What are you all up to



  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited December 2023 #58052


    I wasn't sure how it would go but in the end it was quite systematic, although the lighter colours at the bottom of the puzzle were more challenging but when you get down to the last three dozen pieces its easy enough to play around. I do a mix of puzzles and the next one will be the annual Ravensburger Christmas Limited Edition puzzle, I buy them every year. I like Ravensburger puzzles. I was surprised when we were in Lidl the other day they had quite a few at reasonable prices. After the Christmas one I have a map of MK to do and a more traditional design. So far I have only been defeated by two puzzles. One was a map taken from Google Earth which was too dark to distinguish the pieces. The other was a double sided cat jigsaw which completely drove me mad and in the end I gave up! I am sure some puzzlers like a challenge but for me there has got to be a big element of enjoyment if I am going to spend hours doing a jigsaw. We have an ex works pensioner group and I usually take the puzzles I don't want to keep along to the January bring and buy sale.


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,070
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    edited December 2023 #58053

    Been cold and rainy here most of the week got the caravan back last Saturday but it’s been sitting in the middle of the drive all week due to it being too cold to be bothered moving it. Anyway today I gave it a wash and have finally got it back on its space at the side of the drive out the way we are hoping to get a few days away between Christmas and New year just local but will wait and see what the weather is like first. Still have some Christmas shopping to do before the big day.

    Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend 

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,091
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    edited December 2023 #58054

    "Life's a Beach"  arieal view of Bournemouth beach 1k pieces, good boxing day challenge laughing

    Spanish daughter flew in on Wednesday, East Grinstead daughter on Thursday so we have been celebrating Christmas early, made good use of caravan as used as spare bedroom for grandchildren.

    been reading about all those brave folk away in their caravans in -5c , not for us now, we heat the caravan on the hardstanding using a 2kw fan heater with a thermostat works perfectly and very economical although we have only seen temperatures as low as 2c over the last 3 or 4 days with a mixed bag of weather during the day, but everywhere is just so wet. The thermometer is on my daughters roof terrance in Spain as of approx 1400 hrs today yell

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited December 2023 #58055

    I need to explain a bit more🤔 We are some 350 metres up the side of a mountain, with uninterrupted views across Caernarfon Bay, due West. So we can just see the Wicklow Mountains in the very very far distance. Apologies, it’s the elevation that’s giving us extensive views. Down at sea level wouldn’t be anything like as extensive. We are South enough for Anglesey not to be in the way.

    Another very interesting day, another Castle. This time Dolbadarn just outside Llanberis. Interesting history, and the setting is truly spectacular. Nice walk to get to it. Then we dropped into one of those places that totally fills your day (if you enjoy industrial heritage), The National Slate Museum. I can just remember the Slate quarries working, as we used to visit an Uncle who lived in Blaenau Ffestiniog. This is the old Dinowic works, now preserved as a Museum, with the gouged out side of a mountain as it’s backdrop. We watched slate working crafts, blacksmithing, and got to look around the whole works, including some slate worker cottages preserved and brought from BF and displayed down the working periods. Very interesting. Free entry as well. (we left a donation).

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited December 2023 #58056

    Love it Ttda.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,160
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    edited December 2023 #58057

     Sorry to read of your DIL's injury TG,  there seem to be a spate of broken/dislocated bones at the moment. Hope that it doesn't take too long before she has full use of her arm again.

    Hope your are able to get away for few days between Xmas and the New Year, Francis. Pleased to read that you were able to get the van cleaned, keeping up the standard !!😊

    Grand photos, tda, just the sort of places we like to visit. Just look to go there some time in the not too distant future.

    Yet another day with too much rain, although we did have a dry period mid afternoon, so got some things into the van, and then a walk without getting wet. Just hope that the forecast is correct and we have a dry morning for setting off.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited December 2023 #58058

    Looks like a fair day for travelling Nellie. You, hopefully, should be fine.

    Up and out smartish this morning and off to the local hospital for blood tests. Have an appointment at the surgery first day after they open in New Year for results and tests. Quite surprised recently by a marked improvement in both friendliness and helpfulness of the surgery staff and doctors. I understand they recently had an inspection. I don't know what was discussed but I hope it continues in this manner.

