What are you all up to



  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited May 2023 #55442

    Spent a lovely couple of hours pottering around Far Ings nature reserve, on the south side of the Humber. Had a smashing time there, not busy. First hour was in pleasant sunshine then it became overcast and eventually turned to rain but we were well prepared. Just manage to avoid the thunderstorm. Called in for a coffee then did a bit of food shopping before filling up with diesel.

    Had a lovely meeting up with the Ttdas' who are also on site. A long and most enjoyable blether and CT wasn't even mentioned in the hours chatting away.

    I'll probably take it a bit easier tomorrow as I'm due to run out steam anyway if previous experience anything to go by, so that means that I'll be raring to go come 9 tomorrow morning.laughing

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,210
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    edited May 2023 #55443


    It seems to have been the pandemic, when many activities were stopped for obvious reasons but never restarted afterwards and probably not likely to again. We used to have a Summer and Christmas lunches and these were pretty big affairs, probably around 150 people attending each one. That was only in the MK area, many others around the country. We have been told they have been paused but no one thinks they will restart. We all know that companies have had a poor time in recent years but they seem to be hollowing out the services the pensioners have previously be used to and I reckon they don't have the people to organise them now anyway. Many of us wouldn't mind paying a contribution as these events were often the only time we saw some ex colleagues.


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited May 2023 #55444

    In my company's case, I have feeling that some of the staff had started taking things a bit far with where they wanted to go and the cost.

    In my day it was a nice restaurant somewhere local, but the last one we went to was held at the Auchrannie estate on Arran, which is pricey.   We had to pay to travel, as foot passengers, on the ferry, but had a nice hotel room provided, dinner with all free drinks, an excellent breakfast the next day, and the possibility to stay on for another night at a reduced rate, which quite a few people did.

    We actually did not really enjoy it as there were several "parties" going on at the same venue, the music was loud, the people even louder.  Almost impossible to hold a conversation.   They went to the same place the following year, but we decided not to go, even before hearing we would have to pay.

    The  next manager did not agree with the ban on inviting pensioners, so said there would be no Christmas do if pensioners were not invited.  Since then there has been no invitation, so I have no idea what is happening these days.  We have our family to celebrate Christmas with, so are not bothered.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2023 #55445

    Good to hear the holidays are going well and there's been another CT meet up. The CL sounds very nice!

    We don't have any pensioner meet ups here just ourselves after years of working together, we don't need much reminding of that. wink

    We are attending a third funeral today, then the dentist for OH whilst I go to the gathering afterwards. Yesterday we were at the vets with the dog who suddenly recovered just before we went but due to recurring events it needed checking out. That's our pocket money gone!!

    Hopefully we can start packing the van.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited May 2023 #55446

    Thank you Millie and TTD for your recommendations, I will take a good look and then pass them on to cousin for their perusal. When staying in Yorkshire previously we always used the same caravan club site so we need to study the area a bit more now. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,462
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    edited May 2023 #55447

    There are some lovely cottages in fantastic locations throughout Yorkshire Debsc. I was looking at a couple alongside the NY Moors railway last night, on their own on edge of Cropton Forest area, we have been tempted for a while. 

    CL is indeed lovely Brue, some work been done since we were last here, around 15 months ago. New bollards, possibly with capacity for metering. At £18 per night it’s still excellent value. Good wifi as well. 👍

  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 533
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    edited May 2023 #55448

    Pleased to hear that the hound is OK.  I had a similar experience at our local vets, along with a large bill for a consulation and medication, which I could have got over the counter at any chemist.  Dogs are often like small children, OK one minute, crying the next then up and running shortly after.  

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited May 2023 #55449

    Glad to hear that your dog is OK brue. Enjoy your trip away.

    I went to the funeral of a very dear friend yesterday. From diagnosis to her passing away was less than 2 months. A big shock to us all. We then cheered ourselves up by attending a meeting of our local history group in the evening. A very interesting talk about the Hedda Stone in Peterborough Cathedral which raised more questions than answers! Dreadful weather here yesterday evening - thunder, lightening, hailstones and torrential rain. Now dull, grey and decidedly chilly. 

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,843
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    edited May 2023 #55450

    Massive change of plans for us.  After Ros's fall, she has got progressively worse to the extent that she cannot now walk and is in constant severe pain. After a number of telephone consultations with our GP which didn't seem to be getting us anywhere, we went privately and saw another GP who disagreed with the initial diagnosis of a trapped nerve (with good reason) and felt it was more likely she had damaged her hip / pelvis.  She's now on oral morphine and Tramadol but even that isn't having much effect on the pain.  She's also booked in for an MRI scan within the next couple of weeks rather than having to wait the two years that I did under the NHS. I suspect the savings are going to take even more of a hammering before long - but quality of life is so much more important at our age.

