What are you all up to



  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,425
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    edited October 2024 #60872

    Thanks Nellie, will take a look. No rush at the moment, we will get the Ninja for home first. Like you, we only use one electric item at a time. B&M sell some decent silicone liners👍 I got my Sis some.

    Enjoy North Berwick area, it’s one of our favourite areas.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited October 2024 #60873

    OH went off this morning for his appointment with the specialist, he got to the hospital early as parking is difficult. He arrived back home soon after and a bit sheepish.. his appointment is actually for tomorrow morning!

    Ive had a Blue Peter day, after buying new ‘caged’ bird feeders for the feed station the squirrels have now turned their attention to the bird table, so I cut up some plastic milk bottles and taped them to the wooden stand, then cut a lemonade bottle and bent the bottom outward making a kind of baffle and taped that on. I watched smiling, smug and very pleased with myself as one after the other they slid down the pole or simply didn’t even try to climb up. Then watched as one climbed up the rhododendron bush and did an impression of a flying squirrel landing on the wooden roof of the table, then another….Tomorrow we are moving the table but whether we can place it between the apple tree and the rhododendron with enough distance to keep them off is debatable. I’m determined to win but I must say I’m not totally confident. Woman versus squirrels. 

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,927
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    edited October 2024 #60874

    Nellie... She's bought the 'Pinch of Nom' Air Fryer recipe book.  Pinch of Nom are a series of books which have low calorie meals.  They are generally very tasty, so I look forward to her experimenting with the cake recipies  when we get home...  😀😀


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,927
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    edited October 2024 #60875

    I always use silicone liners on the Cadac.  Makes it so much easier to clean.  I've used them for years.  Will have to get some more for the Air Fryer.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,320
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    edited October 2024 #60876

    My sympathies to your OH, I hope he gets on well today.

    I did something similar last week..after a chat with GP they wanted to see OH, I suggested next day after his noon blood test. Yes 1215, thank you. Continued my day to realise at bedtime that 'tomorrow was Thursday not Friday! So we had trip to the GP 3 days on the trot!

    We had our flu jabs Saturday. Appointment booked for a time, but turn up anytime between 9-11. I presume they needed numbers and appointments would tell them. We had to queue outside. Our 1st time at this surgery. GP carpark not in use, but one at the small shopping centre rammed. Good system in one door, queuing inside until you reached the multi jabbing station.out through another door and no tangling of the in/out lines. All very efficient.

    What did strike me is the number of folk queuing, all eligible for the free jabs so over 66 or vunerable. Was a lovely morning so queuing outside not an issue. I love people watching and was amazed at queue pushers and jumpers for something that was free and a one off........ Heaven help us if there's an emergency - every man jack for themselves! By the time we left the stewards were diverting the queue around the carpark. Of course the car chaos was added to by those parking on the double yellow lines outside the surgery, just one with a blue badge. It's on a bend, a road that leads to a housing estate........ 

    That got me thinking about how lucky we are with our, new to us, GP fab service. They like to clear up the issue on the day if possible. This includes the initial call.  However, there is a development which has grown like tops since we arrived. 5,000 houses I believe. No GP or dental provision - I'll say no more........

    With regard to squirrels, we were delighted to discover we didn't have them here 😀. I do see them around and one has visited our garden. Luckily it appears it didn't suit it! You can win, but it's hard work, they're sneaky little devil's....

    We've had yet more rain. Can't be much left up there? Walking on bare soil results in mud snow shoes very quickly........

    Forecast showers today

    Enjoy your day folks

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,320
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    edited October 2024 #60877

    Airfryers we have the lakeland one. Bought on offer. It has a dividing drawer - half. It's great. I use silicone and metal containers. Cakes and scones are good......

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited October 2024 #60878

    Lying in bed. Covid has finally paid us a visit. We were put in contact with a Specialist Anti-Viral Unit due to my underlying kidney disease. They are treating me as High Vunerability, which will be news to my GPs as they don't even consider me to be vulnerable.

