What are you all up to
We are back home after a nice day spent at Normanby Hall. Always a nice place to visit, and it’s an easy run to home from there thankfully. Some interesting critters roaming around, a stunning cockerel who seems to reside in the cafe courtyard, along with peacocks who roam in and out. We managed to see the Fallow deer, lovely little fawns. Very interesting sculptures as well, in stable block. Straw horse is best if you zoom in to see all the corn dolly work on his head. The other photo is of a wooden sculpture used as a forming mould for the copper sculpture alongside.
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After a four night stay at Swiss Farm in Henley on Thames we left about 10.00am this morning. Conscious of the fact that traffic around Oxford has been dire for many days now because of lane closures we decided to return home via the M40. We stopped on route for a coffee and continued our journey. All going well but little traffic which seemed a bit odd. Then suddenly we hit a queue of traffic, about five hours later we left the motorway at Bicester and got home about 6.30pm!!! Apparently there had been a very nasty accident earlier in the day. Unfortunately the M40 does not seem to have much in the way of overhead signage so we were trapped. Won't forget that journey in a hurry!!!
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Good to read that you have got back behind the wheel, AD You seem to be progressing very well.
WN, sounds like a grand day out. Such an interesting viewing area along from Bempton to Flamborough.
Great photos, tda, those sculptures weren't there the last time we had a walk around the Hall grounds.
You certainly did the right thing bh not heading over to Italy, TG, and pleased that your trip is going well.
ABM, we have tried to book our Covid appointments while we are away but without success so far so it looks as if they will have to be administered when we finally get home
Yet another fine day, perfect for getting another round of washing done. Headed round to Usk in the morning and found a good carpark on The Island for a walk along the Usk Valley Trail. After lunch we headed up to the Castle but decided it wasn't worth visiting but did take a photo of the entrance. All washing dry by the time we got back to the van. During my afternoon walk I spotted this bonny Hawthorn Tree.
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Most of us have been stuck in similar queues at one time or other, so I definitely sympathise. Around 18 months ago, returning from Broadway, my rather ancient satnav warned me that the M5 was completely shut due to an accident and directed me by a somewhat convoluted route to the junction further up the M5, bypassing the area which was shut. Even if you know the route to where you are going, it pays to turn the satnav on to warn you of any impending stoppages or long traffic queues.
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That was the only saving grace, had visions of us cooking dinner on the hard shoulder! The strangest thing was that as we got to within reach on the exit they completely stopped the traffic whilst they reopened one north bound lane between junctions 9 and 10 where the accident had been. Not quite sure why they stopped people exiting the motorway at Bicester until they reopened the northbound lane? It was complete chaos at Bicester on the A34/A41 roundabout but somehow we got round it unscathed. What does seem strange to me is that not once did we see any evidence of the police or Highways England either keeping people informed or controlling traffic anywhere.
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Your final sentence says it all, David K !! I'm regularly left wondering where all these newly enrolled Police actually are !!
AD, I was chatting to the 'pre--jabbed' folks next to me in the queue and we had similar memories of Sandbach Common being full to the gunnels with traders and their market stalls -- now its just another blooming car park all week long.
Nellie, are there no "Walk--in " jabbing points where you are ?? I only booked mine 'cos I was playing silly soldiers on line when I saw the NHS post ! Everybody thinks I'm Bonkers 1st Class since they gave no available sites in Crewe so I went to Silverdale just outside Newcastle in Potteries last time, and to Sandbach this time. The elder nephew took my sister (92) down to the chemist next to our surgery, walked in and they could have had a jab in each arm and leg it was sooo quiet !
I seem to recall that AD went there as well
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For years I used to work 1 or 2 days at the Devon Show, we used to run various Consumer exhibits and quizzes to attract the public to scams etc. I remember one year trying to push an engineless car into place on our pitch, it was a dud all spruced up to look good. We’d then point out all the various faults that had been covered up. One visitor seriously asked if it was for sale! I liked the setting up days best when there were no traffic jams to get there. On show days I used to arrive at 7.30 and then leave quite late to miss the queues to get in and out of the show ground. As you say Brue there are often queues on the motorway for this.
Coming from Somerset Brue you should be fine with our lanes, just don’t use the sat nav. I remember friends from the midlands visiting us once, we took them out in our car, on one of our lanes she asked if the road was one way, we did laugh. On a serious note though we do wish some holidaymakers would learn to reverse and slow down on them, they seem to think that beeping their horn on the bends will help, it doesn’t.
