"Small deposits"

Rob LesleyWorrall
Rob LesleyWorrall Forum Participant Posts: 2
edited October 2021 in UK Campsites & Touring #1

What's everyones opinion on paying a small deposit, when booking a site. I personally can't see a problem if you're actually intending to go once you've booked. 

I am so frustrated with the situation where popular sites are unavailable, booked up by the "well we might want to go, if not, we'll just 72 hr cancel or not turn up and take a yellow card.

Walked around both Knaresborough and York sites recently, having had to go elsewhere to see numerous empty pitches.



  • GTrimmer
    GTrimmer Club Member Posts: 169
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    edited October 2021 #2

    We encounterd just the same situation last September at Southlands I.O.W. When I tried to book a stay by phone last March i could only get one night. Suficcient for the ferry discount however, so we took it and found a very nice CL for the rest of our planned time there.

    On our arrival we were told that there was plenty of availability to extend our stay.  

    Yes, A non refundable deposit would improve tings considerably !

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2021 #3

    According to site staff here. .this. non arrivals have been a problem  this year and when looking at the figures, it seems according to the staff the majority seemed to be new members with motor,caravans/campers, so it may not be as you surmise all the timesurprised

    When in the past this club did have deposits., it did not stop non arrivals ,in fact until the last couple of years non arrivals were less with the no deposit system,

    It will be interesting to see next year with the new booking system? when it seems deposits are reintroduced if it makes a difference to the much talked about "problem"? You have posted about

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,423
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    edited October 2021 #4

    It’s a strong rumour that deposits are on the horizon and getting closer. 

    I’m not sure that I would be able to tell at a quick glance which pitches were actually empty, and which might have had a camper/MH out for the day though. I certainly couldn’t walking around Marazion in September. 


  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited October 2021 #5

    The problem is that with a small deposit is that if it is too small and people decide to cancel they then, or did in the past, just did not turn up and more importantly do not tell the site/club. When the club removed deposits the number of no shows went down.

    Under the present system people do tell the site and the pitch can be then taken. 

  • Compo
    Compo Forum Participant Posts: 324
    edited October 2021 #6

    Most leave a sign if they are just out for the day.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited October 2021 #7

    I think they might if like the C&CC they collect the balance automatically on the morning of arrival. At least then they would only forfeit the deposit.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,175
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    edited October 2021 #8


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,423
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    edited October 2021 #9

    Yes I agree. Although coincidentally, I found a pitch that the Wardens didn’t know was free in September, much to our luck, so it’s not always as clear cut as it might seem. We leave a sign if we go out😁

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2021 #10

    Have arrived at Great  Yarmouth site and the site staff here.  ;First year with their own site and they have also said they have had quite a few non arrivals mostly motor caravan, have not looked to see if they were all new members 

    They say that very few short notice cancelation have been noted

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited October 2021 #11

    I'm not sure what you mean? Collect the whole balance automatically on the morning before arrival? Is that standard practice with CCC? or can people still pay on check in?

    I actually have raised this idea as making check in quicker and safer during covid but some said they would the want the option.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited October 2021 #12

    Since the start of the pandemic it’s the only way,  the option to pay on arrival is not available. Well not really the only way, there is the option to pay everything up front. Given how well it works and definitely speeds things up in comparison with the CAMC, I wouldn’t be surprised if they adopted it permanently.

  • dave the rave
    dave the rave Forum Participant Posts: 806
    edited October 2021 #13

    Yes ,standard certainly since covid.I personally am all in favour of this way of conducting the business.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,458
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    edited October 2021 #14

    I puzzled over it as well, Corners, and I think Steve means the club would be told of a cancellation if they contacted people to collect payment on the morning of arrival.

    The system was brought in by C&CC as an anti covid measure.

    Edit: Sorry, repetition of others' points due to the time lag.

  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 527
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    edited October 2021 #15

    I have only stayed on one private site since joining the CMHC in 2013 and paid when I arrived there (I did not need to pay a deposit).  Are there many sites which accept bookings without a deposit?

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited October 2021 #16

    Good!, as I said I raised it during covid and would welcome it on club sites, others weren't so keen. I suppose it means setting up your account details sometime before, a bit like amazon where you have different cards stored? 

    So what happens if they don't show at all - they lose the whole balance or it is carried forward? 

