What are you all up to



  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited September 2023 #57272

    A dry day here after rain during the night, threatening clouds throughout the morning and into the afternoon but the sun did eventually show it's face this evening. We walked from the van along the clliff top path and down to the end of Mundesley's promenade. After our picnic by the lifeboat station we returned to the van via the bridalway past Stow Windmill and picked around 3 lbs of Damsons on the way.

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited September 2023 #57273

    Thanks David

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited September 2023 #57274

    Browsing through the comments this morning and suddenly remembered that we hadn’t booked our covid jabs. Thank you Davidklyne for putting the link on, made it easier. Now both booked for Tuesday, then our flu jabs at the Drs on 7th October.

    Spent yesterday cutting back our old apple tree, seemed to have shot up this year, but we couldn’t reach all of the twiggy high branches, even with our high cutting implements, so some of the bigger ones cut back to take them off. It looks much better now. A job that we used to take in our stride took all afternoon and we were both really feeling our age by the time we had finished. I find that I don’t feel old, until I struggle to do jobs that once were no problem.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,883
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    edited September 2023 #57275

    "Quiet" day today.

    Last day here before we move tomorrow to an Independent site in the Uttoxeter area for a few days before heading home.

    Mrs WN busy with clothes washing and I've got a few things to do after this coffee break.

    Been a good trip for on the move physio for me.

    Dreading what our garden needs doing to it when we get home.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited September 2023 #57276

    We had to chuckle at your last comment DEBSC, that really resonated here.  We have a fairly tall hawthorn and holly hedge behind our boundary fence, not ours but the council’s, and they don’t maintain it even though it’s on ‘their’ land. We ended up getting a local man in to trim it back for us.  I’m sure we used to manage it ourselves no bother but it defeated us this time!!   We could leave it but it looks so scruffy if we do, however it makes a good barrier and the birds like it so we want to keep it, but it does make extra work.  

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,883
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    edited September 2023 #57277

    OH just had a look on our local FB site.

    Someone found a dead otter in a marshy bit of scrub on the edge of the village when out walking home. Can't believe it as we have no river or lakes within reasonable distance.

    Otter collected and given to authorities who confirmed it was a youngster. Probably a motor accident statistic as near an A road. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,456
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    edited September 2023 #57278

    That’s so sad WN, poor thing.😢

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited September 2023 #57279

    Having spent the morning loading the car and van ready for the off tomorrow morning - and now suffering with my back and all the other joints in my body (so it seems!), I too, can sympathise.  Since hitting 70, three years ago, I seem to have gone steadily downhill to the extent that I have recently found a wonderful gardener who comes and does the heavy stuff for me.  What irks me though is that I don't think he's that much younger than meundecided but he does come from a farming background so perhaps that's the difference. Getting old is a bit rubbish - but a lot better than the alternative!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,883
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    edited September 2023 #57280

    I've come to the conclusion Richard that birthdays with a "0" in them are to be avoided as they seem to presage a decline in health.

    I'm jumping over 70 and going straight to 71.smile

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,456
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    edited September 2023 #57281

    My next one has a 5 in it, but sadly nothing else of joy😡

    We are on marmalade, so much easier doing it together, especially if someone😇 remembers to sharpen the knives.

    I have just committed to a fund raising event for Cancer Research, blown away by offers of help on the day from our lovely family🥰 Got some work to do now though. On the huge plus side, one of our niece’s works for a big bank and she is getting the bank to match fund what we raise👏👏 (Her day job is working with the super rich who have lots of money, but are clueless about what to do with it🤣)

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited September 2023 #57282

    Some lovely photos of beautiful churches WN and nellie. You can actually the Boston Stump from Hunstanton on a clear day.

