Have your say on Motorway Service Areas



  • Busyelf
    Busyelf Club Member Posts: 76
    edited August 2022 #152

    I appreciate that some Motorhomes are well above the size of a normal car, but going by the reponse I got from MOTO, it is preferable to for them to park in the car parking area, even though they take up 2 spaces (lengthwise). If they won't fit into 2 spaces, then they can use the Caravan Parking area, However, Motorhomes won't be penalised for parking in the Caravan Parking  Area even if they can easily for into a car parking space. So, basically they are saying that it's up to the driver to decide where to park their Motorhome,either in the caravan spaces or the general car parking area. MOTO have NOT stated that it is OK for a caravan to park in the general car parking if there are no spaces in the Carvan Parking Area.  but it was suggested that Caravans could park in the HGV Area in the event of limited spaces. 

    Let's be sensible and not get picky about who parks where. as long as it's within the bounds of Safety and Common sense. and of course the rules of the particular MSA. The blatant misuse of the Caravan Parking Area by White Van Man (or Women, as the case may be) i.e Commercial vehicles, should be reported on site. 

    I have noted one particualr MSA where there is specific areas for VANs (the Commercial kind). Whether or not Private VANs or converted vans can use these, I have no knowlege, and I don't intend to invesigate that area. 

    Also worthy of note, is that cars with camping traliers/trailertents, can also use the Caravan Parking Area, similarly to Motorhomes. 

    There are still a lot of issues to deal with re Caravan Parking areas, More importantly now, is the problem of charging for electric tow cars. I have yet to see charging points specificaly in caravan parking areas. 

    From all the above, it seems the Caravan Parking Area is being used by so many others that Caravans are being squeezed out from the MSAs and are being moved into the HGV areas.  

    Originally, the rules to provide Caravan Parking Areas  on Motorway Service Areas was indeed 'literal'. and was made LAW, as it was a very popular pastime when Motoroways were built. Over time the use of those has had to change with the advetnt of Motorhomes, traliers, and other vehicle types that don't fit into the other categories.


  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,155
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    edited August 2022 #153

    Whether you can easily park a motorhome in the normal parking bays, even if you take up two bays often depends on the design of the parking area and how busy it is. If its rammed with cars the likelihood of finding two bays is unlikely and getting into them safely almost impossible. I would almost prefer to park in with the lorries. During an earlier trip we stopped at Norton Canes Services and I used the "Caravan" parking as did several other motorhomes. Margaret went off to buy the coffee from the Services I seemed to spend the time watching caravans trying to find somewhere to park. So when Margaret returned with the coffee We drove round to the overflow car park where there was plenty of room but whether the space I vacated went to a caravan or another motorhome I don't know. Now I know where this extra park is I will probably use it in the future. Only trouble is that it's a long walk from the facilities.


  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,390
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    edited August 2022 #154

    Our MH isn’t particularly wide, but the width of car parking spaces so stingy on most service areas, that although it fits within the bays, it is just about impossible for a car parked alongside to open its doors. Of course if you get cars parked both sides, you could have severe difficulty in turning out as the access roads are also stingy on width. The alternative to this is to park across 4 bays, not sure  MOTO would approve of that.

    We utilise the caravan bays, unless the car park is unusually empty. As most are drive through, it is often possible to fit two medium length MH’s in the same space, as it is easy for the back one to reverse out, or if a front half  is free reverse in.

  • Graydjames
    Graydjames Forum Participant Posts: 450
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    edited August 2022 #155

    I won't quote the whole of Busyself's last post again, but I must refute his conclusions. As I posted on the previous page, I have been motorhoming since 1987 and never once has anything I have read, anything anyone has said to me, or indeed anything indicated to me in any form whatsoever, ever suggested to me that a motorhome (which, by the way, and emphasising Obbernockle, above, was, in the days when I started, always called a motorcaravan) could not, or should not, park in the parking areas designated for caravans. In my view the idea is palpable nonsense. Any notion that caravan parking areas should not, or might be better not to be, used by motorhomes strikes me as counter intuitive and contrary to common sense; some might say it smacks of the return of motorhome prejudice. 

    The notion that it was once "literal" in the sense that the area for caravans applied only to a combined outfit of cars and caravans is frankly ridiculous. In all my years, I surely would have come across some indication of that - if not from others or from workers at the service area, perhaps from magazines or other industry publicity.  

