magazine cl prices

kalamitty55 Forum Participant Posts: 82
edited September 2023 in Certificated Locations #1

just looking through the new cl,s in the mag and in some there is the price £20 +occ can some one explain what occ is please 



  • Fozzie
    Fozzie Club Member Posts: 578
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    edited September 2023 #2

    Occupants is my guess.

  • Fozzie
    Fozzie Club Member Posts: 578
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    edited October 2023 #3

    Duplicate post.

  • CholseyGrange
    CholseyGrange Club Member Posts: 294
    edited September 2023 #4

    The vast majority (I'd estimate 95%) of CLs that I have come across assume 2 adults within their Pitch Price.  Whereas most Club and Commercial sites give the headline price with 1 person.   

    This means that comparing prices between types of site (if you just look at the 'from' price) can be somewhat misleading. 

    Here at Cholsey Grange, we price at £25 per hardstanding  pitch all year.  Our nearest Club site is Henley Four Oaks, which (at the moment) has a headline price of £20, but  that is for a grass pitch with 1 adult.  Add another adult (2 total) and choose a hardstanding pitch and it rises to £30.60.  Of course the Club site has toilets and showers, which we don't, but if you prefer to use your own facilities then we'd be the 'price choice'.

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,928
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    edited September 2023 #5

    Terms, conditions, details of minimum stay, non refundable deposits, metering,  payments, cancellation charges and one night supplement on Cholsey Grange website, 

  • MikeyA
    MikeyA Forum Participant Posts: 1,072
    edited October 2023 #6

    As well as all the above, any change in date incurs a £15 fee. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited October 2023 #7

    Whilst I'm no great fan of CAMC pricing structure and much prefer CLs I would say that  a lot of CLs have become lazy, or simply canny, by not altering their "From" price on the  clubs website.(Not referring to yourself CG btw.)

    Some prices that I have seen/requested  have seen increases of up to 50% from the price advertised. Not enough of them change their advertised price when they change the actual price and it is a gripe I tend to have with CLs in general.Hence I always ask before booking. At least with the club you get to know how much it will cost before placing the booking.

    All of the Independent sites I have used in the last goodness knows how many years have had correct and precise information on their websites or given quotes if no information shown.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited October 2023 #8

    No matter what kind of site you choose, be it Club, CL/CS, small independent, larger commercial, to get a true price comparison, and to see if the terms and conditions suit your circumstances (which are always going to be personal choice) it pays to thoroughly read any T&Cs, talk/text/email regarding anything you might be unsure about. Pricing as you say Wherenext, being one issue in point. Some CLs have almost as complex booking T&Cs as Club Sites and you need to be sure about committing to something well in advance, otherwise it might end badly for host and visitor.

    Lots of CLs and CS sites now have much more thorough booking policies than in the past, (given the behaviour of some users who can blame them) and are looking to guard against total loss of income. There are still a lot of delightful much more laid back offerings out there as well, deserving of respect though. 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,160
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    edited October 2023 #10

    That's great, martin, thanks for your honest approach. I would just ask that you include, in some way, the name of your site, perhaps in a similar manner to Chorley Grange, and then members would be able to find it easily using the CL search function. I know you have named it in other posts but they are not always easy to find.

    I wonder if the cause of some of the current CL site prices being out of date is due to someone at HO not updating the respective web pages promptly after begin informed of price changes?


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited October 2023 #11

    You epitomise why we have always loved CLs, how they used to be. Long may your site continue in this way.

    I do have a lot of sympathy for those owners who have had to put in place things like deposits, losing the income from one of only five lettings through being let down is difficult. We have noticed this year through using more CS sites, that they do seem less inclined to ask for deposits but then they can generate more income through having tents along with the five van/MH pitches. A lot cheaper on average as well. 

    I hope things continue well via your more relaxed approach Martin, it’s good to have a mix of sites doing things differently, gives the Members greater choice🙂

  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 531
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    edited October 2023 #12

    Most commercial sites rarely charge per person but usually for 2 adults and so if, like myself. you are a single tourer, it works out more expensive to stay on most commercial sites and quite a few CLs as well, than it does on a CMHC or CCC site.

  • Skybarn Farm CL
    Skybarn Farm CL Club Member Posts: 27
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    edited October 2023 #13

    Hi Martin,

    Our CL site has been up and running for 10 years now, I think your's is new this year looking at your reviews.  We used to run in exactly the same way you describe until one year 1 in every 4 bookings was cancelled last minute or even on the day of arrival.  Sadly, we couldn't operate in that way any longer, it prevented others already on site from staying longer or we were turning bookings away who could have stayed due to the last minute cancelled bookings.  As we're a very busy site, fully booked throughout the summer, last minute cancellations are actually a problem for us for the above reasons and the obvious financial loss if we were still only taking payment on arrival.

    If we charged £25 per night, as you do, we too would include absolutely everything, but we chose to reduce our nightly charge to £20 plus all electric used as it actually works out cheaper for our visitors.  The average cost per night for electric over the summer has been just £1.70 so we work out, on average, at £21.70 per night (summer) for a fully serviced hard standing pitch with free WiFi and a 2.5 mile private dog walk.  It also gives visitors the option of not hooking up and staying 'off-grid' if they prefer, just paying our nightly pitch fee.

    The beauty of the CL network is variety.  Variety of locations, sites, prices, facilities and the way in which each CL is run.  There's something to suit everyone and I don't think any way is the wrong way.

    Skybarn Farm CL, Lincoln

  • martinsclsite
    martinsclsite Forum Participant Posts: 21
    edited October 2023 #14

    Hi I hope everything is going really well for you at  skybarn farm It is really nice to hear from another site , and it is good that that other sites do things differently, I have only had one alteration of days this season so not much affects me. I had everyone keep to their days and I was lucky in days arrival and days vacating. And everyone that came are insisting that they come back next year. I think it is the little things like I print off train timetables and bus routes if they tell me that they want to go to Hampton court flower show or into London, And most of them went with a big bag of apples or pears from the fruit trees. I hope you had a good season this year and a even better one next.

  • Steve and Lynne P
    Steve and Lynne P Forum Participant Posts: 6
    edited January 2024 #15

    I have not stayed on a club camp site yet. I find it strange that there is an extra charge for a second person. There is no extra cost to the site if there are two of us, or just the one. My other bug bear is the amount of sites that do not reply to emails asking if they have pitches available.

    Looking forward to this year where we plan to spend quite a few days away in the van. This is only my second year as caravaner , so hoping to meet quite a few of you on the road.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited January 2024 #16

    I think you maybe confusing club owned/operated sites with CLs.

    Club sites charge a pitch fee and a per person fee. Logically, more people will use more water and make greater use of facilities thus increasing costs to the club.  CLs, on the other hand, set their own charging method which can vary site to site.

    It is not possible to email club sites but many CLs publish email addresses. If they don’t reply, you can always ring.👍🏻


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,160
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    edited January 2024 #17

    It is not possible to email club sites but many CLs publish email addresses. If they don’t reply, you can always ring.👍🏻

     TW, that would be ok in a perfect world, but there are some CL owners who make little or no effort to respond to either an email or a phone call unfortunately. I do wonder how some manage to run their business.




  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,474
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    edited January 2024 #18

    Then vote with your wheels 😞

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,160
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    edited January 2024 #19

    Just what we do. It is just a pity that it happens, and that one can't make others aware of a potential problem when trying to book, as reviews are only for members who actually stay on a site.