CL inspections
Is that in Scotland Navigateur? It may be different elsewhere but certainly the rules have been eased this year to provide as much accommodation as possible. In England this is on a temporary basis but I wonder if there'll be an extension and rethink?
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Mikey - you'd have been very welcome on one well known North Cornish coastal commercial site this year where the owner was, allegedly, suggesting that bookings would have to be cancelled unless guests were prepared to do exactly that (Covid related staffing shortages were stated as the reason.)
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To be honest I was unsure what the correct protocol is on these issues. I have tried to meet a mid point on my comments and actions. There was another issue, but I did not mention this as it was addressed on check-in.
I could have left a negative review on the sites link but I did not leave any review.
An odd day I could understand, but 4 days of lack of basic hygiene is not acceptable by anybodies standards or mindset, covid or not, and I doubt my comments would alter such an attitude on a long term basis if I had made them known to the owners.
I think this is an issue that the C&MC need to be aware of for when site inspections are made..
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I agree totally that if toilet facilities are provided, then cleaning and checking should happen at least daily. More than that given the current situation would be preferable. Perhaps from your overall experience, the Site does need a bit of a wake up call.
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Your experience seems to be at odds with the four reviews of this site in 2021. I would encourage you to leave a review, it needn't be negative, just factual. I assume there were elements of the site you did like? If so you can give a balanced review whilst getting your points across about the toilet situation. As Maddie has said that inspections of CL's only happens once a year who is to say the situation would be the same as during your stay. It seems from the current reviews that your experience was unusual. This leads we to wonder whether there was a issue you were unaware of which was impacting on the state of the toilet?
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I wondered as well DK, although there is another review that highlights what EMotters says. Owners work full time, one for NHS, so who knows🤷♀️ But, if they are provided, then need to be serviced, inspected. Providing but not cleaning is undermining expectations badly. Better not to provide at all as far as I am concerned.
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Yes I saw the same report. I do find it slightly pathetic that people who have adequate facilities in their own units are "afraid" to use their own facilities - Cue the abuse!
Are you suggesting that you wouldn't have cleaned the CL toilet if you wanted to use it?
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There are vans around without facilities, maybe this is the case for Colin's van and I can understand the disappointment if the facilities expected and provided aren't clean. But there are only two immediate options, contact the owner or clean them yourself. A review can be added later.
We never returned to a site where spiders outnumbered the humans using the facilities!
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did it actually state people would be afraid as you've put in it quotes?
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In my opinion, the item was a publicity stunt to gain free advertising on the BBC by a site owner who never seems to miss a trick.
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Back to the basic point. Are there any inspectors, has anyone seen any. Do they actually exist? Certainly the Local Auth or Nat Park people will not get involved in monitoring so it would have to be the club. Anyone ever heard of an inspection taking place? It is what it is, an outdated regime with no control. Mostly a cash business. Add in the local authority deal in "units" and one club has 5 and the other 15 no wonder overcrowding happens.
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Was it a quarter acre patch of land or a big field? If the latter I wouldn’t have gone away.,
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However, as you well know, David, reviews that are unfavourable/critical to the CL owner's satisfaction are removed from the list of reviews producing an imbalance in favour of the site. This makes a mockery of the review system.
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At the moment landowners are able to set up pop up camp sites for short periods and I don’t think there is any 5 van limit on those. Couldn’t the CL be using that legislation to temporarily increase the number on site.
editOops, see this has already been mentioned. I also thought it included RV’s some of the ones featured in the media certainly had them
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I think there is a big difference between being critical of facilities and being critical of individuals. The latter is bound to raise hackles.
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But may well be valid, so why remove them, thus distorting the review process.
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I have no argument with the removal of reviews made by members who do not stay on a site, who could? It's the removal made by those that stay on a site and are critical of it or the owners that should still be allowed to remain.
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So we all agree that 'one man's meat is another one's poison'.
Criticise and be damned or say nowt and be damned for just that!
Surely as adults we can decide what we personally can accept, but what is not acceptable is for someone to remove criticism (because they don't like it) - we still need to see it as we form a judgment based on all reviews. One can be quite suspicious of all reviews being good.
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I’d go further than that, RF, and say I believe the club has a duty of care to its members to at least allow them to be aware if site owners have been found to be abusive to paying customers.
Maybe they should go further and protect members by removing the sites from the listing but they should, as a minimum in my opinion, certainly not withhold such information from members. Suppose there was an incident resulting in injury to a member, I think the club could be on shakey ground for hiding such info.
I find it concerning that the club is taking the stance of deleting such reviews as I have noticed several lately where members have had reason to complain about CL owners. One would hope the club is investigating each issue but I’m not holding my breath!
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So asking if something was actually is in the report is dissection in your book AG?
PS - And that's why they are called quotation marks
well was it? Or was it attempt at you having a go at people. Enjoy the pies
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I’ve heard a CL owner talk about visits from his local inspector. That, plus seeing requests for people to take on the role, means I have no reason to doubt their existence. I'm surprised you should make such a suggestion.
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Well, I have not only seen an Inspector but even had a conversation with one.
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We have been on two different CLs when someone from Club has dropped in unexpectedly to have a look around. They usually make themselves known to owners, but let the visitors get on with enjoying their stay.
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We know lots of CL owners, and many tell us of the visits from someone from Club. We also know of a couple of ex CLs who were “struck off” after being reported by Club Members and locals (can’t recall what for mind). Both are still active, and thriving in a different guise.
It isn’t always Members reporting that cause a CL to come off the network. There are occasionally some very anti visitor locals who cannot wait to give CL owners a knuckle rap, await every opportunity to get on the phone to Club HQ.
One CL owning friend (whose CL has been operational for well over 45 years) is currently getting a lot of grief from a neighbour. No apparent reason, but I think lockdown has been difficult for the individual in question.2