    We did quite a bit of clearing up in the garden yesterday as things were blown about after all the rain and wind. That included clearing the drain in our front paving which had blocked and all the 'drudge' had over spilled onto our drive. Now all hosed down and swept and looking much better.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,072
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    edited September 2023 #57283

    We’ve now arrived in Yorkshire and now set our for the week. We actually left home on Friday and made the short journey to Strathclyde Park club site where we spent a couple of nights as we were attending a concert in Glasgow last night which was excellent. Made our way down to Yorkshire today took just over 3 hours not the best day for towing though it was quite windy with heavy rain at times especially coming across the A66 so had to take it easy. Arrived just after 2 and got set up quickly have a nice view across the Dales from our pitch not raining now but a bit breezy. Took a drive to the local farm shop for some supply’s now back at the van not much planned for tonight although SWMBO is making plans for places to visit during the coming week. Glad to read it others outings and pics love the old car pics CS

    Hope everyone else is having a nice weekend 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,200
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    edited September 2023 #57284

    Old age does suddenly seem to creep up on yousurprised I am not  bad at standing up jobs but kneeling for any length of time is a pain, well a pain in the knees! Having for years cleaned our own windows we have now succumbed to having a professional do them. We have a chiropodist call on an ad hoc bases. A few weeks back my youngest son helped me change a radiator in the dining room which all went well until we tried to re-pressurise the system and had to call out BG (fortunately no charge as we have a policy with them) It turned out that the valve on the boiler had been locked down, just before Kj asks!!!! I want to change another radiator but this will require some pipework, something a few years ago I would be happy to tackle but having second thoughts now and will be looking for a plumber! I look at the two electric bikes in the garage and think, will we ever ride them again, especially as Margaret has just been diagnosed with a hip problem. Sometimes you have to cut your cloth to suit the circumstances?


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited September 2023 #57285

    Another dry day and quite warm. Before we packed up for our move OH did another round of washing and by the time we were ready to leave Peacock Villa, Paston it had dried nicely outside. A short drive down to Rollesby and another new, for us, CL, Cowtrott, which is a sheltered paddock with easy access, about 1/2 ml off the A49.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited September 2023 #57286

    Hope all that are away have good weather for there stays on their respective sites, and for those that have work to undertake in their gardens before the winter sets in.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,883
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    edited September 2023 #57287

    Had a straightforward few hours drive to our next site across country.

    New site quite empty but according to a near neighbour it was packed at weekend. Its not that far to Alton Towers so I suppose it would be at weekends and school holidays.

    Have just the 4 nights here before heading home. 

    Hope those away in their units not too inconvenienced by the approaching storm.



  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,170
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    edited September 2023 #57288

    Lovely day here so clean the van both inside and out.  Spent the rest of the day pottering in the garden.  Meant to rain tomorrow so that will be a day of admin

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,072
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    edited September 2023 #57289

    Excellent day today we took a drive over to Thornton le Dale to visit Mawthewsons classic cars famous for bangers and cash tv show we have been visiting for many years even before the tv series shame the museum is no longer open but we spent a pleasant time there and bought some things from the shop. We  then spent the rest of the afternoon in Pickering got to see the steam train and it was market day so SWMBO had a good walk around there. Wind had died down by late morning and it was sunny and warm for the majority of the day. Back on site now I don’t know if anyone else has been watching the Inheritance on channel 5 over the past few weeks we have been hooked and it’s the final part tonight there have been many twist and turns over the past 3 episodes so that’s our plan tonight to sit in van with a few drinks and watch that. Not too sure what the plans are for tomorrow.


    WN - Glad you got to your site safely without any hassle 

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,200
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    edited September 2023 #57290


    Looking forward to the final episode tonight. No doubt there will be a few more twists and turns?


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,169
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    edited September 2023 #57291

    site quite empty but according to a near neighbour it was packed at weekend.

    Similar here, WN, although we are the only ones on site. Sounds like a good day out Francis.

    Hope all that are out and about are not overly affected by the forthcoming bad weather. 

    It was the 4 S's for us today. Sun, sea, sails and seals as we went to see Hornsey Wind Pump and walked over to the beach. The last mentioned were out at sea so not easy to photo, or see on the photos below, especially on an iPhone !!

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,200
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    edited September 2023 #57292

    We should have perhaps saw that coming?


