What are you all up to



  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited August 2023 #56942

    I can understand how you felt about Whitby bakers2. When we and family from NI finally managed to meet up post covid in 2021 for a lovely holiday in Staithes we decided to all go into Whitby one day but soon abandoned it as it was so busy. We couldnt believe it as covid was still so very much around at the time.

    Glad you had such an enjoyable day in Coventry WN. It is many years since we went but I can still remember that the old cathedral had just the same effect on us as it did on you.

    Busy morning here with various appointments and a quick visit to my friend to check in on her. Daughter and SIL popped round this afternoon before they set off to see the family in NI tomorrow so a nice hour sitting in the garden with them.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited August 2023 #56943

    Funny weather up here just now, sunny one minute next heavy downpours. July wasn't as bad as some experienced down south but August so far has been pretty rubbish.

    MH coming together for up coming trip, new shock absorbers fitted, new air suspension done. The ride is much smoother now and no nasty bangs and thumps when you hit a pot hole, of which we have many.  Starting to put stuff in the van and keeping an inventory of where it is. We have good storage so keeping a track on where things are can be an issue.

    Friday afternoon was a bit of strange time. OH's father's funeral. He is from a big family 8 children of which he is the second eldest. His eldest brother died 4 years ago and he hasn't had any contact with the other 6 siblings for 18 years. Still we went to the funeral to pay our respects, not quite knowing how it would go. Better than we thought it would, looks like there maybe more contact from some of his bothers and sisters.

    Sorry to hear of car trouble DSB, hope it gets sorted without to much expense.

    Looks like you are having a good trip so far WN

    Bakers2, are you nearing the end of all your work. Whitby has always been crowded when we've gone but not been for a few years now.

    DEBSC, hope your daughter is recovering well.

    RK, hang onto some of that lovely weather for when we get there, high 20s would be lovely but you can keep the high 30s.

    I've been busy making more crochet items, still learning lots, so long way still to go. Its very addictive but it makes my arms ache so have to limit myself to a couple of hours a day. 

    The new grass seeds I sowed last week have come up really well, once we get a dry day and the grass dries I will get out and cut it. Garden looking lush with all the rain and sun, silver birch has started to shed a some leaves, autumn is just around the corner.


    Grandkids are now back up here and going back to boarding school tomorrow. Much shorter drive for them now that their parents have relocated to north Yorkshire. Had visit from DIL and grandson yesterday afternoon but not granddaughter as she was out with her boyfriend. Met up with all of them this afternoon in town for awhile, this will be her last year at the school, she has been chosen to be a prefect. Her brother is in the school pipe band, he is a drummer. He has put his name forward to train as a drum major hope he gets the opportunity. 

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited August 2023 #56944

    We had a nice afternoon/evening with DD and family yesterday, she had invited us down for dinner as today was my birthday.    SIL had done pulled pork in the slow cooker and DD had made a cake, so that was all very tasty.  

    OH drove home, so I was able to partake of the Prosecco, plus a taste of some whisky cream liqueur they had bought while over in Edinburgh.  After dinner I helped with getting the boys to bed by reading several stories.

    Callum is enjoying his new, big bed, says it is comfortable, but still comes through to Mummy and Daddy's bed if he wakes up in the night, apparently he does not like being alone.

    Today we have had a quiet day doing stuff in the house, preparing for the installation of the new boiler in 2 weeks time.   Long chat with our son this morning, also had calls from my 2 sisters, my sister in law, and a friend, good to catch up with them all.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited August 2023 #56945

    We live about an hour and a half from Whitby, our picture is of Whitby and this was taken on 22nd December it’s fine to go there then!!  Would never consider in the summer months these days.  North York Moors are lovely though and we often have a day out around the area.  

    You have been busy B2, I’m sure it’s so lovely to get it all finished and tidy.  We have recently finished decorating our hall, landing and stairway, phew what a job that was!  Glad it’s done.

    Coventry Cathedral sounds good, if moving, Wherenext.  Not an area we have ever visited but looks like we should, it sounds interesting.

    Belated Happy Birthday Kj.  It was my late Dads birthday yesterday too, he would have been 95, still miss him.

    Envious of everyone’s runner bean success, we have had about 25 from ours and done nothing different from previous years except bought a different name of bean,  which we won’t try again!! 

    We have just been released from dog sitting our son’s, very lively, 2 year old dog.  Why does he always want to play in the evening when we just need a quiet hour or so?!  It has been tiring, or we are just getting lazy!  



