Has this site been hacked?

OK - so I'm always up at silly-o'clock - but I'm just looking through CT and every single topic - in every category is an old one - some dating back to 2018. There's seems to be no reason for them having been resurrected. What's going on?????
Edit - just gone back from this post via Discussions - and it's all back to normal - how on earth did that happen????
I’m on early by virtue of the hour difference but same her. Every thread in discussions bar this one is an old one. I’ve had the odd one before but never so many.
gone back to it as you did and still all oldies except this one. I suspect it is just CT playing up, I can’t believe anyone would want to hack it, it manages to screw things up fairly well on its own.😂
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"I can’t believe anyone would want to hack it, it manages to screw things up fairly well on its own."
Hee, hee - that made me chuckle Steve - so true
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Posts showing quickly has gone backwards over last few weeks, although I've not posted much I've noticed it. No better/worse today
Constant server errors - for ages/ever. Any time, any day, anywhere.......
Oh I forgot to add S L O W
I do wonder if CT is an unwanted troublesome 'limb'. If ignored it will go away eventually.....
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I've noticed that the old and resurrected threads have a "like" on the last posting. Could this have brought them to the top of the list?
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Not when I looked Colin - that was the first thing I looked for. It also doesn't explain why - when I went back to the CT home page, via "Discussions", a few seconds later, it had all reverted to 'normal'. Totally weird
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It's done it again - just checked and about half the threads are old ones - something is definitely going on.
Edit - and once again, going back to the home page via "Discussions", returns everything back to normal.
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Any self respecting hacker would just pass on by……it’s bad enough left to it’s own devices, doesn’t need extra help🤣
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Hi everyone, just to let you know I've raised this with our IT team and apologise for any inconvenience it has caused.
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I notice that the last time there was a notification of an outage was nearly 2 months ago, after being promised that there would notice of them occurring in the day or so before each!
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I see that there are 17 sections where the "headline" posts are not the most recent in that specific section. What have they been doing with their "maintenance" , just closing down the site for fun and to frustrate member who regularly post so much that they will stop doing so and thus have a good excuse to close off CT completely?
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Just an observation but many of those old threads are still being discussed today. i.e. pitch prices too high, EHU or non EHU, cheaper over there, etc.etc. It's getting harder to spot a new interesting topic these days. Just my opinion of course.
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What do we have to do to get this issue sorted? It's weeks ago that the matter was reported to Ro and it's even worse this afternoon than when I first raised it. How on earth are all these old posts suddenly reappearing? David K - can you or one of the other Mods raise this again, please?
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An absolute farce isn’t it🤨 The worst part must be that it could be so upsetting for some. I have seen past posts from some no longer with us (RIP) and certainly there are posts about much loved pets that have passed away. Almost every thread is a historical one, many seem to be from when the forum website was updated back in 2016.
I will report your post, if you report mine R&R, hopefully there might be someone out their diligent enough to do something about this😡 (Can’t recall if there is a caravan Show on at the moment, that usually puts a spanner in the works with staff away)
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I can’t book a site for next June, what shall I do? Site says all pitches are full all year!
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What site is it, or all of them?
I've just checked a few of my favorites and no problems as you describe - except when the site is full of course.
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Check there isn’t scheduled work planned. It would be helpful to know the Site, but if it is Uttoxeter Racecourse (a guess) then it might be that the fate of this site still remains undecided. We were talking to some site staff earlier this year who mentioned that it possibly might close.
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Hi all, I'm sorry you are experiencing issues with this. Our team are investigating this further.
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I'd be interested to know what site it is too. I've been updating the list of serviced pitches and when I looked at Longleat, they are all showing 'FULL' when the site is open. It's only Longleat I'm getting a problem with, and I've checked so many sites... I've no reason to believe the site has been hacked... it's just errors.