What are you all up to



  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,882
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    edited October 2023 #57422

    We seem to be stuck, weather wise between Kj and Rufs. 

    We travelled to our cottage with MiL in tow on Friday. Terrible driving conditions coming over M62. Still raining in Yorkshire when we arrived so we all agreed on a long leisurely pub lunch which was great.

    Last 2 days we've spent more or less local with Ripley Castle and Brimham Rocks being on the agenda, neither of which MiL had been to before so that was nice.

    A few photos. One of them being of one of extremely old age, the tree she is resting against beats her age though being a Yew of about 400 years (but only just🤣) The Boar is a drinking fountain and symbolises Ripley as the lordship was granted by Edward III for being saved by a fellow huntsman whilst on a wild boar hunt.

    The car is for Francis and other car nuts.😀

    Sounds good Millie. Hope things go as planned.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited October 2023 #57423

    We have moved to what must be one of the very best value CLs in the country. Good access, EHU, both a ladies and a gents toilet, a free shower, and very quiet, and within a 3 min walk from the pub, all for £10 pn. surprised
    I have been requested to limit my reviews as there are already problems with getting a pitch because of its popularity. It is still full at this time of the year!!

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited October 2023 #57424

    Yesterday we went to the NTs Ickworth House, more a museum or Treasure House than a lived in property, and not one we would be interested in visiting  again, although it did have a couple of impressive chandeliers. However  the estate was grand for walking Flyte so we did have a good day out. A few photos from it and, especially for DKwink, another  church, a Norman one about a mile from the site we are now on.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,456
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    edited October 2023 #57425

    Hope things get sorted for your holidays K, your weather has been appalling.

    Ripley is an interesting place, village unspoilt. Lovely photos WN.

    Thats sounds one heck of a find Nellie does that CL Nellie🤩

    Good to hear things are moving for your OH Millie, and he must be so proud of your Grandson👍

    Been a nice day here, particularly warm this afternoon. Got a bit more gardening done, but things are thriving at the moment. We actually have a Lilac tree that is dropping its leaves, but is also coming back into bud🤷‍♀️ Totally mixed up.

  • robsail
    robsail Forum Participant Posts: 1,441
    edited October 2023 #57426

    MH  Still waiting on the results.... The rain has been something else! I dipped into BBC  "Ghosts" on Friday night Thunder and Lightening ensued, couldn't make up my mind whether it was on the program or outside! I got a photo sent from someone who had been at the boat club the loch had risen 4-5 foot since I was up last. When the loch was at the foot of the slipway now can't see the top of the slipway! Fortunately the launch trolley is heavy so it hasn't  floated off! The club  member moved the boats to higher ground! I have not seen the water move so fast. A lot of the roads in Stirlingshire flooded/ closed or had landslip. Tyndrum had something like 112.6 mm in 24hours!

  • robsail
    robsail Forum Participant Posts: 1,441
    edited October 2023 #57427

    There is some photos from the weekend of the Falls of Dochart at Killin on a Facebook page "Scotlands scenery" that look scary the force of the water going down the falls. Can't quite transfer that to this site!

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,456
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    edited October 2023 #57428

    Such a contrast Robsail, it’s like a hot July day down here in South Yorks. Car says it’s 24c, and it certainly feels like it. Another day like this, and expecting temps to plummet after that. 

    Good job this thread is alive and kicking, ‘cos everything else is just static.

  • robsail
    robsail Forum Participant Posts: 1,441
    edited October 2023 #57429

    TDA Lucky you... 24C we can only dream! So long as the boats stay static, and the loch doesn't get higher!


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,882
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    edited October 2023 #57430

    Dropped the Ladies off at RHS Carlow Carr this morning

    Then I walked into Harrogate and had Brunch whilst they fought their way to a table at Betty's. Bit overcast this morning but warm. Day now brightened up with sunshine.

    Sorry to hear of the deluge in Scotland. You have to be careful with watching some YouTube or FB videos. Apparently there was one that contained old footage of a flooded carpark in Nottingham masquerading as a Scottish one on YT. surprised

    Hope things improve for anyone north of the border.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited October 2023 #57431

    Yup similar in Stubbers, but nothing static just done my marathon swim, well not really, many years ago broke my humerus in 4 places playing paintball, so left arm does not come over to do crawl successfully, both knees replaced so you are advised not to do breast stroke legs so have to get along with breast stroke arms and crawl legs but it works and just being in the water is a plus, wont bore you all with more photies of the Solent & IOW undecided

    good luck to all those North of the Tebay Services stay safe, weather forecast not great, glad we cxld our tour to see my sister in Low Hutton (York)laughing 

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,072
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    edited October 2023 #57432

    Love the pic of the vintage car WN as you know I love old cars own too many of them too lol got one of my classic Mercs up for sale just now SWMBO wants it gone by Christmas.