    As a consequence, the planned trip to Poole (to get the Omnistor sorted out by Rose Awnings) has had to be cancelled together with the overnight stays at either end of the trip.  I have to say that both South Lychett Manor Caravan Park and White Mills Marina C&CC site have been more than generous in their interpretation of their terms and conditions in terms of refunds.  Nice to know there are some understanding people out there.

    Not sure, now, when we will get away in the van again - but there are more important priorities to sort out just now.


  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited May 2023 #55451

    Richard andros I couldn't agree more! Thankfully you're in a position to do something about it. Best wishes go you both while you get it sorted. I have been concerned reading your posts that maybe it wasn't as GP 1st thought.

    Milliehull I couldn't agree more about change in our weather. Just 12c and grey and miserable. Last few days have been warm, not sunny necessarily, and I did wonder if we'd moved to the tropics with HEAVY showers about 4pm daily. I do wish my waterbutt had been connected up, its sitting looking very pretty in the garage 🤐

    Being ex government employees we never got re

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,333
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    edited May 2023 #55452

    Whoops, got interrupted and didn't finish!

    Being ex government and local government employees apart from a decent pension, no other retirement perks. Much like your working life Christmas do or whatever foot the bill yourself. Don't accept gifts from folk without declaring.... suited us fine though. I understand M&S,  always a gold standard, stopped all sorts of perks years ago. 

    Thanks for holiday cottage suggestions. Milliehull and Tajethedogalong, I'll be investigating them. Hope to get away September time with son and Co. By then 🤞decorating should be complete, not sure about bathroom, so real rest!

    Hopefully getting our small family together next weekend at our house, well the UK lot anyway. Brother SIL, nephew and niece plus partners and offspring plus son DIL and grandson. Was hoping it would be warm and weather settled by then 🤔. Haven't all made it together since mum's funeral 3 years ago.

    Then the bank holiday Monday we have an NZ friend coming to us for a few day whilst she's over in the UK and Europe. 

    So switching from gardening to house preparation 😕, takes ages and doesn't look like you've done anything after a few hours compared to gardening.......

    Time for a cuppa and chill.

    Edit milliehull I'd seen that history thing and wanted to go. Didn't note it or book it 😡. Hope you enjoyed it.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited May 2023 #55453

    Sorry to hear your news Richard and hopefully Ros can get things sorted our thoughts are with you, as you say health more important the older you get.

    Well a lot of rain here again just popped out for a bit of shopping just locked the door and the heavens opened nearly all the way to the shops then eased off and more rain on the way back and now a brief spell of sunshine and 14.5C outside very different to last May when we had a heatwave, Bakers2 all our water butts are full and almost overflowing.

    Our friends are coming to see us on Tuesday and we have booked a local Auberge that we like for lunch they have been once before but this time will be different no Spaniel as they lost him last year, but looking forward to seeing them as last year we went to where they were staying near Beynac and also went to their mobile home in Cornwall whilst we were staying at Merrose Farm club site.

    Have a good weekend folks and hope for a drier one.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited May 2023 #55454
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  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited May 2023 #55455



    For those looking for Yorkshire Cottages here are the last 2 we stayed at. Fortmayne has 1 ensuite and another bathroom adjacent to the other bedroom. There are 3 bedrooms and all rooms are on one floor. Both properties were more than suitable to take my 90 yo MiL who needs a walk in shower. This property within easy reach of Bedale and about 15 minutes drive to Richmond. Plenty of other attractions easily reached.

    Riffa has 1 ensuite with bath and 1 stand alone bathroom with walk in shower. Again all on 1 floor. This has outstanding views and is 15 minutes from Harrogate. I think the owner may allow use of private swimming pool next door, their house.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited May 2023 #55456

    My sympathy to Ros and yourself, Richard. You are right when you say health comes before everything else. Hope you are able to get to the bottom of the problem.

    An easy day today as we pootled around the Flats below the village.Pretty cold after the last couple of days with a  keen NE wind.

    Hope you manage to get to your site Brue.

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited May 2023 #55457

    We are back home after a fairly uneventful journey at the end of a very enjoyable 2 weeks away. Planning for next year already and have looked at a number of possibilities in Little Longstone. smile

    Debsc  - the cottage we stayed in recently would be too small for you, but just down the hill is a place called Olicana Park - it's mainly a static van park, but they have a couple of lovely looking lodges which might suit you - one is called The Farmhouse and has 2 en suite bedrooms. It's in a beautiful position on the edge of Addingham with the River Wharfe right on the doorstep.  Ilkley is a 10 minutes drive in one direction and Bolton Abbey in the other direction. And a short drive further to some lovely Dales villages like Burnsall & Grassington. Skipton is a bit further afield.  You can see the details here -


    Richard & Ros - sorry to read your news and that you've had to cancel your trip - hope things look up before too long.