    Did the shopping at Tesco this morning. Good job I took MiL along as I forgot my money and clubcard. She kindly drew some cash out for me. I'll never hear the end of it now.yelllaughing

    Have to visit our mobile once a week Post Office van this afternoon. Have some cards and letters going to Europe to post.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited December 2023 #58059

    Found my brother collapsed when I visited him.  Called the emergency services who attended very quickly.  Due to access problems we ended up with 2 x Ambulance crews and a paramedic.  They were wonderful, so thank you very much.  Brother now comfortable in hospital 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited December 2023 #58060

    She’s very handy that MIL WN😁

    Druid and dolphin hunting for us today….Anglesey. No druids, no dolphins, but we did manage (another) castle, a Priory, a Dovecote and a lighthouse. Beaumaris Castle, looking over the Menai Straits, St Seiriol’s Priory, Dovecote and Holy well. Lighthouse was down at Penmeon Point. Another very interesting day.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,329
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    edited December 2023 #58061

    That's a worry. Glad you had great service. Sadly it does seem hit and miss but generally those on the frontline do a fantastic job with whatever resources are available at the time. Thinking of you both.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited December 2023 #58062

    So sorry to hear about your brother OP. Best wishes.

    We hacked down to Cambridge again today to see the surgeon who is going to do OH's op on his back next week. All quite positive. Our eldest son drove us this time. I must admit I will be glad when it is over and done with. 

    You sound as though you are having such a great time in Wales TDA.

    I hope the nellies got away OK today.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited December 2023 #58063

    So sorry to hear about this OP, such a worry for you all. Thankfully you found him though, and it sounds like he is getting well looked after. Sending our best wishes.

    We are having a lovely time Millie, every day has been all about getting out there, doing as much as we can, then just chilling out comfortably in the evenings. This cottage is superb, ideal location for seeing so much without having to travel far. Hope your OH gets sorted and well again soon. Same to others who haven’t been to great for various reasons as well.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,160
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    edited December 2023 #58064

    Another grand day by the looks of it, tda, you have certainly picked the right area for both historic sites and fine weather. Hope the rest of your stay continues in a similar vein.

    So sorry to hear that your brother is having more problems OP. It certainly was fortunate that you visited him and that the medical assistance was soon on hand. Hope that he is soon on the road to recovery.

    Millie, fingers crossed that all goes well with your husband's operation next week and that it fixes his back problem.

    Thankfully the weather held for most of the day so we got away and set up dry, although we did run through some rain from Lancaster until we turned off the M6 on the way down. Managed to fit in 4 dry walks at home and here, but have just come back from another short wet walk. All seemed fine with the van until we tried to microwave some rice for dinner but unfortunately it would not cook the rice, although there is power to the unit and the clock/ timer is working. I will have to contact the dealer tomorrow to see what they have to say. Hopefully it is still under warranty.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited December 2023 #58065

    We have had a good weekend, even though the weather was rubbish.

    On  Saturday DD and I went to a charity fund raising Christmas Fair at the school she used to go to, which is right next to where she lives now.  That is 3  craft fairs we have done recently, I think I made about £500 in total over all 3, a so the  tax man will not be interested.   Time now to get life back to normal and get on with more mundane things.

    We have an awning to repair, if possible, and curtains to make for little Nathan's bedroom, plus it is not long till Christmas.   OH has ordered some stuff, the rest will be up to DD and DS to organise.

    We had a delicious meal at DD's yesterday for OH's upcoming birthday.  DS and family came up from Ayrshire.   We had had a beef joint in the freezer since last  Christmas, so OH gave it to DD  and requested they cook it in their slow cooker, and add yorkshire puds, roast potatoes etc etc.

    We had frozen roasties done in the air fryer, home made yorkies, honey glazed carrots, green beans, and tender stem broccoli ......all well received.....followed by home made chocolate orange ice cream and a home made  Black Forest Gateau.   

     Back to " auld clathes and porridge" today!

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited December 2023 #58066

    Glad you are enjoying your break Ttda in Wales. Your family roast sounds good Kj.

    Pick up our flu jab vials last Saturday from the Pharmacie but they do not do the jabs so this morning up early and to our Surgery and done by the local nurse she was very pleasant and the room had been decorated for xmas very pretty and said that 3 nurses including her came in on Sunday to decorate the room, would imagine that the children going in will like it so much to look at.

    More rain forecast for later today think we will end up with webbed feet never seen so much rain and a lot of flooding in some areas we are ok as a bit higher out of the village but there is water in the lower fields but not on the roads thankfully also a lot of fog about, looks better towards the weekend drier and cooler.

