What are you all up to



  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,177
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    edited September 2024 #60692

    Wherenext:- It looks an interesting shop. Just looked them up and they have an online shop so that could come in useful, thanks. 

    Busy week so far with mundane things. On Monday had the alarm engineer out to the house. We had a massive thunder storm about a week ago. The alarm, whilst still in perfect working order, is quite old now and a storm can sometimes have a negative impact on it, especially when thunder is directly overhead! 

    Having had our decking done we are now searching for a structure/gazebo to go on top to give shelter from both the rain and sun. Our dilemma is whether to spend thousands on something that will look nice but probably never get the use to justify the money or go for a simpler Gazebo, probably something with a solid roof rather than canvas. Trouble is we seem to be out of the Gazebo season so may have to wait until after Christmas. Have seen one in IKEA but that was out of stock. Decisions, decisions?

    Nellie, hope you get your repair sorted quickly. Have to say I agree that Gaffer Tape might be a temporary solution so you can complete your trip. If it requires a new unit that might take some time to obtain?


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,862
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    edited September 2024 #60693

    RandR - It's ok Richard, I knew about him but the walled garden was closed on Tuesday and it was the day the ladies wanted to go. It appears that "Mouseman" Thompsons place has closures at the moment as well so another reason to return.

    DK - They had a reasonable variety of stock for all ages considering they are sited in a small Yorkshire town. A woman was buying 3 for her grand-triplets aged 5.

    Although a small town Easingwold has quite a number of impressive buildings and looked prosperous.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,320
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    edited September 2024 #60694

    Good to read of folks news, travels and see photos. 

    Still no baby news yet but with great timing grandson, aged 3.5, broke his arm yesterday. Well more precisely a crack on the pointy bit of elbow bone. Happened at nursery, boy being a boy...... He has had a good day a nursery, but seems not to have learnt - got told off a couple of times for climbing sealed

    Had to take Dora to the vet 🫣 as she's been scratching and rubbing her ear. Both a bit red and inflamed but no seeds thankfully. 

    Been a lovely day here but not until after 2pm, but cooling down quickly with a brisk breeze at times. 

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited September 2024 #60695

    We left home at 1 this afternoon and arrived here on site at 4 very good tow across even around Edinburgh was quiet. Site very busy but we managed to get a pitch with a great view although it did take a bit of levelling and ramps to get the van level but we did it. Weather was lovely bright blue skies and sunny so we went and got fish and chips for dinner. Not sure of our plans for the next few days hopefully just relaxing and hoping for some sun.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,128
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    edited September 2024 #60696

    Thanks for the advice etc, and I know that I could probably do a temporary repair with Gaffer Tape and carry on, but I do not want to have to worry about water ingress or of the cracks, as it appears to have already propagated through to the inner surface. It would be on my mind all of the rest of the time we would be away, not what I want from what is supposed to be relaxing time. I have in fact gaffer taped it up for the journey home over next two days, and will pop into the dealers on Friday to see what they say about using the van until they can do a proper repair. We may still get some more time away this Autumn. It has now been submitted to Swift as a warranty claim. I had to cancel 2 club sites, one from tomorrow, and a CL, so will be a bit out of pocket, a little like DK last year, but we will still be under £20 pn!

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited September 2024 #60697

    Wherenext we stayed on a farm just outside Easingwold in June. If you are looking for somewhere around there to have an evening meal I can recommend The Old Black Bull at Raskelf, we ate there twice as it was so good. Lovely atmosphere, nice landlord and staff and very good food. If only it was nearer to Devon. Best to book though if you are thinking of going.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,128
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    edited September 2024 #60698

    It turned into another fine sunny day after a cloudy start. After sorting out the cancellations and talking to the caravan dealer's we headed out to the NT's Llanerchaeron where we did the riverside walk before lunch and then visited the gardens,  lake and farm, but didn't bother with going into the house this time as it was too hot to leave Flyte in the car. As well as being a semi working farm there is also in the coach house and yard a collection  of old farm machinery. Have included a photo in memory of ABM., as well as one of the house.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,927
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    edited September 2024 #60699

    I was just wondering yesterday if you had any 'news', Bakers2.  Sorry to read about your grandsons arm - hope he'll make a quick recovery.  Our Son-in-Law is a climber and they seem to be actively encouraging our grandson Euan to climb.


