Price Rise
off peak it is the pensioners that keep most sites viable especially mid week
Well you saying that and it being true doesn't automatically follow. One site I use all year is just as full weekdays as weekends.
And your last sentence proves my point if there are so many arriving on weekdays why offer them a discount?
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And I wonder who pays for that?
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Neither am I but someone is paying for it someone is subsidising the cost?
So he has nothing to complain about.
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I am posting on behalf of the many pensioners who like some who post on here are finding it more difficult to have some leisure time away on this organisations sites, who when it was a club, in the the past were a more ameniable to the demographic age of the membership
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When I give my membership card when booking in apart from FM who know us ,it is very often a case of in the last three years of us being life members "I have never seen one of those membership cards before"
So I can only surmise there are very few around and then it was 17 years after we got our the concessions which worked out at between two and three nights a year on this organisation sites
The ccc has better age concessions as some posters on CT will know
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That’s a poor attempt at a get out of jail card🙁.
You haven’t explained why you generalise and assume you speak for others when you obviously don’t represent all. Not everyone agrees with you, you know.
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So none of your posts are your own views, the dash for cash and the two tier club are site staff comments expressed over the heady and intoxicating aroma of vinegar on a fish supper and now you are commenting on behalf of pensioners, well I'm a pensioner and you most certainly Do Not speak on my behalf.
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I am posting on behalf of the many pensioners who like some who post on here are finding it more difficult to have some leisure time away on this organisations sites.
How altruistic of you but why you've assumed this is beyond me? Is it needed? And also posting for those beyond CT too as well, how do you know their views?
And really no one has posted that is it more difficult have they? These posters are not in any real financial difficulty are they? Certainly they have posted that club sites don't offer value for them and they have made the decision to use other cheaper (and of course don't forget just as good) sites. They have simply made a decision that their money will perhaps go further somewhere but that is completely different to any suggestion that they find it difficult, perhaps they find it difficult to justify the cost but again a different concept.
Club sites are a holiday they are not some must have item like food or fuel.
Again you've no definite idea what this demographic of the club is, I don't either really but from what I observe it looks radically different to the one sided older generation picture you want to paint. In my experience it's averages out to about half and half but most times it's more younger families on site.
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+1 and another +1 from another pensioner (that's the first time I've called myself that
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Rather rude JVB, no nit picking or trying to rubbish anything. I can't recall any accurate information but that's my personal view. I do recall lots of sensitive information though that you should not have posted though
I echo the point raised by GE&GJE, what are your personal views? Not the ones you hear?
This is getting off topic so I'll leave it to you and reply to only OT replies.
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So the people who are on site now are the club's demographic? The people you talk to are the club's demographic. Ok.
Not sure what tick box teaching skills are and I've certainly never heard of that but I assume it's a rude dig. I'm out.
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JVB, do you not realise that you have dropped your warden friends at Ferry Meadows right in it? It was at FM you entertained warden mates and whether they are current staff or visitors to the site, you have certainly implicated the FM team. It says little for any site staff that they are willing to tittle tattle in this way in the sure knowledge that you will blab on here. I trust camc will take note.
Maybe someone will report my post in order to bring this situation to the notice of HQ.