What are you all up to
Coincidentally, the Town Mayor of St Ives is today calling for a tourist tax to help the council make ends meet when the hoardes descend and place an extra load on local facilities.
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Try this........
Or if you go on Amazon and search for YMG-818 you will likely get it up.
She did not pay as much as it says, only something like £43.
Roof now all done, OH says I need to do round all the windows next. 😧
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So sorry to hear the news about your dog Rufs. It is always so sad and difficult when we lose our pets. It sounds as though you made the right decision. As difficult as it must have been for you it was for the best for him. Thoughts are with you.
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Thanks for all kind words re Rufs, not a great year, loose 1 pup on operating table in Spain after swallowing a fish hook, last November my wife had a brain hemorrhage whilst we were in the caravan in Spain, loose Rufs whilst down in Cornwall.
My wife is now almost fully recovered just some balancing issues when stood up and she sleeps for England, she was totally paralyzed down her left side, but just some friendly advise, my wife and I came home via air ambulance from Spain, total cost approx for air ambulance, 2 x private ambulances, 1 doctor, 1 nurse, £60k, and then i had to return to Spain to collect car, caravan and Rufs, fortunately our daughter who lives in Spain had Rufs for the duration.
Am i glad we had good insurance, but even though i had submitted a comprehensive list of our ailments when taking out the insurance, the insurance company insisted on re-checking our medical records before giving us the thumbs up that they would pay in full.
Hopefully all good now, first time away in caravan since all of this took place and we were good, planning another sortie in the UK before the July/August rush, have our usual month away in September booked, need to speak to insurance company before venturing abroad again.
I see reports of others suffering from strokes but now on the road to recovery, i did not realise just how common strokes were until we joined the club good luck to those on the road to recovery
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So sorry to hear about Rufs - what a terrible time you have had of late. Hope your wife continues to get better. Thinking of you all.
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Sad news indeed, but you will have done the right thing not to subject an elderly dog to a lot of invasive therapy. You have certainly had a year of it, I hope your wife continues to improve as well. It’s certainly been a rough year or so for some folks one way and another.
On a plus note, we had some good news yesterday, following some routine check ups, my OH is ok at the moment. Onwards and upwards as they say🙂
I’m not surprised local politicians are looking to some extra funds one way or another Tinny. We got a huge shock a couple of years ago (after a few years not being able to get down to Cornwall). Even in September, we had never seen as many folks down in the South West, it was completely different to the last time we had visited, pre COVID. Huge demands on local services and infrastructure.
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"I’m not surprised local politicians are looking to some extra funds one way or another Tinny. We got a huge shock a couple of years ago (after a few years not being able to get down to Cornwall). Even in September, we had never seen as many folks down in the South West, it was completely different to the last time we had visited, pre COVID. Huge demands on local services and infrastructure."
yes in May also, although we visited the Godrevy site just out of curiosity and spoke to the warden who said the occupancy rate was down 50 %, and he said this was a general trend across all sites not just CAMHC. We stayed on a commercial site near to Truro and that was almost empty when we arrived 12th May, 1st weekend was very busy at Perranporth as it was Tunes in the Dunes weekend, although on the main beach away from the festival it was ok and of course Perranporth is very doggy friendly
I was surprised at the number of 30 - 50 year olds walking around with 3 or 4 children all of school age, surely they should have been in school and the parents working ?
"So sorry to hear about Rufs - what a terrible time you have had of late. Hope your wife continues to get better"
tks Richard, all good we knew he was not long for this world, but we had quite an adventure together getting back from Spain, I am ex Navy and been across the Bay of Biscay many times and even done rough weather flying in the area, but it was rough when we returned, not many people in the dining room and i did get a full bottle of wine for being brave
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We love Cornwall in May, between the early and late BH’s. Best time of year for coastal wild flowers, and still fresh before the heat dries lots of things up. No chance of getting down this year sadly.
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Before we started caravanning and then motorhoming Margaret and I used to have a small cruiser, which we built ourselves, in which we explored the canals. Interesting far more miles of canals open now than when we did it, mainly thanks to the National Lottery. We used to moor it at Tyle Mill on the River Kennet which was part of the Kennet and Avon Canal. Where we moored was the then head of the navigation. We could get down stream to the Thames which is a beautiful river to cruise on. Some years later, long after we had sold the boat and purchased our first caravan I came across a copy of People's Friend with a drawing of Tyle Mill, including our boat on the front cover. I had kept the magazine for years and have recently got round to having the magazine framed (did the whole thing as thought the front cover on its own would be a bit fragile) The magazine is dated 1979. I have attached a copy of the result, our boat is the one moored bow in on the left hand side of the picture with the blue enclosed canopy. In Windows you can right click on the image and open it is a new window for a larger picture.
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Sad news about Rufs but as others have said you almost certainly did the best thing for your friend.
