Is EHU metering a good investment?
Thanks PD, so maybe there is some legal/rule that prevents the club doing so?
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I think life in general is coming as a bit of a shock for some who have never needed to keep an eye on various bits of the household budget, let alone what happens when away. It’s a steep learning curve for some, whilst others have been doing what they can for much longer.
The horrible irony is that many folks live their lives like this, normally superb at budgeting, but sadly have no slack for current rises, and it’s hitting them hardest. ☹️
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OH was just saying something along the same lines as your first paragraph a few months back when the media went mad with money saving tips such as....
Do not heat rooms you are not using
Turn off lights when you leave a room
Keep doors closed
Only wash full loads in the DW and WM
Using a tumble dryer costs more than drying outside
Only boil as much water as you need
Do not leave taps running while washing up
Turn down your CH thermostat
etc etc
This is all basic stuff, and as far as we are concerned, just what we normally do anyway.
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Same here K. Newspapers are full of sensationalist reports of “my heating bill quadrupled overnight” . Then you realise those involved had never checked their monthly DD’s, so didn’t have a clue. As I say, for some it’s just normality, for others, normal has been one of profligacy and dare I say ignorance at times, if they could afford to pay.
Our (much younger) lovely new neighbours shot round to us last Winter when we had a long power cut, to see if we were ok. Bless them, they found us toasting away in front of stove, kettle on top, iPads fully charged via battery packs, happy as Larry! I did make them a cuppa😁1 -
Having been used to what we consider a normal way of operating, our daughter was amazed at the way her in-laws did things at home.
They apparently did not use, despite actually having them, timers or thermostats on their heating, instead they just turned it full on when they woke up and shivered till it warmed up, then when it got too hot they opened a door or a window. I think they may have stopped doing that now!
Turning off lights and closing doors was also not normal, so she is forever turning off lights and closing doors her husband has left open. Now that Callum is big enough to reach the light switches, he gets sent to do it. He is getting good at closing doors too, even little Nathan (22 months) can close doors!
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It is sobering when speaking to those of us who grew up with rationing and make do and mend as to how far it seems younger generations view cost savings that is completely alien it seems when trying to say how it is quite easy if thought about " but how much does it really save by just closing a door or switching. lights off" is the reply so often heard by those who change their phones because I have been told I can?
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"every penny of which is ploughed back into our not for profit club for the benefit of the members"
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We have just returned today from 10 weeks overseas. We have 7France, Spain and Portugal.
No sites in France were metered almost all of them were 6amp.
Spain 7 sites all 6amps, 2 of which were metered. The allowance was 4 KwH after that you pay. I paid a couple of euros on the site we stayed at for 9 nights but the site we stayed on for 7 nights no charge. Given that it was mid to 20s in temp we didn't have heating or hot water on. I did use a hairdryer and hair tongs, the fridge was on electric and I cooked using a Remoska.
Portugal, no meters, 6amps.
We also stayed on a number of Aires with ehu, we were given the option. Some would come and connect you to the box while others it was on trust (they did walk the site a couple of times a day) they were not big sites.
Site prices varied from 14 euro (Portugal) to 22 euro (Spain) and Aires from 10 euro to 18 euro. The dearest of these was in Spain. The metered sites were 18 euro and 20 euro.
At home we use bulk LPG for heating, hot water and cooking. We have 10 solar panels and in a good summer we use around 6 to 8 KwH a day, winter it's more like 10 to 12 KwH.
I don't mind using meters where there is sufficient sun to use the solar panel on the van but in winter in the UK it might be a tad expensive. However I would prefer that than an inflated price across the board as we are not high users. I'm happy to pay for what I use.
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Knocking a fiver off would still mean that a site would be, more often than not, north of £25. For a non EHU pitch, even with a toilet block, I would consider £25 the most I would be prepared to pay unless there was something quite exceptional about the location. The majority of CAMC sites are a bit in the back of beyond.
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Only in the back of beyond for most motor caravans not so for caravaners and campervaners whbo both have almost go anywhere vehicles
The way prices in all areas are increasing at this time ,it will not be long before it will be difficult to find anywhere to stop legally at £25 per night let alone below even pub stops as they must be looking at ways to keep going
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Thanks for answering. So I think that means that you wouldn't be using club sites if an non EHU was offered?
So I'm just simply wondering how can you justify posting:
'...might encourage those who are currently reluctant to visit sites more often'?
If it wouldn't for you?
And if course the majority of club sites back of beyond remark is just incorrect.
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It is mightily expensive. We paid £10 per night with a hook up, drive over waste, tap and waste disposal back in June. Swimming pool next door.
Club is consolidating on its tow a van, hook it into as many services as possible, drive away in car for day market, hence Dornafield. Family market. (Mind most children will want more than table tennis, darts and dog walk…….)2 -
Yes but it was the majority of club sites... that I was referring to. I think that is incorrect based on my travels. There are sites right in the middle of cities, towns, villages and some further out but back of beyond not quite and certainly not in the majority?
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YT, good post as always but I think you've posted in the wrong thread?
Not a critism or having a go btw
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The “back of beyond, middle of nowhere” comments do seem to be primarily from those who have previously toured overseas, where there are lots of pitching options either in or very close to towns and villages?
If like us your primary choice is UK touring, then you possibly have an outfit more suitable for UK circumstances, which in truth gives you gorgeous peaceful locations, close to historic houses, footpaths, cycleways, castles, beaches (if you mix up your sites a bit and know your UK geography) Otherwise, it’s stick the MH on a pitch, use it like a caravan, and wait for a bus, or get the bike out.
UK does need more pitches closer to towns and villages, but you would think twice at using some, depending on where they might be. No one in their right touring mind would use an Aire type stopover in our town. You would have no wheels, and a graffitied outfit if you did, sadly. Better safe away from temptation.
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In my opinion it is a minority of people who like to use public transport who consider sites to be off the beaten track.
Anyway, EHU metering anyone?.....
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My apologies, I seem to have tangled my threads🤣 My knitting is a tad rusty……
Bollards to all of it, I say😁 Bring back minimalist camping, at least for the under 70’s👍
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In about 8years time? The market may well be contracting quite significantly with any ICE vehicles,and EVs will possibly be to the fore and a narrow access to lodges would not be a problem for those who can drive rather than those who THINK they can
And according to an article by their motoring correspondent in this months ccc magazine a used EV needs serouse thought at this time if wanting to tow or travel any distance
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Let's not start on EVs as tow vehicles here. There are plenty of threads to discuss their relative merits.
Although metered EHU make a lot of sense for an electric future.