    We have been quite lucky weather wise it was heavy rain but we are right on the coast so don’t get floods here fortunately. Friends of ours own a caravan in Dunoon and almost lost it over the weekend luckily the owners of the site moved it back from the river but some weren’t so lucky a few vans on site were completely washed away shocking 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited October 2023 #57433

    Hope you soon get your results, robsail, and it is hood that your friends at the boating club acted quickly. Fingers crossed that the weather improves and the waters subside.

    Love sunny day here and the temperature got up to 24C. After a walk on Litcham Common this morning we went to Castle Acre Priory and then to the Castle. We were surprised just how extensive and impressive both are.

    Francis, there are numerous very interesting vehicles, cars, wagons and motorcycles collected by the owner, and his son, on this site, some dating back to WWI. 


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited October 2023 #57434

    Good to hear everyone's news. Being careful with my data but check in now and again to see what's going on. 

    Very hot here in Portugal 32c today. We are just 20kms south of Porto, couldn't get a site in Porto as they were all full or only had 1 night available. Far to hot anyway to be in cities. 

    We are on a Municipal site 11.90 a night. Not the ritz but it's a hedged shady pitch, facilities are clean and work, what's not to like. Beach not far away so will take a cycle out later to have a look around. 

    Weather is supposed to break at the end of the week, might get some rain but it's supposed to get cooler 🤞 it does.

    Back home in Scotland our village got cut off from it's neighbour, never had that before with flooding. In winter with snow yes. My sister got a phone call at 06.30 to say the Tay was very high and due to burst it's banks. Not what she wanted to hear as they have been flooded out of their house before. It did burst it's banks but thankfully it didn't reach them. The Inches in Perth however were flooded and lots of streets in the city. All seems to be going down now but scary at the time.

    Enjoy the hood weather while it last folks and stay safe. 

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited October 2023 #57435

    Glad you are enjoying your holiday TG and as we are back home also been to 32C a bit too hot after UK when we got to 24C but looks like changing this weekend to rain and much cooler, we got back Sunday and all washing done by lunchtime today and dry just some ironing to do and the caravan cleaned inside but not outside as we are in drought conditions so must conserve water also noticed still no car wash stations not open either, we do have some water in water butts so some watering for the garden as where needed but it looks ok after no water on it for 2 weeks as our friends are now in UK who were watering for us, it helps to have cool nights been down to 5.8C since we have been back brr a bit cool.

    Trying to do our Covid jabs OH will try again later and the Flu jabs not available until 17th of this month.

    OH had a blood test am and got it done and out before 8am when they usually open and the only one there which is good as he has doctors next week.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited October 2023 #57436

    We both went for our flu and covid jabs at out local pharmacy this morning. Ros's appointment was 10 minutes before mine and we arrived a few minutes early.  Only two people waiting - so all done and dusted in a couple of minutes and we arrived back home about 5 minutes before my appointment time! All very quick and efficient.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,882
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    edited October 2023 #57437

    Good to hear from you Tammy. Glad to hear you're enjoying the trip. Good to miss the excessive rain in Perthshire but sounds like "Out of the frying pan....."smile

    Had an interesting journey to Skipton today. Thought we would take MiL on the scenic route past Blubberhouses. A road closure on the A59 had other ideas but she did get to see a lot of the Moors heading over to Ilkley.laughing We eventually got to Skipton in time for her to  do some shopping before I took the ladies to Embsay for a train ride and lunch on board. Thanks to Goldie for the suggestion. They really enjoyed it. A sunny day helped.

    Meanwhile I entertained myself in Skipton visiting the Castle, Holy Trinity church and The Woolly Sheep pub for a pint of TT. Wasn't that taken with the church tbh.

    We returned home via the A65 and Ilkley. 

    A note to anyone heading from Harrogate way to say Bolton Abbey that the A59 at Blubberhouses will be closed until 12th.November or thereabouts.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited October 2023 #57438

    Two Lovely days here in East Norfolk with temperatures reaching 24C.

    Collected the van from the dealers this morning. Lots of small fiddly jobs completed.  Problem area is a small amount of damp behind the awning rail, fortunately this will be carried out under warranty 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited October 2023 #57439

    Good to hear that your van's faults have been sorted, OP, and that the damp problem will be fixed under warranty. We have had similar weather to you, in West/Central Norfolk.

    Sounds like another good day out WN. Glad that the ladies are enjoying their time over there.

    Good to read that you are having a pleasant, if rather warm, time in Portugal TG. You certainly picked the right time to be away from Scotland.

    We visited the Anglo Saxon Cathedral and Bishop's Palace at North Elmham (making the most of our EH membership), before heading to Lenwade where we had a couple of walks along the Marriott's Way, on part of the old railway line from Norwich to Aylsham. It clouded up this evening and the wind has now got up somewhat.