Glad to hear that Mrs.Rufs has ventured out in the caravan again after undergoing such a traumatic time of it. I, too, hadn't really considered strokes and their effects as no-one in my family had had one except for a distant cousin. It will do your OH the world of good to be doing "normal" things again. It's certainly doing me good. Here's hoping you both enjoy a good run of things now.
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Had a good day out at Gibson Mill near Hebden Bridge. Gorgeous day, weather wise, and a beautiful walk alongside Hebden Water (the river).
A lot of Bluebells still flowering and the stream seemed to meet the local dogs approval.
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Another past photograph location found. This is north east of Stanley showing a pair of Riddles 9Fs front and rear with a coal train bound for Consett in the 1960's. Now the former track is on the C2C cycle route 7.
The bricked up windows facing the camera can be just made out and pinpoints the location exactly although the outside 'toilet blocks' have been taken down and the houses have been extended.
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So sorry to hear about Rufs - what a terrible time you have had of late. Hope your wife continues to get better. Thinking of you all.
I can only repeat what R&R has said above, Rufs. Hope that you are able to get away again before the holiday rush begins. Grand photos from your Cornwall trip.
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Good news about your OH tda. 👍
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Thank you🙂
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Great news about your OH, tda we are both very pleased.
Looks like a good day out, WN, did you get as far as Hardcastle Crags?
Fine photos, CS.
Another dull start to the day but the sun did show at times and it became quite warm. We went here today, and I am sure many recognise the location. Another couple of shots of fine old trees, including one with connections to Harry Potter.
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Spent the day visiting family and friends when I had intended doing some serious shopping, but that's down for tomorrow 24 / 5 morning !!. Then when fully spent up, fed up, and stocked up I will have a peep at the Smallwood Steam Event web site to see if they have got times for the Fly Past of BBMF on Saturday, and ditto the Lancaster alone on Sunday. The events have been certified as taking place but no times given yet.
Looking out to my left there is a thin nail-paring of moon showing and one single dot of light, could that be Venus I wonder ??
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KN you have started something with the cleaning brush had a look and got O to order one as he was doing a amazon prime order here for a few other things and something for our friends as easier to deliver here than where they are a different one to the you have but similar and a bit cheaper so will see when it comes this week.
Brian I also saw the moon and the planet beneath it here but also in the background there were some dark clouds and it was lightening everywhere in the clouds, having had a thunderstorm earlier with little rain and another for today probably when we are shopping.
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OO, Thank you , RK, It's good to know we have the same objects up there in the sky at night.
( Blimey that could be a good name for a TV programme
A few big white clouds over South Cheshire this morning, but only the slightest chance of rain ~~ I must get the hose-pipe out to water my neighbours plants since he's off on his travels visiting his sister etc in foreign parts ( Paris ) for a week from this w/end. Cannot have him coming home to shrivelled buttercups or whatever, now can we
Take care of yourselves whether On-line or Off-line please.
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We're lucky we have a night time view of the crescent moon and Venus each evening in the west, I think May is a good time to view Venus, it's been very bright this year.
Would like to see those ancient trees at Blenheim Nellie, quite a sight!
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"I am ex Navy and been across the Bay of Biscay many times and even done rough weather flying in the area, but it was rough when we returned, not many people in the dining room and i did get a full bottle of wine for being brave"
Likewise Rufs. Only time I have been across was as a Midshipman in Diamond (the old one!) and it was like a millpond!!
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We've crossed the bay of biscay a few times never had it rough but can't say it was like a millpong either. Worse we ever had was Rotterdam to Hull one winter, not a soul in the restaurant. Then later on trying to sleep while sliding from the top to the bottom of the bunk and then back again 😅 worst ever was crossing from Maderia to Agadir on a cruise ship, now that was bad. Still managed my dinner though.
Getting hot here in the Dordogne, we've had thunderstorms the last 2 evenings but during the day it's been lovely. Moving on tomorrow near to Saintes. Was going to Royan but it's another holiday weekend in France and I suspect the coast will be busy with families. The site is on the river Charente so should get some cycling in.
I think there has been a holiday weekend 3 out of 4 this year, can't remember it being like this in past years.
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"We've crossed the bay of biscay a few times never had it rough but can't say it was like a millpong either. Worse we ever had was Rotterdam to Hull one winter, not a soul in the restaurant. Then later on trying to sleep while sliding from the top to the bottom of the bunk and then back again 😅 worst ever was crossing from Maderia to Agadir on a cruise ship, now that was bad. Still managed my dinner though."
I wonder if that Rotterdam to Hull crossing was the same one we were on. The new 'super' ferry had just been commissioned and this was its first commercial trip back to Hull. It was blowing Force 11 at one point and you could hear and feel that massive ferry rising up and slamming into the waves. It had to lay off - just off Spurn Point because it was too rough to attempt to berth and was about two hours late getting in. Being 'yotties', though, we absolutely loved it but I was left wondering how many bits dropped off the ship that night