Theft on site

Keith and Eve
Keith and Eve Club Member Posts: 10
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edited February 2023 in Caravan & Motorhome Chat #1

Do many of us get things pinched when on Site?  In five years I have had my caravan steps taken once and twice I have had the Truma Vent Cover pinched, the second time in Brighton last year.  These Vents just clip on, they are not cheap so i have put a couple of self tappers in the replacement to make it difficult to remove.

I realise these are small things in comparison to other items but, still very annoying.


  • ABM
    ABM Forum Participant Posts: 14,578
    edited February 2023 #2

    Sad to hear that you have had that problem, K & E !  As far as I can recall I've only had a bit of privacy nicked !! And that was due to my sleeping with the awning wide open and, I believe, a steady stream of snores at liberty to annoy others.  embarassed

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited February 2023 #3
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  • Chris the younger
    Chris the younger Club Member Posts: 16
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    edited February 2023 #4

    We rather carelessly left a number locking padlock laying on the grass after getting the bikes off the back of the motorhome on a site in the Netherlands.  Needless to say it was gone when we returned.  More annoyingly we had a wheel trim stolen when parked at the Culloden battlefield site.  There were a lot of hired MHs there and we suspect someone had lost one and didn't want to return the vehicle with it missing.  It had had a plastic tie so we had done our best to secure it.  We were unable to source the correct trim and had to buy a complete set and change the centres from blue to red.  We now have 3 with blue centres which will go on eBay in due course. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited February 2023 #5

    Never had anything go off a Club Site, but then we put things away and lock bikes to outfit. Some sites, Clumber, Ferry Meadows are notorious for bike thefts. Did lose a water container from a CL, farmer said thieves use them to pinch fuel from farm vehicles. They didn’t get the screw on top though🤣

  • Kasspa
    Kasspa Club Member Posts: 379
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    edited February 2023 #6

    New Forest Centenary Site had signs up regarding bike thefts in 2021 so not limited to a few......

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited February 2023 #7

    No never, UK or in Europe. Leccy bikes are double chained with tied cover and portable tilt alarm placed on the seat of one of the bikes. Usually leave the table and chairs out under the canopy, along with a variation of shoes. Lucky I guess.

    I've just put new rubber feet and gritted tread tape on the steps for the coming season, so will be extremely angry to find them gone.yell

  • LeTouriste
    LeTouriste Forum Participant Posts: 348
    edited February 2023 #8

    We haven’t had problems (probably luck) but have met other campers who have been unfortunate to have suffered theft.

    What we have done is to deliberately leave apparently faultless utensils at the washing up area.  Without fail, such items have disappeared by the next morning. And a quick look in the refuse bins has confirmed that nobody has later dumped them there.

    Whilst funny by itself, it is a good warning not to accidentally leave behind something you do not wish to lose!

  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited February 2023 #9

    Funny you say about leaving utensils in the wash up. We've had loads in the past, we normally take them back to reception ready for claiming, if still there at the end of season they go to the charity shop, so your stuff could've ended up therewink

    Talk of theft, we worked at Looe site after lockdown, it was mad busy +. Anyway one week we had three separate outfits on different days had a left shoe taken from awningsundecided Never did work that one out!


  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited February 2023 #10

    Sounds like a fox had been busy JK! wink

    There are many who donate their van steps to motorway car parks and lay-bys, we see a lot in the SW. 

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,528
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    edited February 2023 #11

    Clumber Park used to be notorious for bike thefts so much so the Club installed a lock up shed for bikes there.

    Talking of odd thefts, in Spain I was half woken by noises at the back of my van, didn't think much of it but in the morning an end stop of my tow bar was missing!

    On another Portuguese site near the Spanish border, a quite serious burglary took place opposite me. Border sites seem to be more vulnerable than others.

    While night stopping on a German site, I was told off by an irate adjacent German caravan owner for running my engine too long while on my pitch. Later that evening, in the on site restaurant, the only available seating was on the table with the irate German! In conversation it transpired he had all his holiday money stolen that day while at a garage. I guess he had reason to be grumpy.

    Touch wood in all my travels we haven't had any serious problems or losses. I have even lost my wallet with all my cards and 300 euros in it and had it returned to me just by the fact I had the receipt for my campsite stay in it!


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,528
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    edited February 2023 #12

    There are many who donate their van steps to motorway car parks and lay-bys, we see a lot in the SW.

    Done that myself but in north


  • EmilysDad
    EmilysDad Forum Participant Posts: 8,973
    edited February 2023 #13

    we've done the same ... can't remember where though. More recently we had a couple of waggon drivers shout us back as we set off from services ... they were waving our step! 😂

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited February 2023 #14

    Never had anything stolen from a site but I have been guilty of leaving things behind. 

    Long ago while in Italy my OH bought me a nice ring, that teatime I did the dishes and duly removed the ring and put it on the self by the sink, yes I walked away without it. I realised my mistake even before getting back to the van but sadly it was gone 😔

    Another time while on the campsite at Ouistraham I put to one side our flat black waste container, it was in a black plastic bag. Decided to move pitch and forgot to lift it. 

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited February 2023 #15
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  • Unknown
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    edited February 2023 #16
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  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited February 2023 #17

    Talk of theft, we worked at Looe site after lockdown, it was mad busy +. Anyway one week we had three separate outfits on different days had a left shoe taken from awnings  Never did work that one out!

    Almost certainly a fox JK. We were warned about it at Abbey Wood by the wardens there. Apparently there had been a similar spate of incidents. Maybe the same fox but on his holiday.

    Touch wood we've never experienced a theft of anything on site, either here or over there, even one year spending time with some travellers on a site in mid France. They were on the site to visit relatives in the local prison and when anyone left the site would descend on the vacated pitch to see if anything had been left. They never bothered us at all and even offered some advice about shopping etc. I think we were counted as "Eccentric English." (they didn't understand Wales when we told them where we were from so it was easier to say England!)