Selling craft work on site.

6027david Forum Participant Posts: 3
edited March 2024 in Your Hobbies #1

Hi all. I have recently taken up the hobby of woodturning, given that I am likely to overburden the household with my turned offerings, I was wondering if it would be possible to set up a table display of my work while on the pitch to offer items for sale? Anyone have any experience of something like this? 


  • ADP1963
    ADP1963 Club Member Posts: 1,280
    edited March 2024 #2

    I am sure you will have a lot of different opinions about your post. The consent of the Club would be an interesting one, if it is acceptable the involvement of the Wardens and the facility to exhibit at the office is another. Best of luck.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,463
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    edited March 2024 #3

    Assuming you are talking about club sites, you really need to contact camc and get their view on this. I have never once seen anyone selling items from their pitch on a club site so I imagine it’s not likely to be favourably looked upon but you’ll never know if you don’t ask.

  • 6027david
    6027david Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited March 2024 #4

    I can understand any objection, as you wouldn't want the site to develop into some kind of ad-hoc car boot sale with people selling all and sundry items. But am interested to see if anyone else has actually done this, as I doubt that I am the first to have the idea. 

  • JillwithaJay
    JillwithaJay Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 2,487
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    edited March 2024 #5

    I've seen the odd hobby related item offered for sale on a pitch and I have done it myself by putting a bicycle at the front of my pitch with a 'for sale' sign on it but that's quite different from a 'stall' selling items.  Personally, I wouldn't object to it but it could open the flood gates.  You would have to seek prior approval from both HQ and the site manager.

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited March 2024 #6

    As it is unlikely that The Club would sanction trading on the sites (some may well have covenants in the lease to prohibit it) your best way forward might well be to set up a small exhibition display of your work without any mention of price or sale. Then once visitors have engaged you in conversation a transaction can be discussed. 

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,922
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    edited March 2024 #7

    A lovely idea. It sounds less obtrusive, less commercial and less smelly than a fish and chip van coming on to a site.

  • RowenaBCAMC
    RowenaBCAMC Forum Participant Posts: 1,732
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    edited March 2024 #8

     Hi 6027david,

    It is a lovely idea. However, as we are a leisure organisation we do not condone guests using Club sites as a place of business, this information is advised within the Club's Bye-Laws, see below:-

    10. Code of Behaviour
    10.3 The use of Club Sites and Certificated Locations and the participation in rallying activities organised by the Club shall be solely for the purpose of recreation and not for any purpose connected with any trade, business or profession, nor as part of or substitute for any domestic purpose, unless prior authorisation is obtained from the Club.

    It may also disrupt other guests' comfort whilst holidaying on site, as a guest pitched next door may find the comings and goings disturbing.

    I hope this information was of use and I am sorry I couldn't be of more help. Hopefully there are some local craft events or fetes near to you where you could potentially look to sale your wood-turning offerings as it sounds like a wonderful hobby! smile


    FYI I have moved this discussion to Your Hobbies. 


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,436
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    edited March 2024 #9

    I have made jewellery for a couple of decades, usually have my travelling kit along with me, so another travel crafter here😁 We used to stay at a CL near Marazion Club Site, as well as using the Club Site occasionally. I knew  sales wouldn’t be allowed on the Club Site, but fortunately for me, there was a weekly Summer Car Boot/Crafts sale only a mile away that was very well supported. I simply packed my stuff into car, took caravan table, couple of chairs, and myself and a friend, who also made things, and was on CL with us, had a grand morning making money😁

    So it might just be beneficial to have a look at local events wherever you are pitched up, and do something like this. I knew many visitors from Club Site enjoyed car boot, and of course they are popular anyway, so give it a go. You want a touristy area though, visitors with cash to spare in their pockets. This was Cornwall in the height of the Summer holidays😁 

  • 6027david
    6027david Forum Participant Posts: 3
    edited March 2024 #10

    Hi. That's not a problem at all, I have previously commented that none of us would want the site becoming an ad-hoc car boot sale! So I fully appreciate the clubs stance on this. But, as a member has suggested, I will look out for local fairs in the area. 

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,922
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    edited March 2024 #11

    I just think the Club is missing an opportunity to make its sites a bit more sociable and bring members together and briefly away from their TV.  I know of sites which have a mini market for an hour or two once a week in an evening - where local producers bring and sell things like fruit, veg, wine and olive oil,  but rules are far less intense on sites in overseas countries