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DavidK I'm a little concerned for any diabetics stuck in that traffic jam for Five (5) hours if they are without us motorhomers facilities
. I am made aware of the need for blood tests at least every four (4) hours when I renew my driving licence
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Quite right Brian. As you say we were fortunate that we had everything to hand. The real problem is low sugar and hopefully anyone who is diabetic going on a longish journey will take, at the very least, some glucose sweets with them although I am sure there is a limit especially if the delay was like ours, 5 hours. If I was not married to a diabetic it's not something I would have probably pay much attention to?
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Moved site today, roads around Adge were very busy but we soon cleared them and had a good run on route nationals to here. We are up in the hills 12 mls from Carcassonne a small place called Saissac.
The last few miles was an interesting tow through some of the little narrow roads in the villages, our towing skills learnt on Scottish roads came in handy. I bet they don't get any of the huge MHs up here. Site not busy just us, another Brit and a small eriba caravan and 2 small tents. All you can hear is bird song, music to my ears after the lively site of the last few days.
The site is a very expensive one at €13 a night
It's very neat and tidy and the ground is still very firm, grass is good. The views across to the Pyrenees are stunning.
Hope to get out for the day tomorrow, it is chilly though, a drop of 10c to what we have been used to for the last 3 weeks. Might need some heating on tonight.
WN glad you had a good day out, seeing dolphins is always a thrill.
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I seem to recall staying at Saissac many moons ago TG, or at least somewhere in the vicinity. Haven't got my old diaries with me so will check when we get home.
Had a short walk today after grabbing tea at Thornton-le-Dale. Walked from there following the beck to the hamlet of Ellerburn and paid a visit to St.Hilda's (of Whitby fame) church, which was fortunately unlocked. Beautiful little church with a video instruction of the history of both the church and the hamlet. Some photos enclosed. Some of the stonework dates from around 700AD, like the Danish Cross.
It was a lovely little stroll there and back in partial sunshine but we just got back to the car, after an ice-cream of course, when the rain started. Fortunately it doesn't look like it reached further out of the valley as it was dry when we got back to the caravan.
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Another weekend at home for us lovey night here though so we are out the back garden with a drink and cooking dinner on the BBQ. We plan to be away in the van next week for the long weekend will just be somewhere local though.
WN- Im very jealous Thornton le Dale is one of our favourites when we are in the area love visiting Mathewsons we are hoping to be down that way later in the year maybe October time
Hope everyone else has a nice weekend
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A cycle ride into Sunderland going past some very historically interesting things on the way. In the first picture there hasn't been a Barmston Ferry, either as a ferry or the place, since 1956 yet the sign doesn't look that old? The remains of the boat on the Wear in the second photograph is the concrete (as in made of) tug Cretehawser, it was attacked and severely damaged in Sunderland port in 1943 along with it's sister ship, yet while the other was towed to sea and sunk Cretehaswer was towed upstream and left there, in fact there was a colliery behind it. Queen Alexandra Bridge was built in 1909 and had a railway running on the top. Once it was the main road into Sunderland but It's now very a quiet road since the new Spire bridge was built. Last photo is now also an historical event though unlikely to be remembered by anyone but me.
But best news is I found there are now two cycle routes in to Sunderland from Washington. The original, is the sustrans route 7 (part of the C2C) which follows leafy lanes and gravel paths up and down away from traffic along the river, is now really a leisure and tourist route. But Sunderland council have made a lovely straight commuter route by enlarging pavements into combined pedestrian and cycle paths and a new cycle bridge over the A19. It does follow alongside main busy roads but at least it's flat and mud free.
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Debsc, not too bad a journey home, we followed two school buses so everyone made room for them and us!
Would have liked a visit to the Devon show but hopefully will go to the Bath & West in June.
Got everything unpacked, some washing done then a massive thunderstorm and torrential rain. That's us for the day! 💤
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Moulesy I seem to remember that you used to walk a dog for an elderly lady. I wonder if you could let me have the name of the charity please. Someone I know has had a nasty accident and has a lovely rescue greyhound. At the moment her daughter is staying and walking the dog but will have to go back to her home in the NE soon. They desperately dont want the dog to have to go back to the rescue centre but it will be quite a while until my friend can walk him. I do hope you can help with the name of the charity.
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Milliehull I hope Moulesy won't mind my commenting here. I believe its the Cinnamon Trust. I do hope they can help and your friend makes a speedy recovery.
Not quite the same, one has to pay, but we have lots of dog walkers/visitors and sitters locally. Maybe that's another avenue to explore. The Cinnamon Trust website seems to have changed since I last looked, I thought you could see whether areas had a branch or volunteers.
A decent bit of rain here today, was needed, we seem to have missed local showers. Sun is beautiful now.
Finally got my waterbutt fitted yesterday....... I secured the last one in stock of 210L, 2 weeks ago, large DIY stores not expecting more until next year! I had the last adaptor kit too. We were left a small unconnected waterbutt which I will attach as an overflow when I can but kit and have moved the 'stored' items beside the big one behind the garage..... Still not enough to enable me to use the tap!
