What are you all up to
That must have been quite a shock to her? Obviously good that they will heal naturally but not so good that she has to endure the pain in the meantime. I appreciate that it is frustrating that you can't get an immediate appointment to see the doctor but as you have now left the radiographer's report with the surgery would not an initial telephone conversation get the ball rolling with the pain medication which I suspect is the more immediate concern and then discuss with the doctor the option a face to face appointment? From what you say it seems that it is the receptionist who is just following the strict surgery policy which really only the doctor can deviate from? Our surgery only has same day telephone appointments, its then up to the doctor to decide if a face to face is required. Also will there be a need for further x-rays or physio? Good luck.
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RichardandRos I'm glad to read you now have a diagnosis but disgusted it has taken so long and drastic measures..
I presume rest for Ros is the order of the day and pain management if you can get any. 🤐😡
Take care of yourself too. Its jolly hard work being a carer.
Your GP practice sounds much like the one we left. I'm delighted to say our new one is so different and so helpful. Postcode lottery?
We're always here as an eye or an eye if hours want to let off steam......
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Wow that's disgusting. At least the railway staff were compassionate. I wish her a speedy recovery.
I take it you will be following the episode up.
It certainly seems to be a lottery as regards to care and treatment.....
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Dear Heavens, David ! That is truly appalling (non)treatment by the paramedics !!
As has been said already, I hope somebody can recognise / identify the 'medics responsible for such sickening conduct. They should be kicked off that service without the chance of ever being employed in any of the " Caring " professions !
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I had the same thoughts Millie as I remember when one of our local GPs hit the headlines after missing a broken hip with an elderly patient. An immediate hospital visit and x ray would have spotted it early. So sorry R&R hope you can now both find help and get the pain relief so obviously needed. If you have access to Ask My GP put it all in writing if not do the same for the practice manager. Best wishes to you both.
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Oh dearie me, our GP practice isn't doing too well at the moment but I won't dwell on it further.
On a more cheerful note we tossed a mental "going out for the day coin" this morning and opted for Minterne Gardens in Dorset. After an inauspicious start, chilly, windy and dull the sun came out and the gardens were in full technicolour. Many of the plants came from the Himalayas, Tibet and Nepal in the early days of the garden There is a Himalayan Hut complete with flags part way before the best of the displays come into view. The "handkerchief" trees were spectacular! Hope you enjoy catching a few glimpses.
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AD - It's a lottery isn't it? Not just postcode either as both yours and your daughters experience "dealt" with by the same health board and presumably same Leighton Hospital staff. Must have been an upsetting episode not just for your daughter but yourself and wife. Hope you take it further. Best wishes.
Brue - Like the washing line.
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Good heavens Richard! That’s awful for Ros. I really can’t understand why your Doctor didn’t send for an X-ray at the beginning as she was in so much pain and had a fall!! I would certainly make some sort of strong complaint to the Practice and Health Board. I appreciate Doctors are under pressure but is arranging an X-ray that complex?? Very best wishes to Ros and hope things improve soon. Our practice has changed for the worse since we’ve lived here, it was fantastic a few years ago. Surely practices can’t still be blaming Covid?! Also I do hope your daughter is on the mend too David after being so appallingly treated. What is this country coming to? It’s frightening.
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Richard & AD, So sorry to hear of the troubles your families have had with the your local NHS services. Hope that you are able to arrange for the proper pain management for Ros, Richard, and that your daughter receives decent treatment from now on David.
,Brue, you obviously picked the right place to visit today. Love the "Hanky" tree.
RK, we are trying to get a visit to Little Malvern Court for Saturday but await a phone call about shade for Flyte in the car when we go round. We visited another place today that you could well be familiar with, Eastnor Castle. They allow dogs in the house but we didn't take Flyte because of him being blind and needs plenty of room when on the lead. We did take him on a couple of walks , around the lake in the morning and in the deer park after we had been around the house. It was cloudier than yesterday in the morning but the sun came out in the afternoon and was nice and warn this evening.
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In my view, GPs should charge a small fee for an appointment as it would deter those who visit their GP every week when they have very little and often, nothing wrong with them, or those who simply want a free prescription for something which costs a few pounds at the chemist. Consequently, this stops people who are really ill from seeing the GP. Unfortunately, when things are free, numerous people simply take advantage.
