No Calor Gas bottles
Not all at, you mean I'm waiting to see when you post?
My sympathies, I've dealt with dyslexia and how help and/or to recognise it in a previous life and when I did using my for another's person's name wasn't on the list and you also usually write fluently and so well it is hard to detect with you? But times have changed and I would probably need re-training, so apologies.
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DK, I am with you on this one. A Calor Lightweiight would last us for 2 years, maybe because the way we use our Caravan. Although we averaged over 100 days a year away. Except for a Barbeque most of our meals would be eaten out and a Take Away on a Saturday evening. It is our way of Caravaning life and enjoying ourselves. I am not saying it is the right way for everybody, but it is certainly a stress free way and doesn't entail using large quantities of gas or electric and with vey few chores in the Caravan. I repeat before I get chastised, our way of holidaying not for everyone.
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Whilst always being on EHU does negate any advantage of a refillable due to the reduced LPG consumption I have noticed that, with ever increasing sizes of fridges/freezers in vans, the gas consumption, when used, is far more than "the old days". Equally the differential between a EHU pitch and a non- EHU pitch is usually around £15-£20 per night and that's a lot of 'leccy.
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Equally the differential between a EHU pitch and a non- EHU pitch is usually around £15-£20 per night and that's a lot of 'leccy.
sorry CY have I got this right, are you saying the price difference between an EHU pitch and non EHU is £15 to £20 per night? An extra £15+ per night for EHU? What site(s) is that?
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Agree with you on the fridge / freezer. Ours fairly gobbles gas. I didn’t install the system with a view to saving money, more the need not to manhandle heavy cylinders. However, as it turns out , over its life it will more than pay for itself even with our limited off grid camping.
Do not agree re the prices. Where we have used off grid, two Aires were more expensive than those with a 6 amp supply. It’s all about location sometimes, rather than cost.
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CY, the CL we have just left, one that you have used, had a price difference of £3 between non and EHU pitches, ie £12 for non EHU and £15 with hookup.
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My apologies if my previous post created confusion. I was, of course, comparing the differential between a non EHU CL and the average CAMC/commercial price as was picked up by JVB.
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Back on track, I tried to locate a Calor Lite refill end of last week as after 5 seasons and a winter trip on the horizon it is finally running very low. I used the Calor website to find agents and phoned up those in my surrounding area. No luck and then eventually I chanced upon a listing for my local C&MC site, Southport. They had two and I duly relieved them of one. How had I managed to miss the potential source is beyond me, so it could be worth a try if you are in need and as daft as I am.
On another forum a fellow van owner was also searching and came across a change in Calor bottle rental agreement that was not detailed on there site. You can now only swap bottles on a like for like basis, ie exactly the same bottle when it come to the Calor Lite, such is the short supply still.
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It's all worth a repeat mention Colin as supplies are still short. There was a discussion on BBC Radio 4 at lunchtime today about the general delay in supplies and it appears to be mostly down to a lack of delivery drivers. They were hoping the shorter Covid isolation rules might improve the situation.
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The last para is somewhat unfair of Calor as many of us have had to surrender Calor Lite bottles in order to get a replacement gas bottle of any variety. I now have one full Lite and a partially used standard cylinder. So when the standard is empty I don't think I am going to be able to return to having two Calor Lite unless the supplying dealer is willing to turn a blind eye?
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I totally agree with you David. Unfair practice by Calor. I tried to mind a dealer who was both a Calor and Flogas agent to see if I could swap an empty Calor Lite against what appear to be coming the more readily available Flogas. These are within mm of being the same size and about the same weight. I found Camperlands of Manchester are a multi supplier but did not call them to enquire.
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It was previously on Watchdog on the BBC Oneshow. They seem to be blaming shortage of drivers but given that gas cylinder supply has been a problem for the last two years they don't seem to be doing a lot to resolve the issue? I have had food deliveries from Waitrose for the best part of two years now and fortunately they have never let me down.
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Is it still the case that Gaslow only work in M/H's?
I'm another user of Calorlite, and not looking forward to having to add all that extra weight when the present one runs out, even assuming I can find any steel ones round here at the time.0 -
I don't think that any national training certification is required to deliver food. Not just anyone is allowed by regulations to deliver gas.
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Neither Gaslow or Gaslite will save you weight. The only lightweight cylinders are Safefill or Gasbank.
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You have me confused. Lightweight bottles are available. Flogas & Calor Lite are near identical in dimensions and weight.
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"On another forum a fellow van owner was also searching and came across a change in Calor bottle rental agreement that was not detailed on there site. You can now only swap bottles on a like for like basis, ie exactly the same bottle when it come to the Calor Lite, such is the short supply still"
I have not had any change of contract notification from Calor and my contract, that is some 20 years old, mentions only 6kgs LPG nothing concerning "Lite" probably because Lite cylinders were not available, so contractually i guess Calor have to supply 6kg of LPG in whatever cyclinder.
My stockist told me only this week that the like for like only applies to size of cylinder and type of gas, it is also not possible to start a new contract at this time.
My stockist has not had a delivery since before Xmas.
on the van i have 1 full 6kg lite LPG and 1 probably 3/4 full and I have just salvaged 2 x 4.5 kg butane cylinders from daughters old caravan 1 is full 1 is empty, bought new regulator/connection, £11.50, so that i can run the gas bbq which i currently connect to gas via caravan connector, will hopefully, be able to exchange the empty for full some time soon.
Dont use a lot of gas but i guess if you use a lot of CL's with no EHU and you have to run a fridge off of the gas or heat water then this could become a problem.
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Calorlite is about 5KG empty and hold 6Kg gas. A Safefill/Gasbank weighs about the same empty but can hold 10Kg gas, so on a capacity basis, Calorlites aren't. They are just a bit lighter than the original type bottles.
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I just found this, so the Lite bottles do offer some advantage. A 50% weight reduction on the bottle is significant whilst I appreciate on the full it would be a far less saving.
"The Calor Lite® weighs 4. 52 kg empty. The existing Calor 6kg cylinder weights 9kg empty."
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Last year around September time I bought a Calorlite from a Plant Hire Company in Leominster , Herefordshire and they had in access of 20 bottles for sale. I had never bought from these people before and was told about them from a neighbour who uses them. Apparrently Calorlite is used in the industrial world for Forklift Trucks and various other tools. So just a thought that other Plant Hire Companies may have Calorlite bottles for sale.
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I am confused by all this talk of Calorlites. I have not seen hide nor hair of a Calorlite cylinder from any supplier near me for what must be the best part of two years now, if not more. I thought they had been withdrawn. Unless some people use very little gas, I am surprised they still have Calorlite cylinders. I now have two of the heavier variety, and have done for some considerable time. I must say I do not find this a particular inconvenience.
The much bigger, recent problem was getting a cylinder at all, but luckily a very small, traditional garden centre, located directly opposite the site where I store my van, has been able to secure limited supplies from time to time and I have been able to exchange with them and been able to maintain a supply at all times.