April Survey: feedback



  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2022 #32

    A better grounding about the subject ,it seems applies to several of the latest department heads recently employed at EGH and with it seems many EGH staff WFH ,there seems to be a vacuum of experienced staff members to "question" some of the more inexperienced staffs desitions 🤔

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,163
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    edited August 2022 #33

    perhaps for a future similar surveys the people undertaking it probably need a better grounding in the subject matter?

    I would have thought that all, or nearly, members were familiar with what toilet facilities, and their subject matter, were for, David!😀wink

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited August 2022 #34
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  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited August 2022 #35
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    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited August 2022 #37

    Oh come on a survey of 36! And what are the results - A disabled toilet as well as a disabled bathroom - Obvious, should have been done years ago. An ‘inclusive bathroom’ what on earth does that mean? I wouldn’t have a clue, inclusive - so that everyone can use it? Everyone doesn’t need to use it families with little ones do. Can you just image the usage abuse this will cause. Members photography - well if they like, but did that decision need a survey, it’s not ground breaking news. Signs to tell you what’s behind the door, umm 😐 it’s usually a shower block. So the CAMC can now say they have carried out a survey and this is what member want, box ticked. Of the thousands of members they select 36. Same old, same old, website needs an overhaul, booking changes taking forever to sort out. What needs to be looked at is the top level of people running the Club, it needs to be dragged up to date and run like a modern business not an ‘Old boys Club’.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited August 2022 #38

    It beggars belief that it needed a survey to tell HQ how irritating most of the Membership found closing the facility blocks down every day for a period of time🤷‍♀️ And that certain rooms needed a new name🤨 And how hanging a few photos in the bogs is going to change our lives🥱 

    No criticism of those who took part, (at least some no doubt opened HQ eyes and took the rosy shine from the halo’s) 

    I will report back next week. Clumber has larger issues than the name of a bathroom and photos on the walls, I want to see if the Club have tackled these, as it’s a Site we have steered well clear of in the past. Only the weather and it’s proximity to an event (mentioned nowhere, hurrah for the Marketing Dept, doing a great job🤨) has had us consider it, mainly to know the dog is safe!

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited August 2022 #39

    Clumber park has always been a weekend site with what  it brings  "problems for the site staff" and many "visitors?"to those staying on siteundecided

    It is not so bad here as the amount of free  parking is not available  


  • Hja
    Hja Club Member Posts: 901
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    edited August 2022 #40

    Yes I agree. And I was one of those who took part. I certainly gave my own views and was pressed to explain why I wanted more no facility sites, with almost disbelief!

    As some of the comments early in this thread indicated, there was a lot wrong with survey.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,452
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    edited September 2022 #41

    I promised to report back from our Clumber trip with some photos of the new facilities, see below.

    Photo one shows outside doors leading into Ladies showers and loos. Two doors, identical except in reverse, with key code entry on both. Around a foot or so separating them. How things work wasn’t revealed until you got inside. They both lead into the same area……or do they?🤔

    Photo two is inside the Ladies shower block, and shows a very nice trompe l’oeil photograph of Clumber, taken by a Member. Works really well, gives a boring wall interest and colour.

    Photo Three is inside of the two doors in Photo One. Note the strip down the centre of the wall.

    Photo Four reveals how the new “keep facilities open during cleaning” will work. A wooden partition is used to close off half the block, leaving the other open and safe for use. The block is in two mirrored halves, both areas with loos, sinks, washrooms, showers, etc….. 

    Photo Five is of the modified shower cubicle, which was very roomy, nice decor (the beige has at least been banished🥳). Fixtures and fittings were robust and very good quality. The rest of the block was very very nice, good decor, good fixtures and fittings, spotlessly clean. 

    Couldn’t get into any of the other rooms in this block, but assume standards same. Laundry looked good, brand new modern washers. 

    Signage? To be honest, a bit confusing in my opinion. Although for anyone who cannot read, pictures are supplied.

    Clumber has two such blocks of showers and loos, so assume other block very similar. Cleaning? At the time of our visit, they were still closing one full block at a time rather than utilising the half and half system, but once fully up and running, it’s a vast improvement on closing everything down for an hour or so. Best shower/loos/other facilities we have ever seen on a Club Site. Hope the Membership respects and uses them without vandalism now.