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited October 2023 #57440

    Yes I had a similar experience, however, I had the Shingles jab, Covid & flu jabs all within 3 days and they wiped me out for 2 days, did nothing yesterday, very unsteady on my feet and a really crazy headache and i am not prone to headaches, but feeling much better today.

    today should be last day for us of those dizzy temperatures, back to seasonal averages come Thursday, so will have to revert to visiting the local leisure centre for my swimming, they have a very nice sauna so all good laughing

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,936
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    edited October 2023 #57441

    Having a 'tip/garden' day today.  Spent yesterday afternoon cutting our side of our neighbours trees/hedge that if gradually ruining our (very, very old) fence... 😀  We don't have much garden rubbish so I refuse to pay extra for them to come and empty a 'green' bin.  Booked myself in for a 'tip- drop' ths morning.

    Have a good time, those who are out and about.

    Still waiting for the car.  They've sorted out our 'breakdown problem'.... not a cracked manifold, but an additional 'mapping' sensor.  If only that was the end of it!!  Did the service and MOT.  Apparently some ball-joints need replacing...  Hoping they'll get it all sorted by Friday of this week.

    I'f I get tbe car on Friday, we might even try to take the caravan out for a few days from Sunday lunchtime...... 


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited October 2023 #57442

    Hope you get the car back by the weekend, David, and that you are able to get away again.  I guess you are extremely thankful that it's not a cracked manifold and that they found out about the ball joints before they too became a bit of a problem.

    Good to hear that you are feeling better after your multiple jabs, Rufs.

    We too have had a change in the weather with it being cloudy this morning and then rain on and off during the late afternoon and evening. Had a walk around a nature reserve this morning before doing the week's shopping and another walk for me from the van when we had unloaded the shopping. Fingers crossed that it will be fine again tomorrow.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,882
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    edited October 2023 #57443

    Beautiful day here in Yorkshire. Sunny with no wind but autumnally crisp.

    We went to Harewood House and enjoyed a lovely walk around the gardens. Surprised to see so many things still doing well in the Walled Garden, mostly herbs and fruit or veg.

    The dragonfly was very accommodating. It's a Migrant Hawker we believe. Saw a female soon after. They still fly until the end of this month so not unusual to see them.

    Off home tomorrow. We've certainly been quite lucky with the weather and have managed to get out and about on every day. MiL, whose chose here, has enjoyed it immensely.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited October 2023 #57444

    We are in Leyburn Wherenext and, like you, we have enjoyed a beautiful day.  We woke to a slight frost in the valley but a lovely sunrise.  We had an hour at Jervaulx, so peaceful with nothing but bird song. We then went to the Himalayan Garden near Ripon, again really beautiful but sadly a little too early for much Autumn colour.  I also saw an accommodating dragonfly, we aren’t as good as you with a name for this one though, any ideas?  

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited October 2023 #57445

    Glad you are feeling better after your jabs rufs.  it is a few years since I had my shingles jab but I do remember feeling decidedly 'woozy' for a day or two. Your body was probably wondering what had happened to it with having three jabs in a short space of time. There seems to be a lot of confusion about who is eligable for the shingles jab. We had a conversation with a gentleman the other day who s 76 and he was told he wasn't.

    Lovely photos WN. So pleased your MIL has had such a good time.

    Just to add to the church photos here is one I took today on our U3A church visit this afternoon. It is Cotterstock church near Oundle. For a small church in a small village it has a very large chancel because it used to be chantry church. It is much larger than the nave. Sadly the whole church was 'remodelled' in Victorian times. They took the plaster and frescos off the walls and relaid the floor.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,882
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    edited October 2023 #57446

    Heddlo, I think that's a Common Darter, as opposed to a Ruddy Darter (just letting the 5 year old in me come out as it's a great excuse to say the "Ruddy" word and get away with it.) laughing

    Yes, it was a grand day to be in Yorkshire today.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited October 2023 #57447

    Not such a bright day today with rain at times, but still warm. We went to Blickling Estate where  we had a walk before lunch and then round the house in the afternoon. Our last night in East Anglia before we move around the The Wash to near Boston tomorrow.

    Have a safe drive home tomorrow,  WN, you seems to have had a very good time in North Yorkshire. 

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,936
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    edited October 2023 #57448

    Thanks Nellie...  I'll know the score romorrow...  fingers crossed!   Weather doesn't look too bad for the beginning of next wsek too... 


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,882
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    edited October 2023 #57449

    Had another very wet trip back over the Pennines today but fortunately the traffic wasn't too intense, certainly not as busy as last Friday when we travelled over to Yorkshire.

    Still raining when we got home, dumped the bags and went to the "local" about a mile away as MiL wanted to treat us. No arguments from us two. General unpacking and admin this afternoon.. Did stop raining late afternoon.

    Hope your car back with you David.

    Trust your trip went well Nellie.

    Quiet on here again.