  • MikeyA
    MikeyA Forum Participant Posts: 1,072
    edited September 2024 #60700

     KjellNN -  We tend to visit the Lake District in Winter when the area is quieter and the prices more reasonable. As we are last minute bookers we are able to go when the weather forecast is good.

    We have stayed on the  CCC Windermere twice, it is very nice but unfortunately not near anywhere thus requiring the use of the car. CCC Kendal we haven't stayed on simply because it closes for the Winter. 

    Our favourite site in the area is the CCC site at Bowness on Winderemere, newly refurbished, a few mins walk to the water and the ferry (especially if you use the gate by the dog walk). Easy scenic walk into the town and the bus stops. One of the reasons we like it so much is we can catch a bus to so many places ( free to us English!!).

    In my opinion, together with CCC Keswick, the best Club sites in the Lake District 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,862
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    edited September 2024 #60701

    DEBSC - Thanks for taking the time to recommend somewhere to eat. Unfortunately I've only just read it and we're off home tomorrow.frown We passed through Raskelf and the pub en route to Harlow on Monday. Will bear it in mind for the next time we're in the area, which, fingers crossed, I'm pretty sure we will be.

    MiL in need of a quiet day today after the accumulative effects of the previous days so we headed up to Ampleforth Abbey, an actual still in use Abbey (you know the one with Monks). Lovely place and very peaceful in the morning sunshine. They have a very large Orchard complex and make their very own cider. MiL has never liked apples yet her Stroke has left her with a changed palette and she ate half an apple this last week, so for the first time in her 91 years she had a small glass of cider with lunch and finished it, pronouncing nice and light and refreshing. So you can "teach an old dog new tricks." I know I lost my taste after my own Stroke 2 years ago but it came back unchanged after about 3 months.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited September 2024 #60702

    Visited NT Packwood House and Clinton Baddesley yesterday, just had a wander round the grounds as we have been many times before. We were supposed to be going out with our friends this evening but their dog is very unwell and they don’t want to leave her, we decided not to go on our own and, to be honest, I’m quite looking forward to the new James Herriot programme this evening.

    We visited the church in the little village where my Aunt and Uncle lived and where I used to stay a lot over many years. On visiting their graves there I found that now very many of the villagers that I had known since I was young are now in the church grave yard, it’s like most of the village people I knew have moved there. Very sobering and a jolt with so many memories, but kind of nice they are all still together. A lot of them were farmers and farm workers, now most of the little cottages have been enlarged, the houses ‘done up’ the farm buildings made into holiday homes and one would have to be a millionaire to buy a property there now, so very different from when I was young, with a very different feel about the place. As I stood on the village green memories came flooding back, I could almost hear three little girls (my cousins and I) giggling and trotting on ponies along the village road.

    We loved our visit in June to North Yorkshire Werenext, we would love to return there, it’s just a long way for us to travel. Have enjoyed reading of your visits to places there.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited September 2024 #60703

    Excellent day today I was up early and away on lovely 12 mile cycle lots to see in this area when out cycling. Back to the van for a coffee and the sun had come out so we took a walk in to Berwick weather great very warm and after a walk right around the walls we got a table in a lovely little beer garden to enjoy a pint. Walk back to the van and cooked burgers on the Cadac we had got them from the butchers in the town and they were lovely. Site now very busy. We are just glad to be away as we had a lot on during august so only managed one weekend away in the van in that time. Not sure of plan for tomorrow but hoping their sun lasts.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 905
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    edited September 2024 #60704

     We had a beautiful day at Newby Hall today.  Even though it’s very end of season it was still lovely to walk around on a day like today.  I had a ride on the little train whilst OH went on a tour of the house which he really enjoyed. 

    Your day down memory lane sounds good DEBSC, a bit of nostalgia is a great thing and always good to remember people.  

    We have to agree with you MickeyA about the Lake District late in the year.  We have a cottage booked early November.  We went a few years ago in November and it was amazing.  It was quiet, gorgeous reflections in the still lakes, and you could move around so easily.  We are just hoping this November we don’t get a Storm Delilah or something!!! 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,128
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    edited September 2024 #60705

    Glad that those that have been out and about today have had a fine time some lovely photos.