    Anyway Mrs. WN drove to Wrexham to pick up a 5 day course of rather frightening sounding meds. Does make you wonder when it says in the blurb "Do not take if you have severe kidney or liver disease". Damned if you do or damned if you don't.

    Mrs WN come down with it this morning. I wouldn't mind but we haven't mingled with anyone this last week. Hardly seen anyone to mingle with.

    Hope those away enjoying it.

    Give those squirrels hell DEBSC.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,835
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    edited October 2024 #60879

    Sorry to hear that WN - hope you are both soon fully recovered.  We had our Covid jabs last week and - although I have never had a reaction to it in the 7 times (I think) I have had it before - I have this time - big time.  Won't go into details but I've been spending an awful lot of time in the bathroom latelyfrown. Apparently, it's a common reaction - but considering the vaccine is called "Spikevax", I'm wondering if it's a new Mickey Mouse version that Del Boy's sellingsmile. Take care.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,320
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    edited October 2024 #60880

    Wherenext wishing you a speedy recovery. Like you we've dodged it so far 🤞. And similar to you discovered OH not on the vunerable list any more, he was!

    With regard to meds,I try not to read the contraindications ...... I do hope that you're OK with them in view of the kidney comments. 

    RichardandRos sorry to hear you've had a reaction to the Covid jab. I generally get some reaction to both flu and Covid jabs, luckily paracetamol keeps it OK for a day or 2. Not had the reaction you've had, but glad of the heads up as that's OH "s vunerable spot 😱.

    It's wet here, for a change! Got very damp on dog walking and we've had more since. That very fine, very heavy rain that makes everything wet...... Sun is trying, but I'm not expecting miracles

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,425
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    edited October 2024 #60881

    Oh bless you all WN. 😱 Hope things go well with the drugs. All I can say is it is different for everyone, and this new strain is rampant, like you we were hardly seeing anyone when I tested positive back in July. Mum’s GP told us that it didn’t seem to spread in households quite as much as the early version, (Mum and Sis, didn’t get it, nor did my OH) but that because few are now testing, most folks don’t know if they have it or not. Your GP needs a rocket for you not being classed as vulnerable. You should be able to get a small pack of test units free with their help. I am super wary of anyone with a cough or sneeze when out and about.

    OH and I had our Flu and COVID vacc last week. Luckily no reactions whatsoever for us. My OH is on High Vulnerability list. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,425
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    edited October 2024 #60882

    I wage the same war🤣 I watched one trying to kick the lid off our feeder, but this one is on tight. They used to just lift the lid off and tip out seed on our old one. We do have one feeder for them though, OH is far too soft. 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,177
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    edited October 2024 #60883

    Went for our Covid vaccinations at the OU today. All very well organised, plenty of parking and we both got in almost as soon as we arrived, so back sitting in the before our actual time! Just hope I don't get a reaction to it like last time. Mind you having had three vaccinations in the last week it might be difficult to work out which one caused any reaction?

    As far as squirrels are concerned I have conceded defeat and removed all my bird feeders. Not just because of squirrels but suddenly a lot less birds around for some unknown reason. We don't have grass so a lot of the seeds used to germinate in the gravel and on the adjacent border. Looking at the price of bird seed, particularly in Garden Centres its not a cheap hobby now!


  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited October 2024 #60884

    If you’re going to stop feeding then this is the time of year to do so, David. There’s plenty of natural food out there what with Autumn’s abundant pantry full at the moment. Incidentally, this is why many of us see a decline in the number of birds visiting our gardens at this time of year. They will only return if you once again put food out in the future but it may take time to tempt them back. Those greys are a pesky intruder I know but recently reds are appearing in new areas around the country with a little help from some rewilding projects.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,756
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    edited October 2024 #60885

    Sorry to hear some folks have Covid and hope you will soon feel better.

