What are you all up to



  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,454
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    edited October 2023 #57542

    We had warnings of potential power cuts, but thankfully all ok at the moment. I popped back up to Mum’s between 5.20 and 6.10 pm, and it’s no better outside, a lot more water swilling around. Thankfully, roads very a lot quieter than usual, so most folks heeding the warnings. Bad luck for anyone travelling today, good news on you being able to move your booking Francis. 

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited October 2023 #57543

    Finally got power back at just gone 7pm

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited October 2023 #57544


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited October 2023 #57545

    It has been raining here near Louth since late last night, heavy at times, with strong winds too, and it is continuing at the moment. Thankfully the CL we are on is very well sheltered and there are hard tracks for walking Flyte. This has been the worst day we have had not just on this trip but for at least the last two years!yell

    One van arrived late this afternoon and, although there are a couple of vacant HS pitches it drove straight onto the grass and pitched up away in a corner. Rather him than me when it comes to leave should this rain persist.

    RandR, on Sunday we are due to come over the Humber Bridge to a CL east of Hull, and will have to check with the owners what the ground conditions are like on the site, but if you have not had the same amount of rain as we have had hopefully it will be ok.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited October 2023 #57546

    The strong winds seem to have subsided, meantime anyway.   It has gone quite quiet outside.   Just hope it is  all over by the time we come to tow the van home on Sunday morning.  We will make an early start tomorrow so we can be at the site before 11am.

    The parcel arrived at DD's house shortly before we had planned to come home, so that was good.    Not so good is that the Smart is still in the garage.  They had to order a new sump and it was only coming today, so we just might get it back on Monday, hope we do as the Touareg is booked in for some work starting on Monday.  We may end up with both cars unavailable, but we can borrow DD's old Volvo for a day or two if necessary.

  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,763
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    edited October 2023 #57547

    Apparently Woodhall Spa and Horncastle were amongst the worst affected areas in Lincolnshire today, typical! A tree came down on the site this morning, luckily nobody affected as not many pitches occupied in that area (C&CC site). Wardens very pro-active in sorting it all out. The tree which blocked the road outside the site has been removed. 

    Glad we decided not to travel today, tomorrow looks a lot better 🤞

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited October 2023 #57548

    Safe trip tomorrow, InaD. You did right staying an extra day there.

  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,763
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    edited October 2023 #57549

    Thank you,  I hope you will have better weather too tomorrow, Nellie.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited October 2023 #57550

    "RandR, on Sunday we are due to come over the Humber Bridge to a CL east of Hull, and will have to check with the owners what the ground conditions are like on the site, but if you have not had the same amount of rain as we have had hopefully it will be ok."

    I'm sure you'll be fine nth, but bear in mind, Hornsea seems to have its own climate?????  It can be fine here but absolutely lashing it down in Beverley. It really is weird sometimes - even to the extent that the weather can vary quite a lot between different parts of the town (and it's only small, as you know). Just bear in mind that it's all heavy clay soil around here so water tends to hang around for a while but I assume that at this time of the year, you'll be on a H/S. Forecast for Sunday looks good - have a safe trip.

  • Trini
    Trini Club Member Posts: 429
    edited October 2023 #57551

    We are due to tow down the A1 tomorrow (Sunday 22nd) having contacted our chosen CL who say things are ok, we are driving down from M62 area to the A46 and having checked it seems the A1 is flooded near Carlton/Sutton section.

    Any updates will be appreciated. Thanks

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,454
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    edited October 2023 #57552

    Yes, the A1 is closed due to flooding from Elkesley, right down to near Newark at the moment Trini. Plus there are ongoing roadworks causing bad delays at times around Darrington/Wentbridge area. These ebb and flow through the day of course, and seem worse going North. Hope things re open for you tomorrow. Coming off at Clumber, and using A614 could be an option, working your way over towards Sutton and Carlton. Good luck👍

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,936
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    edited October 2023 #57553

    Hope all are keeping safe with the awful weather we are having at the moment.  The middle of Polesworth (the High Street) is flooded.... the river has burst!  Fortunately, we live a bit higher up so have never been subject to flood.