    We rose early to a fine sunny day and were on the road by 9:00, and a temperature of 15C. We had a scenic drive through mid Wales and c!imbing over to Llangurig it clouded up and the temperature dropped to 11C . Thankfully the sky cleared as we came into England and by time we got to our chosen CL it had risen to 22C! The problem with the skylight has not developed much and with a favourable forecast for the next coup!e of days we have decided to have an second night here before returning home, via the dealers.

    Have a safe journey home, WN, and enjoy your stay at Brewick, Francis. I hold the weather stays fine for all that are away.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    edited September 2024 #60706

    We have been at the Bowness site when it was a CAMC site, and been to the CCC Derwentwater, which we liked.  

    Have used CCC Kendal twice before, so have booked that, reckoned the so called Windermere site is not so good for us.  

    Kendal suits where we want to  visit, but we will miss the serviced pitches at Spital.

    Lovely day here in Glasgow, warm and very sunny.  Took my scaffold tower down to DD’s to start installing her newly acquired Velux openers and blinds, all solar power.  It has taken over 2 years for them to be available.

    Will need to continue tomorrow, weather permitting,  may even need Saturday.

    SIL has just had his 40th, so a small party at his  parent’s house on Saturday evening.


    DD has had a good offer on her west end flat, so she will accept that very soon.   Will be glad once it is all finalised!

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,425
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    edited September 2024 #60707

    Glad to see weather is still nice in places😁 Afternoon out for us, took MH for a run, with bikes and had a picnic and then a cycle around Clumber Park.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,320
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    edited September 2024 #60708

    Nelliethehooker delighted to read your temporary repair for the skylight is holding well and you are able to have an extra night. I do hope the dealers can fix the issue quickly and travelling isn't curtailed for long.

    Sounds like others are having good days out and about in very nice weather. I'm very jealous of the blue skies and sun. Its been very grey here and a cool breeze with very ocassional sun glimpses of sun despite the forecast. Today's forecast says cloudy...... Just routine stuff here.

    We have an overnight guest tonight on their way north, it will be nice to have a catch up. Grandson is 'prebooked' for overnight Saturday as our son had signed up for a run in Cambridge. Even he admitted his brain wasn't engaged! I know he's cancelled it now as we still await Tiny's arrival. Even if Tiny had arrived on the due date it would be 10 days.......... Its likely grandson will come to stay after he's been to his party on Saturday anyway. 

    KjellNN I hope your daughter's flat sale goes smoothly and you can sit back for a bit before your holiday.

    DEBSC sounds like a very thought provoking day. 

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,169
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    edited September 2024 #60709

    Had a couple of days of Easterly winds which has brought in loads of migrant birds so decided, as Mrs One is on cub duty next weekend to take the van up to North Norfolk for 4 days of birdwatching. 

    Hope everyone has a great weekend 

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited September 2024 #60711

    This is just on the transfer to the hotel in Sorrento!!


  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,532
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    edited September 2024 #60712

    Just having the most spectacular Autumn weather and tour of the Scottish highlands. It’s so warm by day and BBQing well into the sunset on every night. Relatively midge free too. Spent a week at Bunree and it has been its usual stunning venue although the site is looking tired and well ready for that refurbishment coming this winter I’m told. Wonder if this will be a rebuild or just a makeover, either way we’ll hopefully be back. Now onward to Foyers.

    Photos show sunrise and sunset at Bunree. Not a cloud to be seen this week except that morning haze over the water. Unfortunately no aurora mind!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,862
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    edited September 2024 #60713

    Home from our weeks break in a cottage near Easingwold. The journey went quite well and we managed a clear run. Left the ladies to unpack whilst I did a food shop at Tesco to bide us over the weekend.

    We all enjoyed our trip to Yorkshire, one of MiLs favourite places so I daresay we'll be heading that way again next year with a bit of luck.

    I know Micky and CS are in beautiful places but I'm more jealous of Oneputt in North Norfolk.smile

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,848
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    edited September 2024 #60714

    Hooray, we have finally got the blue skies and sunshine that the rest of you have been talking about all week! I was feeling like Bakers - very envious and disappointed as we have been having cloud and chilly winds for most of the week previously.