    We went shopping today in Villefranche and noticed a lot more folk mostly older folk are wearing masks again as the recent Covid variant is going around the country and will soon be half term here again and a lot of folks on the move due to all Saints day 1st November a lot of Chrysanthemums are for sale and the plastic ones as well which I not keen on, some of the local nurseries are full of pots of plants ready for that day.

    On the way today we stopped at a small town as OH could not get one of his meds yesterday so tried the Pharmacy and yes they had stock every month the same now know of at least 4 different pharmacies now.

    Agree with bird food prices got some more today gone up again but only doing sunflowers seeds at the moment with a tray full on the window sill and thankfully no grey squirrels here only red but they do not come to any bird feeders.

    Did notice that Lidl's have got their xmas stuff coming in so did get some chocolates as they were on special offer will have to hide them from OH as not sugar free ones ha ha.

    Hope to get our flu jab next week at Pharmacy we went to this morning as they do flu and Covid there but our Covid jabs due later in the year.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,846
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    edited October 2024 #60886

    WN I am so sorry to hear that you and Mrs WN have Covid and I do hope that it is not too bad and that you soon make a full recovery. Best of luck with your new meds. I am like bakers in that I try not to read all the contraindications when getting a new prescription but OH insists on reading all the small print.

    We went for our covid jabs (the Moderna) at the pharmacy this morning. They couldn't do the flu jab as well without an appointment so we will keep our appointment for those at the GP's in 10 days time. Lidl is right opposite the pharmacy so we did our shopping there on our way home. It is raining again here but luckily so far it is not as heavy as last night when it absolutely hammered it down and the roads were flooded again (blocked drains!)

    As to bird feeders, we put ours away a few months ago as they were only attracting the squirrel (only 1), the pigeons and the magpies. No little birds at all this year which is a great shame.

    We bought an air fryer last year, a two drawer Ninja, and wouldn't be without it. We use it most nights as we couldn't see the point of pre heating and using our big oven for just the two of us.

    Next door's roofers are still here. OH has now barricaded our front drive with our wheelie bins so they can't use it to park their vans and equipment on it as they had been doing. OH and our opposite neighbour (who used to be a builder at some point) have decided that they are a load of 'cowboys'. I feel so sorry for the ladies living next door and we feel they are being ripped off. 


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited October 2024 #60887

    Thank you and yes brutal is certainly the word, I can normally tolerate pain quite well but this was something else, it only lasted a few minutes but wow.  

    It's wonderful today being able to walk around again without any pain. It's a little sore but not that horrible stabbing, piercing pain that went with every step.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited October 2024 #60888

    Sorry you are unwell WNext hope it clears up soon.

    Living right alongside a 2 mile thick wood we get lots of birds and a huge variety and I spend quite a while watching them. I remove the feeders in summer but they are back now, it took a few days for the birds to find them again but they are back now. The tits, tree creeper and nuthatch are fine with the new caged feeders but the bigger birds, including a family of Jays and the little robins need the bird table. We haven’t moved it yet as it’s too wet and it’s pegged down. I don’t feel sorry for the squirrels as the large wood holds plenty of food for them at this time of year. Interesting to hear that the red squirrels don’t visit the bird feeders. Blooming idiot that brought these grey ones here.

    Millie, if your neighbours do find they have future problems with the work done they shouldn’t hesitate to contact your local Trading Standards. Hopefully though everything will be ok for them.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,425
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    edited October 2024 #60889

    😱Sounds awful.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,425
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    edited October 2024 #60890

    OH has always fed birds, but it can get expensive. He orders a bulk sack of quality food from Vine House Farm. Our squirrels are super fit and glossy🤔 I think there is a connection. I can cope with the squirrels, it’s our rat that I am waging war on😡 We have a big, live capture trap out at the moment, but Mr Super rat has obviously found a way of getting in, eating his fill and getting back out again. I am getting close to borrowing an air rifle……..l