    Inside chores at present the ground outside very soggy to do anything.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited December 2023 #58067

    Coo……proper Welsh rain overnight and this morning. Never mind views across to Anglesey and elsewhere, we couldn’t even see owners cottage next door this morning🤣 Even the hound was a bit disgruntled, very damp. But his coat is like silk now. We are enjoying an easy morning, had a cooked breakfast, did a bit of washing.

    So what do you do in Wales when it rains……you get togged up, load your Jeep with a picnic, and head up the Llanberis Pass/Beddgelert circle and take in all the fabulous waterfalls!😁 Might just pay our respects at Gelert’s Grave…..providing it’s not too boggy🤣 There’s an ice cream shop in Beddgelert as well……

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited December 2023 #58068

    Sorry to hear of your brothers misfortunes OneP. Sincerely hope things improve for both him and yourselves. Best wishes from both of us.

    Dry over in this bit of North Wales Ttda.smile If you never went out when it rains in Wales you'd be housebound for a large portion of the year.

    Had a good walk around this morning and met quite a few folk that we don't normally see very often, people delivering cards mostly. We have offered to be a delivery service but I think it gives some of them an incentive to get out and meet people.

    Nipped down to town to pick up a Click and Collect from Tesco. All the heavy stuff and cleaning materials out of the way. Started wearing masks again when it's busy. Might start to do the shop mid evening until the New Year.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited December 2023 #58069

    Enjoyed a great drive out today, weather fit only for ducks, but it added hugely to the local scenery. Snowdon from the Beddgelert/ Nantgwynant side, and then from the Llanberis Pass near Pen y Pass. If you zoom in, you can just make out the Summit Station building and the summit stone itself. We also saw a mountain goat, haven’t seen one for a very long time.

    We called into Beddgelert Campsite as well for a look around. It’s actually nicer in Winter, as the tree cover isn’t as dense. Enjoyed many a stay here in the past, it’s primarily cabins nowadays though.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,160
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    edited December 2023 #58070

    Again mixed weather but not quite as much rain. Had a drive over the Nick of Pendle, through Sabden up onto Padiham Heights for a short walk. It certainly not a day for walking on Pendle Hill!! Had a couple of short walks back at the van inbetween showers.

    I phoned up our caravan dealers about the microwave and they have put in a claim, with Swift I guess, for a replacement,so now just have t wait for the out.come. In the meanwhile it will mean an adjustment to our cooking for the rest of this trip.

    Hopefully the weather will improve for all those out and about tomorrow, and more interesting places will be visited and dry dog walks accomplished. 

    Tda, the view of Snowden from Llanberis Pass reminds me of the ascent we made to the top  over Crib Goch to complete our single day round of all the Welsh 3000 ft peaks many year ago. Great to see the photos.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited December 2023 #58071

    Bad luck on the microwave Nellie, but hopefully sorted for when you get home. We didn’t see a soul up on Snowdon yesterday, apart from a few walking the lower slopes at Pen Y Pass. Not surprised really, mist was coming and going all day. OH did Crib Goch when he climbed it with walking group from his fire station. It’s not for me, I’m not good in that sort of terrain. We did the Watkin Path many years ago, but common sense kicked in just before the last bit to the summit, and we had to come down or risk being in bad weather and the dark. It’s a long climb is the Watkin. Someone local has built an infinity pool on Snowdon, it’s more of a plunge than a swim, but must be marvellous on a red hot day. I found it via Google Earth last night. There’s another superb wild swim spot in a big pool just off the Watkin Path by the waterfalls, busy though in Summer. 

    Conwy today for us, we might even see the Sun🤞

  • Fisherman
    Fisherman Forum Participant Posts: 2,371
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    edited December 2023 #58072

    What rain.I mowed the lawn( picked up leaves) this morning.As we say here, no rain in Wales and its no water in Birmingham.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited December 2023 #58073

    Had to go to town today to help MiL take some stuff to a particular charity shop where a friend of hers works on Wednesdays. Had a few things that needed doing myself and it was very busy as its market day. Plus OH had a hair appointment so she got a free lift.

    Found out that another resident that we know in the village has died suddenly and that yet another in our road has Covid and is not expected to survive. Just shows it has never gone away.

