What are you all up to



  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2023 #55622

    Was expecting sunshine here too Debsc, but it's cloudy and chilly! 

    Lovely photo Nellie, OH spent yesterday amongst many similar cars, I wonder if it was at the same event? OH used to tow his vehicles on a trailer and take a tent, happy days.

    Hoping to go out for a few hours as I spent most of Sunday with three dogs whilst everyone else went out!

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited May 2023 #55623

    Meant to add - this morning while sitting out in the garden for my first cuppa I had to retreat indoors as it was just too noisy. The bees on our honeysuckle are lovely but this morning it was too much, just unbelievable, like sitting at Heathrow, they are soo busy. The honeysuckle is a delight, it runs all along one fence. It was in my Grandmothers garden, then Mum took a cutting and, as a kid, it used to grow under my bedroom window smelling so beautiful. When I got married I took a cutting from Mums and cuttings have followed me to each house we’ve lived in since. It’s been with us here for 38 years and is my favourite plant in our garden and it brings back lovely memories.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,462
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    edited May 2023 #55624

    Lovely plant story Debsc, I transplanted a couple of my Grandad’s roses for Mum when she sold his house. They moved in in 1948, garden was one of the first things they did (it was a newly built house, they were first people in), so there’s a chance the roses date from around late 1940’s. No idea what they are, it would take a specialist to find out, but they are so resistant to pests and things like blackspot, still going strong. I will move them into my garden if Mum’s house is ever sold. I like plants with history and memories. Love honeysuckle, we have two different ones. Neither is out in flower yet.🙂

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,942
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    edited May 2023 #55625

    I'm beginning to feel a bit guilty, reading the stories about plants, roses, and gardens!!  I really do need to get out and do some gardening.  I've done so well this last few years - since before lockdown - but this year hasn't been as easy.  Generally, I don't think the weather has been as kind, on the whole.  This last few years, I've had to water the plants quite revularly, but there has been far less need this year as we seemed to have had many more wet days.

    Perhaps I'll get chance when I get back from the caravan storeage.  Van has been thoroughly cleaned on the inside, and I've done a reasonable job on the outside.  Just want to pop up with the black streak remover for the couple of more stubborn bits.  The Valencia goes on Wednesday and hopefully we'll be driving back towing our new Alicanto Grande Evora..... 😀


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited May 2023 #55626

    David - I hope the new caravan exchange goes without ..a hitch if you excuse the pun.laughing

    Set off in sunshine this morning and made it to our CL high in the Moor above Hebden Bridge after stopping for lunch. Harem Scarem coming up the hill from H.B.but we made it unscathed. Just got to get the blighter down again on Friday! Fantastic views from the site. Will take some photos when the sun makes a reappearance as its just chosen to sprinkle with rain. Don't mind as we're not going anywhere else this afternoon.


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,942
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    edited May 2023 #55627

    Thanks WN.  Fingers crossed for Wednesday...  Enjoy Hebden....  we have some friends who live there.  We visited for the first time last year.  In an unusual sort of way, it reminder mw of Monte Carlo/ Monaco - the way some of the buildings/ roads are on top of each other. 😀


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited May 2023 #55628

    I had coffee with a friend this morning. She has been very ill with food poisoning and ended up in ICU. It was a chicken meal that she had cooked herself and thought she had been very careful as she is a very good cook. So be careful everyone. She said it has been a very frightening experience.

    Another hospital appointment with OH this afternoon and the nurse in the clinic was a friend who used to work in SCUBU when I worked at the maternity unit. She is just doing bank work now. So lovely to see a lovely friendly face.

    I hope your caravan exchange goes well DSB. Exciting times ahead!

    Enjoy Hebden Bridge WN. Lovely place. I remember staying there many years ago with our motorhome.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited May 2023 #55629
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  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,942
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    edited May 2023 #55630

    Thanks Millie.  Hope the hospital appointment goes OK for you OH and that your friend makes a good recovery.  There are so many people I know who are poorly, having hospital proceedures or are awaiting appointments or op's. 


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited May 2023 #55631

    Complete with a solar panel on the roof!! That's the way to do it!! laughing

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited May 2023 #55632

    After what has been a  lovely hot sunny day here in the dordogne we have had a very loud and wet thunderstorm. It's now passed overhead with just the last spits and spots of rain. We have a bit of a tree over part of the van so you can imagine what we are currently experiencing. There are some large puddles around the site roads but I'm sure they will soon drain.

    Question for those used to travelling in France. Why when there are more than sufficient pitches do 2 MHs squeeze onto one pitch. Next to us 2 arrived together and did a bit of manouvering until they could both get on. There is another pitch next to it so it's not as if they couldn't be pitched together. They are both plugged into electrics. Do they get to share the cost? Not the first time we've seen this, usually when they can't get next to each other. There is an aire here with room, so they could have gone there if trying to save money. I'm constantly amazed at the French 😅

    Hope the new caravan collection goes well DSB. 

    WN enjoy HB, it's not far from our sons. We once did a weeks narrow boat hire from there. Lots of hills ☺️

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited May 2023 #55633

    started off dull this morning and it wasn't till after lunchtime that the sun came out. We drove over to the Rollright Stones as our first port of call.Had a wander around them and a hidden labyrinth in the woods by the "The Whispering Knights". After lunch had a second walk in Whichford Wood before stopping in Long Compton to view the chuch and then calling in at Aldi to restock. Our friend from the South Coast arrived today so a glass or two of Red might well be partaken this evening,hence the early post. The photos are of The Whispering Knights, The Kings Men, and The King Stone, plus the 16th C Church Gatehouse, once a cottage, and the 13th C Church itself.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2023 #55634

    Nellie. When one of our daughters was a Guide or Brownie (can't remember which exactly) the group had some sort of May Day gathering at the Rollrights, good place to have a run around. 

