Covid - news and views



  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,848
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    edited October 2021 #1172

    Having just read the conference led by Javid I have to say that it seems that the death rate is more than acceptable to the Government. Collateral Damage almost.

    No Plan B likely any time soon.

    Oh for an effective Opposition.😢😢

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited October 2021 #1173

    It did bring to mind Nero and Rome burning!!! I just wonder if they are holding back on any, even the most minor restriction, because of COP26? But that is being held in Scotland so I imagine their rules have to be obeyed? Surely to make it mandatary to wear masks on Public Transport and in shops is hardly a major crackdown on civil liberties? Someone who lives in Spain was over her for a week or two and she was horrified at the low level of mask wearing. We were in a Garden Centre today, mainly populated by people of our own age and I reckon mask wearing was under 50%. 


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,083
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    edited October 2021 #1174

    This government is desperately slow in doing anything that the majority of the population think is the correct way to go. 

    heddlo, if that was the case then there would be many many more wearing masks and getting their second jabs. It is apathy on the part of many that has caused this recent upsurge, as well as the return of children and students to school/college after the summer holidays. 

  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited October 2021 #1175

    I could not understand the reason to remove mask mandates in England

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,848
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    edited October 2021 #1176

    I was in the dentists chair this morning and I was listening to the dentist and the assistant talking about covid restrictions.

    The dentist is a young woman, well to me she is, and her position was that as most of the population is vaccinated why bother with a mask.

    This was a Health professional advocating non mask wearing.

    Of course I would have refuted such an argument except for 2 things. Firstly I had my mouth full and secondly it was full of a working drill. Me Coward? You bet.

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,399
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    edited October 2021 #1177

    The government lagged behind before when most were calling for a lockdown. Now many are calling for masks to be mandatory, in my opinion we should have been wearing them all along. They are not comfortable but surely it’s a small price to pay if it could save lives. We have continued to wear ours throughout. With the cases growing each day it really does seem obvious to make them mandatory now before it gets even worse. 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2021 #1178

    Since we have noticed the lack of face coverings being worn even when asked, plus the rise in cases as reported on news channels

    I have sent an Email to our MP , Grant Shapps , asking him to ask the PM  to seriously look at the situation  and at least reintroduce the mandatory wearing off face coverings

    He has replied to the effect that Boris is well aware of the situation? make of that what you willundecided

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,504
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    edited October 2021 #1179

    The way things are in this country it will be better to get out of it for the winter.


  • EasyT
    EasyT Forum Participant Posts: 16,194
    edited October 2021 #1180

    I was in Green Lane Dentists in Chester on Monday. Masks worn on entry, Numerous hand gel points. Waiting room and chairs 2 metres apart. Mask removal in 'the chair' only

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited October 2021 #1181

    "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it"

    We are going to end up with more waves than the Newquay Boardmasters.

    All the signs are there, yet Boris & Co. do nothing, all blissfully ignorant of the "stitch in time" proverb.

  • Metheven
    Metheven Club Member Posts: 3,987
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    edited October 2021 #1182

    Shops, fuel stations, in fact anywhere indoors and I wear my mask but have noticed many without. Surprisingly it's not just the youngsters but the elderly have become a bit blasé about the whole thing. All I can do is follow scientific advice from those who know better than me (non political) and hope for the best this winter with both the flu jab having been done and the booster today.

    Had an Email for the booster jab yesterday, booked online for both of us to be done this afternoon at a nearby church vaccination station.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited October 2021 #1183
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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2021 #1184

    That is going to be the next problem with our rising Infection rates Turkey is the First and others are expected to follow

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,391
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    edited October 2021 #1185

    Whilst I would agree we don’t want to reimpose lockdown type restrictions at this stage. What would have been so difficult about making the whole UK the same with mandatory mask wearing indoors and on public transport. Standing there and saying restrictions not being imposed depends on us acting responsibly, when a quick look at the House of Commons footage shows dozens not wearing a mask, is beyond ridiculous.

  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,402
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    edited October 2021 #1186

    So far as vaccinations are concerned we received a in September saying flu clinics were to set up, then a txt on October 1st from the NHS saying the same and to create an account.

    Then on October 4th another txt saying to call the surgery. So we did and got a rcorded message saying..................don't call the surgery but waited anyway, having been told to call them, and were then told that the system was causing confusion to both staff and patients and yes, I could book both flu and covid boosters for both of us subject to the 6 month gap being met.

    As for masks, I am curious as to what people think wearing a mask outside of the longstanding guidelines will achieve?

    If you are observing the guidelines on time and distancing a mask serves no purpose-they are intended to prevent the aerosol effect from transmitting your exhaled breath into the immediate space around another person. Other than that your exhaled breath is not affected unless wearing the higher specification masks.

    That many people feel reassured is both understandable and worrying at the same time as the reassurance can lead to a lack of observation of the basic guidelines.  

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2021 #1187

    What basic guidelines? It seems since face coverings were made optional , those who have stopped wearing them , have also stopped doing any thing else to keep others safeyell,

  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,402
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    edited October 2021 #1188

    I will presume that's a rhetorical question, but my approach is to worry about me, and my actions, as I can do nothing about what others do-apart form potentially get stressed about it. 