    Went for a blood test Monday and received a text this afternoon from surgery asking me to have another one in a weeks time. What do they want, blood?undecidedsmile

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited December 2023 #58074

    Rain  rain and more rain much the same as a lot of other places I expect. Indoor jobs which included making up the bed for our youngest son who has decided to come over from N. Ireland for a few days next week to help out when OH comes out of hospital. It will be so lovely to see him as we can't go over there this year. OH's job was the dishwasher which decided to go on strike so it had to be taken apart and cleaned out inside. It is now working again - phew!

    I hope your second blood test goes well WN. I had my routine blood tests 2 weeks ago and got a text last week to contact the surgery to make a telephone appt with a GP. Apparently my choloestrol is up again. I had to admit I hadn't been taking the statins as I dont like the side effects. Slapped wrist from GP and told to start taking them and have another blood test in 3 months. So sorry to hear about your neighbours. No sadly covid has not gone away.

    Glad the nellies got away Ok. I hope the weather picks up for them. It is rumoured to be a bit drier by the end of the week but I am not holding my breath.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited December 2023 #58075


    Funny you should mention dishwashers as we put our through a cleaning cycle today using one of those cleaners that you put in and heat melts the wax plug, hopefully at 70% it should do the trick? Dishwashers are generally pretty reliable appliances but they have float chambers in the sides which control the flow of water and these can get blocked, stopping them working. I have had to clean out a couple over the years, not a particularly nice job! Problem now is the new is integrated so goodness knows how I would get it out if I needed to clean it. Probably have to call someone in?


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited December 2023 #58076

    We have an integrated DW. It went wrong last year, we had to dismantle a good deal of the kitchen to sort it out. Bit of a nightmare, but thankfully we sorted the problem. 

    Grand day out in Conwy today. Mainly Castle, but it’s a nice little town as well, we walked part of the Walls. They seem to cause all sorts of grief for unwary visitors, car hit one wall and took its wheel completely off, bringing all the one way system to a halt. Then as we were heading back to car park to our car, we came across a big HGV stuck in another of the gates trying to get out. He’s a lot to answer for has Edward I, didn’t forward plan very well(🤣). It’s a beautiful starlit night here tonight, not much light pollution so lots to see.

    Our last day tomorrow. It will be Caernarfon mainly, little bit of retail therapy. 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,160
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    edited December 2023 #58077

    Millie, we had sunshine todaylaughing. Went for a walk up in the forest on Longridge Fell as the tracks are hard there, so no mud!!😆  Nice to hear that your son is coming over to help next week.

    Sorry to hear about your neighbours' death and illness, WN. I guess for many on here that have lived in the same place for a longish time with the same set of neighbours there are bound to be similar situations, that certainly has happened around us. Hope that the next round test come up with a positive outcome and that you do not any need more for a while.

    Hope you had fine weather, tda,  and you had a good day out at Comway.

    OH and I are our dishwashers so maintenance is in our own hand, as it were!wink

  • the browser
    the browser Club Member Posts: 3,918
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    edited December 2023 #58078

    Our last day tomorrow. It will be Caernarfon mainly, little bit of retail therapy

    Tda don’t want to put a dampner on your day in Caernarfon but don’t think you will have much retail therapy there  in MHO

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited December 2023 #58079

    Brother still in hospital and very poorly, looks like he will be there quite a while.  I’m sorry to say I think his days of independence will be at an end.  We are fortunate to have a forces/veterans at our hospital and he has been fantastic help.

    Need to start planning some trips for the rest of the winter and 2024, we had considered Scandinavia but might have to put that on the back burner

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,329
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    edited December 2023 #58080

    Oneputt glad you've found good support at the hospital for your brother. Sad times if he can't live unaided any more. I take up he gave up 'van life' a while back?

    Good to read of folks news home and away. 

    Well shock horror here. We have some bright skies and a glimpse of a yellow ball 😱. Quite a change after wet wet wet. Managed reasonable dog walks by picking times and places, but WET underfoot. Both Dora and I grateful for a warm dog shower on our return. Wellies are the order of the day and whichever socks you choose, your toes get chilly. No idea about the poor dog, freezing I should think.  Air is cold on bear skin - face 🫣.

    Almost sorted for Christmas, bit more wrapping and indoor jobs.

    Best wishes to Mr milliehull. It'll be lovely to have your son over too.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited December 2023 #58081

    That’s sad to hear OP, never easy losing one’s independence. Hope he gets the care and assistance he needs.