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2023 #55458

    Sorry to hear this R&R have you considered a visit to A&E? Hope Ros doesn't have to wait too long to find out what has happened after the fall.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,210
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    edited May 2023 #55459

    It never rains but it pours! Sorry to hear your wife has got much worse. Obviously you must make the best decisions but once you have the results of the scan it might be an idea to go back to your own doctor to see if they can do something much quicker on the NHS? Those of us who have had knee and hip problems prior to operations suffer pain but what you describe seems to be on a different level and requires more urgent attention. It's probably a sad fact that GP's tend to operate in a slower way because they will try and treat the pain rather than the root cause until it becomes obvious to them that there is no other way. It almost sounds as if you have a good case to present at A&E which might be a short cut route? I hope you get it sorted because pain can be miserable to put up with.


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited May 2023 #55460

    richardandros I am so very sorry to hear of your OH's problems. It must be terribly painful for her. It obviously seems as though there is something seriously wrong. I agree that a visit to A&E might be an idea to consider. I am absolutely amazed that you were told of a possible wait of 2 years for an MRI scan. After I had my minor stroke 18 months ago I had my MRI scan 2 weeks after coming home and OH had his MRI scan a couple of months after being referred for his back problems. We had a wait a while for the results though.

    bakers2 glad to hear that you are having a break from your gardening. Enjoy your visit from your NZ friends and also your family get together. As an ex NHS employee I agree with you about pensioners. Other than a reasonable pension I get no other perks. We have to pay for and organise all our get togethers ourselves. Same when at work, all leavings do's, christmas parties etc had to be paid for and organised by ourselves.

    So pleased that your trip is going so well WN and that you had a good get together with the TDA's.

  • heddlo
    heddlo Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 909
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    edited May 2023 #55461

    So sorry to hear about this problem richardandros.  It must be so debilitating being in pain for so long, personally I can’t take strong painkillers, only paracetamol, so I’d be stuck.  I can’t understand why it isn’t being dealt with as an emergency!!  We do hope you can get to the bottom of it very soon and things improve.  Thoughts are with you. 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited May 2023 #55462

    R& R, sorry to read that Ros is in more pain, and that you both have had to change your plans again.  Hope that she soon has her scan and that the cause of the problem is revealed and proper treatment commenced.

    WN & tda, pleased to here that you have finally managed a meet up. Hope that the weather is a bit kinder over the next few days.

    Fingers crossed that the visit to the vets has provided the necessary medication for your dog, brue, and that she has no more sickness. 

    It has been a lovely sunny day here. We drove into Llandovery for a look around, but not impressed with the town, even the castle is a ruin!!😄  However they do have a petrol station with cheap diesel, 143.9 per ltr so took the opportunity to fill up. I had an interesting walk along by the River from the site when we got back. There are a few more units on the site tonight, but It is nowhere near full.

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited May 2023 #55463

    R&R, sorry to hear Ros is no better, I can only echo DK and Brue that possibly the best route now would be A&E at least they can fast track Xrays and scans if they think it necessary.

    WN, pleased to hear you had a decent drive and that your car is looking after you (ours does the same) enjoy your trip.

    Well the rain has finally reached the south coast of France. We had a short sharp shower this afternoon. Then the sun came back out and we went for a cycle along the River Herault towards the old town of Agde. Sat by the river watching the activities in glorious sunshine but could see the sky darkening again inland. That passed over but we now have rain again, 1 clap of thunder and 1 flash of lightening. Might get more tomorrow seemingly. Checked with reception we are OK to stay on this pitch until next Friday, then it would mean move pitch or move sites. Surely by then the weather will have picked up further north. 

    Redkite, it certainly is different to last year. It was so hot never felt like doing anything last year. Think we will pop up to the Dordogne on our way north. There is a couple of places we fancied seeing last year but to hot and not enough energy to do them. 

    Have a good weekend everyone. 


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited May 2023 #55464

    R&R   Sorry to hear the sad news about Ros,  I trust that she soon  gets the treatment that she so obviously needs !!  I agree with Tammyg and others ~~ I'd be kicking ambulances out of my way at A &E yell.


    WN  --  I do like the Mandarin Ducks  !!wink


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited May 2023 #55465

    This is the most impressive thing we saw at Llandovery today. 

