What are you all up to



  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited May 2023 #55802

    moulesy Someone in her local village is looking after her dog at the moment thankfully, I am getting the messages third hand as she is unfortunately still in hospital. Thank you for asking.

    Regarding N. Ireland, You sound as though you have a packed schedule already but I can thoroughly recommend the Ulster Folk Museum. It is an outside museum with cottages, houses, shops and businesses set up as they would have been years ago (a bit like Beamish but smaller) and is so interesting and also the Ulster Transport Museum. Both are in Belfast. Also George's Market in Belfast is well worth a visit. I would mention the Titanic Exhibition but our son who lives in NI says it is like a theme park. Consequently we have never been so I cannot comment! A friend of ours went to a service at the cathedral last week and said it was lovely. The Glens of Antrim are beautiful and the Giants Causeway is wonderful. Enjoy it all and give NI our love. We are off there in July.

    Rufs I am so sorry to hear about your grand-daughter's accident. Such unfortunately timing but your daughter might be glad of her Mum's company and moral support. I hope you get the MRI result soon.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2023 #55803

    Had another nice early walk this morning, agree with Rufs, the blossom has been good this year, particularly the May blossom. Lovely sunshine but quite a cool wind from the east. A farm near us has an apple blossom event, with food and music in the orchards, our daughter and pals played the music this year. OH about to start lawn mowing so the peace will be disturbed round here.

    Out on the walk we noticed the maize is growing quickly in the field adjoining us even though things are now very dry. The potatoes have gone in elsewhere and the wheat is advancing skywards! 

    Millie hope you will both be able to get away and Mr H will be feeling better. What a muddle with the appointment contacts, so frustrating, hope it all sorts out. Which reminds me OH needs to chase up glaucoma checks, everything seems to have got lost in the NHS ether!


  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited May 2023 #55804

    Sorry to hear about your grand-daughter's accident rufs.

    Did not buy anything at local boot sale and only a few classic cars the usual 2CV's Renault 4 and 1 MG sports car French drive.

    The blossom around here has been superb this year and today there was a lot of poppies about again a good year for them.

    Very warm again here 24.7C at the moment.

    Millie hope everything goes ok for your OH and for your break in Norfolk.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,704
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    edited May 2023 #55805

    Another early start and caught the Amsterdam and the North Shields ferries coming in but this time from South Shields. The white feet on the Groyne lighthouse always remind me of my dad's roof rack which had white rubber feet - no roof bars in those days!

    A lovely sunny day!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited May 2023 #55806

    Happy Birthday Dad. If he was still alive he would have hit 100 today. The way he lived he was never going to get there so he will have to make do with my congrats instead of a Royal one.smile

    Lovely day again but there was a cool easterly making sure you stayed in the sun and didn't venture anywhere near shade. 

    I normally clear out the gutters in early Spring but for obvious reasons haven't been able to this year. Nevertheless seeing some seedlings germinating in them forced my hand so I got our ladders out and got lucky. As it's been so dry recently all of the debris was tinder dry so very easy to remove. Feel better about it now, and yes, I was properly supervised.

    Nellie, sit down. We managed to clean both cars yesterday as well.

    Hope you can get away ok Millie.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited May 2023 #55807
  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,462
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    edited May 2023 #55808

    Oh yes🤣 We once walked a couple of (Cornish, up and down) miles to a very secluded beach with our three terriers. Had first couple of hours to ourselves, then a branch of Mothercare arrived, a dozen children ranging from babe in arms to six- seven year olds, and plonked down with buggies full of paraphernalia right next to us. Loudly chattering super mummies, main topic was the poo carrying capacity of various nappy brands, and what was best to clean up baby sick, while lots of yelling to offspring who they were only keeping half an eye on. 😱 We lasted another hour and departed. All credit for their efforts to actually get to the beach, but they had no empathy with anyone else there. Tiny beach.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,462
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    edited May 2023 #55809

    Must admit, I fancy Ireland, it just getting there that’s my problem. OH has been, he did a walking/climbing tour with some workmates a good few years ago, he loved it. Some of the GOT locations and the studios would be on my list, but then I loved the series.

