Ferry Meadows question

Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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edited June 2023 in UK Campsites & Touring #1

Are there any appreciable advantages or disadvantages regarding the West or East site pitching, such as tree cover, amenities, security etc? 


  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited June 2023 #2

    I’ve never stayed on the east side, Meth, but found the west side very good. The facilities block was as expected and the pitching area was fairly secluded in places with bends and bays and trees rather than the traditional straight line arrangement as far as I can remember. The wardens are based on the west side but there may be an assistant warden 'living' on the east. I found the west secure enough to keep me happy.

    Obviously I can’t comment on the east side but I believe it’s favoured by families with children as that’s where the play area is.

    The park is superb - be sure to take your bikes. Watch out for the Whippy ice cream van visiting the site early evenings 😀🍦

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited June 2023 #3

    Leccy bikes will be going for suresmile it looks to be very scenic around the Nene and cycle friendly, along with the various 'eateries' in close proximity.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,461
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    edited June 2023 #4

    It certainly is. We were on foot so couldn’t really do it justice. The wood carvings in the park are intriguing.

  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 528
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    edited June 2023 #5

    As leccy bikes are being mentioned, has anyone ever had any complaints (on CLs, CSs or private sites about the batteries being charged? I believe that they cost very little to recharge, but wondered if some site owners do have objections.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,513
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    edited June 2023 #6

    I have stayed on both sides over the years and have no particular preference. The most obvious difference is the East side is predominately grass pitches while you will be lucky to find a grass pitch on the West side. I have not stayed on the East side for a while but I understand the MSP has better access there but that is not of concern to caravan owners.



  • Unknown
    edited June 2023 #7
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  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited June 2023 #8

    The West site has more hardstandings and is open longer than the East site so it may depend on the time of year. The have done some upgrades on the  East site which included more hardstandings and an upgraded toilet block. We tend to go earlier in the years so always use the East side. Just be aware that there have been security issues with bikes on Ferry Meadows. I have some pictures of the two sides here


  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited June 2023 #9

    Thanks for the info given, not a lot in it and I'm not into cruising for the best pitch so if site guy says there's room in the reception side, that'll do us without crossing the road.

    Yes DK, I read that somewhere regarding theft of bikes, maybe it was a review but cannot remember. We do have two heavy duty chain locks and a placed tilt sensor when covered at night. Unfortunately I take my hearing aids out at night frown

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,866
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    edited June 2023 #10

    We've never had any complaints from CL owners or some Independent sites where we have charged the bikes. 

    On several sites in the Netherlands where we holidayed last year charging "garages" were provided by the owners with multiple charging docks ready for use FOC.

    Edit - For Metheven we agree with TW that you'll enjoy the area. We intended cycling into Peterborough but settled on a long walk instead last year.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited June 2023 #11

    Meths, we much prefer the East side. It’s more open, a lot greener, and midweek outside of school holidays, can be very quiet. We pitched well away from the playground, (which looks a good one). There are some lovely grass pitches if the weather is dry as well. Facilities are good. That said, the West side is ok as well, just seems closer together somehow. Nene Park is brilliant for cyclIng, once away from main car park areas, the pathways aren’t too busy. There are a couple of good nearly all off road rides into Peterborough itself as well, one skirting the rowing lake, the other going down the side of the steam railway and nature reserve. Some lovely stop off picnic spots, and eateries as well if you want them. Cathedral is fabulous, well worth a visit.

    Do make sure your bikes are very well secured when on site. It has had thefts. 

    Vbfg, we have charged our bike batteries on Club Sites, CLs etc.. Most come off the bikes and you just connect to a charger inside outfit, much like charging up an iPad or phone. Never heard of any owner/manager complaining about charging up a bike battery. Obviously, if you are on a metered pitch it will be part of your metered spend. We have never bothered with the maths, but probably pence rather than pounds.😁

  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 528
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    edited June 2023 #12

    Thanks for the replies about charging "leccy bikes".  I know it doesn't cost much and only asked as someone mentioned (could have been in a review) that a CL owner had complained about them filling up their M/H with water before they left the site (which must not cost much either), so just wondered if some site owners objected to bikes being charged, because as they say, it takes all sorts!

  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited June 2023 #13

    We've only been to FM twice, & both times pitched on the east side. Last time we were there ... a good few years back .. various pitches on the west side were ankle deep in water. East side always seemed more open to me .... & less gravel.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited June 2023 #14

    Off topic but on from charging bikes, most cafe's or eating places next to a well known cycle path, area, or route usually have a sign about please charge but make a donation in the jar to a local charity or mountain rescue team. The one I'm recharging my tummy with now has quite a few fivers in!

    Or from other forums just ask and providing you've bought some food it's always a yes.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,182
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    edited June 2023 #15

    Unless things have changed very recently they don't seem to have any secure bike storage on site like the do at Clumber Park and White Water. I suppose that could indicate the problem is not as bad or there are other considerations like the lease? It's odd that they have spent money on the East site in recent years but not on the West which could desperately do with a decent motorhome waste point.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,430
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    edited June 2023 #16

    I would say it’s not quite as bad as Clumber, (don’t know Whitewater), but we are aware of thefts. Our bikes are always very securely clamped to MH, and double alarmed at FM unless we are on them. We don’t leave them out of view at all, as both sites are quite open. That said, staff do monitor CC cameras as much as they can. I paid a visit to West side on my bike after a ride and was chased all way round by a staff member who didn’t know I was staying on East side😁 That said, we haven’t let things put us off taking bikes, because the cycling is very good, and they are insured.

    Last time we were on the West side, March 22, it flooded badly overnight, but did drain by morning. Year before, we visited in April, and it was hot and sunny, great on grass pitches on East side. Can recommend the ice cream van👍