Aggressive takeover by motorhomers

Perhaps Simon will come on here and tell us more? Perhaps he is actually referring to motorhome owner numbers which is on the increase and may even be the majority of members now. I did note in an interview by the DG recently he now, like other executives of the Club, owns a motorhome. Last year I thought he owned a caravan?
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Some MH members regularly post not enough is being done for them and it's still a caravan orientated club and now a caravan owner is saying it's being taken over by MHs and caravans are being forgotten?
Meanwhile on site everyone gets along well?
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I remember the days of the name change and what was described as a rather ‘aggressive’ defence by some of the old order on CT at that time. The term and use of the word aggressive was much discussed then. No aggression from me and I’ve never witnessed any such behaviour.
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"with what seems to be an aggressive takeover by motorhome owners."
cant say what is happening in the UK as i seldom use UK sites and even less club sites, what i can say that this statement is true in the parts of Spain I have visited, e.g. Camping Bolnuevo Mazarron, which used to be probably 90 pct caravans and a heavy British presence, was this year i would say 90 pct MH and probably less than 10 pct British.
We took a walk round in November last year, and the site (1000 pitches) was full of German/Dutch/French Mh's and a large percentage were big Mh's, real sun blockers, if you were hemmed in on 3 sides with these beasts in your 4 berth caravan it could be very intimidating, and of course in Spain you can almost shake hands with your neighbour thru a window no firebreak seperation in Spain.,
Also the number of Mh's wild camping in various areas of the Mazarron region was at an all time high despite the efforts of the Spanish authorities to prohibit wild camping they seem to be loosing the battle.
Over the Christmas period most of the sites were full, unless you had something like a 2 berth caravan, anything bigger and no pitches were available, and if you went to any of the big supermarkets the car parks had more than their fare share of MH's in them, i counted 20 outside Aldi/Lidle.
Not knocking MH's just stating what i saw and no doubt it will get worse, and i fear this is coming to the UK
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But that's nothing to do with camc.
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Same here micky. We remain campers, no matter what outfit we are using, and we have al three, tent, Van and MH.
I have a theory that human nature (in some) is to try and find discord in the differences and choices people make. It’s illegal now to bully someone on the grounds of skin colour, which beliefs they hold, what sex they are or what gender they choose to be, so folks pick on lifestyle choices now. As a dog owning, cycle loving, vegetarian, it’s something quite noticeable, almost on a daily basis. Most folks, the vast majority, are interested rather than discriminatory, but the odd few do like to pour out vitriol every now and then.
Sad really☹️
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I supposed the term aggressive might relate to the members difficulty in getting the length of stay they required. There is no doubt they are getting more common on CAMC sites. When we started with a caravan in 2005 MH’s were certainly in a minority. Now, particularly at the two ends of the year, they are often in majority. Although some stay for a week or more, a lot like us just stop a few nights and move on. As you get more and more doing this it is bound to reduce the number of pitches available for longer stays, particularly at popular sites and where a service pitch is wanted.
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Thankfully there is no restriction on minimum number of nights at CaMC. That is a real bonus even to some caravaners too. Some will not get this notion mind and see it as breaking possibilities for those wishing longer stays. Thing is, it’s first come first served and as this is a club of many sites across the Nation and not just one site, this suits, as it always has done, the tourers amongst us.
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Don't think I have ever come across any aggressive behavior on any sites.
There are more MHs out there especially at this time of year. We see it all the time where we live not far from the A9.
Over the recent holiday period I think I only saw 1 caravan going north/south on the A9, yet lost count of how many MHs were on the road.
We are fortunate to have both caravan and MH, which we use equally. In the UK it does tend to be the caravan, far more convenient though things are changing. Abroad the MH is definitely the king, very well catered for.
Rufs we noticed the same as you when we were over in the Murcia region in November.
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I am guessing there are a few more MHs out during this period, as quite a few folks on here say they put their vans away until Spring. Doesn’t make any difference to us, we can always find a spot to stay. Hoping to use a Britstop pub next week.
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I think many sites including CAMC sites aren't geared up for some of the motorhome sizes or have facilities in the right place. Two examples from CAMC sites.
At Henley we arrived after opening hours to be blocked with a queue of Motorhomes waiting to empty waste and fill with fresh water. A 45 minute wait in the queue was so frustrating!!!
At Black Knowl a coach sized motorhome rocked up on the pitch next to us. Blocking late afternoon and evening sun and overhanging the grassed area by a couple of metres.
Can corroborate the messages from Spain very busy and pitches very tight for most of the motorhomes folks have...