    Indeed, again, as I stated above, I quite honestly did not even know, until an earlier post on this thread, that it was allowable to park a motorhome in the car parking area. My instinctive behaviour, from the first time I drove a motorcaravan into a service area, was that I should not park in the car parking areas. I think most people would conclude that. Now that I know you can, I would consider it, but only if there was lots of space. But so many car parking areas in motorway services are cramped and access is not always straightforward. I would not care to try it at Chieveley or Sandbach to quote just two examples of many services that I know well.

  • Busyelf
    Busyelf Club Member Posts: 76
    edited August 2022 #156

    "Originally, the rules to provide Caravan Parking Areas  on Motorway Service Areas was indeed 'literal'. and was made LAW, as it was a very popular pastime when Motoroways were built. Over time the use of those has had to change with the advetnt of Motorhomes, traliers, and other vehicle types that don't fit into the other categories".

     I believe it is now time to revise the rules, While still providing for caravans, other facilities for the more modern vehicles should be introduced for Motorway Service Areas. and made more enforceable. 

    MOTO have gone some way to providing for the newer vehicles, but the enforcement of their policies remains to be seen.

    As with most things, Education of the users seems to be the hardest thing to accomplish,as most have done things that way for many years. and as the saying goes, You can't teach an old dog, new tricks.  

    For the time being, All I ask is that, where possible, could Motorhomers, cars with Trailers/Trailertents. consider using the general car park as a first choice, and leave Caravanners the free use of their designated parking spaces, as required by LAW, to be useable?  

  • Busyelf
    Busyelf Club Member Posts: 76
    edited August 2022 #157

    I am not, nor ever will be predjudiced against motorhomers, it is just that with the options avaialble to where they can park, and the limited options for towed Caravans, it just seems appropriate at this time. 


  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,390
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    edited August 2022 #158

    Wetherby services is MOTO and the operative in charge of the parking certainly doesn’t have any problems with MH’s parking in the long drive through bays. Although he does get two per bay where possible. He certainly hasn’t advised that we should be in the car park.

    We called in a week ago in our car and we were hard pressed to find a space in the car park, let alone a MH. As it is a very busy services, this is the case more often than not. The HGV area clearly says HGV’s only, so the only option is the “Caravan Bays”.  I can’t think of many services where I would be happy using the car park unless very quiet. Apart from the fact some have signs saying vehicles must be parked within a bay. Nothing about fit in two.

    I think that generally if it is quiet  enough to use the car park, there is unlikely to be any issue using the “caravan bays”

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,395
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    edited August 2022 #159

    We have both towed and used a MH. Always used either the long HGV bays (a la Taunton Deane) or designated caravan bays. Only services where we don’t is at Scotch Corner, they don’t allow Caravans at all, and any MH/ campers need to be fairly small to get in and out the conventional bays. 

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited August 2022 #160
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  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited August 2022 #161

    they might be entitled to use caravan bays, but when you turn up to services towing  caravan, it doesn't half p*** you off when you can't park because someone in a vehicle that could have easily parked elsewhere - whether that be a white van, 'motorhome' or some other lazy ******* that can't be 4r$ed to park where they could/should, means that you have to park with HGVs or have to drive on.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited August 2022 #162
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  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,390
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    edited August 2022 #163

    Define easily when the car park is rammed? An all to common occurrence at busy times. MH’s are just as in need of a break as those towing caravans. What is the difference between you parking with the HGV’s and a MH.?

  • davetommo
    davetommo Club Member Posts: 1,431
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    edited August 2022 #164

    Problem with some motorhomes (motorcaravans) call them what you want is that they might need 4 car bays. They can be to long and to wide for 1 bay. Result they need 4 parking bays. Extra 1 behind and extra 2 at the side. That won’t go down well with the car people






  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited August 2022 #165

    Motorhomes can also find themselves blocked in by cars in ordinary parking areas, the amount of space to manoeuvre out can be reduced when things get busy. On the whole it's better if we use the designated areas. All OK in quieter times, much depends on the time of year and day.




  • MikeyA
    MikeyA Forum Participant Posts: 1,072
    edited August 2022 #166

    It's far easier to reverse a motorhome into a gap between 2 wagons, than reversing a caravan into the same gap.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,390
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    edited August 2022 #167

    A fair point. When we towed I always went forwards into HGV spaces,  if no drive though ones were left. Found a straight reverse out easier. (Not so far to stay clear of the HGV) Wouldn’t be practical if you didn’t have a passenger to see you out though.