    Persuaded OH to spend the morning at the coast as the sun finally came out and this is the last chance before the holiday crowds arrive. Hive Beach on a quiet day. The cliffs are very unstable with large cracks appearing  but still walkers saunter underneath. Billy Bragg's house is perched on the edge.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited May 2023 #55635

    Oh Nellie you have brought back some memories and some that I shouldn’t really admit to. Although we very regularly drive past Rollright and Long Compton on our way back from my cousins at Chippy to Stratford.

    I used to go out with a lad that lived in Long Compton, he had his 21st in the hall at Long Compton, some of us decided to take music and continue the party at Rollright. It was all quite innocent but as it was February and freezing we lit a fire just a little way from the stones. Of course it’s at the top of the hill and easily visible. It wasn’t long before the local constabulary turned up. We were all quite young and got off with a telling off and told to go home. While it lasted we had really good fun though, please don’t judge me. Such happy memories.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2023 #55636

    I think the Rollrights had a great attraction for many locals! wink

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited May 2023 #55637

    Oh DEBSC if that was the worst of what you got up to I think you can sleep easy tonight.laughing

    TG - Here I was thinking that they only ever parked next to us. Back in the 90s we sometimes had caravans double parked! Never figured the new M/Home French owners doing it. Just thought it was a money thing but obviously not in your case.

    Thanks for notice about hills. We had noticed!!!!laughing

    More good photos Nellie.

    I was thinking of DKs recent outing and his 5 hour traffic jam when we were held up for a while on the A64 today but thankfully it wasn't too bad. Typical that the first time you make the effort to go away in the Motorhome ill luck befalls you.

    Francis - Mathewson's were offloading a beautiful old Triumph Herald when we past it by this morning. One of the first carsI ever drove.

    Nice to hear of days out for others.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited May 2023 #55638

    Wherenext, my first car also. A lovely pale blue convertible, sadly it rusted away though.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited May 2023 #55639

    DD has procured a cordless, long reach, rotating scrubbing tool for me, so I moved the van to the middle of the drive, got some of my scaffold out again, and have spent several  hours cleaning the caravan roof.   Still more to do, but it has not been this  clean in years.  Hopefully tomorrow I can finish the roof and get the rest done too, if I have recovered from today!

  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited May 2023 #55640

    Hmm, KjellNN, Sir,   Do they make a smaller  battery powered long reach scrubber that I could use on my back, please ?  One could save me hours of  ooo's  and aaar's and allow me more snoozing time in the bath smile  .

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,942
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    edited May 2023 #55641

    Hi KjellNN.  I'd be interested to have a look at your 'rotating scrubbing cleaner'.  Any chance you have a link??


  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited May 2023 #55642

    Just returned from 10 days in glorious Cornwall, no rain, wall to wall sunshine, just a tad cool in the wind, and early morning. This is St Ives, sure many of you have been there, must say Cornwall has some splendid beaches, and cream teas oh!! and oggies brought some home in the freezer

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited May 2023 #55643

    Now that is beautiful R👍🏻, you got it right, before the hoards descend👏🏻👏🏻

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited May 2023 #55644

    Yup! but it was still quite busy, would not dream of going during July/August, unfortunately we had to have Rufs put to sleep last Saturday, he had a tumour on his spleen and kidney desease, but he fell reallly ill, high temp 42 degs not eating etc, vet said he could remove the spleen but ultra sound scan showed a possible cancer field, so it would have meant a long course of chemo with all the side effects, so at 12 years old we decided not to put him thru any trauma, not sure if we will replace him at 76 a new pup could outlive me undecided 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,487
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    edited May 2023 #55645

    Sorry to hear about Rufs. You did the best thing for him.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited May 2023 #55646

    Sorry to hear your news re your dog Rufs just take care.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited May 2023 #55647

    I will ask DD when we next see her David.  She has this Amazon Prime thing so organised it all.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited May 2023 #55648

    So sorry to read your news about Rufs - and I seem to remember you lost a younger one not so long ago so it's been a tough time for you. But I think you made the right decision  - too much to put an elderly dog through all that trauma. We thought we'd lost Lady about 3 months ago when she suddenly collapsed at the end of a walk - thought she'd had a stroke but the vet diagnosed "vestibular syndrome" which affects their balance and said she should recover with rest, which she has done,  although nowhere near as active as she used to be. But she was 13 last week and we have already agreed that, when the time comes we will not put her through any invasive treatment. 

    You'll have lots of happy memories of your trips together as we have done with all our dogs. Will be thinking of you. 

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2023 #55649

    Lovely photos of your holiday, sorry to hear it ended with saying goodbye to your old pal Rufs, always a sad decision and then a big gap in your lives. 

    We decided to carry on with dog ownership after our old terrier died, the family have said they'll look after our present dog if the time comes. There are so many dogs needing homes and retired people are the ones who can be around for them. So you never know, everything depends on your circumstances and what plans you have. smile

  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited May 2023 #55650

    I have this one "Turbo Charge" use it to scrub the wet room floor, never thought to use it on the caravan roof laughing

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,942
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    edited May 2023 #55651

    Thank you KjellNN.  I have Amazon Prime so a link would be really useful.  👍👍