Busy week finishing garden work, for now!, some turf laid and I've finished planting ALL of our purchases. OH had to be restrained on several occasions since Tuesday from suggesting we visit more nursery's and buy more plants.....
Been preparing for visiting our small UK family, 13 of us tomorrow, forecast is for dry at least 🤞. We'll have 3 under 5 years and 2 dogs so I expect it will get lively 😉.
Tuesday collecting NZ friend from Northampton, about an hour drive from us. Train is either up to Birmingham or down to London then out to Peterborough or Huntingdon 😱😱. She found a bus X4, but that takes several hours and goes around about. So I get to explore as well as extra catch up time.
Enjoy your weekend folks
Edit forgot to add we both had an email today from Nationwide saying we each qualify for £100 fairer share payment 😍😍😍
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Bakers is correct, Millie, it was the Cinnamon Trust. Their details can be found here -
Hope they will be able to sort something out - I'm expecting them to get in touch soon to ask if I'm available again - long way from Wiltshire to Peterborough though!
Bakers - is your Nationwide account a savings account or a current account? I read that bit of news today and we each have a savings account but haven't heard anything yet.
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Are you signed up for email communications? Both Margaret and I have had separate emails from Nationwide today.
This is the opening couple of paragraphs:-
Dear David,
Firstly, thank you for continuing to be a member who banks and who borrows or saves with us. As you know, we’re a building society, not a bank, which means we can do things a little differently. Like the Nationwide Fairer Share Payment, which allows us to share profits with our members.
Your Nationwide Fairer Share Payment
We’re delighted to confirm we will be giving you £100. This is because when we last checked on 31 March you were a member eligible for the Nationwide Fairer Share Payment. You can expect to receive the money between 13 and 30 June.David
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Thank you so much moulesy and also bakers2. I will pass the message on. The patient is still in hospital with a broken pelvis and various other injuries (note to self - look where you are walking so you dont trip over something on the path🥺) so there is a long way to go yet. I just hope they can work something out.
Regarding Nationwide - OH got an email this afternoon to tell him he will get £100 into.his current account soon. I also have a current account with Nationwide but have heard nothing yet maybe because I dont use it very often. I wondered whether the email was a scam at first but then I heard about it on the news. I think it is only for current account holders. I will check the email again.
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Yes we were very surprised today to get that email from the Nationwide (we have a current account) so a good bit of news.
I found it strange that there is an opt out if you don't want to receive it!
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Nellie, are there no "Walk--in " jabbing points where you are ??
ABM, We are at the moment in Wales, so can't get our jab here. Then we head over to Chipping Norton and have tried phoning the chemists in the town but no walk ins there and 119 could not come up with an appointment anywhere close by. I will try again when we are at another of the sites we have booked on our return up north.
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I too have received the email, but OH hasn't as of yet athough both of us have current and saving accounts with then. However OH hasn't used her current account for a long while. Maybe tomorrow?
Another fine day for the most part and we had a walk along by the Montgomeryshire and Brecon canal from Goytre Wharf. Just got bacj6 to the van when we had a short shower, but the sun came out again until around 7:00 followed by a second fall of rain.
Today's photo is of more industrial archaeology, this time the lime kilns at the wharf.
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So sorry for not remembering that this is no longer the One Nation that I remember from my ( long Distant ) school days and that's why I never even thought about your location, Nellie
Politicians have such a lot to answer for -- not the least of which is confusing old blokes like what I is
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We both have current and savings accounts, have had for getting on for 30 years I think. I have asked our children, no response yet 😉. They both have active current and savings accounts.
The email didn't say why they were doing it, unless I missed it. But news said increase in profits was cause and redistribution of some.
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OH had a GP call a day or 2 ago, about something else. He raised not having been called for next covid jab. He's classed as vulnerable previously. GP suspected he not on the list as yet and it was one you are called for. Meanwhile he has had shingles jab last Monday and got pneumonia one next Monday.
At least it's a date and gets us out 😉🤣🤣🤣
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Ellerburn is a lovely spot, WN - know it very well. I used to go 'picking-up' on the shoot there with a friend of mine - one of the drives is just behind the church. We are regular visitors to that area when we are staying at Thornthorpe CS near Malton or Deerholme Farm just outside Thornton-Le-Dale - both lovely sites. We're supposed to be there in August but that's very much dependent on Ros's progress. Fingers crossed!
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I booked mine via NHS on line, there were less "jab" centres available and walk ins were 50 miles away but I managed to get one to suit. Hope your OH finds somewhere, I haven't heard of anyone being contacted so it might be worth looking on line.