    We've had a really difficult few days.  Carol's mum (in her 90's) has been poorly so she has had a few days over in Wolverhampton looking after her.  Matters got a bit worse yesterday and they have taken her into hospital with suspected pneumonia.  Carol spent 5 hours in A & E, but she wasn't allowed into the ward... she's been communication with her mom by phone from the waiting room!!.  Now she's been transferred to a different ward she will be allowed in at visiting time this afternoon.  

    Phone call from our really upset eldest daughter today (the one who lives in the Outer Hebrides) telling us that Rocky the dog died suddenly this morning.  Her husband in away working in Switzerland, so she is having to deal with that as well as trying to explain to a 2 year old Euan what is going on.

    In the meantime, I'm at home working on audio files for Christmas music (to enable folk to do some learning themselves as an extension to practices).... but in a moment I really need to turn my attention to sorting music for All Souls, All Saints and Remembrance.

    At least I've got the car back.... even if it did cost me an arm and a leg for service, mot, sensors, ball joints, disc pads and a few other bits and bobs....

    Anyway.... onwards and uowards..  as they say!  🙂


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited October 2023 #57554

    Well at least the rain has stopped but it is still rather dank and dreary. Our gutter man arrived this morning to have a look at our flood that was coming in the conservatory and down the back wall.  Apparently the flashing all needs replacing which is what we thought (and rather dreaded). He went up on the conservatory roof and showed us the  photos. It is in a bad state so that is £££ surprised but the work needs doing. He hopes to move some jobs around so that he can start on Monday. It teemed with rain for about 18 hours yesterday and all the roads were awash but no-where near as bad as other areas having seen the news. I did a ground floor tour of the Cathedral yesterday morning and all 6 people who had booked in arrived - 2 from Kings Lynn, 2 from near Ely and 2 from Seattle who were hoping to go to Ely later. I do hope they all got back home safely.

    When OH went to collect the paper first thing he noticed an ambulance outside our next door but one neighbours and then 2 police cars arrived and I have just seen the undertakers van reversing in.  They were in their 90s. So very sad. 

    I hope everyone who is out and about this weekend stays safe as some roads are in a very bad state. Take care everyone.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited October 2023 #57555

    We have had rain and winds here but not as bad as some parts of south east France a lot of flooding in that area and we have a week of rain next week but the ground needs it as we have been in severe water restrictions for most of this year.

    Trying to get some autumnal gardening and tidying done before it gets worse.

    We had our 6th Covid jab on Thursday in a Pharmacie in Villefrance when we checked in for the jabs the Pharmacist took upstairs to do them well a very old staircase in the local stone and very curved also parts of the building must date back to 15th or 16th century would not be any good for folks with mobility issues but perhaps they can do them downstairs, had a very sore arm yesterday and felt a bit muzzy head so a lazy day but both ok today, just been to get some more compost for a small raised bed, it is that time of year as a lot of shops have the pots of chyrsanthemums everywhere ready for 1st November All Saints day or Toussaint as it is called here.

    Have a good weekend folks and take care on the roads.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited October 2023 #57556

    Thought I’d just bob in to catch up with everyone’s news. Sorry to hear about Carol’s Mum, and the dog DSB. Shame that they wouldn’t let her sit with her Mum, seems senseless as surely that would have calmed and reassured them both. Sorry to hear about your neighbour Millie.

    Two weeks ago we went to the Warner’s studio to see the making of Harry Potter with our Son and family, his treat for us. It was quite amazing, interesting and very enjoyable, if anyone gets the chance to go. It’s only a mile from his house but there were visitors there from all over the world. We stayed on with them for a few days and also had a lovely day out in Windsor.

    Then we went on to our caravan with the intention of starting the big winter pack up, we got some things done, including covering all the outside furniture. However, Thursday night the rain just didn’t stop, worrying about the river I was up and down all night. At 6.30am I saw our neighbours driving out. At dawn I realised that although the river was ok the site was flooded, about 6 inches of water. We quickly packed the car. I am prepared with wellies but OH not! He had to roll his trousers up and wade out in his sliders! At least it was clear water as the river didn’t go. Anyway we got out ok and considering what some have gone through it was just inconvenient. The caravan was fine as it’s raised by about 3ft in preparation for much worse, and the outside furniture is up on the decking. But we now have to go back soon to sort out, fine for those who live locally but another journey for us.