  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited August 2023 #56946

    We had a long talk (phone) with our daughter last night, catching up with family news. Plus me giving advice about a laptop for our middle Grandson (I'm still the go-to expert in some of the families eyes). He's going to college in September (grades permitting) and has already got some of the necessary stuff (boiler suit and work boots - it's a Car Mechanics course - his ambition is to be a F1 mechanic - aim high!).

    Grandson No. 2 got his results last week and is going to University to do a computer course (something to do with security). He's my expert. Our only Granddaughter is also waiting on results before going on to Sixth Form College. A tense time for all.

    So that leaves three - one working in industry, one a farmer and one still at school. Where have the past 25 years gone?

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,202
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    edited August 2023 #56947


    I wonder if your grandson with F1 aspirations is aware of this https://www.utc-silverstone.co.uk/about-us/ My youngest son has worked in F1 for 20 odd years, although he is on the IT side of operations. It can be a very well paid occupation especially if he travels with the team. The only downside is no home life! Having said that when you are young you get to see the world for free albeit not much free time in each place. Simon did get to see the Great Wall of China in the early days. He has been based at the factory for some years now.


  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited August 2023 #56948

    Thank you! I'll pass it on

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited August 2023 #56949

    Wet again this morning, but brighter now.

    OH is still suffering Gout, plus pains in her hands, knees and neck, so finally agreed to see our GP.  Rang this morning at 08.30 as instructed and was seen at 10am, which I thought was pretty good.

    Despite appointments supposedly being limited to 10 minutes and one complaint, she was in for at least 20 minutes and came out with a prescription for Naproxen, and referrals for X rays of both hands, and one to pick up this afternoon for her neck, at the walk in clinic at our nearest hospital, we will go tomorrow morning.   Surgery also rang later with an appointment for a blood test next month.

    GP is concerned it may be rheumatoid arthritis.

    Hopefully the pills will help with the gout, and the other pains.

    I also have painful joints in my hands, so will need to book an appointment too.  No fun growing old  ☹️

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,697
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    edited August 2023 #56950

    Finally back to cycling, for one the the weather has been awful till this weekend and being away of course but the first time out after my left eye operation. I was told to expect some 'fun' and take it slow at first as my brain would remember how to expect my left eye worked before the op. But wow! I didn't really didn't realise by how much! 

    With my left eye closed no problems at all, but with both eyes open the difference was amazing, all over the place and some difficulty in balancing. And I had to basically re-learn how to ride a bike! Or at least it felt like that, didn't take long about 20 to 30 minutes which I suppose is how long it took the first time? The brain is indeed wonderful!

    Anyway used no roads and made it to Roker where I had to have a bacon buttee! 

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited August 2023 #56951

    "Where have the past 25 years gone?" - I ask the same Goldie - although in our case it's 'only' 18 years since our granddaughter was born.  It only seems like last year!!  She did very well in her 'A' levels - big sigh of relief, last Thursday - 2 x A's and a B and is off to Newcastle Uni to read psychology - her first choice.  Apparently she missed straight A's by three marks - so she's cross with herself!!!!

    Interesting to read the comments about Whitby.  It used to be a magical place when I was little and many very happy holidays were spent there - but now - crowded, full of tacky shops, and rowdy.  I can remember when the herring fleet came in, it was almost possible to walk across the harbour on the moored fishing boats - but those days are long gone.  Sad to see it's character has slowly been eroded but I suppose that applies to a lot of places.

    Got in the car to go out, this morning and Ros noticed a fairly large crack in the windscreen in front of her.  I hadn't noticed it but I do recall a stone chipping hitting glass somewhere in the car the other day when I was out on my own.

    Phone call to NFU - transferred straightaway to Nationwide Glass - advised that a new windscreen was called for and they would ring me back when they had sourced one.  They did ring back about two hours later to say they would have one tomorrow morning and would come to the camp site to fit it tomorrow afternoon.  Paid the £50 excess over the phone and it's all sorted - no forms to fill in - no hassle - just so simple.  Really impressed and so pleased that although NFU are not the cheapest insurer, they really showed that 'you get what you pay for'.  Same reason I insure the van with this Club.


  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited August 2023 #56952

    "Really impressed and so pleased that although NFU are not the cheapest insurer, they really showed that 'you get what you pay for'. Same reason I insure the van with this Club."

