What are you all up to



  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,863
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    edited August 2024 #60542

    Busy day again, where on earth does the time go? Not even had a coffee today, might start the shakes soon.wink

    Varnished, twice, two wooden gates, went to DIY store for some brick weatherproofing which will need to be done tomorrow. Varnished a outdoor chair that MiL uses whilst I had brush in hand. 

    Supposed to pick The Van up today but Truma sent the wrong part to the service centre.yellSo early next week then, fingers crossed.

    Shingles, yuck. Had them twice but don't want them again. Had the first jab a couple of months ago. OH had a really bad reaction so she's not sure if she is going to have the second one. Much empathy and sympathy to DEBSCs OH.

    Good luck to Bakers DiL and all folk who are on tenterhooks waiting for the new arrival.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,128
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    edited August 2024 #60543

    Two decent days on the trot! I did not appear to accomplish much yesterday, apart from another, and hopefully the last for a while, visit to the dentist, and a bit of weeding in the garden. Today was different as I was able to get the caravan washed and Bobby Dazzled this morning, and after lunch I cleaned out the front gutters, having done the back ones last week. Then it was a trip with OH to town for her to visit the hairdressers and on returning packed some bits into the caravan in preparation for our next trip away.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,835
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    edited September 2024 #60544

    Got back from Thornthorpe CS on Friday afternoon and spent most of yesterday cleaning the inside of the van - bathroom etc, fridge, cooker, sink so all now sparkling and ready for next time. First load of the 9 loads of washing went in just after 0400!! (Ros is as daft as me at getting up at silly o'clock).  I'm going to have to tackle cleaning the roof lights this week - been putting it off for ages.  They really are in a disgusting state but they're so difficult to clean - the opening isn't wide enough to get head and shoulders through and last time I tried, I admitted to defeat.  Need to give it a serious dose of 'thinking about'!

    Lovely day, yesterday with a little breeze so everything dried on the line.  I think we both feel a lazy Sunday coming on todaysmile

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited September 2024 #60545

    Lovely sunny day here yesterday very warm so we had some of the family round for a BBQ likely the last one of the season. Not been away in the van for a while but heading over to Berwick for a few days later in the month looking forward to that.

    Good to catch up on everyone’s news 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,863
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    edited September 2024 #60546

    Weatherproofed the bricks on the west facing wall yesterday. Lovely day for it with sunshine and a breeze to dry it.

    Having a rest today. Sort of. Well, until the ladies get back from a walk.smile

    September already. Only been away for 10 nights touring this year, that might be the number of nights the Nellies have spent at home!laughing

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,178
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    edited September 2024 #60547

    Quite warm here in MK. Thought I should wash the car as it was getting covered in dust. Always a toss up between me washing it or going to Morrisons where they jet wash it. Thought I would save the £15! I have always been the sort of person who, if I think I can do it myself I will do it rather than pay someone else. I think old age has gradually loosened the the zip on the purse!!!


  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,758
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    edited September 2024 #60548

    Well it is below 20C at the moment the coolest day for quite awhile but we have had nearly 38mm of rain since this morning very much needed for the garden, so have been doing inside chores and watching some of the Para Olympics.

    Friends of ours have gone to the Gorges de Tarn for a week in a gite and the weather does not look good there this week same as us and they do a lot of walking and possibly swimming in the river so will not be happy with this weather and a couple of storms due this week but looks better for the last two weeks of September.


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited September 2024 #60549

    Busy weekend, wedding was lovely. The bride looked beautiful. Weather was perfect on Saturday and a lovely church service, in the same church where the groom, my nephew, was baptised. So nice to meet up with all my cousins from far and wide, we come from a big family. So much catching up to be done, and lately we have sadly only met up at funerals. We left at 10pm as OH wasn’t feeling too good and granddaughter was getting tired. My cousins kids and our other grandkids were partying until 1am, great to see them dancing and enjoying themselves so much, apparently they then went to the hotel fire pit until 4.30am. Granddaughter only passed out once and then for only about 10 mins, she wanted to stand up for the family group photo but couldn’t quite manage it, she fell on soft grass and was fine afterwards. Her cousins danced with her in her wheelchair and all of them made sure she was included with them in all they did, which was lovely to see the youngsters being so thoughtful. We were all invited back to the hotel for breakfast this morning, which was also lovely. Most travelled home now but we left our local family earlier still enjoying the outdoor pool and hot tub.

    So glad that OH had his shingles injection as he is now pretty unwell and very sore, he says it’s like bee stings. If he hadn’t been vaccinated I think he would have been in a bad way as the rash is now very extensive. Our trip to the caravan is now delayed until he is feeling better, he can’t bear to put the car seatbelt on.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,851
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    edited September 2024 #60550

    DEBSC I am so sorry your OH is feeling poorly with his shingles. When I had it last winter the rash was quite itchy and painful and our local pharmacist recommended Vira Sooth. It comes in a tube and is a cooling gel. It says it is for chickenpox so for the same sort of thing.  I got it at the pharmacist but you can also get it from Amazon.  I really do recommend it. Was your OH prescribed anti viral tablets? I am so glad that the wedding went well and everybody had such a good time. It is lovely to get the whole family together isn't it. I too come from quite large but well scattered family and we only seem to get together for funerals these days sadly.