    Last week Granddaughter had an episode and fell down the stairs putting her shoulder out. The following day, someone had parked over a dropped curb and she tried to get her wheelchair down the actual curb, the wheelchair tipped and she fell out, breaking her hand! She sent me photos yesterday of her pumpkin picking with friends one handed and laughing, she is so very resilient. I do wish that people would consider the disabled when they park on pavements and dropped curbs though.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited October 2023 #57557

    Sorry about the delay in replying, but I got caught up watching the rugby last night, and then it was too late for me to post. As it is a grass onIy site I phoned the CL and they said that we were to be the only unit booked to be on the site and could pitch up on the concrete driveway into the field. That suited us fine and so here we are. The hard standing area was the base of an old large greenhouse, but enough for us to pitch across it, giving us a view across the fields. It is a new CL, only one in June this year, after 3yrs setting it up, and they have plans to put in a couple of proper H/S pitches for next year.

    it has been a fine sunny day but with a cool wind, 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited October 2023 #57558

    Sorry to read about the misfortunes others are having.

    It must be of great concern for you DSB and your family, but hopefully Carol's mum will soon recover. At least you now have your car back and can perhaps think about getting away in your caravan sometime soon.

    Millie fingers crossed that your guy can find time next week to sort out the flashing before you have any more heavy rain. 

    Debs, your granddaughter certainly has great resilience, you must be very proud of her.


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited October 2023 #57559

    Pleased you arrived safely, nth, and you've managed to settle in OK.  We stopped going to a CL at Flamborough for Christmas because that was also on clay soil and we ended up with a quagmire at the end of the week!

    I'll be swapping places with you in a week's time - off to Tebay to take the van in for service - and, as usual, will be staying at Pennine View in Kirby Stephen for a couple of nights to break the journey. I've done it there and back in a day before, but at this time of the year, it's even more of a hard slog. I could get it done nearer, or even use a mobile engineer, but ALV usually look after us and they know the van (plus I usually get a few 'freebie' jobs done as well!)

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,454
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    edited October 2023 #57560

    Sorry to hear about some folks problems, and send best wishes.

    I had a good day at home yesterday, and spent it re arranging the dust🤣 ours is quite a big old house, and usually with two of us, we manage it well, but 75% of my time at the moment is spent with Mum, and then we try and have a day out each week just to keep sane, so it’s got a bit cluttered, and needed some deep cleaning. Not usually my forte, but I got stuck in, and actually enjoyed myself with a tin of Brasso, my favourite dusting tool, a wide paint brush, and wrestled with the Dyson! Looking a lot better now, and I can face my in laws this coming weekend, they seem to thrive on cleaning all the time. I’ve got folks dropping in all day Saturday for an event, so it’ll possibly all need doing again next week. 😱 New neighbours move in sometime this week as well. Mini in for its test today🤞

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,882
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    edited October 2023 #57561

    Having a "quiet" day packing for our upcoming sojourn. Not exactly as quiet as I would have liked though.

    Both of us wanted to take a certain item but could either of us find them? We've turned the place upside down and put it all back together then remembered to look in the caravan.yellsealed

    Sometimes the hassle of going away isn't worth it.smile

    Hope this weekend goes well Ttda. Best of luck.

    I agree with you DEBSC. We have a near neighbour who uses a mobility scooter. In his 90s but gets out every day. However the number of inconsiderate people who park on pavements and right in front of dropped kerbs he encounters on a daily basis is disgusting. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,454
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    edited October 2023 #57562

    When I use to take Dad out in his wheelchair it really annoyed me as well. Couldn’t do much about the cars, but we became very good at demolishing displays in sores that cluttered up aisles that should have been kept with more space.

    Thanks WN, hope you get off ok👍

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited October 2023 #57563

    R&R, I hope your trip through to Tebay goes well and the service goes well, and you get the other jobs done FOC!

    Sounds like you had a busy day, tda, and that the weekend's event goes without a hitch.

    Glad to hear that you eventually found the missing pieces, WN. Hope your trip goes well and that the crossings  are smooth ones.

