Server Errors
To me it in inconceivable that the "Powers that Be" do not know what is happening with the Club IT. I imagine that the priority is being given to updating and introducing the new booking system and keeping site systems working. If there are limits on resources, which there are bound to be, perhaps they have decided to concentrate those resources on the essential things rather than a nice to have thing like a forum? I don't know that as a fact but it would go someway to explaining the current situation. I find that sometimes the forum works seamlessly but at other times it jams up completely, when that happens I go off and do something else.
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The point is, judging by that review, it clearly is more than just a forum issue. I doubt HQ gives more than a passing thought to CT, even though the Site reviews are linked. But they should be concerned about wider website issues, particularly those affecting new memberships, and trying to book Sites.
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In one form or another this problem has been going on for years and has never been resolved. We have had various contributions from Club IT people over the years but the root problem never seems to be resolved. So surely we have to ask ourselves why? Is it a reluctance to spend money? Is it the case the base software does not have the capacity. There has got to be a core reason why we experience these problems at regular intervals. Yes it would be nice for someone to explain why but even that is a bit pointless unless things are put in place to resolve the issues permanently? I have been a member of UKCampsites and Caravan Talk forum for more years than I care to remember but the number of times either forum has experienced problems you don't even need all the fingers on one hand to count them! If the format for the next AGM is the same as it has been during COVID where questions can be submitted in advance I for one will be asking what the Club is doing to solve the issue.
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I know it has been going on for years I have been a member for 44 of them. You say we have to ask ourselves, why ? we don't know the answer!. If we did know the answer I am sure this thread would not be needed. When I was a Sales Representative/Manager I explained to the customer why something failed, whether it was my companies fault or theirs......but an explanation given, that is all I /we are asking.
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This morning I put a negative review on trustpilot about the website and I now have a reply saying they are not aware of any problems with the web site !!! , clearly they haven’t got a clue on what’s happening
below is there reply
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I’m amazed there are any posts on here, as every time I have tried to get on this morning (until now) it has hung up for minutes, until I gave up. Each time I failed on CT I also tried to get on the booking side and succeeded about 50%, although very slow in each case.
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Huskydog at least you got a response!
I find it hard to believe they are unaware of issues....
Have you taken up the offer of sending an email? If so do let us know if you get a response, often folk complain they don't!
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I think today has been the worst day so far for logging in, searching sites and CT; it's atrocious, I've had timed out messages as well. I'm astounded at the reply to Huskydog's review, how can the IT dept not be aware of any issues? Ostrich syndrome?
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I have just reported your post HD and I enclose a copy of the text that accompanied it. Let us hope someone is shamed into replying.
To ask Rowenna to explain why the club doesn't apparently know there is a problem with their website. See comments made on the Trustpilot review. I don't mind not accessing CT so much but haven't been able to access the main site today to book club sites, so went elsewhere.
15 pages of grumble on CT proves the club doesn't really care about its members as no-one has bothered to try to explain what is happening. Being treated in this way, that is, totally ignored is anger inducing. As the focal point of CT I hope you will at least have the decency to address the members and tell them the truth of what the problem is and when it's likely to be sorted. Thank you.
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Usually in the late evening the site runs a little smoother, but tonight it has been atrocious. Service Errors, long delay, need to log back on three occasions. It's getting worse by the day.
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It's taken an hour to get to post this! I'm giving up now.
I'm using laptop with win10. Browsing with edge. Tried chrome, non existent.
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I am beginning to suspect the Club is a bit like an over legged octopus. Many hardworking strands, doing their own thing as best they can, but the central receiving unit (HQ) is either not communicating, or is on a mission of its own and blithely unaware of impending problems. A metaphor for our times sadly…..
Or even a simile🤔😁
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Me thinks perhaps HQ caught Covid and has permanently lost its voice or it is suffering a cyber attack from you know who
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Hi everyone, just to let you know that the infrastructure team have been monitoring the issues members have been experiencing with Club Together and are trying to diagnose the underlying cause. They are continuing to investigate and I will keep you update with any progress. In the meantime I am really sorry for the issues and problems this is causing.
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This is now becoming an absolute joke and an embarrassment. I have attempted to post a reply and another thread and it took nearly 2 minutes to load.
Is the platform fit for purpose?
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Is the platform fit for purpose?