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"In my view, GPs should charge a small fee for an appointment as it would deter those who visit their GP every week"
Whilst I wouldn't dismiss out of hand what you are saying, vb, where do you draw the line? I paid £60 for a 15 minute consultation - for Ros with the private GP, yesterday - just to get the results of the MRI scan which I had already paid handsomely for! The normal 30 minute consultation is £110. OK - so we are fortunate - we can afford it - but there must be many out there - particularly the elderly who need help most - for whom even £5 would be a worry. (Just occurred to me - suppose we are 'elderly' now!
Anyway - just got back from camping - out, outside the surgery - mission accomplished and Ros will be seeing our GP this afternoon.
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That’s dreadful R&R when an X-ray straight away may have detected the issue, if you hadn’t seen the private Dr when you did you may never have known.
Terrible behaviour David, that’s appalling, I do hope you will complain about their attitude. Why should a handicapped or disabled person be treated any different to anyone else, it’s disgusting. Good for the station staff. Our granddaughter used to use Tiverton station, the staff there were so lovely and so helpful to her, getting a ramp ready and making sure her large wheelchair fitted ok in the carriage, always chatting to her and us while waiting for the train to pull in. I did write to HQ asking them to pass on my thanks and got a nice reply.
I had to have my regular sight check yesterday, very informative optician. I have severe dry eye and need to use special lubricant drops many times a day, She informed me these will soon be coming off prescription and will have to be bought over the counter in future, they are not cheap. She said the NHS are taking many things off the prescription list and that the vast majority of them are medication for things that affect the elderly.
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If you are genuinely ill then I don't think £5.00 would be excessive, especially as people who are on lower incomes or over 60, won't have to pay for any prescriptions. I am pleased for you both that Ros will be seeing the GP this afternoon. Where there many people waiting in the queue?
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Glad you have managed to get an appointment for Ros.
About a month ago I was at the surgery just as it opened for a blood test so had to fight my way through the assembled crowd to self book into my appointment. As I was waiting I could hear what was happening at reception and it was clear that even by arriving at the crack of dawn didn't get you a face to face appointment. There was an older couple, probably in their eighties, who were told that there are no face to face bookings only telephone ones and you could see the upset and a degree of confusion on their faces as they left the surgery. I am sure we have read somewhere that doctors surgeries have been instructed to only use telephone consultations as a first call rather than face to face. I think with our surgery if the doctor decides they need to see you it will be later that day.
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Is there a GP practice anywhere in the country where folk can visit their GP every week? Given how difficult it is to see even one of the nurses for what should be a routine jab at our surgery, I very much doubt it!
I'd support the idea of a small charge for missed appointments, given how difficult they are to get in the first place, but surely a standard charge, no matter how small, would discourage the very folk who are most likely to need an appointment.
We have relatives working in the NHS and they often relate some awful examples of the way things have deteriorated. It's a sad reflection of the way things have gone over the past decade or more and a shameful reflection on the nation's priorities.
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Thanks for all your good wishes for Ros.
I think what gets to me is that I remember - 10 years ago - when we first moved to Hornsea and we were in the throes of re-building the house. We had builders in all over the place for 7 weeks and it all got a bit stressful. One afternoon, I felt seriously unwell and Ros took me down to the Surgery. The receptionist recognised something was seriously wrong and called our GP and I was in his consulting room within two or three minutes - only to be admitted to hospital later that afternoon where they confirmed his diagnosis of atrial fibrillation. He literally dropped everything to attend to me and I was so relieved.
So what has changed? Yes the population of Hornsea has probably grown - but so have the number of GPs. I just feel that in the interests of 'efficiency', non-qualified people are making clinical judgments when they're clearly not qualified to do so. This idea that technology (telephone appointments) can replace personal contact really is a mistake as is the notion that WFH is just as good as being in the workplace. Covid has a lot to answer for other than the health impact it had on us all.
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On a more lighthearted note you could visit our village shop where someone was getting advice on indigestion this morning and was receiving the full works on what could happen if he ignored the symptoms...I hope he felt ok when he left, it worried me!
Hope everyone has a good weekend ahead, especially those not feeling so good. The weather on our side of the country has continued to be warm and windy. Unfortunately it's guaranteed, as the Brues start to think about the next break the rains will come...but at present everything is dry and dusty. OH has been volunteered to clean the windows...and I've got seed trays waiting to be planted.