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,933
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    edited May 2023 #55810

    The London side of the family is here and has gone off to the beach.They wanted advice on where to go and  I suggested Porthemmet as probably quiet, even on a sunny bank holiday. 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2023 #55811

    If anyone wants to hear a humorous view of Cornish life I can recommend Dawn French, radio 4 "Wosson Cornwall." wink (Haven't heard her mention Porthemmet yet! laughing)



  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited May 2023 #55812

    Thanks all for the birthday wishes, I had a lovely if hot day at the coast. Treated to a lovely lunch and did very little on return to the campsite 😊. No celebrations planned with family on return, we don't go for that kind of thing with us all being scattered around the country but we will be seeing both boys and their families on our way home.

    Moved today to I'll de Re, the queues coming off the island were unbelievable, nose to tail. We arrived at our site before lunch as they close from 12 until 2pm. Glad we did as they were queueing to get in at 2pm. By that time we were laying by the pool having got everything setup and lunch over. 

    Looking forward to getting some serious cycling in, we seem to have not done that much this time, not sure if it's because we're away in the caravan opposed the the MH or just that we've been to different types of places. It's certainly not the holiday we planned but I'm so glad we didn't carry on with the plan to go to Italy. 

    Our friends are still in the Loire visiting yet more Château, I admire their resolve to stick with a plan, not sure I could do 3 weeks of Château visits. Just under 3 weeks left till ferry home, think we will stay here a week then not sure after that, weather will decide. 

    Sounds as if those out and about are enjoying the good weather. Long may it last, I think it's raining back home 😕


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,077
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    edited May 2023 #55813

    We arrived home early afternoon from a lovely bank holiday break at The Ranch AS in Maybole as always it was brilliant and strangely for a bank holiday we couldn’t have asked for better weather over the 3 days it was so nice yesterday that we didn’t even bother venturing off site we spent the whole day sitting outside and then done pizzas on the Cadac later on. Site was very busy which was nice to see. Easy 45 min tow home today lots of caravans and MHs out on the roads. It may shock a couple on here (WN and Nellie) come to mind but our caravan hadn’t been cleaned for almost 2 months as we have had a lot on so today on our return it got the full works including the roof so is now back in it’s space sparkling the car will need to wait until later in the week. Plan to head off again at the end kg the week again just local.

    Happy belated bday Tammy hope you had a great day 

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited May 2023 #55814

    It has been lovely weather here all day TG, and I think similar further north, tomorrow is supposed to be 24 degrees.   Scotland seems to be getting the good weather at the moment, and some down south too, while the rain is apparently to be hanging around over the Med and across Europe from mid France level and south, according to the lunchtime forecast.  Western Scandinavia is wet too.

    Yesterday we had a lovely visit to our son's house, took DD and the boys along too.  They had a great time being entertained by their 13 year old cousin, treasure hunt in the garden, trampoline in the byre, and being carted around on the toy tractor and trailer.  They were both exhausted, and  filthy, afterwards!

    We had lunch in the garden and had to keep moving our chairs out of the sun, it was really too hot.

    Today OH has been washing clothes for the holiday, and we have most clothes, bedding and towels etc ready to go in the caravan lockers.  We will do a couple of hours  packing tomorrow morning too.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited May 2023 #55815

    Just been watching Jeremy Paxman's last stint as question master on "University Challenge". I know he is a bit of a "marmite" character and can come over as very abrupt, if not downright rude,  but according to an ex student of mine who appeared on the show, he is absolutely charming when the cameras are off! I think he'll be a hard act to follow.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited May 2023 #55816

    Just having a quick coffee before taking the Ladies out. We'll have a stroll at Parkgate before going to a local Restaurant/Pub for lunch and then go to a large Garden Centre principally to see if there is a small table for MiL and her garden chair.

    Looks another lovely day over here.

    Enjoy your day folks whatever you are doing.

    Francis - Shame on you!laughing

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited May 2023 #55817

    Just catching up on here after a busy weekend. Hope you all had a good time, home or away.   Belated Birthday wishes Tammygirl, good to hear you had a lovely day and enjoy your stay in I’ll de Re.   It’s our eldest granddaughter’s 21st birthday today (frightening where the years go!)  it’s not half term holiday in Hong Kong so we have just spoken to her after her day at work.  How are things with you RichardandRos?  Do you know when you get results of the MRI?  Off to a garden centre ourselves soon, we need a couple of large pots one for an Acer tree we recently purchased but unsure where to put it in the garden at present, it will be fine in a pot for a year or two. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,462
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    edited May 2023 #55818

    Smashing TripAdvisor reviews😁 Not easy to find though.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,843
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    edited May 2023 #55819