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,761
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    edited May 2023 #55466

    Not a bad day here, dull in the morning but lots of sun later on.  Yesterday I had my Covid  booster,  Moderna again, no side effects at all.

    We invested in a new battery for the Smart car, so this morning I spent  a long time trying to get the old one out, which proved impossible (so far) so I had to give up until I can devise a plan.   The battery sits in a well under the feet of the passenger, so not easy to get at.

    I have some work to do above the patio doors in our upstairs lounge, which has a balcony outside, so DD came up to help me get the scaffold tower in place.  We were not sure when she would come, but we had barely started a very late lunch when she  and the boys turned up, so that meant lunch all round.

    OH had to go out for a bit, Guide Hall business, so we and our 2 little helpers were well into hoisting all the bits up before she returned.  It is now all set up, so I just need some  more good weather to be able to get on with the repairs.  I have had a stern lecture from DD about being careful and not ending up splattered on the driveway!

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,843
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    edited May 2023 #55467

    Thanks for all your good wishes re Ros.  Just to clarify - she went to A&E about two weeks ago after she woke up that morning - after taking a particular pain killer that our GP had prescribed - with a massive bruise on her arm which had appeared for no apparent reason whatsoever. I was worried that, clearly, she had had a major bleed so went first to the Beverley UTC - their blood 'department' had closed at the weekend - so off to the Hull Royal A&E - spent 9 hours there - bloods done - nothing apparent. Back to GP two days later - he'd never seen anything like it and couldn't offer an explanation - hence visit to private GP. 

    We haven't been told it will be two years to wait for a scan - that's just me being pessimistic based on my experience when my aneurysm was discovered. Sadly, although we rarely go anywhere near Hull, we are reliant on HRI for major treatment and it is one of the worst performing hospitals in the country.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited May 2023 #55468

    Sorry to hear about Ros, I do hope that things are quickly resolved. Awful to hear that you had to wait 2 years for a MRI scan for an aneurysm! OH had 3 and his treatment has been excellent, a long wait before his  big major op but regular scans and checkups. They still check him regularly now after his op and say they will continue to do so.

    Our daughter had to have her spine fused about 11 years ago, that worked well. But about 3 years ago she had problems again. She visited the hospital and the consultant sent her for physio, the physiotherapist refused to touch her saying it would make her worse. This went around twice more over the next year, getting nowhere we paid for a private consultation at a hospital 100 miles away. This consultant within minutes confirmed what she herself had gathered from her own research. Her hip has become displaced from her spine. Due to her previous fusion no local surgeon wants to do this op. She has now been on the waiting list for a year for a hospital ‘up country’ to do the op, she has been told she will be lucky if it’s done in the next year. In the meantime she is on the heaviest dose of oral morphine and tramadol. She is having to use an electric wheelchair out of the house as she, like Ros, cannot walk, also in great pain all the time, despite the strong painkillers.

    My reason for posting is we know from experience going to A&E is useless. If it can be managed a private consultation is worth it, without hers we would not have a correct diagnosis. Despite her GP saying she should not be on this heavy dose of morphine any longer, there is still no sign of an op date. So keep at it R&R, keep asking what they can do for Ros and when will they do it. My best wishes.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,077
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    edited May 2023 #55469

    Busy couple of days here. We are having a family gathering today at our house so have put up a couple of gazebos and got the BBQs ready we are expecting around 30 people. Lots of beer wine and whisky in the garage and the caravan fridge has been called in to action for the beer. It was SWMBOs birthday yesterday so we went out for dinner last night to one of our regular local haunts very nice. Weather looking promising so far

    Hope everyone else has a nice weekend 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,462
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    edited May 2023 #55470

    So sorry to hear of your OH’s health issues R&R, and hope you can get something resolved quickly. Chronic pain is just so debilitating. Such a lottery in terms of how good hospitals are.

    Thats a fabulous statue Nellie👍

    We managed a cycle ride yesterday, dry but boy was it cold. Don’t think I have ever worn as much cold weather gear for a ride before. But really enjoyed it, three churches, but sadly only one open. Nice coffee and cake in site cafe warmed us up on return. Having fun chatting with the Wherenext’s, good to say hello at long last. CL has four on at the moment, and fifth pitch is reserved, so things going ok here for owners. It’s a lovely location this one, we visit at least once a year, sometimes more. Great price as well. Just so nice to actually get the chance to be away, it’s been a very long last six months.

    Not sure yet what today promises……but that’s part of the fun😁

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2023 #55471

    At long last it looks like the weather is warming up! 🌞

    Enjoy your family get together Francis, it must be good to see the ones who live far away.

    We had a nice local walk this morning, a bit dull but everything looking lush. I always like May when it gets going!