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,425
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    edited October 2024 #60891

    Sounds a bad do next door Millie. I hope things go well for them.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,459
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    edited October 2024 #60892

    We’ve had to stop feeding birds because we realised we were making them targets for squirrels. A few times we witnessed squirrels pouncing on birds as they ate. I hadn’t realised until then that squirrels are omnivores. The birds will fend for themselves and we might have saved a few by not feeding them.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,846
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    edited October 2024 #60893

    Thanks for the tip about Trading Standards DEBSC. I will store that information away in case it is needed


  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited October 2024 #60894

    Yes, squirrels will eat birds, eggs and nestlings although they are not a major part of their diet. The domestic cat is by far a more significant predator killing many birds. 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,124
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    edited October 2024 #60895

    WN, sorry to hear that both you and Mrs WN are suffering from Covid, and hope that both of you are soon rid of it. 

    R&R, fingers crossed that your adverse reaction to the injections are soon over. Hopefully no-one else suffers after having their injections.

    So far we have avoided the virus, and perhaps the next round of jabs, which we get next week,  will continue to shield us from it. 

    We have moved further south, to the C&CC's Jedburgh site. We were able to get packed up in the dry but ran into rain soon after leaving Dunbar, and it has continued for most of the day, but thankfully much lighter here than in the route down. There are only 10 units on the site, with the majority being M/Hs, whereas at Dunbar there was a predominance of caravans.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,927
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    edited October 2024 #60896

    Well, we've had 'one of those days' today!!  Packed up at Bridlington CAMC site.  Got into the car ready to hitch up and...... no power at all - a completely flat battery!  Called Mayday/ Green Flag, who arived around 12.30pm.  They jump started the car, but confirmed that the battery was basically worn out and I needed a new one.  Once the car was started, I could drive it....  so we hitched up, drove from Bridlington to Tamworth, dropped of the caravan at the storeage and ended up at Halfords for a new battery.... making sure that we didn't switch off the car engine, until Halfords confirmed they had a battery.

    All sorted now, but it did  put us back, time wise, and it was around 6.30pm before we arrived home....


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,835
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    edited October 2024 #60897

    Sorry to hear about the  battery problems, David - but it serves as a timely reminder to me to do something about mine. I've had the Touareg from new and it's now over 9 years old - still with the original battery. Never had a car that long before but I'm reluctant to part with it because it's the best tow car I have ever had.

    No indication that there is anything wrong with the battery and our local garage just can't believe it's the original one - but it won't last forever and I think it would be sensible to change it before it has to work harder this winter.

    Trouble is - it's not as simple as yours to change.  The battery is under the front passenger seat and that has to come out firstfrown!


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,177
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    edited October 2024 #60898

    We can go several days without using the car so with our previous vehicle, especially in winter, could be difficult to start despite a recent battery. I got myself a power pack from Machine Mart, £60/70 from memory. Very easy to use it to start the car and it can be used for all sorts of other things as  charging your phone.


  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,756
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    edited October 2024 #60899

    Sorry to hear about folks and car batteries and can sympathise as we were going shopping yesterday and OH went to start the Landcruiser heyho flat battery and it has two so have the same piece of kit as DK it started and no problems for rest of trip but he will check batteries to see if one of them is failing as they were purchased together and Bosch ones 2nd time this has happened so part of his chores today.

    Well we had very strong winds last night so cars were moved out of reach of oak trees all ok this morning and only a small piece of branch down but other areas have had it very bad with flooding and a lot of trees down.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,927
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    edited October 2024 #60900

    That sound a good idea, David.  I may well look out for one of those!!


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    edited October 2024 #60901

    You may remember that I had to replace the one in our Touareg not so long ago, it is a pain that it is under the seat as it makes it a lengthy process.    

    After getting the seat loose, I was able to tip it back far enough to get the battery out and the new one installed, but I needed help as these batteries are very heavy.  I had to get our SIL to do the heavy lifting.