What are you all up to
Some photos from today's walk along the seafront at whitley Bay.
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Love the photos, Corners, especially no. 3 - one very wet - and very happy doggy
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I wonder if those guys on the Harleys were on the huge rally that drove along the sea front passing the WNs and ourselves we met up at Rhos on Sea earlier in the year?
We'd had another hard overnight frost when we got up this morning, severe enough to freeze the water on the service pitches, which are just that bit higher than the main site, much to the chagrin of those pitched up there!! As the sun was up it soon cleared and we had a lovely warm sunny day. We drove up to the top car park above Trelkeld and took the old mine track around Bowscale Fell last Max's memory wood. The views were excellent although the trees have yet to attain their full autumn colours yet, unlike those we saw up in Scotland. After lunch we had another short walk on Mungrisdale Common, although we had intended heading towards Keswick, but bridge repairs had caused a long queue of traffic heading that way so we turned East instead of west.
A couple of photos, one from yesterday from near the site and the second from our lunchtime seat today.
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Lovely photos, those big Harley’s are superb. Sunday ride out I am guessing.
Quiet couple of days here, shingles vacc for both of us yesterday, then got up this morning to a pipe leaking under sink.😡 Luckily, I keep all our bottles under there in a couple of plastic boxes, but it’s ruined all but four dishwash tablets. We think it’s an old seal that has given up the ghost on the u bend. It will get replaced today.
MH is due its MOT next month, so we are off to investigate a potential new local independent garage today. Has to have entrance tall enough to get her in. We will have had MH ten years this November, and she has never failed an MOT🤞
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We had a nice day out yesterday, although a long one. We left home at 10.30 and didn’t get back until 8.45pm, partly due to overnight road closures and diversions on the North Devon Link road, they have been upgrading this road for years now, well behind with the finish and not sure it will be worth it. We went to Exeter, then called in at IKEA there on the way home.
A bit of shopping in Exeter but mostly browsing, a nice light lunch in John Lewis, restaurant it was packed as usual. A little shopping in Lakeland. Then on later to IKEA, a good mooch around OH managed to get what he needed and then off to the restaurant for the famous meatball meal, which were excellent. Surprised how many families with young children were there but with a kids meal for £1.95 it’s great value and very good food. Arrived home and flopped with aching feet.
I picked up a M&S magazine with their Christmas food, not sure who they are aiming at but one would need to take out a mortgage for some of it. Turkey pie £45 and roast carrots £8! They are 59p in Tesco, put a bit of honey on and roast and pretty much the same.
Lovely photos of others breaks away, especially always love to see photos of the Lake District.
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I am sure we have all had a few moans about the NHS in recent years but I come with more positive feedback. Back during Covid Margaret discovered a round mark on her head which looked a bit odd. Because of the problems of seeing a GP at the time we sent him a photograph but despite the restrictions she actually had an appointment. His view was that it was nothing sinister. Role forward four years and we notice changes in the mark so off back to see the same doctor who was a bit more concerned about it this time so he arranged an urgent appointment at the Dermatology Department at MK Hospital. Its almost two weeks to the day from seeing the GP that we arrived for the hospital appointment which is pretty good service. The lovely lady doctor reassured Margaret that it was not sinister and there was nothing to worry about. It has a long name which I don't think I can pronounce let alone spell!!! So relief all round. Shame her hip problems couldn't be dealt with as quickly.
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A different day weatherwise, with a dull start but no frost. We packed up and were away before 10:00, arriving home a couple of hours later without any holdups. I put the heating on when we got in and all seemed fine while OH did the first round of washing any I emptied the van, but when we sat down for lunch it was apparent that the heating had stopped working for some reason. Contacted our boiler insurers and they have arranged for a service engineer to come round in the morning so we have resorted to our backup heating! Hopefully it is nothing serious and we can get away again as hoped next Monday.
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"so he arranged an urgent appointment at the Demonology Department at MK Hospital"
Don't think we have one of those at Hull Royal, David
Good news, though
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Opps, that was a bit of a mistake!!! I don't quite know what went wrong there? It was a long day.
