Email regarding price increases
Whilst on Minehead Club Site one year, so many were moaning about the tree sap contaminating their outfits. What did make us laugh and I kid you not one chap from up north took a Brillo Pad to remove it. A squirt of Showroom Shine ( other dry wash available) and a wipe and it had gone.
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It always amazes me how folk can turn a natural spring event such as sap rising in trees into such a major problem. It happens every year for a few weeks and then it’s over. If they really can’t clean their vans and this natural event offends them then just stay away from trees for those few weeks. Now as far as the hikes in energy prices are concerned, that’s a human cause and we are told we might be in for another shock come Autumn? Oh for that crystal ball and foresight.
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We are constantly amazed when talking to some neighbours on Sites (not just Club I hasten to add) about how many aspects of the natural World cause issues for some. Trees, birds, grass, sheep, cows, rural smells, rural noises, then there are those pesky church bells, a stiff sea breeze, cockerels crowing, rooks cawing, etc, etc……….
Funniest repeat performance whilst staying on a Cornish Site? Every evening, a diligent neighbour emerged with brush and pan in hand, and proceeded to sweep and hand pick all the rabbit droppings around his patch of paradise. Not in itself that amusing, however, the return of the bunnies some five minutes after certainly gave us a chuckle before bed time.
Some of the goings on to be witnessed occasionally, are priceless🤣Club Sites are a rich source it has to be said. 😁
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Anyone know how many Club Site pitches the Club sold last year? (sold, not provided)
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Had some neighbours a while back who didn’t like the noisy rain drops from the trees on their caravan roof so made a big fuss about wanting to swap with someone on a full site! I’ve had one experience though that could put you off trees - mulberry. Love them, but when those berries get squashed they make the best indelible ink you’ll find - pitch under or near one at your peril. Portuguese seem to like planting them on campsites.
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The scourge of classic car owners as well🤣 Berry filled poop, passing bird, doesn’t half play havoc with the paint job. Out with the Autoglym😁
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Just for clarification, I'm not averse to trees in their totality merely a preference for a site that doesn't have an Amazonian forest canopy.
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Sorry - post edited by me in view of Rowena's comment which appeared after I had started to write. I was reacting to the comment about those who have aversions to natural world. But I accept it was off-topic so I had better withdraw it.
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Playing Devil's Advocate (I'm neither a member or a caravanner these days before anyone points that out!
), that's not until the schools break up on Friday is it and I bet you can't find anywhere else in the Chester area for 20 quid a head next week!
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Just checked my booking for next week at Uttoxeter, the increase is approx 6%.
Adult price up from £7.50 to £8
Pitch price up from £8.70 to £9.20
The site info page doesn't yet seem to reflect these increases?
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What I find difficult to accept is, if this is a surcharge for the extra cost of electricity, why is the increase greater in July than The end of November. Our booking in July attracts £1.60 a night, whilst one at the end of November is only £1.13.
I suspect we will use significantly more electricity in November than July.🤔It would seem the summer peak is still subsidising the winter months. I had hoped for better with this surcharge.☹️
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Frankly, the Club are extracting the urine to be honest. And some folks will roll with it………
Maybe it’s to help fund the fancy new research about to commence🤔
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As neither a member nor motorhome owner currently I'm staggered to read this post.
Email implies it is only electricity increase 'reluctantly' forcing up costs. The sites are already owned so why an increase in the cost person?
Frankly watching from the sidelines, as I have recently, I won't be rushing to rejoin this 'club' which seems to operate to its own whims and foibles. For a multi million pound business, which is what it is, it shows little regard or respect for its members but plenty of greed.
Running a decent website seems beyond them and now the latest, no doubt very expensive out sourced survey, shows little in the way of operating within a budget. If it costs us pass the costs down the line and squeeze them until they rebel...... I think takethedogalong sums it up politely!
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Or give people a choice of paying the surpluss or give a discount for no EHU. We went to a C&CC site couple of weeks ago, booked in and said we do not need EHU so they knocked a few quid off and trusted us to not plug in, why can't this club do the same so we really have a choice?
Also whjy do they heat the toilet blocks to sauna like levels, such a waste of money and heat.
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I noticed a CAMC FB reply to a question about reducing costs that the club where considering all options regarding metering etc.
We will be paying an extra £1 a day for our stay at non-electric Steamer Quay. There is a small shower block there, two showers in each, would it be cheaper to close the shower block? We will be paying an extra £1.20 on a full facility site, I wonder how the 20p difference is formulated between these two sites. Logic would decree that high energy use sites should cost a lot more than very low energy ones. But I presume overheads like lease arrangements come into play etc.
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And why do they heat the hot water to a level requiring folks to be warned about it! Just dial it down a bit, reduce the risk of scalding incidents and save some money.
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I have form WTG😁 Back in February 2001, height of the Foot and Mouth Epidemic, we decided to visit North Norfolk. Let’s try Pinewoods at Wells Next the Sea suggests I. So we duly roll into a completely empty Site, call into reception, and ask the price. (Remember 2001, wet Winter, Epidemic raging, lots of places closed, shutdown, unavailable). £23 per night! I did bargain them down to £19 per night, but no one with authority to go lower. So we told them to stuff it and had a lovely stay at Fakenham Racecourse for around a tenner per night, no charge for dogs. Based on that greed, we didn’t visit Holkham Hall until we joined Historic Houses. I don’t like daylight robbery of any kind. 🤣
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Have just done a trial booking for one night on a non-facility site and it came up with £17pn, the same as before the rise. Is this showing that the new prices are not being applied until a booking is confirmed, or that the price of those "cheaper" sites are not being increased, which seems illogical?
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Definitely no logic, looks as if someone has their wires crossed somewhere.