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,458
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    edited October 2021 #17

    No, which is why the CAMC booking system is its USP.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    edited October 2021 #18

    Ok thanks.

  • Whittakerr
    Whittakerr Club Member Posts: 3,486
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    edited October 2021 #19

    But not for much longer if the rumours are to be believed. 

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited October 2021 #20

    Slightly different to Amazon, they don’t have a central database of stored cards, you have to put details in each time. The details are stored with the booking. It does make it a bit awkward when you change your card, as each booking had to be amended separately. Fortunately I only had four.

    If you didn’t go and told them, as I understand it you would loose your deposit. If you didn’t go and didn’t tell them they would automatically take the balance. Wether any of it would be reimbursed I have no idea. Even if it was eventually refunded it would probably be time consuming to get it.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    edited October 2021 #21

    We often use CLs or Independent sites if they are in the right area for us and I have found that the Independent ones tend to want a deposit but there are a couple that I stay at on that don't take one.

    I had no trouble with deposits being repaid by anyone when cancelling due to lockdowns.

  • Rob LesleyWorrall
    Rob LesleyWorrall Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited October 2021 #22

    We were with friends on the Knaresborough site until late empty pitches at 5pm, still empty at midnight when we went back to the CL. It wasn’t one or two pitches, there were at least half a dozen or more. It’s ok if you’re willing to not get an alternative but waiting for a 72 hour cancellation is a bit dicey if you need to be in the area

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,175
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    edited October 2021 #23

    You don't mention the dates that you witnessed this. If it was around the time of the fuel shortage quite a lot of members cancelled and some even left sites early.

    As has been said we are awaiting news of a change in the site booking procedure. It is rumoured that this will include the taking of a deposit on booking, but whether this will be non refundable we don't yet know. I don't know what your sense of "small" is but logic would suggest that it would be around £25 or one nights site fee. Perhaps something will be mentioned at the Club AGM tomorrow?


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,119
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    edited October 2021 #24

    Many, if not most, CLs, at the moment at least. It could well change as the number of no -shows continues to increase as they have recently.

  • TobyLeeds
    TobyLeeds Club Member Posts: 147
    edited October 2021 #25

    Most good restaurants take a deposit of the cost of providing the service (food, staff costs )  this is taken if adequate notice of cancellation is not given. The full cost of the meal in the event of a no show.

    A no show for a week on a CC & MH site should be charged the full cost. The club could offer an insurance policy for purchase so that people with genuine problems could make a claim.

    it’s the only way to stop abuse. Hit those who misuse the club where it hurts- in their pockets, hard!

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,458
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    edited October 2021 #26

    So you are advocating full payment of the stay upfront. You must be as, otherwise, charging the fee is unenforceable. How far in advance would you  suggest the full payment should be taken?

    The alternative is to wait and see what changes the club brings in and then we can argue about a known fact.

  • eribaMotters
    eribaMotters Club Member Posts: 1,251
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    edited October 2021 #27

    I mentioned on a CL thread about deposits. I was thinking along similar lines as to when we book a continental site or crossing. How about 20% deposit and remaining balance in full a month before stay. It would focus members attention and stop the selfish attitudes that some think is acceptable.



  • TobyLeeds
    TobyLeeds Club Member Posts: 147
    edited October 2021 #28

    I agree - the full amount about a month before - this would give the club time to relet the pitch. Only booking by credit/ debit card. Amount taken automatically. Insurance cover would perhaps work out at about 50p a night for those who want it.

    you can guarantee those who object will all be paying subscriptions to Netflix, Sky, mobile phones on contract etc., all paid on direct debit, but think nothing about cancelling or not showing at a club site.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,458
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    edited October 2021 #29

    So my supposition was correct but I think your second paragraph is totally irrelevant to no shows on club sites.

    As I said, let’s wait and see what the club is planning.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,394
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    edited October 2021 #30

    Well here’s one who would save £54 and take his several thousand pounds of custom elsewhere.

    Could you enlighten me why anyone would pay a membership fee for such draconian T&C’s.🤔 Except for making use of the CL network of course, which we don’t.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,509
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    edited October 2021 #31

    If and when the Club introduce deposits which are sorely needed, I cannot see them being any6more onerous than those of the C&CC