  • johnsonstephen257
    johnsonstephen257 Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited June 2023 #168

    My biggest gripe is cars and vans using caravan parking spaces (see my photos).  In my relatively limited experience I find that more than 50% of the allocated spaces have vans in them; and in the majority of instances the van driver is not particularly sympathetic when the error of their ways is pointed out to them!  I've tried complaining (to Welcome Break).  They say that I should report it to a member of staff in the service station.  But that's difficult if you cannot find somewhere to park!

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,390
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    edited June 2023 #169

    Cars certainly, however the larger vans and of course MH’s will generally find it impractical to use the car park if it’s busy and are often not permitted to use the HGV section with signs threatening fines as there are in the coach bays. What is annoying are the HGV’s using the caravan bays, as they regularly do at the East Midlands Airport services, as they have less distance to walk for the facilities.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,155
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    edited June 2023 #170

    Unfortunately most Service areas don't have dedicated parking for vans so naturally they will use the most convenient parking place. I daresay many of them are working to a time table and probably think their requirement is more important than someone just on holiday? Human nature I suppose? As far as motorhomes are concerned where do you expect them to park? For anything larger than a small PVC its almost impossible to park in anything less than two bays and probably you would impinge on at least a couple more so trying to find that amount of space in a busy service station is almost impossible. Some suggest we go in with the lorries but aren't caravans equally able to do that? The real problem is that no service station has enough parking, be that for cars, vans, lorries, caravans or motorhomes in busy times.


  • Graydjames
    Graydjames Forum Participant Posts: 450
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    edited June 2023 #171

    I know this post is close to a year old, but I only just read it having been directed here by more recent posts. 

    As DD said, and this applies whatever you want to call them, motorhomes are perfectly entitled to use the caravan bays. Vans should not be there, nor should lorries - in my experience, the greater problem. These both should be in the HGV section except perhaps small vans which could go in the car park. 

    I accept that small camper vans can make use of the car park, but few motorhomes find it easy to park in the car park in most motorway service stations where car parks are often very full, congested and tight to manoeuvre in.  

    As I posted on another thread, or maybe earlier in this thread, I have been using motor caravans since 1987 and never once have I used the car park and never once has anyone suggested I should not be in the caravan bays. Indeed, on the contrary, I have always been sure that I would be much more likely to incur wrath if I parked in the car park than anywhere else. 

    If the caravan bays were full I have always parked in the HGV section rather than the car park. I really do think this nonsense about motorhomes not parking in caravan bays has to stop. They are absolutely 100% entitled to be there. 

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,745
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    edited June 2023 #172

    We have several times had to drive on, or try the HGV area. 

    I have no problem with MHs in caravan bays, as long as drivers are sensible and park 2 to a bay, but I do have a problem with cars, white van man, small HGVs, AA/RAC  Vans and even Police vehicles occupying clearly marked Caravans Only bays!

    Only place I have seen the signing enforced is Weatherby Services.

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,894
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    edited June 2023 #173

    We seem to have caravanners who say a car shouldn’t park in a caravan bay. Then the caravanner goes and parks in a HGV bay. They think that’s OK.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,745
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    edited June 2023 #174


    1.  Solo cars have absolutely no excuse for taking up a caravan bay, 

    2.  There is usually plenty of space in with the HGVs, which is why the delivery vans etc should go there.  Some caravan parking in older services is far too short, even for the average car+caravan.

    3.  Plus, sometimes you just HAVE to stop and cannot wait till the next services, which could be similarly full.  So it has to be in with the HGVs, which unfortunately is not usually very pleasant.

    4.  Operators are obliged to provide parking, if it is full everywhere then they obviously need to enlarge it.  Some services are very old and things have changed, vehicles are larger, traffic volume has increased hugely.   Not being able to take a break is also a safety issue.

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,894
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    edited June 2023 #175

    And the HGV driver has.legal restrictions on how long he is allowed to drive, and a tachograph clocking that up, and is driving a vehicle weighing 70 tonnes, and measuring 25 metres long -and finds some holiday maker with a caravan parked in an HGV space. 

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,390
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    edited June 2023 #176

    I think 70 tonnes is more like those trucks I have been watching on an Australian trucking programme, rather than most of ours.  However, what’s important is folk not continuing to drive when they are tired, wether  that is a legal obligation or not. A car and caravan, MH or car alone can cause just as much devastation on a busy motorway if the driver falls asleep. Not continuing to drive requires they find a parking place, whatever they are driving.