    We have just met 4 friends for lunch today. We only meet up once or twice a year so a lot of catching up to do. We all had such a lovely time and in such nice sunny weather too.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited September 2024 #60551

    Thank you Millie, he is looking it up on Amazon now in the hope of delivery tomorrow. Better than queuing in the chemist, yes he was prescribed anti viral tablets. I queued for 40 minutes for his prescription only to be told they weren’t ready and to come back later as the pharmacist was at lunch (it was 3.30). I queued for another 30 mins at 5pm with 12 people before me in the queue and many behind me before getting them. This is the result of so many houses being built here and not enough Drs, schools and pharmacies. It should now be delivered tomorrow and he said thank you.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,169
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    edited September 2024 #60552

    Had a great couple of days with the grandtwins, oh what larks, games, sandcastles with pubs, long beach walks, stone painting, flying the drone (under adult supervision.  Mum and dad picked them up this morning then we left for gods country. Arrived set up, tea and cakes then thunder storm and heavy rain ☔️ 

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,851
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    edited September 2024 #60553

    Glad to be of help DEBSC. I do hope it gives him some relief. It is certainly a miserable experience.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,128
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    edited September 2024 #60554

     Debs, pleased to read that the wedding went well and was enjoyed by all. Sorry to hear that your OH is suffering from the shingles and hope that the cooling gel works well, that he soon recovers and you are able to get up to your caravan in the not too distant future.

    Contrary to what WN says we have spent a lot more than 10 nights at home so far this year, what with hospital and dental appointments mainly. In fact we have only been away for about 60% of the year up to now!😁

    Best of luck with getting the roof lights cleaned, R&R, not a job I relish either, and I was very reluctant to dismantle the assembly on our previous unit although they certainly needed a good clean. Decided it was easier to change the van!!😁

    Much duller day but still warm. It stayed dry until late afternoon but we have had a coup!e of heavy downpours since then.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,928
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    edited September 2024 #60555

    Travelled up to Norfolk Broads CAMC site this afternoon for the last of our summer visits.  I know it's September, but today has been one of our best days, weather-wise.  Fingers crossed for a sunny week.

    Good to read the up-to-date posts.  Didn't realise you'd spent so much time out and about, Nellie!  Wow!  We've done about 70 nights out in the caravan so far this year + another 10 in the Outer Hebrides with our daughter and family.  Things will be very much 'home based' for us, for the rest of the year, but hope to get out for some more short trips.


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    edited September 2024 #60556

    Milliehull, the cream does seem to be working so thank you from me, as my nursing patience only lasts about 4 days and the moaning has ceased, well just a little bit. I shouldn’t be horrible about him as it does look painful. I’ve had it twice and I know it hurts but I have now suggested he just goes to bed. I’d never make a good nurse.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,851
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    edited September 2024 #60557

    I am the same DEBSC. Ì am not sure mine even lasts for 4 days 😂. He might need more than one tube so make sure another one is ordered in good time!

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited September 2024 #60558

    After an overnight stop at Barley Meadow (site) we arrived at Sennen Cove (C&CC site) today, for six nights. Weather not great, but hoping for better over the next couple of days. Planning on visiting Lands End, the Lizard and Mousehole.

    In other news…the wife had her appointment last Thursday with the orthopaedic consultant. It seems she doesn’t reach the threshold for a hip replacement. It seems she has two things ‘going on’. Yes, her hip is worn (osteoarthritis) but she also has bursitis (inflammation of the bursa) on the side of her hip. It’s this combination that’s the cause of her discomfort and limiting movement. The consultant seems to think that the bursitis should clear itself so if it does maybe things will improve 🤞

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,128
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    edited September 2024 #60559

    David, you have done well this year. Hope you have good weather for your latest trip.

    Fingers crossed that the consultant is right, Freddie, and your OH's bursitis clears up so that she is in much less pain.

    Debs, pleased to read that Millie's magic gel is working for your OH and thatched suffering less.

    The car went on for it annual service and MOT this morning and although the former was carried out the latter won't be done until first thing tomorrow. Fingers crossed at all is well as we need the car by lunchtime, in preparation for our next trip. The weather has mixed again but fortunately I missed the heavy rain after dropping off the car but did get a little wet during my walk with Flyte before lunch. Thankfully it was dry again after lunch for our afternoon walks.

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited September 2024 #60560

    Thanks nellie 👍

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited September 2024 #60561

    We were there two years ago during that heatwave, remember that? 40c+. Nice site in a nice location. We were confined to quarters for two days, it was too hot to do anything. The pub up the road do a good fish and chips, I think I got flipper 🙂

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,178
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    edited September 2024 #60562


    That must have been a bit of a shock about your wife's hip? Has the Bursitis been going on for some time, I assume its just news to you now? Maybe a steroid injection, or antibiotics might help. Because Margaret is being referred by a referrer we hope that she will eventually get her new hip.