    My day today started with an early morning visit to the dentist as one of my crowns, which had been very unstable whilst we were away, finally fell out just after we got home. I was very relieved that she managed to slot it back in. However, she said no eating or drinking for 2 hours and as my appointment was so early and I didn't want to have to thoroughly clean my teeth again I hadn't had any breakfast! So we took ourselves in to town on the bus for a trip to Peterborough Museum to see The Must Farm Exhibition. Must Farm was discovered while excavations were taking place just outside Peterborough in about 2015. It is called Britain's Pompeii as it was  Bronze Age settlement built on stilts above the water which was struck by a catastrophic fire about 9 months after it was built and all the inhabitants had to flee and leave everything behind. As it was in the mud and silt much of it was preserved and now some of the amazing finds are being shown at a temporary exhibition at the Museum. There was a booked group going round who were having a talk by one of the Museum staff so I tagged along at the end. Her talk was fascinating. After going round the exhibition we went to the cafe and had coffee and a bite to eat (at long last!). We then went round another temporary exhibition about the history of the railway in Peterborough which OH in particular found very interesting. We have done some gardening since we got home as I think the good weather is coming to an end tomorrow with thunderstorms.

    I am glad your temporary repair held up enough for you have an extra couple of days on your way home nellie. Good to be able to make the most of the good weather. I hope your dealer can repair it quickly so that you can get away again before too long.

    So glad you all enjoyed your holiday in Easingwold WN. It is a lovely part of the world. Our youngest son was at York university (twice) and we sometimes extended our time with him by booking a cottage locally to enjoy the local area.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited September 2024 #60715

    Wherenext, We stayed in a cottage on a farm near there in June although quite nice and with easy parking it was a bit remote and with a couple of other small niggles so I don’t think that we would stop there again. We may go back next year as we loved the area so much, so I just wanted to ask what your holiday cottage was like there and would you recommend it?

    A change of plan today, we were going to Chedworth but changed our minds and went to Chastleton House. As I have discussed before with Brue, we went when the NT first opened it up and I had been before as a teenager before the NT bought it. We had a very pleasant afternoon wandering around, then tea in the church yard next door where church volunteers were selling tea and cakes, a good idea for church funds and very busy. It thundered all afternoon but no rain, just threatening.We then stopped at Moreton in Marsh and had to duck into another tea shop as it just chucked it down. Back at Stratford now and no rain all day here. Not looking good weather wise for tomorrow though.

    Noticed as we were walking across a field of sheep that the ram had just been put in with the sheep with his raddle harness on, thought it was a bit early but then realised it is nearly October! Only one sheep we could see with a yellow mark on her back so he has a lot of work to do yet.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited September 2024 #60716

    We had a enjoyable day today weather not as good as yesterday but still ok. We took a drive down to Whitley Bay had a great walk around the town and then a long walk along the shore front not very busy and although not cold it got very foggy. Took a drive through colorcoats before heading back to the van. Quick stop in at Asda to stock up on wine and beer and now back at the van enjoying our view although it’s still quite misty on the east coast here. Not sure of plan tomorrow will probably stay a bit more local after todays trip which was an hour each way 


    Hope everyone else has a nice weekend 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,862
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    edited September 2024 #60717

    DEBSC - We couldn't fail to notice that the house and cottage are both up for sale but did wonder why there were builders knocking seven bells out of the house whilst we were in the self contained detached bungalow. If the cottage is still to be on the rental market for next year then I would say that overall we were not disappointed by it, having 3 bedrooms, all ensuite, single storey with a nice sitting out garden (lawned) facing west. Just off the A19 near the roundabout for Easingwold. Very quiet if you ignored the temporary building work. A few niggles but nothing of any importance.

    Providence Cottage

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,862
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    edited September 2024 #60718

    Sounded like a lovely day Millie. Right up our street.

    Good to hear you are out and about Francis. Another lovely part of the world.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,848
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    edited September 2024 #60719

    TDA We have just watched a great programme on TV about Wentworth Woodhouse. It was part of a series called Our Lives. On BBC1 at 7.30pm. If you didn't see it I can thoroughly recommend it.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited September 2024 #60720

    Thanks Wherenext, it looks nice, especially the garden. We may look into it next year.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,425
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    edited September 2024 #60721

    Thanks for this, I will take a look👍😁 Funnily enough, we were watching a programme last night, Digging for Britain, that featured Must Farm. Sound an interesting Museum.

    Started emptying our pool today, slow release onto garden. Been a really good buy, easy to use, look after.