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,391
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    edited October 2021 #1189

    Totally agree JVB. We have used supermarkets and visited other inside places in all three countries of Great Britain this year and the difference was marked. The lack of mask wearing in England seemed to go along with a total lack of awareness over social distancing. This was not generally the case in Scotland and Wales. I realise they don’t protect me specifically unless of a high specification. However, it has been shown they do limit the risk of the wearer spreading the virus, if they should be asymptomatic. For that reason and the fact they are a constant reminder that this is not over, they are likely to limit transmission and should be mandatory.

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited October 2021 #1190
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  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited October 2021 #1191

    Leaders of Scotland & Wales are people centric, England are business centric.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited October 2021 #1192

    Can I ask how near you are to your six months since your last vaccination? I ask because we are technically due for our booster jab at the end of next week but as yet we have heard nothing. 


  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited October 2021 #1193
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  • K9S4EVA
    K9S4EVA Forum Participant Posts: 35
    edited October 2021 #1194

    It's a bit of a joke TBH.  Booster texts are coming through where I live and seem to be following the same order as the 1st and 2nd vaccine doses.  As soon as you're eligible you will be able to book online and should get a text at around the same time as the online or 119 booking opens up for you.  

    Third dose texts and letters for immunosuppressed also coming through, which you cannot book through 119 or Online.  You have to book via GP surgery, and will receive 3rd dose at a GP Practice.  Again, they seem to be following the same order as 1st and 2nd vaccinations, and GP's won't book you on, until it's your turn. 

    Also check online for your local Clinical Commissioning Group as up here we have mass vaccination clinics/buses, where you can walk in, no appointment needed, and receive 1st, 2nd or booster, but it must be 180 says since your 2nd vaccine to receive a booster.  They are generally advertised on the CCG website or your local Council website, but may be different in your area.

    Hope that helps!

  • K9S4EVA
    K9S4EVA Forum Participant Posts: 35
    edited October 2021 #1195

    David Klyne I noticed you're from Buckinghamshire.  See link below.  It looks a week out of date, but I assume it will be updated soon.


    Moderator Edit:

    Link now live.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,848
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    edited October 2021 #1196

    Rang the number on my appointment letter and said I will probably be away that weekend could I have one for the week earlier? They had a look and lo and behold there was one so it will now be 185 days after the second vaccine. 

    Excellent service from the NHS in Wales for vaccines.

    Easy T, further to your comment about your dental visit, the dentist and staff all had masks on in the surgery and mask wearing was compulsory in there. The no mask wearing comments came about as the 2 ladies sorting my tooth out were discussing their plans for this weekend.

    Because of Covid I have found all dentists appointments to be more or less bang on time.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,156
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    edited October 2021 #1197

    We have a walk in centre in MK. I suppose technically we don't yet qualify as we still have a week to go, although I have not put that to the test! I think the frustration is that the original vaccination organisation seem really good but whilst the Government seem to be complaining people aren't taking up the booster jab is it because people don't want them or is the organisation of the jabs is not up to the required standard? Personally I think it is the latter. All through COVID our surgery has had nothing to do with vaccinations.


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited October 2021 #1198

    I have sent a further email to our MP ,telling him to stop his boss blaming us for not getting our boosters when it specifically states that  to wait to be asked

    I  ignored that and yesterday tested the system  and we have got our boosters at the James Paget Hospital at Great Yarmouth on Sunday morning

    Today both OH and myself have had an email for me and a text for OH asking us to book for our boosters  my email also states to ignore this email if I have already booked my appointment 

    Left and right hands again me thinks

  • K9S4EVA
    K9S4EVA Forum Participant Posts: 35
    edited October 2021 #1199

    I agree, it seems to be the latter!

    GP Practices in my area did roll out the 1st and 2nd jab, along with mass vaccination centres like Football Stadiums and pharmacies.

    GP Surgeries are having nothing to do with the boosters, only issuing 3rd doses for immunosuppressed, but despite receiving a text and a letter from the NHS to book my 3rd dose with my GP, they are saying I have to wait and they will be in touch when I can have one!

    As previously mentioned booster texts and letters seem to be following the same system as the original roll out, as in by age group/medical issue like diabetes.

    As for the people with anaphylaxis...only Pfizer being offered as a AZ available! 

    It certainly seems to be a bit of a mess! 



  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,848
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    edited October 2021 #1200

    I see that Rees-Mogg is saying that Tories do not have to wear masks in the Commons because "they all know each other and have a Fraternal Relationship." 

    This must have been the same answer that Caesar mentioned to Cassius et al when asked about their chumocracy.

    No mask but imperative to have eyes in the back of your head.laughing

  • cyberyacht
    cyberyacht Club Member Posts: 10,224
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    edited October 2021 #1201

    With the case rates hitting 52K today and deaths still well into three figures, it's all going pear shaped however that lot on the banks of the Thames try to spin it.

    We've had our booster and I had a text about flu jab this afternoon, so the armour will be on. Just need the boiling oil to keep the infected hordes away.