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,169
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    edited September 2024 #60563

    Woke to mist and drizzle this morning so went into Ross on Wye shopping, on the way back to site stopped and tanked up, £1.36/ltr. 
    Brightened up this afternoon so went to Kempley to reacquaint ourselves with the two churches St Mary’s early Norman 1130 AD and St Edwards’s an Arts & Craft (1904) inspired parish church.

    St Mary,s is now under the care of English Heritage and is rightly famous for its early wall paintings

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited September 2024 #60564

    Hiya David. 
    Yes, the bursitis was news to us, I don’t think it showed up on the X-ray but rather following some movement checks and prodding carried out by the consultant, apparently quite common. The consultant did mention a steroid injection but couldn’t guarantee success, besides, my wife (as part of her job when she was working) heard quite a few accounts whereby the injection didn’t help, or was of limited value. The consultant said that bursitis can last around 2 years, it’s already been 2 1/2, since she first started having problems.
    It’s a bit of a double-edged sword. The wife was looking forward to getting back to normal, but on the other hand wasn’t relishing the op. We’ll just have to wait and see what transpires. 

    I hope Margaret gets sorted soon. It’s bad enough to have to put up with it, but worse still not knowing when it will be rectified.

    Personally, I’d be willing to pay more tax to get the NHS back on its feet, it can’t go on like this, let alone get worse. But that’s just me.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,178
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    edited September 2024 #60565


    I get the sense there is something going on in the NHS regarding hip and knee surgery. Don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I think they may have moved the goal posts simply because they have waiting lists that are far too long? I appreciate they have to prioritise the worse cases. I know my knees are not good but have been told its just wear and tear, not quite sure where that leaves me. OK pain killers can help but the most effective ones are not really good for you. Such a contrast to when I had my hip replaced 14 years ago. Be interesting to see how Margaret gets on when she eventually gets an appointment to see a consultant, will it be this side of Christmas? She has had both a scan and an x-ray on her hip so imagine that might have showed up something other than a worn hip? Added to that she was told that a steroid injection would not help its a case of fingers crossed that she eventually gets the operation. Poor thing is in a lot of pain and not just when walking. I hope your wife gets the treatment she needs to relieve the pain.


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,863
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    edited September 2024 #60566

    I haven't had the pleasure of visiting those 2 churches Oneputt so will add them to the list. We could probably get to Ross in under 3 hours so a 2 night stay well within reason.

    Don't forget, folks, that it's Heritage Month so check where you are to see what open days are happening.

    Anyone got a solution to stopping Moles in the garden? We've been mole-free for about 8 years, not through anything we tried, and thankful of it, but just this week we've had 3 hills worth on the lawn. We've tried radio and also putting a toy "windmill" in the hole but these didn't work last time and I think the mole may have changed the channel on the radio.smile Just really want to scare them away.

    Carrying out more maintenance jobs in the garden today. Been warm and sunny until last half hour with cloud rolling in.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,128
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    edited September 2024 #60567

    Car was returned this morning after passing it's MOT, but there was an advisory for brake pads etc, so a job to get done later this year. Van is packed up ready for our Autumn trip which starts tomorrow with a  night a new to us CL near Preston. With any luck we will be meeting up with some of our family and friends along the way. 

    It has been a dry day with periods of sunshine, but we did have some drizzle in the late afternoon and it appears to be raining now. Fingers crossed that it will be fine in the morning.

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited September 2024 #60568

    Hiya David.

    I suppose at the end of the day, the NHS will treat the worst cases first, but one would assume/like to think that time spent waiting is taken into account. The finite resources are the problem, but no doubt it would have been more straight forward if Margaret didn’t have an underlying condition, at least you could have gone private, should you wish to. In the past, neither of us had much cause to call on the NHS, always been fit and healthy. It’s only now that the shortcomings are being brought into focus, exacerbated by the apparent lack of investment/planning. I’m not complaining though, the NHS probably saved my life. I have to say, the treatment I received was exemplary.

    As an aside, my wife doesn’t seem to be suffering as much these past few days, maybe a good sign 🤞

    Do keep us updated with any news David.

  • Freddy55
    Freddy55 Club Member Posts: 1,868
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    edited September 2024 #60569

    How to get rid of moles…not

    Sorry WN, I couldn’t resist 🙂

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,320
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    edited September 2024 #60570

    Thanks Freddy. Good laugh over breakfast. I miss Jasper Carrot and his humour.

    Sorry, Wherenext, no advice to offer. I notice some on the school field, next door, from time to time and say a little prayer.  At first I consoled myself that we're at least six foot higher with a brick wall holding our earth up. Then I remembered how they operate 🤔😂. 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,178
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    edited September 2024 #60571


    Glad your wife seems to be a bit better. 

    When I was at work I was lucky not to need the NHS beyond a few minor problems. Once went to the Doctor and he said, oh, we don't see you very often. My rely was that, that was the way I wanted to keep it! 

    I suppose naturally as you get older you do need more attention from the NHS and we have both got value from all those NI contributions since! Some things seem to work quite quickly, like Margaret's Carpal Tunnel problem which once a decision had been made both operations were completed in about three months. I think we feel that the best part of a year has been wasted by diverting her to other "possible" therapies which turned out to be false friends and then having to start again.