    Kind of you to ask, heddlo.  Much the same, I'm afraid - Ros is still in constant severe pain and can hardly walk - and I'm getting fed up of being the constant 'fetcher and carrier'frown Still, my washing and ironing skills have improved considerablysmile.  We have an appointment on Thursday morning to get the results - so hopefully - we will have a plan after that. We should have been coming back from Poole today - but that was cancelled and I think the same fate will befall the planned trip to the dealer's rally in Cumbria at the end of June.  Fingers crossed that we may get away again in August.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,487
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    edited May 2023 #55820

    It’s near Grockle Head👍🏻

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited May 2023 #55822

    Still lovely weather here in Herefordshire and although there has been a steady breeze it has meant that it hasn't been too warm, especially  for Flyte. We have had a couple days walking by the R.Wye, yesterday from Ross along the Eastern side on the Wye Valley Walk as far as Backney Bridge and back along the old line before calling in at Aldi for much needed supplies. Today, after doing the washing, we did 3 shorter walks on the west side of the river, first from the picnic area at Backney Bridge on the common, and then from St Mary's church at Foy to the suspension bridge over the Wye and finally from the 12C St Tysilio's church at Sellack to a second suspension bridge.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited May 2023 #55823

    Sorry to hear the Ros is still suffering badly, Richard. Hope that the appointment results in a recovery plan and you are able to get away later in the year.

    Francis & WN, I am impressed your cleaning regimes this week. I will have a heck of a job when I get home as both the van and car are sticky from tree sap along with the usual muck!yell

    I forgot to mention that we were talking to a chap with a couple of Harris Hawks, which were sat on the top of his car, which he used for hunting, especially Grey Squirrels.

    Also the St Tysilio Chuch is the only one in England dedicated to that particular saint, although there are a few in Wales, and appears in the longest town name in Britain, Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited May 2023 #55824

    There's a couple of St.Tysilio churches not too far from us Nellie. Down towards Llangollen.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,462
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    edited May 2023 #55825

    R&R, hope that poor Ros gets sorted out for you both, must be awful being in pain all the time, and it will be tiring for you as well Richard trying to do everything.

    Some lovely out and about photos. We headed off to the vets early afternoon, all fine with the pooch, but it was blood test time. That cleaned out the bank balance for this month😱 From there, we took the route out of Sheffield and up into the Peak District. Decided to head towards Castleton, but stopped off for a stroll and picnic lunch at Surprise Pass car park overlooking Longshaw. Stopped at Thorpe Farm for an ice cream, and then had a stroll around Castleton with the pooch. It was like a ghost town, only busy place was a couple of pubs. Guide in TI centre was telling us there are few residents now in the actual village itself, it’s all buy to let’s and holiday accommodation. Too late to go up to Castle, but we did have a look inside the church.

    Bookend piggies were at ice cream farm, lovely very old box pews inside church, and Peveril Castle high up on its peak.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited May 2023 #55826

    Looks a lovely day out brue, from your grand photos.

    Tda, sounds that you too bad a good day out. I think the box pews are something special.

    WN, there are also other places in Wales that incorporate his name including Llantysilio in Denbighshire, which must be not that far from you.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,942
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    edited May 2023 #55827

    ...well.... we're at Richmond Hargill House CAMC site.  It's not very often you see this on a CAMC site.....


  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited May 2023 #55828
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  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2023 #55829

    That woke me up as I flicked through posts! laughing

    Richardandros I hope Ros will get the help she needs, it's been a long wait for both of you.

    TDA a good day out lovely old lettering in the wood carvings.


  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited May 2023 #55830

    "Still, my washing and ironing skills have improved considerably"

    shame on you Richard, ex RN and admitting to this, but i do hope your OH improves and you are able to get away.

    just spent a weekend home alone cooked this little beauty, cant beat a good piece of English meat straight from the farm, cooked it slowly in a pan of hot water with balsamic vinegar and a couple of bay leaves, eaten with some fresh cauliflower and cheese sauce, what more can a man want.

    OH home now, away in the caravan next Wednesday but need to do a little bit of work on the van, had a slight argument with a tree last time we were in Spain and the awning rail is a little compressed, have a small tool which you insert and then belt with a hammer, but not the easiest of jobs.

    glorious weather again hope it holds up for a couple of more weeks, at least. laughing

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,077
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    edited May 2023 #55831

    In over 30 years of caravanning we have never saw this David. Hope you enjoy Hargill  House we stayed there last September for a week really enjoyed it great area.