    My OH used to be an insurance broker, she always said "you never know how good your insurerer is until you need them"

    well summer has returned to LOS, what a cracking day, wall to wall sunshine all day 24 degs, very fortunate my local daughter has a 10m swimming pool in back garden so spent the afternoon lazing around the pool, they were sipping pimms, i had to make do with lemonade as had to drive home, but beautiful day, they have just returned from holiday in Greece so lots to catch up on and lots of photies, LOS was throbbing when we drove thru, good to see, local trade not been good for a couple of weeks as weather not been bad but not great. undecided

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited August 2023 #56953

    "Envious of everyone’s runner bean success, we have had about 25 from ours and done nothing different from previous years except bought a different name of bean, which we won’t try again!!"

    envious of anybody that has runner beans, dont grow veg anymore but over the years have grown some fantastic runner beans. In our local green grocers last week they were £9.50 per kilo and they looked more like string beans than runner beans so did not buy, today they were £3.50 per kilo but did not look great so did not buy, would have thought it would have been a good year for runner beans, no late frosts in our area, lots of rain but not cold undecided

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,884
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    edited August 2023 #56954

    Decided to have a walk from site today.

    Local suburb has a small shopping area so we walked across farmland FPs to it, about an hour and a quarter away. Had a coffee, bought a hammer ( forgot any one of four, doh) and strolled back.

    About 5 miles, which was pleasing for me as its the longest I've walked without a stick this year. Quite warm with plenty of sunshine on outward journey but clouded over for return.



  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,884
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    edited August 2023 #56955

    Glad things eventually worked out well for you CS.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,546
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    edited August 2023 #56956

    As far as Whitby is concerned I’d suggest folk consider what is going on when you plan your visit. Today was the middle of Folk Week and the town was absolutely buzzing, packed certainly with folk, music, dancing of all different associated genres like Morris, Clog and sword dancing to mention a few. It really was busy but so friendly and inviting if you are like minded. Every pub had some folk music groups playing both impromptu and planned. Dancing demonstrations were evident in various locations across the town, a joy to behold. Young and old alike enjoying it but if you have no interest then stay away. Last week apparently was Regatta week very busy so that was packed too with people who like boating, sailing and rowing. Then of course there are the Steampunk and Goth weekends also there is a Fish and Ships festival, The Scooter and Motown weekends too and towards the end of the year the Christmas Market and the Crampus Event. So choose your visits to suit your pleasure and interests if you don’t like those crowds. We are all different.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,173
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    edited August 2023 #56957

    Home today, van unloaded and all washing done and dried by late afternoon. If it stays fine tomorrow I will get the caravan washed. Then it's visits to the dentists, hairdresser 's for OH, and car and boiler service all before we head off again.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,202
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    edited August 2023 #56958

    We went to Whitby last year and yes it was very busy. Can't say that ruined our visit though. I generally like busy places, have a strange fascination with busy railway stations, Berlin HBF takes some beating! In Whitby its easy enough to get away from the busy main drag and explore the quieter nooks and crannies.


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,073
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    edited August 2023 #56959

    We also like Whitby one of our favourite places when in Yorkshire and of course can’t go there without going for  a fish tea. Not been for a couple of years but hopefully heading down that way in a few weeks time we have visited many times winter and summer and it’s always a busy place we even like it on a rainy dull day 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2023 #56960

    Won't be long before all the schools are back and some of the coastal towns quieten down a bit. Lyme Regis and West Bay are the nearest places for us, they get very crowded but sometimes we enjoy an evening visit, soaking up the holiday atmosphere. smile

    The Melplash Show is on near West Bay this week so it will be extra busy. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,457
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    edited August 2023 #56961

    Whitby has always been a heavily visited place, even in Winter. It was our go to place for a day out between Xmas and New Year, and we always used to visit when saying in a cottage on NYM, any time of year. You could usually escape some of the crowds if you walked up to the Abbey, or climbed up the hill away from the harbour to the old town and it’s antiques area on the South Cliff. But the two huge car parks, firstly the one up by the Abbey, and then more recently the big P&R has made it much more accessible, and even we were taken aback at just how many folks now go. There’s also the railway in from Grosmont now, and Eskdale, so visitors teem in from there as well. It’s always had a thriving events calendar all year round, plus the “Heartbeat” factor. 

    Busy here. Taking out a bit of hedging (mainly very spiky Holly, ouch) up near house. Pondering on a conservatory🤔 Found out a little bit more about who has bought next door as well, think we have dropped lucky again, if all goes well🤞Took another neighbour to A&E after she was bitten by a dog she was grooming, not too bad but needed anti bio’s and a tetanus shot. Peril’s of the trade unfortunately. Got an invite to an 18th birthday BBQ next door, so sorting out a present, going to make it, and some food to take with us. Lovely day here, so it will be pooch walk, trip to tip to dump garden bags, pick up some fence posts, sort out first solid fuel stock up for Winter, and then more Holly removal. 

