Motorhome facilities and rules
The newly installed motorhome waste points on many Club sites are fine by me and I don't quite understand the implied criticism of their design, could someone explain? As far as I am concerned I just drive up to them, park the waste exit over the grill and open the tap and wait for the tank to empty. Picture of waste point at the New Forest Centenary Campsite.
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The only problem with that MHSP, David, is that the ground is not dished towards the drain. There is no room for error and any run off, as can be seen in your pic, heads for the road. It’s a vast improvement over needing to hoist up the back breaking manhole covers though.
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Believe me, it's not nearly as much a pain as faffing around with water containers. In fact, it’s a doddle but there’s always room for improvement.
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As posted , if the site is on a short lease, as quite a few seem to be ,I would not expect any company to spend a not cheap remedy to cater for one section of the community
We have also used quite a few club sites and seen the type as in DKs picture on numerous sites
Clumber park , Hawes ,Cayton Village Beachwood Grange, Alderstead Heath to name those we have used recently
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I don’t take any issue with the grid sort in your photo David. Six elements and away from the curb means they accommodate near and offside discharges, even in a one way road. I assume the ridiculous five element ones at Clumber, hard up against a wall, will be replaced with something better during the refurbishment. They are not as easy to use as the one TW mentioned, but as they are often in high pedestrian traffic areas the design is less of a trip hazard. Ideally they would be in an area of there own close to the exit and then the dished sort could be used.
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I wish I’d taken a photo now! The one I described was placed at the end of a facility block and there was no need for any pedestrian to set foot on it 👍🏻
Another good one (possibly the very best) is on Wood Farm AS where a whole area is set aside near the entrance as a whopping great easy to use MHSP.
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I wouldn’t have thought the dished sort would be significantly more expensive to construct than the grid type in DK’s photo. I suspect the main reason they are not used is there positioning, often close to or outside the facilities. If the lease is short replacing the solid covers with gridded ones would be a cheap justifiable fix.
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A private site we stayed on at Pitlochry had a really good one. A large dished area of concrete with drains at the centre. Capable of taking two large MH’s at a time. There was no conflict with filling fresh as each pitch had a fresh water tap.
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The club did that at Commons Wood , then were taken to court by a member who won their case when she broke her ankle when she as said, they were to small to be noticed
It seems if there is space, it could be done on sites that the cost can be justified , as it seems is happening ,but as posted before many sites on the clubs network are quite old and when Motor Caravans were not as sophisticated as now ,so not as popular, as is also noted with the size of pitches on some sites when pitch's were much smaller as were LVs that used them
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Well they have got one at Lower Wensleydale. Perhaps because it’s only managed. I not really sure what extra risk they pose over a solid cover, unless your wearing stilettos. I would have thought the handle bit of those solid covers, which is often left up, more of a risk.
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Believe me, it's not nearly as much a pain as faffing around with water containers. In fact, it’s a doddle but there’s always room for improvement.
TW. that is exactly what I am saying it all sounds like a pain to me, running around with containers to top up and then lining up to discharge. With a Aquaroll and a Wastemaster( similar makes are available
) it is a straight forward job.
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You are saying the opposite, ADP, but as you have a caravan, the MHSP provision won’t affect you.
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TW .
I am not saying the opposite at all. It all seems a lot of hassle compared to what I view as a straight forward job. My Lunar Delta has a holding tank of approximately 1.5 Aquarolls full of water. When I have used it I just refill..............where is the problem? The same with the Wastemaster when it needs emptying I screw the cap on wheel it to the disposure point empty it and wheel it back empty, nothing easier in my opinion.
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We did it when we had a caravan, if we couldn’t get a service pitch. However, now we just fill up with 100 litres as we enter and discharge on exit, after 2 / 3 days. As long has the site has a MH discharge grid it’s a doddle, much easier than when we had a caravan.
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I think we have to accept that the current design as shown in my earlier photo is the the Club's standard design and I somehow think that they won't be changing it? I am sure they had a whole load of H&S objectives they had to meet in the design. They are such a massive improvement on the old lifting lids sort I am more than happy with them. I am sure Margaret doesn't mind helping me to get the position right, at least she had not complained thus far
I fully accept the the positioning of some of the dump points is not idea, particularly when it involves driving round the site to get to. Hardly good for the sustainability index!!!!! Of the six Club sites we have been to this year five out of the six have had the new type open grill waste point.
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Absolutely, Steve. That’s exactly the point I’ve made to ADP previously. The physical effort of moving water containers around is completely removed.
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They are actually getting quite good. I think it’s 17 different CC sites we have used this year and 16 had the drive over grids. We didn’t use them all as on some sites we had a service pitch. However, with the exception of Clumber they were all suitable for discharges on either side and rear. The actual positioning of several wasn’t that good, although I assume this is governed by least cost plumbing and not loosing a pitch to establish it.
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Out of interest, ADP, have you ever had a MH?
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Have you ever owned and used a MH ADP? Steve I know has practical knowledge of both, so he does know what he is talking about. As have we, in fact we still have both. There is a great deal less physical effort required setting up and living with a MH, is our observation. Possibly borne out by the thousands who have switched to a MH as they get older, or find the fetching and carrying more of a chore. Some things do depend how you use your outfit of course🙂
Edit, we are thinking similar Tinny. Sorry for repeating your comment.
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No worries. It's the time lag thing.
We were caravanners for 40+ years as well😄
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No we have never had a Motorhome/Campervan it has never appealed to us and our chosen style of holiday. We used to average in excess of 100 days a year away in our Caravan in this Country and 4 weeks abroad in the warmer climates in a Good Hotel. If we wanted to see more of our surroundings I would hire a car.
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Thanks. I think that explains your views.