    It was another dry day  so OH was able to get a round of washing done first thing. We then went to Withernsea, a place we have not visited before. Had a couple of walks along the prom done before calling in at Aldi to restock up on food. There are lots of interesting features  associated with the fishing industry through the town, with a trail linking them. The photo is of the sculpture at the start of the trail. 


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited October 2023 #57564

    I missed posting these photos of the Church of All Saints, at South Elkington. It has a 15C Tower although  the church itself was rebuilt in 1843. Its main internal features are the highly decorated  chancel ceiling based on the Te Deum and it's recently renovated organ.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited October 2023 #57565

    I see CT is all over the place again this morning, most topics have very old dates showing undecided

    boy did it rain during the night, but all sound this morning and looks like being a nice day.

    Had the Sorento touched up yesterday, one of the companies that do it on your drive, nothing major, few stone chips and a graze at the front and a supermarket trolley graze at the back, as i have decided not to lash out £50k plus for a new tug i thought £400 pounds on a touch up was much better value for an afternoons work, and it looks really good, the amount of equipment they have on those vans is quite remarkable.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,454
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    edited October 2023 #57566

    Mini passed its test🥳 That’s two out of three so far, just the Wrangler to go now🤞

    I have a photo of your crab looking out to sea Nellie. We didn’t stay long in Withernsea, but interesting about the shellfish industry. Patrington Church is well worth a visit by the way👍

    I am Mum watching here, Sis is busy putting together some sorts of exotic cupcakes for this weekend.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited October 2023 #57567

    "We didn’t stay long in Withernsea"

    Doesn't surprise me nth - nothing like a wet Tuesday in Withernseasmile, Hornsea's much nicersmilesmile

    St Mary's at Welwick is another interesting church.  Many years ago, I spent the afternoon there trying to find the link between my family and the two brothers with the same surname as me, who were involved in the Gunpowder plot with Guy Fawkes. My family originated from Fitling in Holderness as did the plotters - and since it is still to this day, nothing more than a tiny hamlet, it has to be more than coincidental.  Unfortunately, I could never make that link and gave up - but what a giggle that would have been if I could have.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,454
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    edited October 2023 #57568

    I was being diplomatic R&R😁 That crab sculpture is fabulous though. We had a full day exploring this area of East Yorks, and thoroughly enjoyed it. Lovely countryside, nice villages and some very interesting churches. We didn’t go down to Spurn though, ages since we have been, decades in fact so it will all have changed.

    My maiden name is linked with Dick Turpin, we always used to tease Dad that a relative of his had been a highwayman, and hung with Dick Turpin, as there’s a poster naming a John ****** in a cell in York Museum! 

    OH has fond memories of Hornsea. He and some of his firefighter colleagues did the Trans Pennine Trail for his leaving do, by cycle. They started in Southport and rode all the way (including a wrong turn up a spur of the Leeds Liverpool Canal🤣) in three days, ending up at a lovely Fish and Chip Restaurant in Hornsea run by one of the fire fighter’s Mum. Nice part of Yorkshire👍

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited October 2023 #57569

    What do farmers do when it's raining? Go shopping of course! Not for any little trifle but a new (to us) car. We were going to keep our current one forever and a day, but a few little (and some bigger) niggles made us change our mind. The trade in value seemed to change by the hour.

    No one will really notice as it's the same make (slightly different model), same colour and same number plate. But more new tech to get used to.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited October 2023 #57570

    I didn't think of taking the photo in that direction, tda, definitely a better background than in mine!! 

    R&R, and tda, following up on the family history tales  one of OH's distant relatives was Johnny Flinton, who,  as well being a fisherman in Scarborough, was also a smuggler, and has a cove named after him in Clayton Bay!! You will have to pop down a see it when you are at the CC site tda.

    Hope your new vehicle does not develop any annoying faults, Goldie, and it is the "forever one"!

    It has been a rather dull and wet at times day today. We decided to use our HHA membership  again and visited this hall, which we haven't  been to before. Many will recognise it but others might like to guess where it's located. Not one we particularly took to inside, much too elaborate for our tastes.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited October 2023 #57571

    Obviously, I know where / what it is nth - but, surprisingly perhaps, I've never been. I'll keep quiet, though - and not spoil the 'quiz' for others!