Covid - news and views
And if you're wondering what to do with all those empty lateral flow boxes here's one our daughter "made earlier" with one of her art groups.
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Has anybody any idea about how it works when one goes "over the border" with regard to getting a code to collect a pack from a pharmacy? We head off into Scotland next week and I wonder if we order a pack on line each can we use the code given to collect them up there?
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We have got all our Lateral Flow Tests from our local council. They have been handing them out for many months now. I imagine this will soon stop but we do have a reasonable stock of them.
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I see that the 'Joker' has now decided to remove all restrictions and rely on people to self isolate as needed, trusting them to use 'common sense'.
Whereas you and I might have such a quality I shudder to think of the possible outcome when it comes to teenagers and university types.
May the Lord help us all.
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Don’t generalise, RF. There are sensible and stupid folk of all generations.
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I’m not sure if data on seasonal flu (as opposed to Covid) deaths is reliably collected, but I expect we’ll meet the point (if we haven’t already) where they’ll overtake Covid which will be consigned to the same league as Norovirus - highly contagious, endemic, unpleasant, but rarely deadly. Hopefully at that point we’ll adopt a proportionate response to the threat. A new strain could always be a game changer tho’.
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I think we are missing a a major opportunity to drastically cut coughs, colds, flue etc over the winter months. If it was continue as the norm for masks to be worn in enclosed public spaces over winter I am sure we would benefit.
As an aside, one point that was noted early in in the pandemic was a high correlation between those effected and a vitamin D deficiency. We have responded by taking the tablet over the winter months as we are obviously getting less sun over this period, which means between clocks going forward and back.
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Good aside, also worth noting that even during the summer months, regular use of sunscreen can reduce vitamin D so supplement could still be worthwhile for some.
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+1, it’s a fact as you say👍🏻. Flu infections have fallen massively this winter according to the experts. I’ve only had one sniffle this year due to mask wearing, colds & flu use the same mechanism as Covid to enter our bodies & spread so our vigilance re covid has also paid dividends with colds & flu😊. However Covid is more deadly & more transmissible.
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I think, too, Covid precautions have taught us the benefits of improved hand hygiene and keeping our distance from others which help to prevent the spread of bugs. It’s second nature now for me to try not to get close to others and to use hand sanitiser.
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New timescale on existing rules announced today for Wales.
If travelling into or stopping in Wales please note mask wearing in shops etc. still in force by law until 28th.March, when it will become advisory.
We've carried on wearing ours in shops this week since coming away to England and found that there is still quite a few people doing likewise in shops.
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I did my regular shop in Crewe today, David - fully masked with freshly sanitised masks -- notice I said masks ( Plural ) cos I was using the fairly common blue ones and I had two (!!) of them shed an elastic ear strap thingy
- very upsetting since I had newly sorted out my Ready Use stock pile !!
But, as you say, there were only about a third of folks around masked up, and I have to admit, less than that were using the 'trolley sanitising' areas !! I do have a name or six for them but dare not use such things on here
Still ASDA & M & S got my custom today -- Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury, Aldi & Lidl must wait in line -- seldom get into Sandbach to sample Waitrose' delights
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I had to go for a blood test yesterday at the surgery. Sitting waiting for the test it was interesting to observe other patients coming in for an appointment. If you wear a mask nowhere else you would surely expect to wear one in a medical situation? One guy came in with no mask was given one by the receptionist. Another lady had hers draped round her chin! I don't like wearing a mask but will do so if it protects me. I have already damaged two pairs of glasses by dropping them onto concrete whilst putting on or taking off a mask. I have reverted to using peeper keepers so as not to damage them anymore!
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Same here Metheven. Throughout this we have a best friend who has been in and out of hospital constantly with a serious kidney condition. In 2020 he acquired C19 whilst in hospital, and it was touch and go he would survive. He was allowed no visitors, that put tremendous strain on his loved ones. Thankfully he did survive, but took months to recover from COVID after effects. He’s back in at the moment, we cannot see him, only his wife, who has to test every day, take proof of a negative test, and then she gets an allocated one hour slot to be with him. The stress and strain on her is dreadful. We are happy that hospitals are keeping such requirements in place. Also very pleased that rates generally are coming down and folks getting a bit of normality back. Long may it continue, but I spare a small thought for those who cannot yet return to getting out and about normally, with or without a mask.
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I read that hospital Covid admissions are going up, no doubt due to the relaxation of "rules" I hope this rise settles down again. One of our daughters has spent the last three weeks recovering from Covid (she says she'll now get her third jab when she can!) A colleague working alongside her had four jabs but stil became very ill with Covid, much seems to depend on your own immunity levels and the fluctuating mutations going around. I'll wear a mask when I think it's necessary and the hand washing will continue!
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Just checked the figures for Cheshire East, Brue where over the last seven (7) days :--
the Admissions are 4% down [good],
Tests conducted are 49% up [ good]
Deaths within 28 days Up by 18 to 22 [ terrifying ! ]
Net result Brian is still washing / sanitizing hands as required, windows are cracked -- even here where I'm only accompanied by CT & BBC sports !! As stated a page back I carry masks in campervan & coat pocket -- all regularly sanitised { I do have to point out to AD that I only wear one at a time, but am aware of the failings of the elastic requiring replacement ' unless somebody has a stapler to hand !! }