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,072
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    edited September 2023 #57293

    I didn’t see that coming David but I must admit SWMBO said there was something dodgey about him from the start 

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited September 2023 #57294

    Whereabouts are you Francis? We stay at Deerholme Farm CS in Thornton Le Dale, regularly and we also use another CS in Malton. Although we are avid fans of B&C, I have yet to step foot in Mathewson's - I think mainly because Ros knows that if I do, I will come out with something fast, noisy and shinysmile.

    Now all set up at Skybarn Farm CL, near Lincoln although it seemed to take me all afternoon to get the awning set up.  We're due to get a battering tomorrow evening but having experienced even stronger winds in the past, I'm sure it will be OK (fingers crossed!!)

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited September 2023 #57295

    We are almost packed and ready for our last short trip of  the year.  Travelling light this time , no awning, extra tables or chairs, we do not think it will be weather for sitting outside, plus a short trip means fewer  clothes etc required.

    Serviced pitch (not a Club site) will mean less  need to venture out of the van if weather bad.  

    Just got in car insurance renewal quote, will need to find something less expensive as they are wanting 50% increase.   😲☹️

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,200
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    edited September 2023 #57298

    We have both been to the Dentist today, fortunately only for check ups. Having for nearly 40 years only had two dentists, I have now had two new ones in two years! The dentist today was new to me but not to Margaret. She seemed very nice so hopefully that is a good sign for the future?


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,331
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    edited September 2023 #57299

    Good to read folks news, home and away. And enjoy the photos.

    Managed an organised coach trip to the National Memorial Arboretum last week. Been trying to get there for years. A day of sunshine and showers, but apart from the shot at dawn 😢 talk I had no more need of my brolly.  Actually it was very appropriate and a moving memorial.  309 bare tree trunks, each named with age if known, regiment etc. Life-size statue of the first lad plus 6 cypress for the firing squad. 😢😢😢. A pardon in 2006 isn't much comfort....  1st lad was classed as AWOL cos he went back to the gap they went over at, not where the other 74 of the 1,000 who set off were. My heart breaks.

    Just found a wonderful family owned furniture shop, new wardrobe ordered 😀 . Was planning on walking and lunch at Houghton Mill, but terrific shower, so reconsidering. Just sitting in Turkish barber's whilst OH tidied up. A new experience for me.......

    Otherwise usual jogging along, more routine at last. Wonderful day gardening yesterday, but feeling very autumnal. 

    Edit Covid jabs last Friday, thanks for link DavidKlyne. Could have booked the following day! No reaction for OH, sore arm for me - usual. Flu jabs Saturday at our GP's, booked late July. 

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,072
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    edited September 2023 #57300

    Richard - We are at Richmond nice place we were here around this time last year too. We love this area and visited Mathewsons as we always go when here but it’s become very busy on the back of the tv show. We have been visiting the garage and meeting the guys from the show for around 25 years lovely family and great  show but we do miss being able to wander around like it was before they were famous.

    Weather good here at the moment hoping we miss the worse of the storm we shall see we don’t have our awning with us this trip so one less thing to worry about 

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited September 2023 #57301

    Well that was a bit of a fiasco. Went to our booked appointment for our covid jabs in local Tesco car park. Shocked to arrive to see the queue right across the car park, not moving very fast so we reckoned about an hours wait! After about 15 min OH was trying to cancel our appointment on his phone as we thought we couldn’t stand queuing for an hour, when a nice chap pulled up in his car and said, ‘if anyone has booked you can jump the queue I’ve just queued and found out when I got to the front’. Only then did I realise others queuing were ‘walk ins’. I walked to the front and asked, oh yes they said come to the front. Seems they were only telling people once they had queued! Now I do realise it was mostly volunteers but we did think someone could have walked along the que and told people.  

    Later we saw our neighbours in Tesco who laughed about us ‘queue jumping’ when they had stood waiting for 90 minutes. It seems they tried to book and were told only walk ins available, whereas I went to the site looking for a walk in and was told none available locally I would have to book. Glad we did though. Same nurse, OH didn’t feel a thing, mine unusually very painful and sore now, daughter thinks nurse must have ‘hit’ a nerve.