited November 2024 in How to use Club Together #1

We're excited to have you here on our new forum. To make your experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible, I've prepared some How-To Guides for you. Be sure to check out our "Where To Start" section as well. Happy exploring!


  • Rowena
    Rowena Administrator, Club Member, Staff Posts: 278 admin
    100 Likes 100 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper
    edited November 2024 #2

    How to Navigate the New Profile Area of Club Together

    You Can Make Your Profile Private or Public

    Your Profile is Automatically Public: How to Make it Private

    By default, your profile is set to public, allowing other community members to view your posts and interests, helping you connect and form friendships. If you prefer more privacy, you can easily change your profile to private, ensuring that your information is only visible to you.

    Steps to Make Your Profile Private:

    1. Click your profile picture on the top right hand side.
    2. Select the person symbol to access the dropdown menu.
    1. Choose "Edit Profile" to enter the Account and Privacy Settings. Here you will see the fields for your username, email and password. This is also where you can also change your password.
    1.  Find the "Display my profile publicly" checkbox. It will be ticked to make your profile visible to others. Simply untick it to keep it private.

    Your profile will then display to others with the message: "This user's profile is private." and no one else can view your profile.

    Activity Feed

    The activity feed is your personal hub for interaction. Here, you can post updates and see posts from others. You can also manage comments people have left on your feed by removing any that you deem unnecessary.

    Additionally, the activity feed displays your forum activity, including posts and discussions you've participated in. This feature keeps you connected and engaged with the community.

    * Please note, it won’t display any activity here from the old forum. Only new posts you make on the new forum. You can see older posts however in the comments section. 

    About Me Information

    The "About Me" section is where you can express yourself and share your interests. Although completing these fields is optional, it can enhance your profile by providing other members with insights into your personality and interests.

    To Edit Your About Me Information:

    1. Go to Edit Profile under Privacy & Account Settings.
    2. Click on "Edit profile fields" on the right-hand side.
    3. Fill in the questions you wish to answer or leave blank those you prefer not to share.
    4. Only the questions you have answered will appear on your profile. 


    Reactions serve as feedback on your posts, showing how many likes or helpful votes you've received. This feature helps you gauge the impact and reach of your contributions within the community.


    Badges are recognition of your accomplishments and participation in the community. They appear on the right-hand side of your profile, offering a visual summary of your achievements and encouraging further engagement.

    Profile Picture

    Your profile picture is a key aspect of your online identity. To update it:

    1. Click your profile picture.
    2. Select the person symbol to open the dropdown menu.
    3. Choose "Edit Profile" and then "Change my picture" on the right-hand side.
    4. From here, you can upload a new picture, remove the existing one, or adjust your thumbnail by selecting a specific part of the image.


    To review your past contributions, click on "Comments" from the list on the right-hand side. This allows you to track your interactions and revisit previous discussions.


    Notification preferences are crucial for staying updated on content that matters to you. Manage your settings to receive popup notifications, ensuring you never miss important updates.

    Access and Manage Notification Preferences:

    1. Click your profile picture which will take you to Account & Privacy Settings.
    2. Select "Notification Preferences" from the right-hand list.
    3. Customise your preferences by checking the Popup box for each type of community content. Changes are saved automatically.

    By following this guide, you can efficiently manage your profile, engage with the community, and tailor your experience on Club Together to your liking.


    You can see the email you have registered with in your profile area. This is not displayed publicly. You can change the email address here if you would like to.

    Screen Name

    Your screen name is what displays when you make a post or take part in any other activity on the forum. It will remain the same if your account was transferred over form the previous forum. If you are new to the forum you will select your profile when registering. You can't change your screen name yourself after registering but you can contact us to help on

  • Rowena
    Rowena Administrator, Club Member, Staff Posts: 278 admin
    100 Likes 100 Comments Photogenic Name Dropper

    How to upload an image

    It's now much easier to upload your photos into discussions. Here's how:

    Access the Comment Box

    Begin by navigating to the "Leave a comment" section in the relevant discussion.

    Upload Your Image

    1. Click on the small mountain icon located in the bottom left of the comment box in the toolbar. If you hover over this icon, you will see the label "Upload a photo."
    2. A file selection window will open. Choose the image you want to upload from your files. Remember, it is essential to ensure you have the copyright to the image you are uploading and permission of anyone featured in the image.
    3. Image Placement and Editing:
      • Once uploaded, the image will appear in the comment box.
      • At the top of the image, you will find several symbols (see below)
    • Alignment: Click on this to choose how your image appears in the comment—centred, floated left, or floated right.
    • Size: Select the display size of the image by clicking on the below symbol; options typically include small, medium, or large. We recommend using small or medium for posts to maintain readability.


    • Accessibility: Add alt text to your image by clicking the symbol below, which is important for accessibility. Alt text provides a description of the image for those using screen readers, helping them to understand the content even without seeing it.


    • Delete: If you wish to remove the image completely from the comment, this option is available before you post. Just click the symbol below.

    Add Text to Your Comment

    You can insert text before or after the image in your comment. This allows you to provide context or additional information related to the image.

    Finalise Your Comment

    1. Once you are satisfied with your comment and image, you have two options:
      • Save Draft: If you want to return and finalise your comment later, press the "Save Draft" button.
      • Post Comment: To make your comment with the image appear immediately in the discussion, click on the "Post Comment" button.

    Editing Your Post

    • After posting, you have up to an hour to make any necessary changes. This window allows you to review and refine your content for accuracy and completeness.
    • To edit your post, navigate to the three dots on the top right of your post and select edit. 
    • Make any necessary changes, whether it's adjusting the text, image alignment, size, or alt text or removing the image completely. 
    • Once satisfied with your edits, save the updated post to ensure the changes are applied.

    By following these steps, you can effortlessly enhance your discussions with images, ensuring they are accessible and engaging for all participants.

This discussion has been closed.