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Fingers crossed you get off Nellie🤞 That’s a very funny typo DK, glad things were ok😁
I am just watching our very elderly hound here demolishing a cardboard box🤣 It’s good to see he can still take pleasure in puppy stuff, he’s so funny. We want him tired out, leaving him at home today for a couple of hours while we meet up with some friends for lunch.
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School holiday week here, family have gone off to Disneyland Paris for a few days, along with all SIL’s family, 10 of them in total. Luckily they are having lovely weather so far.
It has been a busy week so far, and this is only Wednesday. Monday we had to look after Callum as the parents had a funeral to attend, OH had optician in the afternoon, then we had to fetch Nathan from nursery.
Tuesday I had to take the 4 of them to the airport, so that was a 6.30 am start, then we had the dentist at 11.15.
Today I was booked to wait at DD’s empty flat for a new fridge/freezer to be delivered between 8 and 11 am, so another 6.30 am start. However, the delivery van has a puncture so is delayed, maybe even cancelled, still waiting for an update. Tomorrow is not really convenient for the delivery as we already have plans, so just hope they can still fit it in today.
Friday the holidaymakers return, so another trip to the airport for me, this time in the evening.
OH is waiting for me at DD’s house, I will take the bus back there eventually, no sensible parking where the flat is.
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A warm part of day today so OH got ride on mower out did quite a good part of ground done but have left part to grow more over the Winter time and I did hand mowing and some strimming looks a lot better now and now it has gone very cloudy a few spots of rain but more overnight and stormy day tomorrow so inside chores instead and friends popping over pm as they want to leave a few bits and pieces with us whilst they are in UK for the winter.
Did some shopping pm and trip to skip area gosh very busy everybody getting gardens etc sorted, met a lady in Carrefour whose was making her way north with a friend in their motorhome had a 230km trip to their overnight stay and they sail back to UK next Tuesday and said they have enjoyed their first time over here but not used to shops shutting at lunchtime and we wished them a safe trip back and said watch out for storms in next 48 hours which they did not know about.Had a laugh about DK's word and OH said that is a new one he has not heard before ha ha.
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An early rise for us as we didn't know when the service engineer would arrive, and it was a good job that we did as he was sat outside waiting before his 8:00 start. Job sorted quickly, as nothing more serious than a drop of pressure in the systems, which should it happen again I now know how to rectify. It was raining lightly when we got and it got steadily heavier during the day, so a number of wet walks out with Flute for us.
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I assume its a Combi boiler? I usually have to repressurise at the start of the heating season. Our boiler is upstairs and I was told by a gas engineer that boilers in that situation are more inclined to lose a bit of pressure. Whilst I can repressurise ours it is a bit fiddly, perhaps some boilers are easier than others. I have to insert a key to unlock the supply and then release a screw fitting. Some boilers have ready installed taps which is easier although there is a greater danger someone might not turn off the supply once pressurised. What I like about the Combi systems is that it is a sealed system so you can turn off the mains water as an extra safety and the boiler will still work.
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"Some boilers have ready installed taps which is easier "
yes ours is a combi with this type of system, very easy to top up the pressure, not that i have had to do it very often, interestingly if you have a boiler maintance contract with Corgi and you call re this problem, they will try to give you instructions over the phone as to how to resolve it.
glorious day agen, had lots of rain overnight this week but the days have been relatively dry warm with some sun. Some folk swimming in the Solent yesterday, but too cold for me now, getting soft in my dotage.
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Friends of ours have had a new boiler system fitted two weeks ago and gosh it is the size of a small fridge with chimney vent to outside there is a large condenser by the side of it so OH had a look at instructions to set it up for whilst they are away in the winter their fitters a married couple said that combi boilers are not used much over here although theirs is not possibly a version with combi in other countries but it is a lot smaller than their previous system which was German and it was huge at 2-2.5 square metres although with this system they have a free standing hot water tank which they had installed last year as they needed hot water for their b&b guests so have kept that system which is electric and they do have a lot more room in their boiler room plus a few other things in there.
Awaiting the storm forecast for today sometime this afternoon with a lot of rain in the forecast yuck get the wellies out.
Housework this morning and a few other chores including feed the birds.