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30 years ago we had a marvellous GP practice in our village, husband and wife partnership, he was very abrupt but a brilliant Dr, she was lovely. One day she tore into our cul de sac in her car, stopped it in the middle of the road and rushed into one of the houses. Turned out the baby there had stopped breathing in his cot, his mother phoned for an ambulance, before it could arrive she also phoned the Dr. She rushed in and saved his life before the ambulance could arrive. If that happened now the mother would be waiting half an hour just to get through on the phone. The lad still regularly visits his parents and each time I see him I remember that day and that he wouldn’t be here if our GP hadn’t been so quick.
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Amazing weather here, hot and sunny.
I'm also surprised to see so many foreign outfits/cars both in site and in the town. Far more than this time last year.
On site we've had five German split between two caravans and three MHs, French MH, Dutch caravan. All showing excellent taste by choosing a club site. In the town also Belgian, Italian, Swiss, and Austrian. And a coach load of Americans visiting the abbey too.
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so pleased for you, we have the breeze also but sun very hot just chilling in the garden, excuse the bathers
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Cool here this morning, but has brightened up this afternoon and tonight... quite warm at times... Too warm to be taking choir practices! Just got in.... now pizza and wine.. 😀😀
Had a good time in N.Yorks earlier in the week.... found a nice cafe at Aysgarth, when visiting the Falls... great cake and reasonably priced: The Mill Race Tea Shop.... I can recommend should anyone be in that area.
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Very hot here all day. Turned on the fridge in the van in preparation for putting stuff in, and as the sun was so bright, and the roof producing 3+kw of free electricity, turned on the aircon too to stop the chocolate biscuits melting!
Put on a loaf in the bread machine, down to pharmacy to pick up prescriptions, then to Asda to pick up a delivery for DD, and down to her house to deliver it, and finally into Aldi for the shopping on the way home. Fridge and whole van were nice and cool so shopping straight into fridge.
Cleaned and loaded up car after lunch while OH selected stuff to go in the freezer, then pretty much emptied out house fridge after dinner. Hoping to leave here by 10 as we have a 3-ish hour journey, could be busy on a Saturday.
I will be glad of a holiday after all that!
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We arrived here on site late this afternoon weather has been wonderful all week today was the same so quickly got set up and got a beer and cooked dinner on the Cadac we were still sitting out after 9 just as the sun went behind the trees. Site almost full and a few foreign vans on here too. Not sure the plan for tomorrow but forecast is good so hopefully a relaxing day. One issue is the hot water in the van isn’t working nor is the heating the Truma panel is showing an error code E89 looking online it could be an issue with the boiler so will need to Investigate further tomorrow if I can’t fix it the van will need to go in to the dealer hoping that’s not the case as we are away on our main 3 week summer trip in a few weeks.
Hope everyone else has a nice weekend
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I can read write and type, not that this proves it! The sun is still in the sky. The guys in hiviz were in wooly hats!
Typed it quickly on our return from garden centre visit and sitting down in the garden with a cuppa to enjoy the long absent sun despite a very chilly wind. It didn't get above 16c but felt so lovely in a sheltered spot after the last week.
Read it back after hitting reply button. Horrified at the print version. No way could edit it. Couldn't get on the site for the rest of the afternoon/day. Error message 'caravan club taking too long to respond' . Seems better this morning. 🤞🤞.
So while the going is good....
Hope RichardandRos got to the face to face appointment and Ros finally has some suitable pain relief. Thinking of you both. Interesting to read the costs of private GP appointments- more reasonable than I expected, I had cause to enquire here about a year ago and it was 3 figures!
Lovely to read of others news and see photos - just jealous of their clear sky and 🌞
Time to shift, must get latest plants in and watered. We have lacked sun and real warmth but had had drying wind and no rain of use for ages. I fear our water bill will be larger - but its not good buying and planting if they die for lack of water. I think losing the plants would be more costly 🤐🤐.
Forecast saying sunny but cool breeze from north sea - upper teens forecast 🤞🤞🤞 Stubborn cloud to remain, possibly better by end of next week. Its currently very cloudy but brighter than of late.
Not seen a post from Cyberyacht lately?
Edit I've just reread R&R's post on private GP cost, it is actually more in line with my quote, I had retained the shorter appointment cost
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Are you pleased with your new van DSB, I presume you are now the proud owner?!
Well it's another boring sunny day here...
but we will need some rain soon.
Going out for lunch at our local caravan site, this might sound strange but they run a good cafe and it's very popular, we had to book. The Sunday roasts are excellent (the little caravan site is nice too.)
Hope you enjoy sorting out your new plants B2. I'm about to share an excess of snapdragons with the neighbours. 🪴🌞
CAMC website didn't seem to be working at all last night.