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We had an absolutely huge Dodge double cab Pickup truck pulling one of those massive 5th Wheeler caravans park next to us. Talk about eclipse! I wonder if these will ever become more popular. Why on earth are they called 5th Wheeler caravans, I don’t know, it only seemed to have 4!
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Dont think you read my text in its entirety Tinny, last sentence
"Not knocking MH's just stating what i saw and no doubt it will get worse, and i fear this is coming to the UK"
if this was to happen then of course it will be very relevant to CAMC.
I think some folk are taking aggressive out of content, agressive is not neccesarily relating to a personal attitude it can refer to a condition that is quickly spreading e.g. the influx of MH's
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Are all these MH-ers camc members? Do tell us what their plans for an aggressive takeover of the club are🤔
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I read it, Rufs, but can't see the relevance to this thread or what is getting "worse" or what there is to "fear".
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"Rufs we noticed the same as you when we were over in the Murcia region in November"
and did you find that the majority had very large electric bikes and they seemed to roam in packs with a total disregard for anyone and anything it was very noticeable in Porta de Mazarron where waiters have to cross the cycle path to serve customers, and young children are running around playing etc, somebody is going to get seriously injured in this area .
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Broaden your horizons Tinny take a trip to Spain see what is going on in the world of MH ownership and how ultimately it will affect the CAMC and all other clubs sites etc in the UK if the model in Spain comes to the UK, and it will, the only thing that may slow the process down is the current state of the UK economy and the high cost of MH's.
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As the years go by, manufacturers change their product offerings to appeal to what they feel the market is asking for.
In recent years we've seen Motorhomes the size of buses that have space to park a car in the back, down to to small caravans designed to appeal to a younger, sportier audience.
We're an ageing population, and there are plenty of older people with cash in their pockets who would rather buy something thats bigger and more comfortable to tour with, rather than go on cruises to the Caribbean, so its almost inevitable that there will be a move towards bigger Motorhomes over the next few years.
I don't see that this is anything to fear, although one might lean towards sites that are more open and have bigger pitches
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The Club’s Sites are what they are, some are over 60 years old and were never designed for outfits the size of some in use nowadays. Bit by bit the Club is either losing those it doesn’t want to commit to, or is trying to update Sites as it can to take a larger variety of outfits. This will please some, won’t please others, but it simply is as it is. Hence the buying up of existing Sites, that will be “Clubbed” to attract all sorts of different shapes and sizes. We all tour in different ways, there’s no right or wrong way, just choice.
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Rufs, I don’t need to be patronised. You’ve demonstrated many a time on here your dislike of MHs, or MH-ers, and although you deny it, it is plain to see.
WTG started this thread about a post on TP regarding MHs and CAMC so it would be far more relevant if you told us your experiences of MHs within the CAMC environment in relation to the OP. 👍🏻
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It's all a bit meaningless really. Like lots of comments on social media and in particular bloggers on YouTube they sensationalise to get attention and does it really deserve any attention? A motorhome as an object is surely not capable of being aggressive? It could be driven aggressively or the owner could be aggressive but surely the motorhome is an innocent bystander? If, as a non motorhome owner, you have issues with motorhomes because of the way they are parked, or their size, or in your view extra provisions are being made for them which you consider unfair there are many ways that could be described but aggressive takeover is poppycock!
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"I am finding your posts full of doom laden prophecies, generalisations, and prejudicial vocabulary: roaming in packs; fear; get worse; sun-blockers; hemmed in."
oh! please i tell it as i saw it only a few months ago, not on 1 site but on quite a few in a large area of Spain
"And why is it that only caravans are affected by these “beasts” of which you speak? Surely small motorhomes and campervans would be too?"
never said it was only caravaners that are affected i gave my view as a caravanner, cannot speak for motorhome/campervan owners.
"For many years we have spent winters in Spain. Maybe we choose small sites carefully as I have never come across the conditions you describe"
ditto until this year, i was told that the German government has now imposed a tax on people who own holiday homes, so many Germans now buy MH's instead of holiday homes, not sure if this is true or not but certainly an aggresive explosion of German MH's
"It is rather ironic that you advise another poster to broaden his horizons when it seems to me that you write from a rather narrow perspective."
dont know how you come to this conclusion, perhaps i should send you a copy of my Goggle time line
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👍 envious rather than aggressive in some respects but it was dominant across our part of the site. I was more disturbed on another occasion by flags continuously flapping and casting intermittent shadows from an extended fishing pole on the pitch next to us, oh, and the flashing lights up and down it all night. Just smiled through gritted teeth and got on with me hols mind. Much bigger concerns in our lives and our world.☹️
Note, I’m not mentioning if the flag flyer was a caravan or motorhome owner but it had an extended A-frame on which bikes were carried!😉