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Many thanks to the NHS for keeping me going. Unfortunately Mrs.WN still testing positive some 10 days later! Both of us rather tired but we'll be fine. Dying to get out and about again.
Had a day of catching up with all of the paperwork I left to one side as it's a busy time of year for various renewal of covers. Not touched anything for well over a week.
Somehow, MiL escaped the Covid (to date). As she's just had a booster we're hoping she's super immune at present.
Apologies for missing any important news, if I have that is.
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Kjell and David, it is a Vailent Combi boiler which has a lever on its underside, protected by a removable cover, that just needs pushing to return the pressure to its correct level. We have not identified the reason for the drop in pressure but as David found it may be because we had not used the heating up till we got home on Tuesday.
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Good to hear that you are over the infection WN, and hope that Mrs WN has soon recovered. Pleased to read that your MIL has avoided catching it, so far at least.
Another early rise as we had to be at our doctor's surgery by 8:30 for our Flu and Covid injections. So far no I'll effects apart from the usual "heavy" arms, OH's especially, which is not unusual. Numerous jobs done round town, since we were down that way, before a taking Flyte for a walk in the park, and home by 11:00. It stayed fine and relatively warm but not good enough to put any washing out to dry. I had an afternoon trip to the local recycling centre with a load of garden waste before hoovering the car out. Getting bits ready for our next trip and hopefully I will be cleaning the inside, if not the outside, of the caravan tomorrow.
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Our heating has not been on for a couple of days as its been relatively warm. Having seen your post I decided to check my boiler and I can see that on the gauge the arrow is somewhere between zero and one, I don't seem to get it much higher than one or one and half when I do repressurise it. Perhaps when the heating is on check the radiators just incase one needs to be bled. Our boiler is in an airing cupboard next to the shower room. The nearest radiator is the tall heated towel rail and I sometimes notice that its cold at the top so I have to bleed it but then I know I have to readjust the pressure. Your system seem easier to deal with than mine?
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DK, the service engineer stated that the pressure should be just over 1 when not in operation, as it will creep up as the water in the system will expand as it heats up.
I did bleed the system, after the boiler had been on for an hour, at the pair of radiators upstairs which were not heating up properly, and I guess that letting out quite a lot of air contributed to the fall in pressure. It has appeared to be working fine today, thankfully.
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Had my car MOT’d on Tuesday, it passed with flying colours, no advisories.
Booked a trip to Rookesbury this coming Sunday that will be the seventh time this year!
Also booked Barleywood for half term, looking forward to some more Easterly winds and lots of rarity's2 -
Returning to some sort of normality, so I offered to take MiL to the large M&S at Cheshire Oaks. The 2 of us set off and some ground rules were made, mainly so I could find the little devil later on as I needed to get some clothes from the first floor. Getting her to wear an Orange Gilet did the trick.
She seemed to enjoy it as it is spacious and not much foot traffic. We had a pleasant cuppa before heading home to a sniffling OH. There was a goodly amount of washing hung out in the sun and breeze and it had dried by early afternoon.
Weather on the change.
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You do make me smile WN. Maybe try reins or a megaphone to find her and keep her in check when shopping. She does sound a spry lady for her age. It also sounds as though you have a very good relationship, which is lovely. Hope that your OH is better soon.
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"Booked a trip to Rookesbury this coming Sunday that will be the seventh time this year!"
careful OP, weather forecast for Sunday down here not great, I know the site is in a dell hole and well sheltered, but last time i was there it was all grass and we are forecast for a lot of rain, but good luck, enjoy.
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Glad you are feeling well enough to get out and about again WN and that you managed to keep track of MIL in her bright orange gilet! I hope your OH feels better soon. Covid sometimes takes it's time and we felt tired for some while afterwards.
I decided to have a wander round the one and only M&S left here (on a retail park out of town) this morning and only came away with a pack of socks. I was most disappointed with their offering this autumn. I wanted a jumper but nothing there that I fancied. The car park and shop we very busy presumably because it is the only one left here now. We then spent a very fruitful afternoon in the garden doing some tidying and more cutting back which now looks a lot better and almost ready for winter. It was lovely out there in the autumn sunshine. We sat out there and had a cup of tea and it was really quite mild.
Enjoy your trip away OP.