    Bit behind with all news, but best wishes to all those having medical treatments, and with repairs to outfits and vehicles. Hope weather stays nice for those away👍🙂

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,546
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    edited August 2023 #56962

    I think you mean East Cliff, TtDA. Whitby doesn’t have a South Cliff, that’s Scarborough. Fascinating place though where at mid summer the sun rises and sets over the sea.  North is looking directly out to sea. I think Hunstanton has a similar occurrence on the ‘East Coast’ of England.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited August 2023 #56963

    A very hot day here 42C hottest this year and could be the same tomorrow then it cools down a lot thankfully, a dip in the pool just after 8am coolest part of the day, also the air is also very hot not pleasant at all and yesterday whilst out in Cahors Actually saw folk doing the GR 65 route in this heat phew.

    Sorting all my sewing stuff out this morning and easy chore  inside.

    Friends of ours are now back in France and will be home tomorrow after having a week in UK checking up on  elderly parents and all ok so they will find it a bit warm on their way back home.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,884
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    edited August 2023 #56964

    Bit too hot for most of us I should imagine RK.

    We overslept this morning, well overslept may be pushing it a bit, but when we woke up the 2 Motorhomes on site had both left and we hadn't heard a thing. It was only 8.30ish.

    Anyway we had a quiet day today. Short walk, did some clothes washing, which dried, and lazed. I did but OH got her paints out and had a peaceful time.

    Off tomorrow to Huntingdon.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,457
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    edited August 2023 #56965

    Silly me, it is East Cliff🤪 Yes, it can be a bitter cold place in the Winter, because it faces North. Lovely though, so full of all sorts of history. 👍

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,546
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    edited August 2023 #56966

    The orientation and that sun setting out at sea stretches my brain cells somewhat given Whitby is on the East Coast. Mrs SF tells me it’s the same at Sheringham  for just a few days either side of mid summer too. Anyone confirm this?

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited August 2023 #56967

    Yes mickysf Hunstanton does have a similar occurence. I love taking friends from other areas to see the sunsets there because they can't quite believe it.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,173
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    edited August 2023 #56968

    Today has been fine again, at least until this evening when the rain came over. I got the outside of both the caravan and the car washed and Bobby Dazzled by 2:00 this afternoon.
    We are now booking our next trip, East Anglia this time, and by chance many of the CLs have wild life/nature connections with names like Peacock, Cowtrott, Swan, and Swallow with possibly Poplar or Willow to come!!

    Have a safe journey down to Huntingdon, WN.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited August 2023 #56969

    Spent the afternoon washing the MH, OH did the roof then I gave him a hand to do the sides etc. Just got it all dried off and we got the one and only shower of rain yell

    Decided to have a cuppa until it had past, which didn't take long. Then set to drying it off again.

    Then I decided to wind out the canopy to see what state that was in,  it has been wound in since out return from Portugal last November. Not to bad was the verdict but I decided to give it a wash, oh my it was filthy. So out with the mop I have for such jobs and lots of warm soapy water, then hose off the grim. Oh dear I'll just have to dry off that side of the MH again laughing

    We now have a nice sparkling clean MH, strange thing is it never really looks dirty until you wash it. Unlike the white Bailey MH we had, that never looked clean for more than 5 minutes.

    Grass could do with being cut but we never seem to get dry weather long enough for the grass to dry off. 

    Belated birthday wishes KJ, good to hear you had a nice day. Hope OH is feeling a little better now she has some medication. 

    New house alarm getting fitted on Friday so tomorrow OH will remove the one we currently have and take down all the PIR's he will need to go into the attic and clear the area where they will be running cables, not a big area so shouldn't take long.

    What happened to summer.


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited August 2023 #56970

    Another wet morning here, but a sunny afternoon.

    Took OH to the hospital for her X rays, dropped her off at the door then went and parked, 15 minutes later she rang to say she was finished, then appeared back at the car rather damp as it was still raining.    Had not expected her to be so quick!

    Next stop was at Aldi to do shopping for DD, who had to go to her office in town today.  Still raining so we both got a bit damp, but it was dry by the time we came out again.  Once at DD's house we managed to find fridge and freezer space for everything, then I  had a rest until it was time to pick up  Nathan from nursery and have lunch, and OH put on a load of washing.

     Nathan and I walked to school for 2.30pm to pick up Callum as it was now sunny.   I did take the pushchair so I would not end up carrying Nathan, but he did actually  manage to walk all the way there and back, which is about half a mile.   The little legs were quite tired afterwards.


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,171
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    edited August 2023 #56971

    Lovely day yesterday, went to the beach and watched grandson doing Karate training, also fun and games including practicing kicks in the sea.  Meanwhile granddaughter was at Norwich City Ladies for two training sessions.

    Started to load the van for our trip on Saturday to North Norfolk where we will meet up with son and family and attend the Who concert at Sandringham