The DG interview

Has anyone else bothered to listen to the Nick Lomas interview highlighted in the August Magazine. Some interesting views expressed relating to recent threads as well as plugs for the Club!
The DG confirmed the number of motorhome/campervan owning members now exceeded that of towed caravan members but gave no indication of by how many. It was also interesting to note his view on the future of the market moving to more self contained leasure vehicles equipped with lithium batteries and solar panels (off grid capability) So how will the Club change because of this?
There were also some interesting facts about membership but I think these will have little impact on the future of the Club unless membership declines (a possibility if the Club gets it wrong or leisure vehicle ownership declines).
Thanks for posting the link.
Interesting that the demographic of the Club is only a third families and the rest probably 50 plus although the average age of joining is mid sixties which I found a bit odd unless I misheard?
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Also interesting is the national roll out for metering won't be for a good while.
Yes one third families but I wonder what the income is from families v the other two thirds?
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Also interesting is the national roll out for metering won't be for a good while.
That was not what was said. The DG said it would not be rolled out nationally "until a really slick and easy way was available" He wanted contactless cards to be used and stated they were working with a supplier to this end. So it all depends on a system being available and if an earlier post by Rowena stating a revised system should be available at the end of the year meets this criterior, then it may not be a good while yet. If savings at Wyatts Covert are seen across the network then the savings on £14 million a year Club electricity bill are not to be sniffed at and given that it is seen that there will be and increase in self contained outfits with solar and lithium batteries who won't need to buy electricity making even more savings, why should the Club delay in rollout of a slick and easy solution?